Your Amprobe product will be free from defects in material and
workmanship for 1 year from the date of purchase. This warranty does not
cover fuses, disposable batteries or damage from accident, neglect, misuse,
alteration, contamination, or abnormal conditions of operation or handling.
Amprobe’s warranty obligation is limited, at Amprobe’s option, to refund
of the purchase price, free of charge repair, or replacement of a defective
product . Resellers are not authorized to extend any other warranty on
Amprobe’s behalf. To obtain service during the warranty period, return the
product with proof of purchase to an authorized Amprobe Test Tools Service
Center or to an Amprobe dealer or distributor. See Repair Section for details.
This warranty is your only remedy . All other warranties - whether express,
implied or statutory - including implied warranties of fitness for a particular
purpose or merchantability, are hereby excluded. Neither Amprobe nor its
parent company or affiliates shall be liable for any special, indirect, incidental
or consequential damages or losses, arising from any cause or theory. Since
some states or countries do not allow the exclusion or limitation of an
implied warranty or of incidental or consequential damages, this limitation of
liability may not apply to you.
All test tools returned for warranty or non-warranty repair or for calibration
should be accompanied by the following: your name, company’s name,
address, telephone number, and proof of purchase. Additionally, please
include a brief description of the problem or the service requested and
include the test leads with the meter. Non-warranty repair or replacement
charges should be remitted in the form of a check, a money order, credit
card with expiration date, or a purchase order made payable to Amprobe®
Test Tools.
In-Warranty Repairs and Replacement – All Countries
Please read the warranty statement and check your battery before requesting
repair. During the warranty period any defective test tool can be returned to
your Amprobe® Test Tools distributor for an exchange for the same or like
product. Please check the “Where to Buy” section on for
a list of distributors near you. Additionally, in the United States and Canada
In-Warranty repair and replacement units can also be sent to a Amprobe®
Test Tools Service Center (see below for address).
Non-Warranty Repairs and Replacement – US and Canada
Non-warranty repairs in the United States and Canada should be sent to a
Amprobe® Test Tools Service Center. Call Amprobe® Test Tools or inquire at
your point of purchase for current repair and replacement rates.
In USA In Canad a
Amprob e Test Tools Amprob e Test Tools
European non-warranty units can be replaced by your Amprobe® Test Tools
distributor for a nominal charge. Please check the “Where to Buy” section on for a list of distributors near you.
European C orresponden ce Address*
Amprob e® Test Tool s Europe
Beha-A mprobe GmbH
In den Eng ematte n 14
79286 Glo tter tal, Ger many
Tel.: +49 (0) 76 84 8009 – 0
*(Correspondence only – no repair or replacement available from this
address. European customers please contact your distributor.)
CAT 600V
100 20 4030
CAT 600V
100 20 4030
➊ Transformer Jaws: Designed to pick up the AC current
flowing through the conductor.
➋ Jaw Opening Lever: Press lever to open transformer jaws.
When pressure on lever is released, the jaws will close again.
➌Selector Switch: Turns instrument on and off and selects the
measuring function.
➍ AC/DC selector switch (AC40C): With the selector switch set
to voltage measurement, this button selects between AC
and DC voltage.
Data Hold Switch: Holds reading for all functions and
ranges. Press again to release HOLD before taking a new
Digital Display: 3-3/4 digit LCD (max reading 3999) with
decimal point, low battery N, Auto-range, Data Hold l,
and unit indicators, plus, for the AC meter: ACB, DCF,
Polarity — ) and continuity R.
Input Terminals (AC meters): Connect the black test lead
to the “COM” input and red lead to the “+” input when
measuring voltage, resistance and continuity (AC40C).
This instrument is EN61010-1:2001 and EN61010-2-32 •
certified for Installation Category III. It is recommended for
use with local level power distribution, appliances, portable
equipment, etc, where only smaller transient overvoltages
may occur, and not for primary supply lines, overhead lines
and cable systems.
This instrument must not be used on uninsulated conductors •
at a voltage greater than 600V ac/dc.
Use extreme caution when working around bare conductors •
and bus bars.
