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High Precision
10 V IC Reference
Laser Trimmed to High Accuracy:
10.000 Volts ⴞ5 mV (L and U)
Trimmed Temperature Coefficient:
5 ppm/ⴗC max, 0ⴗC to +70ⴗ C (L)
10 ppm/ⴗC max, –55ⴗC to +125ⴗC (U)
Excellent Long-Term Stability:
25 ppm/1000 hrs. (Noncumulative)
Negative 10 Volt Reference Capability
Low Quiescent Current: 1.0 mA max
10 mA Current Output Capability
3-Terminal TO-5 Package
MIL-STD-883 Compliant Versions Available
The AD581 is a three-terminal, temperature compensated,
monolithic bandgap voltage reference which provides a precise
10.00 volt output from an unregulated input level from 12 to 30
volts. Laser Wafer Trimming (LWT) is used to trim both the
initial error at +25°C as well as the temperature coefficient,
which results in high precision performance previously available
only in expensive hybrids or oven-regulated modules. The 5 mV
initial error tolerance and 5 ppm/°C guaranteed temperature coefficient of the AD581L represent the best performance combination available in a monolithic voltage reference.
The bandgap circuit design used in the AD581 offers several advantages over classical Zener breakdown diode techniques. Most
important, no external components are required to achieve full
accuracy and stability of significance to low power systems. In
addition, total supply current to the device, including the output
buffer amplifier (which can supply up to 10 mA) is typically
750 µA. The long-term stability of the bandgap design is equivalent or superior to selected Zener reference diodes.
The AD581 is recommended for use as a reference for 8-, 10- or
12-bit D/A converters which require an external precision reference. The device is also ideal for all types of A/D converters up
to 14-bit accuracy, either successive approximation or integrating designs, and in general can offer better performance than
that provided by standard self-contained references.
The AD581J, K, and L are specified for operation from 0°C to
+70°C; the AD581S, T, and U are specified for the –55°C to
+125°C range. All grades are packaged in a hermetically sealed
three-terminal TO-5 metal can.
*Covered by Patent Nos. 3,887,863; RE 30,586.
1. Laser trimming of both initial accuracy and temperature
coefficient results in very low errors over temperature
without the use of external components. The AD581L
has a maximum deviation from 10.000 volts of ±7.25 mV
from 0°C to +70°C, while the AD581U guarantees
± 15 mV maximum total error without external trims
from –55°C to +125°C.
2. Since the laser trimming is done on the wafer prior to separation into individual chips, the AD581 will be extremely
valuable to hybrid designers for its ease of use, lack of
required external trims, and inherent high performance.
3. The AD581 can also be operated in a two-terminal
“Zener” mode to provide a precision negative 10 volt
reference with just one external resistor to the unregulated supply. The performance in this mode is nearly equal
to that of the standard three-terminal configuration.
4. Advanced circuit design using the bandgap concept
allows the AD581 to give full performance with an unregulated input voltage down to 13 volts. With an external resistor, the device will operate with a supply as low
as 11.4 volts.
5. The AD581 is available in versions compliant with MILSTD-883. Refer to the Analog Devices Military Products Databook or current AD581/883B data sheet for
detailed specifications.
One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A.
Tel: 781/329-4700 World Wide Web Site:
Fax: 781/326-8703 © Analog Devices, Inc., 2000