QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE: ASD 30kW Water Cooled DC Power Supply
The operation of the Sorensen ASD 30 kW Water Cooled power supply consists of providing water cooling, connecting
the output load, applying the AC mains voltage, programming the output via the analog or digital interface, and monitoring
operation via front panel LEDs and the interfaces.
Water Cooling
Water cooling at a nominal rate of 1.5 gallons per minute (1.25 gpm min, to 2 gpm max) must be provided whenever
the power supply output is enabled, independent of the output current and voltage. The nominal coolant inlet
temperature is 25 °C and must not exceed 30 °C. When the cooling water is above 30 °C and depending on the
operating conditions (e.g. output voltage and current), the modules may give warnings to indicate that they are
approaching an over-temperature protection (OTP). In case of a module OTP, only the module with the overtemperature will shut-down, the rest would keep operating as normal. Warnings and faults are indicated with red color
LEDs and the corresponding bit in the digital interface.
The coolant source is applied to the connection labeled “WATER INLET” on the rear panel. The coolant return is
applied to the connection labeled “WATER OUTLET”. Both liquid coolant connections are 3/8-18 NPTF.
Output Load Connection
The output load connections are made at bus bars on the rear panel. Load cables (including the terminations) must
be sized for the maximum output current of the unit (500 A for a 60 V unit and 750 A for a 40 V unit).
The bottom bus bar is the negative output. The top bus bar is the positive output. Each bus bar has two 3/8-16 PEM-
nuts to mount the output cables or vertical interconnecting bus bars.
There is a remote sensing connector available to sense the output voltage with better accuracy. The positive sense
point is connected to Remote Sense terminal 1. The negative sense point is connected to Remote Sense terminal 3.
Remote Sense terminal 2 is not used. If not used, remote sensing should be disabled with the switches and/or the
digital interface.
AC Mains Connection
The nominal mains voltage is 380 to 400 Vrms line-to-line (D model), and 480 Vrms line-to-line (E model), 50/60 Hz,
three phases. Under low-line conditions the maximum mains current is 63 Arms (342Vrms input) or 50Arms
(432Vrms input) at full output load. The AC mains and earth ground wires must be sized accordingly.
Connect the 3 phase line voltage with appropriately sized cables to the “AC INPUT” Phoenix Contact terminal block
on the rear panel. Connect the earth ground wire to the PE terminal adjacent to the AC INPUT terminals.
Front Panel Indicators
Visual indication of the power supply status is available via LEDs on the front panel.
Figure 1: LEDs on the front panel.
The LEDs labeled “MODULE 1/2/3” indicate the status of the respective modules within the power supply.
Module 1 is the module located, looking at the front panel, at the left side of the unit, module 2 is the module in the
center and module 3 is the module at the right side. Green lights indicate normal active operation. Red lights indicate
that the particular module has detected a warning or fault condition.
The LED labeled “OUTPUT ON” is green when the power supply has set the output to active mode.
The LED labeled “AC INPUT” is normally green. The LED is red when the power supply has detected an internal fault
or warning condition.
ASD 30kW Quick Reference Guide - rev X1 © 2011 AMETEK Programmable Power, Inc. All rights reserved. www.programmablepower.com

a 0-10 VDC monitor signal (or 4-20 mADC) that indicates zero to full scale
output current
a 0-10 VDC monitor signal (or 4-20 mADC) that indicates zero to full scale
output voltage
a 0-10 VDC monitor signal (or 4-20 mADC) that indicates zero to full scale
output power
LO indicates the unit is not in voltage mode, HI indicates the unit is in voltage
mode if I_MODE is low. If both I_MODE and V_MODE are HI, it means power
LO indicates the unit is not in current mode, HI indicates the unit is in current
mode if V_MODE is low. If both I_MODE and V_MODE are HI, it means power
LO indicates output disabled, HI indicates the output is enabled.
LO indicates normal operation, HI indicates a fault.
Used to define the output high level of the digital outputs. If not connected, the
output high is 12V. If connected to 24Vdc, the output high is 24V.
a 0-10 VDC analog input signal (or 4-20 mADC) that programs zero to full
scale output current
a 0-10 VDC analog input signal (or 4-20 mADC) that programs zero to full
scale output voltage
a 0-10 VDC analog input signal (or 4-20 mADC) that programs zero to full
scale output power
If a “MODULE” LED is red but the “AC INPUT” is green, that means that there is a warning in the module but it is still
active, if the “AC INPUT” also turns red, it means that a module had a fault.
Isolated Analog Interface
The power supply output current, voltage, and power can be programmed and monitored via the 25 pin “ANALOG
INTERFACE” connector. The analog inputs and outputs can be configured (from the external switch and/or the digital
interface) to read or generate voltage or current signals. Full scale reference (0 to 10 VDC or 4 to 20mA) signal
represents full scale output current/voltage/power.
The analog and digital signals available in this interface are galvanically isolated from the power supply outputs. This
interface is not designed to withstand a high voltage potential with respect to earth ground.
If operating with current signals (4-20mA), the unit will generate a fault if any of the inputs has less than 2mA. By
default this fault will shut-down the unit, but this behavior can be changed from the digital interface.
If the unit is enabled via the analog interface, it will respond only to the analog setpoints and not to the digital interface
The full scale of the analog interface depends on the number of modules that are connected to the unit, both internal
and external modules. See Expected Number of Modules section for more details.
Figure 2: External interface on the rear panel.
The following two tables describe the available input and output signals at the DB25 connectors for standard ASD
units and the SG compatible interface.
Table 1: Analog interface signals. Standard ASD pin-out.
ASD 30kW Quick Reference Guide – rev X1 © 2011 AMETEK Programmable Power, Inc. All rights reserved. www.programmablepower.com