Do not exceed the instrument overload limits per function •
(see specifications) nor the limits marked on the instrument.
Exercise extreme caution when: measuring voltage >60 V •
DC or 30 V AC RMS // current >10 mA // AC power lines with
inductive loads // AC power lines during electrical storms //
servicing CRT equipment. High voltages can be lethal and
high voltage transients may occur at any time.
Never measure current while test leads are inserted in the •
input jacks.
Always inspect your instrument, test leads and accessories for •
signs of damage or abnormality before every use. If abnormal
conditions exist (broken or damaged test leads, cracked case,
display not reading, etc.), do not use.
When making voltage measurements, make sure these •
ranges function correctly. Take a reading of a known voltage
Refer to the
Earth Ground
Audible tone
around and
removal from
hazardous live
conductors is
Never ground yourself when taking measurements. Do not •
touch exposed metal pipes, outlets, fixtures, etc., which
might be at ground potential. Keep your body isolated from
ground and never touch exposed wiring, connections, test
probe tips, or any live circuit conductors.
Do not operate the instrument in an explosive atmosphere •
(flammable gases, fumes, vapor, dust).
Do not use this or any piece of test equipment without •
proper training. Read the operating instructions before use
and follow all safety instructions.
Use the meter only as specified in this manual; otherwise the •
meters safety circuitry may not protect you.
Use extreme caution when working around bare conductors. •
Contact with the conductor could result in electric shock.
The ridge at the top of the clamp body is intended to keep •
hands and fingers away from hazardous live conductors.
The AD40B is an average sensing and RMS (sine wave) indicating
AC current clamp. The AC40C is an average sensing and RMS
(sine wave) indicating AC current clamp meter that also
measures AC and DC voltage, resistance and continuity.
Unpacking and Inspection
Your shipping carton should include the digital clamp meter ,
a carrying case, two 1.5 V AAA (UM-2) batteries (installed), and
this manual plus one test lead set (one black, one red) for the
AC40C meter. If any of the items are damaged or missing, return
the complete package to the place of purchase for an exchange.
Set the slide switch to AC1. B position.
Open spring-loaded clamp by pressing lever on left side of 2.
Position clamp around wire or conductor and release clamp 3.
lever. Make sure that the conductor is centered in the clamp
and that the clamp is entirely closed. The clamp must be
positioned around only one conductor. If it is placed around
two or more current carrying conductors, the reading is
Read the measured value on the display. If the measured 4.
value exceeds the highest range for a period of time,
overheating may occur. Interrupt measurement.
Do not measure current on high-voltage conductors (>600 V) in
order to avoid risk of discharge and/or incorrect reading.
Connect the black test lead to the COM input and the red 1.
test lead to the “+” input.
Set the selector switch to V 2. C position.
Press the AC DC button to select AC or DC voltage (3. B or F is
Connect probe tips to circuit, in parallel to the load.4.
Read the measured value on the display.5.
Remove any voltage from resistance to be measured and 1.
discharge all capacitors.
Connect the black test lead to the COM input and the red 2.
test lead to the “+” input.
Set the selector switch to 3. ΩR position.
Connect the probe tips across the circuit or resistance.4.
Read the measured value on the display.5.
The instrument emits a continuous tone and the R symbol is
displayed when the measured resistance is < 40 Ω.
Press the HOLD button to keep the measured value on the
display for later viewing. Press HOLD again to release the
“Display Hold” function before taking a new measurement.
Display Hold can be applied to all measuring functions.
Overrange Indication: “OL” indicated.
Measuring Principle: Dual slope integration.
Range Selection: Automatic.
Low Battery Indication: N when battery voltage falls below
operating voltage.
Auto Power Off (APO): Approx. 30 minutes after no function
Environmental Conditions
This instrument is designed for indoor use.
Altitude: < 2000 m
Operating Temperature: 0 °C to +40 °C (32˚F to 104˚F),
<80 % R.H., non-condensing.
Storage Temperature: -10 °C to +60 °C (14˚F to 140˚F),
<70 % R.H., non-condensing, batteries removed.
