AMD RS880 databook

AMD RS880 Databook
Device Specification for the RS880
Technical Reference Manual
Rev 1.40
P/N: 46112_rs880_ds_pub_1.40
© 2013 Advanced Micro Devices Inc
Please note that in this databook, references to "DVI" and "HDMI" may refer to: (1) the function of the integrated DVI/HDMI interface described in details in section
2.3 and 3.8, as well as in other sections; or (2) the capability of the TMDS interface, multiplexed on the PCI-E external graphics interface, to enable DVI or HDMI through passive enabling circuitries. Any statement in this databook on any DVI or HDMI-related functionality must be understood to apply to (1), (2), or both, according to the immediate context of the reference.
AMD, the AMD Arrow, ATI, the ATI logo, 3Dc+, AMD Athlon, AMD Phenom, AMD OverDrive, AMD PowerNow!, Avivo, Cool’n’Quiet, HyperMemory, PowerPlay, PowerShift, AMD PowerXpress, AMD Radeon, SurroundView, Vari-Bright, CrossFire, and combinati ons thereof are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
DisplayPort is a trademark of the Video Electronics Standards Assoctation. HyperTransport is a trademark of the HyperTransport Technology Consortium.
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The contents of this document are provided in connection with Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. ("AMD") products. AMD makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this publication and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. No license, whether express, implied, arising by estoppel, or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights are granted by this publication. Except as set forth in AMD's Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale, AMD assumes no liability whatsoever, and disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to its products including, but not limited to, the implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or infringement of any intellectual property right.
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© 2013 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Overview
1.1 Introducing the RS880 ........................................................................................................................................................1-1
1.2 RS880 Features ...................................................................................................................................................................1-2
1.2.1 CPU HyperTransport™ Interface.........................................................................................................................1-2
1.2.2 Memory Interface.................................................................................................................................................1-2
1.2.3 AMD HyperMemory™........................................................................................................................................1-2
1.2.4 PCI Express® Interface........................................................................................................................................1-2
1.2.5 A-Link Express II Interface..................................................................................................................................1-3
1.2.6 2D Acceleration Features.....................................................................................................................................1-4
1.2.7 3D Acceleration Features.....................................................................................................................................1-4
1.2.8 Motion Video Acceleration Features....................................................................................................................1-5
1.2.9 Multiple Display Features ....................................................................................................................................1-5
1.2.10 DVI/HDMI™ .......................................................................................................................................................1-7
1.2.11 DisplayPort™ Interface .......................................................................................................................................1-7
1.2.12 Integrated HD Audio Controller and Codec.........................................................................................................1-8
1.2.13 System Clocks ......................................................................................................................................................1-8
1.2.14 Power Management Features ...............................................................................................................................1-8
1.2.15 PC Design Guide Compliance..............................................................................................................................1-8
1.2.16 Test Capability Features.......................................................................................................................................1-8
1.2.17 Packaging .............................................................................................................................................................1-9
1.3 Software Features................................................................................................................................................................1-9
1.4 Branding Diagrams .............................................................................................................................................................1-9
1.5 Graphics Device ID and Graphics Engine Clock Speed...................................................................................................1-10
1.6 Conventions and Notations ...............................................................................................................................................1-10
1.6.1 Pin Names...........................................................................................................................................................1-10
1.6.2 Pin Types............................................................................................................................................................1-10
1.6.3 Numeric Representation.....................................................................................................................................1-11
1.6.4 Register Field......................................................................................................................................................1-11
1.6.5 Hyperlinks ..........................................................................................................................................................1-11
1.6.6 Acronyms and Abbreviations.............................................................................................................................1-11
Chapter 2: Functional Descriptions
2.1 Host Interface......................................................................................................................................................................2-1
2.2 Side-Port Memory Interface................................................................................................................................................2-3
2.2.1 DDR2 Memory Interface......................................................................................................................................2-3
2.2.2 DDR3 Memory Interface......................................................................................................................................2-5
2.3 DVI/HDMI™......................................................................................................................................................................2-6
2.3.1 DVI/HDMI™ Data Transmission Order and Signal Mapping ............................................................................2-6
2.3.2 Support for HDMI™ Packet Types......................................................................................................................2-9
2.4 VGA DAC Characteristics................................................................................................................................................2-10
