Calibrate 24 temperature sensors
Design your own calibration procedures start calibrating and leave for other tasks.
Save precious time and calibrate all sensors
under exactly the same conditions
Data-logging for multiple sensors
Software for data logging of up to
24 sensors with user-defined interval
Prepared for future expansions
8 more channels for every ASM-800. Expand
the system when required and save the
investment until it is necessary
Advanced Signal Multi-scanner
Calibrate any temperature
Universal input to handle: 2-, 3-, 4-wire
RTD’s, TC’s, transmitters, thermistors,
thermo switches and voltage
Integrate with
JOFRA instruments
Combine ASM with any JOFRA dry-block,
DTI reference thermometer or ASC300 signal
calibrator. Adds value to your existing JOFRA
Reference sensor input included
Dedicate one input channel for your
temperature reference sensor with an
accuracy to 0.026°C / 0.047°F
Reduce the human factor
Automatic procedures leave no space for
operation errors
Documentation made easy
RS232 communication and JOFRACAL calibration software are included in the standard
The ASM series (Advanced Signal Multi-scanner) offers a unique timesaving and automatic solution to calibrate multiple temperature sensors
The ASM-800 series is designed for use where ever temperature measurement is critical and/or there is a need for traceable calibration documentation.
Easy, flexible and time-saving!
The ASM series is a series of 8-channel scanners controlled by
JOFRACAL software through a PC. Up to 3 ASM units can be stacked to
calibrate up to 24 sensors at the same time. It can handle signals from
2-, 3- and 4 wire RTD’s, TC’s, transmitters, thermistors, temperature
switches and voltage.
The solution includes the easy-to-use software JOFRACAL to set up,
execute, print and save the valuable traceable calibration data - just connect the ASM to a PC through a RS232 cable.
JOFRACAL controls all JOFRA dry-block heating/cooling sources and
includes the flexibility to use manual liquid baths, ice-points or dryblocks. Connect the reference temperature sensor directly to the ASM800 or use your existing JOFRA temperature reference device.
Furthermore the JOFRALOG software allows the user to use the ASM
scanner as a data-logging device for up to 24 sensors.
ISO 9001 Manufacturer
Specification Sheet

Basic versions
The ASM-series is available in 3 versions depending on
the kind of sensors to be measured.
ASM-801 has 8 universal plugs. This is a fixed screw terminal solution used to measure RTD’s, TC’s, mA, voltage,
ohm, and transmitters. It measures the cold junction (CJ)
temperature for each channel and is able to supply a very
accurate cold junction (CJ) temperature compensation.
ASM-802 has 8 small TC plugs for measurement of TC
sensors. This modeI also measures the cold junction (CJ)
temperature for each channel and is able to supply a very
accurate cold junction (CJ) temperature compensation.
ASM-803 has 8 LEMO plugs, which are primarily for measurement of RTD sensors. This solution makes it possible
to measure current, voltage and ohm. It has built-in loop
power supply for each channel.
The ASM multi-scanner is made in an A and a B model.
The ASM B model is the complete solution with integrated
scanner and high accuracy multi signal measuring circuits.
The ASM A model is less expensive and is designed to
add 8 channel scanning capabilities to an existing instrument. The A model therefore needs the measuring capabilities from a JOFRA dry-block ATC B model, JOFRA
ASC300 signal calibrator, DTI-1000 reference thermometer
or an ASM B model.
A model
The A model use the measuring circuit of an existing
instrument. This means that the normal set-up of the
measuring equipment is used, and the multi-scanner then
makes it possible to calibrate up to 8 sensors simultaneously. The built-in cold junction temperature measuring
circuit ensures high accuracy when calibrating thermocouples. The A model is also capable of working without the
JOFRACAL with a manual channel selector at the back.
The A model may transmit an analogue signal of up to 8
sensors to one connected measuring device. It is able to
transmit signals up to 30VDC, 30 mA.
B model
The B model has the same functions as the A model, but
it differs as it is not necessary to include a measuring
instrument in the set-up, as the multi-scanner has build-in
measurement capabilities.
True Ohm Measurement
The ASM-801 and ASM-803 employ state-of-the-art
DC measuring techniques. To achieve high accuracy,
the measuring principle used by the ASM is True Ohm
Measurement thus eliminating the EMF from cables, sockets, and sensors.
True Ohm Measurement is a proven method to achieve
accurate compensation for errors induced by thermal
effects. The resistance is measured through the 4-wire
system at 0.8 mA, after which the instrument takes a reading without any applied current. The second reading is the
“error EMF”.
Measurement of up to 24 sensors at the same time
For both ASM models it is possible to connect up to 3
ASM multi-scanners, enabling you to measure up to 24
sensors simultaneously. Both models are able to perform
/ transmit the following measurements: 2-, 3- and 4-wire
RTD, TC signals with or without cold junction (CJ) compensation, thermistors, transmitters, current, voltage, and
ohm sources / loads.
ASM-801 A/B and ASM 803 A/B both have built-in 24 V
loop power for 4-20 mA transmitter.
Data-logging for multiple sensors
The data acquisition software JOFRALOG allows the user
to utilitize the ASM multi-scanner as a data-logging device
for multiple sensors. The JOFRALOG program allows the
configuration and execution of a logging procedure collecting data from up to 24 sensors saving the data in a
format compatible to Microsoft Excel.
JOFRALOG works with a ASM B model for collecting data
from 8 channels. By adding 1 og 2 ASM A models, the
number of channels may be expanded to 16 or 24. When
the user has defined a scanning job, the user may store
the configuration including sensor definitions for every
channel in a configuration file. Whenever required the
information may be loaded and reused. On start-up the
previous configuration used is always loaded automatically
saving the user a lot of time. Furthermore the uploaded
information will be checked against the configuration to
determine any conflicts.
JOFRALOG can be downloaded at www.jofra.com
The most important advantage of the B model is the fact
that it is possible to obtain huge reductions in time of the
calibration procedure. The B model is able to perform several measurements each second, whereas the A model as
an example will spend approx. 15 seconds on each measurement, when connected to an RTC B model.
The B models is able to measure voltage up to 10V, resistance up to 4KΩ and current up to 24mA.
2 www.jofra.com Advanced Signal Multi-scanner • ASM

Combine the ASM signal multi-scanner
with any of your existing JOFRA dryblock or liquid bath calibrators. You
can also use your JOFRA DTI reference
thermometer or even the JOFRA ASC300
signal calibrator, which adds further value
to your existing JOFRA equipment.
Picture 1: ASM-803 A connected to the input´s of a JOFRA
ATC B model and controlled by JOFRACAL.
Picture 2: ASM-803 B performing its own measurements in a JOFRA ITC-320 A including an
STS reference sensor in channel one all controlled by JOFRACAL.
Picture 3: 2 ASM A models connected to the ASM B model, in
order to obtain 24 channels. In
this set-up the JOFRA ATC B
model is used as a dry-block with
the reference sensor connected
to the reference input of the ATC.
All controlled by JOFRACAL.
Edgeport converter - Order number 125002
The edgeport converter converts one USB port to four RS232
ports without external power supply. Tested with JOFRA calibrators and JOFRACAL calibration software
www.jofra.com 3ASM • Advanced Signal Multi-scanner