Power Supply: Two 1.5V AAA batteries (AC40C).
Battery Life: Alkaline 100 hours, approx.
Maximum Jaw Opening: 25.4 mm (1.0 in).
Dimensions/Weight, AD40B (WxHxD): 64x190x36mm (2.5 x 7.5 x
1.42) / 250g (0.55 Lb) (incl. battery).
Dimensions/Weight, AC40C (WxHxD): 64x190x36mm (2.5 x 7.5 x
1.42) / 280g (0.62 lb) (incl. battery).
Accessories: Manual, carrying case, test leads (AC40C).
Replacement Parts: Test lead set - TL245
Safety: meets EN 61010-1:2001 Cat III - 600V Pollution Degree:
Level II, EN 61010-2-032
EMC: meets EN61326-1.
Agency Approvals:
This product complies with requirements of the following
European Community Directives: 89/336/EEC (Electromagnetic
Compatibility) and 73/23/EEC (Low Voltage) as amended by
93/68/EEC (CE Marking). However, electrical noise or intense
electromagnetic fields in the vicinity of the equipment may
disturb the measurement circuit. Measuring instruments will
also respond to unwanted signals that may be present within
the measurement circuit. Users should exercise care and take
appropriate precautions to avoid misleading results when
making measurements in the presence of electronic interference.
Electrical Specifications
Accuracy is ±(%reading + nbr digits) at 23°C ±5°C, <80% R.H.
DC Voltage (AC40C)
400 V±(1.0 %rdg +5 dgt)0.1 V
600 V±(1.0 %rdg +5 dgt)1 V
Input Impedance: 1 MΩ
Overload Protection: 600 V rms
Overload Protection: 660 A
Accuracies are specified for conductor centered in the jaw. If
the conductor is not centered, an additional error of max 1.5%
can result.
Measuring method: Dual slope integration. Average Sensing,
rms indication.
Resistance (AC40C)
400 Ω±(1.0 %rdg + 5 dgt)0.1 Ω
Max open circuit voltage, AC40C: -1.2 V nominal
Overload Protection, AC40C: 600 Vrms
0.1 V
1 V
Audible Continuity (AC40C)
Like resistance measurement. Continuous tone and R display at
R ≤40 Ω for AC40C
Max open circuit voltage: -1.2 V
Overload Protection: 600 Vrms
Data Hold: Hold display reading for all functions and ranges.
Always remember to release Data Hold when taking a new
In case of malfunction during the operation of the meter, the
following steps should be performed in order to isolate the
cause of the problem:
Check the batteries.1.
Review the operating instructions for possible mistakes in 2.
operating procedure.
Check clamp against a known current source.3.
Check test leads for continuity (voltage and resistance).4.
Except for the replacement of the batteries, repair of the clamp
should be performed only by a Factory Authorized Service
Center or by other qualified instrument service personnel.
Front panel and case can be cleaned with a mild solution of
detergent and water. Apply sparingly with a soft cloth and let
dry completely before using. Do not use aromatic hydrocarbons
or chlorinated solvents for cleaning.
Battery Replacement
The meter is powered by two 1.5 V AAA batteries. Replace
batteries as soon as N symbol is displayed.
Turn meter off. Disconnect and remove the test leads.1.
Position the meter face down. Remove the two screws and 2.
lift off rear case.
Replace the batteries.3.
Reassemble the case.4.