2.5 Clock Generation ..............................................................................................................................................................2-10
Chapter 3: Pin Descriptions and Strap Options
3.1 Pin Assignment Top View..................................................................................................................................................3-2
3.1.1 RS880 Pin Assignment Top View........................................................................................................................3-2
3.2 Interface Block Diagram.....................................................................................................................................................3-4
3.3 CPU HyperTransport™ Interface .......................................................................................................................................3-5
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Table of Contents
3.4 Side-port Memory Interface............................................................................................................................................... 3-5
3.5 PCI Express® Interfaces .................................................................................................................................................... 3-6
3.5.1 1 x 16 Lane Interface for External Graphics ....................................................................................................... 3-6
3.5.2 A-Link Express II Interface for Southbridge....................................................................................................... 3-6
3.5.3 6 x 1 Lane Interface for General Purpose External Devices .............................................................................. 3-6
3.5.4 Miscellaneous PCI Express® Signals ................................................................................................................. 3-6
3.6 Clock Interface................................................................................................................................................................... 3-7
3.7 CRT Interface..................................................................................................................................................................... 3-7
3.8 Integrated DVI/HDMI™ Interface..................................................................................................................................... 3-7
3.9 TMDS Interface Multiplexed on the PCI Express® Graphics Lanes................................................................................ 3-8
3.10 DisplayPort™ Interface.................................................................................................................................................. 3-10
3.11 Power Management Pins................................................................................................................................................3-11
3.12 Miscellaneous Pins..........................................................................................................................................................3-11
3.13 Power Pins...................................................................................................................................................................... 3-12
3.14 Ground Pins.................................................................................................................................................................... 3-13
3.15 Strapping Options ........................................................................................................................................................... 3-14
Chapter 4: Timing Specifications
4.1 HyperTransport™ Bus Timing .......................................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 HyperTransport™ Reference Clock Timing Parameters ................................................................................................... 4-1
4.3 PCI Express® Differential Clock AC Specifications......................................................................................................... 4-2
4.4 Timing Requirements for REFCLK_P Used as OSCIN (14.3181818MHz)..................................................................... 4-2
4.5 Side-port Memory Timing for DDR2 Mode...................................................................................................................... 4-2
4.5.1 Read Cycle DQ/DQS Delay ................................................................................................................................4-2
4.5.2 Write Cycle DQ/DQS Delay ............................................................................................................................... 4-3
4.6 Power Rail Power-up Sequence......................................................................................................................................... 4-3
Chapter 5: Electrical Characteristics and Physical Data
5.1 Electrical Characteristics.................................................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1.1 Maximum and Minimum Ratings........................................................................................................................ 5-1
5.1.2 DC Characteristics............................................................................................................................................... 5-2
5.2 RS880 Thermal Characteristics.......................................................................................................................................... 5-6
5.2.1 RS880 Thermal Limits ........................................................................................................................................ 5-6
5.2.2 Thermal Diode Characteristics............................................................................................................................ 5-7
5.3 Package Information .......................................................................................................................................................... 5-8
5.3.1 Physical Dimensions............................................................................................................................................ 5-8
5.3.2 Pressure Specification.......................................................................................................................................... 5-9
5.3.3 Board Solder Reflow Process Recommendations ............................................................................................. 5-10
Chapter 6: Power Management and ACPI
6.1 ACPI Power Management Implementation ....................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.2 Power Management for the Graphics Controller ............................................................................................................... 6-2
6.2.1 PCI Function Power States.................................................................................................................................. 6-2
6.2.2 PCI Power Management Interface....................................................................................................................... 6-2
6.2.3 Capabilities List Data Structure in PCI Configuration Space ............................................................................. 6-2
6.2.4 Register Block Definition.................................................................................................................................... 6-3
6.2.5 Capability Identifier: CAP_ID (Offset = 0)......................................................................................................... 6-4
6.2.6 Next Item Pointer (Offset = 1)............................................................................................................................. 6-5
6.2.7 PMC - Power Management Capabilities (Offset = 2) ......................................................................................... 6-6
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Table of Contents
Chapter 7: Testability
7.1 Test Capability Features......................................................................................................................................................7-1
