Amprobe AT-4000-A Operating Manual

AT-4000-A Series
Advanced Wire Tracer
Users Manual
AT-4000-A Series
Advanced Wire Tracer
P/N 2756641 Rev 002 11/2013, 6001563 A © 2013 Amprobe Test Tools. All rights reserved.
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AT-4000-A Series
Advanced Wire Tracer
Precautions ................................................................................................... 4
Introduction .................................................................................................. 4
AT-4000-A Product Description.................................................................... 5
Unit Description ....................................................................................... 5
Application Notes ......................................................................................... 9
Using the R-4000 with Thumbwheel....................................................... 9
Using the T-4000-A Transmitter ............................................................. 10
Using the A2202 Clamp-On Transmitter Accessory .............................. 11
Finding Opens ............................................................................................ 12
Finding Ground Faults ........................................................................... 13
Tracing Wires in Conduit ....................................................................... 14
Locating Circuit Breakers Or Fuses ........................................................ 14
Tracing Energized Wires ........................................................................ 15
Tracing non-energized Lines and Finding Shorts ................................. 15
Locating Individual Wires in a Bundle (Energized and
Non-energized Lines) ............................................................................. 16
Locating Outlets From The Breakers Panel........................................... 16
Locating Buried Conduit or Metal Pipe ................................................ 16
Maintenance ............................................................................................... 17
Changing Batteries................................................................................. 17
Changing Fuse ........................................................................................ 17
Replacement Parts.................................................................................. 17
Troubleshooting ......................................................................................... 18
Specifications .............................................................................................. 19
1. Before using any electrical instrument, it should be checked to
make certain it is operating properly.
2. In many instances, you will be working with dangerous levels of
voltages and/or current, therefore, it is important that you avoid direct contact with any uninsulated, current carrying surfaces. Appropriate insulated gloves and PPE clothing should be worn.
3. Before attaching any of the conductors, make sure the voltage
presence is not beyond the range of the instrument.
4. When not in use, keep the instruments in their carrying case.
5. If the R-4000 or the T-4000-A will not be used for a period of time,
remove the battery to prevent leakage in the instrument.
Amprobe is dedicated to designing and manufacturing high quality, reliable instruments for the skilled professional. The Amprobe Advanced Wire Tracer has a history of providing safe, reliable operation in tracing energized wires, locating circuit breakers and locating wires shorted to the ground. The Amprobe wire tracer has the capability of tracing non-energized wires, locating open breakers and locating open wires.
The AT-4000-A Wire Tracer Upgrade System combines both the current tracing CT-100 and the AT-2000 -A series into one versatile tool providing the ability to solve vir tually all your tracing problems. In addition to the above features, the receiver provides non-position sensitivity when tracing wire and the transmitter provides a visual indication to the user when the traced line is energized. The level of the signal transmission is also indicated on the LCD of the transmitter unit.
Please read this manual carefully. Take the time to learn how the instrument operates.
The AT-4000-A consists of two units:
T-4000-A Transmitter (32.768KHZ, 9-30 0 V ac or dc)
R-4000 Receiver (Non-position sensitive, Open / Short Tracing)
Unit Description
R-4000 Receiver
It has two built-in detectors that are tuned to pick up the 32.768Khz signals generated by the T-4000-A transmitter. The R-4000 is designed to display the signal strength to enable quick locating of the conductor carrying the signal.
T-4000-A Transmitter
When connected to an energized circuit, the T-4000-A will filter the low frequencies up to 400Hz and rapidly indicate on the display that the wire is energized. When the user starts the transmission, a combination of signals is injected on top of the 50, 60, or 400Hz that causes a slight, periodic current fluctuation and allows the power line to emit its own, traceable signal. This signal can be detected back to the main generator. However, the signal will not interfere with any sensitive electronic equipment and does not require power interruption. The unit is intrinsically safe and has a ‘LOW’ signal transmission setting that must be used when tracing GFCI-protected circuits.
R-4000 Receiver
➊ LED Indicator:
Mode control
Sensitivity control thumbwheel
LED Indicator:
ON - High sensitivity BLINKING - Medium sensitivity OFF - Low sensitivity for breakers
Sensitivity control
Power ON/OFF
LED Indicator:
Green - Unit ON Red - Low battery
➋ ➌
T-4000-A Transmitter
➊ Banana plug jack
Signal level switch
Power ON/OFF
Fuse (inside) holder
24 Volt jack
9V Battery compartment
When connecting to a circuit as a load, the signal will be present anywhere between the T-4000-A and the power source. Line side or upstream, no signal will be present on wiring on the other side of the transmitter (load side or downstream). For example, a transmitter connected to a circuit breaker will produce no signal on that circuit. It will, however, cause a signal to be generated between that panel and the transformer and beyond. When connecting to a non-energized circuit, the live indication on the display will remain ‘OFF’. When the user starts the transmission, the transmitter injec ts a combination of signals onto the conductor. The signal will travel along the conductor until it ends. There is no difference in the functional mode of the unit when tracing energized and non-energized circuits. On an open line, no current will flow, so the injected signal will present itself as a voltage spike along the wire which is detected by the R-4000 in the ‘OPEN’ mode. When the conductor is part of a complete circuit, the voltage causes a current to flow which produces a signal that is detected in the ‘SHORT’ mode. The T-4000-A contains a 9V battery. A 24V input jack accepts the B2024 rechargeable battery or the B2025 110V converter, both use when a very strong signal is necessar y.
(Note: When using the battery booster (B2024 or B2025) the unit will work in ultra high “U-HI” mode only. Remove the battery booster to return to normal operation.)
A2202 Clamp-On Transmitter Accessory
Enables the T-4000-A to induce its signal onto a non-energized or energized circuit. Plug the A2202 into the T-4000-A and clamp it around any conductor in a non-energized circuit, or the hot wire in an energized circuit. The signal will be induced on top of the 50, 60, or 400Hz frequency which may be present. The A2202 acts like a 0.5 V battery when clamped around a conductor. On a complete circuit, this voltage will cause about 80mA of current to flow on top of the whatever frequency is present.
To increase the signal strength, loop the wire around the clamp a few times or use the B2024 battery Pack. The A2202 will allow wire tracing
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