Amprobe g arantit l’absence d e vices de matériau x et de fabrication d e ce produit
pendant u ne période d’un an pr enant effet à la dat e d’achat. Cette ga rantie ne
s’applique p as aux fusibles , aux piles jetable s ni à tout produit mal u tilisé, modifié,
contamin é, négligé ou endo mmagé par acciden t ou soumis à des cond itions anormale s
d’utilisa tion et de manipulati on. L’obligation de garant ie d’Amprobe est limi tée, au
choix d’Ampr obe, au rembour sement du prix d’ach at ou à la réparation/ remplacement
gratuit d’un p roduit défec tueux. Les dist ributeurs agréé s par Amprobe ne so nt pas
autorisé s à appliquer une ga rantie plus étendu e au nom d’Amprobe. Po ur bénéficier
de la garanti e, renvoyez le produi t accompagné d’un ju stificatif d’acha t auprès d’un
centre de se rvices agréé p ar Amprobe Test Tools ou d ’un distributeur o u d’un revendeur
Amprobe . Voir la section Répa ration pour tous le s détails. La pré sente garantie es t
le seul et exc lusif recours tou tes autres garant ies, explicite s, implicites ou st atutaires,
notamme nt le cas échéant le s garanties de quali té marchande ou d’ada ptation a un
objecti f particulier so nt exclues par les pr ésentes. Amp robe, la société mè re ou ses
filiales ne p euvent en aucun ca s être tenues resp onsables des do mmages parti culiers,
indirec ts, accidentel s ou consécutif s, ni d’aucuns dégât s ou pertes de do nnées, sur une
base contr actuelle, ext ra-contrac tuelle ou autre. Eta nt donné que cert aines juridicti ons
n’admette nt pas les limitati ons d’une conditio n de garantie implici te, ou l’exclusion ou
la limitati on de dégâts accid entels ou conséc utifs, il se peut q ue les limitation s et/ou les
exclusio ns de cette garanti e ne s’appliquent pas à v otre cas.
Tous les outil s de test renvoyés po ur un étalonnage o u une réparation cou verte ou
non par la gara ntie doivent être a ccompagnés des é léments suivan ts : nom, raison
sociale, a dresse, numéro d e téléphone et ju stificatif d’achat . Ajoutez égalem ent une
brève des cription du problè me ou du service d emandé et incluez le s cordons de mesu re
avec l’appar eil. Les frais de remp lacement ou de rép aration hors garan tie doivent être
acquitt és par chèque, man dat, carte de cr édit avec date d’exp iration, ou par bon de
commande p ayable à l’ordre de Am probe® Test Tools.
Remplacements et réparations sous garantie – Tous pays
Veuillez lire la d éclaration de garan tie et vérifier la pile a vant de demander un e
réparatio n. Pendant la pério de de garantie, tou t outil de test défe ctueux peut êt re
renvoyé aup rès de votre distrib uteur Amprobe ® Test Tools pour être éch angé contre un
produit id entique ou similair e. Consultez la sec tion « Where to Buy » su r le site www.
amprobe .com pour obtenir la l iste des distrib uteurs dans votr e région. Au Canada e t
aux Etats -Unis, les app areils devant être r emplacés ou répar és sous garantie p euvent
égaleme nt être envoyés dans u n centre de servi ces Amprobe® Test Tool s (voir les
adresses ci-dessous).
Remplacements et réparations hors garantie – Canada et Etats-Unis
Les appar eils à réparer hors g arantie au Canada e t aux Etats-Uni s doivent être envoy és
dans un cent re de services A mprobe® Test Tools. A ppelez Amprobe ® Test Tools ou
renseig nez-vous auprès d e votre lieu d’achat pou r connaître les ta rifs en vigueur de
remplace ment ou de réparati on.
Aux Etat s-Unis Au Canada
Amprob e Test Tools Ampro be Test Tools
Everet t, WA 98203 E -U Missi ssauga, ON L4Z 1X 9 Canada
Tel: 877-993- 5853 Tel: 905 -890-760 0
Fax: 425 -446- 6390 Fax: 905 -890- 6866
Remplacements et réparations hors garantie – Europe
Les appar eils européens n on couverts par l a garantie peuvent ê tre remplacés par v otre
distribu teur Amprobe® Tes t Tools pour une somme n ominale. Consul tez la section «
Where to Bu y » sur le site www.a pour o btenir la liste de s distributeur s
dans votre r égion.
Adress e postale europ éenne*
Amprob e® Test Tool s Europe
Beha-A mprobe GmbH
In den Eng ematte n 14
79286 Glo tter tal, Ger many
Tel.: +49 (0) 76 84 8009 – 0
*(Réser vée à la correspon dance – Aucune répa ration ou remplace ment n’est possib le à
cette adr esse. Nos client s européens doi vent contacter l eur distribute ur.)
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