ANALOG DEVICES AN-1152 Service Manual

One Technology Way P. O. Box 9106 Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781.329.4700 Fax: 781.461.3113
Calibrating a Single-Phase Energy Meter Based on the ADE7816


This application note describes how to calibrate the ADE7816. It details the calibration procedure, including equations and examples of how to calculate each constant.
The ADE7816 is a high accuracy multichannel metering IC that allows the energy to be measured on up to six current channels.
It provides a variety of energy measurements including active and reactive energy, along with current and voltage rms readings. A variety of power quality features, including no load, reverse power, and angle measurement, are also provided. The ADE7816 can be accessed via an SPI, I (HSDC) interface.
C, or high speed data capture
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AN-1152 Application Note
Introduction ...................................................................................... 1
Revision History ............................................................................... 2
Calibration Basics ............................................................................. 3
Calibration Steps ........................................................................... 3
Calibration Setup .......................................................................... 3
Required Register Settings .......................................................... 4
Energy Calibration ........................................................................... 5
Current Channel Gain Matching ............................................... 5


5/12—Revision 0: Initial Version
Phase Calibration ..........................................................................5
Establishing the Wh/LSB Constant—First Meter Only ...........6
Active Energy Gain Calibration ..................................................6
Reactive Energy Gain Calibration ...............................................7
Advanced Energy Offset Calibration (Optional) ......................7
Current and Voltage RMS ............................................................8
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Application Note AN-1152
Calibration Stage
Typical Requirement


To obtain accurate readings that do not reflect meter-to-meter variations in external components or the internal voltage reference, the ADE7816 requires calibration. Calibration is required on every meter; however, it is a simple process that can be performed quickly.
The active and reactive energies, along with current and voltage rms, must be calibrated for accurate readings to be acquired. All signal paths are independent and, therefore, perform the calibration on the measurements that are required in the completed meter.
Access to the energy metering registers is provided via the SPI
or I
C interface (see the ADE7816 data sheet for more details). When calibrating the active and reactive energy readings, the line cycle accumulation mode should be used. See the ADE7816 data sheet for details on the line cycle accumulation mode.


When designing a meter using the ADE7816, a maximum of three calibration stages is required: gain, phase, and offset. These stages must be performed on each measurement sepa­rately. Depending on the external configuration and meter class, one or more of these stages can be omitted. Table 1 provides guidance on which calibration steps are typically required for a particular configuration. Because the requirements and perfor­mance can differ on a design-by-design basis, use Table 1 as a general guideline only. The performance of the meter should be evaluated to determine whether any additional calibration steps are required.
Table 1. Typical Calibration Steps
Gain Calibration It is always required. Phase Calibration
Offset Calibration
It is required when using a sensor that introduces a phase delay.
If the sensor does not introduce a phase delay, it is not typically required.
When looking for high accuracy over a large dynamic range, it is often required.
It is not usually required for all other meter designs.


Accurate Source

To calibrate the ADE7816, an accurate source should be used. The accurate source must be able to provide a controllable voltage and current input with higher accuracy than that required in the resulting meter. Figure 1 shows a typical setup using an accurate source.
Figure 1. Accurate Source
Ideally, calibrate all six current channels simultaneously. If this is not possible, each channel can be calibrated individually. Care should be taken to isolate and verify the board level channel-to­channel crosstalk for optimum performance.

Required Input Conditions

The gain and phase calibration steps can be performed with a single set of inputs. Set the voltage to the nominal value, typi­cally 110 V or 220 V. The current should also be set to the nominal value, for example, 10 A. It is advisable to set the current around 10 times less than the maximum current for the meter. The current and voltage inputs should be applied at a power of around 0.5. The load can be either capacitive or inductive. The key factor when setting up the calibration inputs is to determine exactly what is being applied to the meter. For example, there is no issue in using a power factor of 0.45 as long as it is known that this is what is being applied to the meter.
If an offset calibration step is required, a second load must be applied at the minimum current. The voltage should remain at nominal level and the power factor at 0.5.
Rev. 0 | Page 3 of 12
AN-1152 Application Note
Phase calibration for Current Channel A
0x400CA4 (50 Hz)
Digital integrator algorithm; required only if using di/dt sensors


Prior to calibrating the ADE7816, it is important that a set of default registers be configured. These registers are listed in
Table 2. Default Registers Required Prior to Calibration
Register Address Register Name Register Description Required Value
0x43AB WTHR1 Threshold register for active energy 0x000002 0x43AC WTHR0 Threshold register for active energy 0x000000 0x43AD VARTHR1 Threshold register for reactive energy 0x000002 0x43AE VARTHR0 Threshold register for reactive energy 0x000000
0x43B2 PCF_B_COEFF Phase calibration for Current Channel B 0x400CA4 (50 Hz) 0x43B3 PCF_C_COEFF Phase calibration for Current Channel C 0x400CA4 (50 Hz) 0x43B4 PCF_D_COEFF Phase calibration for Current Channel D 0x400CA4 (50 Hz) 0x43B5 PCF_E_COEFF Phase calibration for Current Channel E 0x400CA4 (50 Hz) 0x43B6 PCF_F_COEFF Phase calibration for Current Channel F 0x400CA4 (50 Hz)
Tabl e 2. Refer to the ADE7816 data sheet for details on these registers.
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