7.2 Test Interface.......................................................................................................................................................................7-1
7.3 XOR Test ............................................................................................................................................................................7-1
7.3.1 Description of a Generic XOR Tree.....................................................................................................................7-1
7.3.2 Description of the RS880 XOR Tree....................................................................................................................7-2
7.3.3 XOR Tree Activation ...........................................................................................................................................7-2
7.3.4 XOR Tree for the RS880......................................................................................................................................7-2
7.4 VOH/VOL Test...................................................................................................................................................................7-4
7.4.1 Description of a Generic VOH/VOL Tree ...........................................................................................................7-4
7.4.2 VOH/VOL Tree Activation..................................................................................................................................7-5
7.4.3 VOH/VOL Pin List...............................................................................................................................................7-6
Appendix A: Pin Listings
A.1 RS880 Pin List Sorted by Ball Reference..........................................................................................................................1-2
A.2 RS880 Pin List Sorted by Pin Name..................................................................................................................................1-7
Appendix B: Revision History
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Table of Contents
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List of Figures

Figure 1-1: Possible Configurations for the x16 PCIe® Graphics Interface ................................................................................. 1-3
Figure 1-2: RS880 Multiple Display Options ................................................................................................................................1-6
Figure 1-3: RS880 ASIC A11 Production Branding ....................................................................................................................1-10
Figure 2-1: RS880 Internal Block Diagram ................................................................................................................................... 2-1
Figure 2-2: Host Interface Block Diagram ..................................................................................................................................... 2-2
Figure 2-3: RS880 Host Bus Interface Signals ..............................................................................................................................2-3
Figure 2-4: RS880 Side-Port Memory Interface ............................................................................................................................ 2-4
Figure 2-5: Data Transmission Ordering for the Integrated DVI/HDMI™ and TMDS Interfaces ............................................... 2-6
Figure 3-1: RS880 Pin Assignment Top View (Left) .................................................................................................................... 3-2
Figure 3-2: RS880 Pin Assignment Top View (Right) .................................................................................................................. 3-3
Figure 3-3: RS880 Interface Block Diagram .................................................................................................................................3-4
Figure 4-1: RS880 Power Rail Power-up Sequence ......................................................................................................................4-3
Figure 5-1: DC Characteristics of the Integrated DVI/HDMI™ and the TMDS Interfaces .......................................................... 5-5
Figure 5-2: RS880 528-Pin FCBGA Package Outline ................................................................................................................... 5-8
Figure 5-3: RS880 Ball Arrangement (Bottom View) ................................................................................................................... 5-9
Figure 5-4: Recommended Stencil Opening Sizes for Solder Paste Pads on PCB ...................................................................... 5-10
Figure 5-5: RoHS/Lead-Free Solder (SAC305/405 Tin-Silver-Copper) Reflow Profile ............................................................ 5 -11
Figure 6-1: Linked List for Capabilities ......................................................................................................................................... 6-5
Figure 7-1: Example of a Generic XOR Tree ................................................................................................................................7-2
Figure 7-2: Sample of a Generic VOH/VOL Tree ......................................................................................................................... 7-5
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List of Figures
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List of Tables

Table 1-1: Possible Configurations for the PCIe® General Purpose Links ....................................................................................1-3
Table 1-2: Graphics Device ID and Graphics Engine Clock Speed .............................................................................................1-10
Table 1-3: Pin Type Codes ............................................................................................................................................................1-10
Table 1-4: Acronyms and Abbreviations ......................................................................................................................................1-11
Table 2-1: Supported DDR2 Components ......................................................................................................................................2-4
Table 2-2: DDR2 Memory Row and Column Addressing ..............................................................................................................2-4
Table 2-3: Supported DDR3 Components ......................................................................................................................................2-5
Table 2-4: DDR3 Memory Row and Column Addressing ..............................................................................................................2-5
Table 2-5: Single Link Signal Mapping for DVI/HDMI™ ...........................................................................................................2-7
Table 2-6: Dual-Link Signal Mapping for DVI ..............................................................................................................................2-8
Table 2-7: Support for HDMI™ Packet Type .................................................................................................................................2-9
Table 2-8: VGA DAC Characteristics ..........................................................................................................................................2-10
Table 3-1: CPU HyperTransport™ Interface ..................................................................................................................................3-5
Table 3-2: Side-Port Memory Interface ..........................................................................................................................................3-5
Table 3-3: 1 x 16 Lane PCI Express® Interface for External Graphics ..........................................................................................3-6
Table 3-4: 1 x 4 Lane A-Link Express II Interface for Southbridge ...............................................................................................3-6
Table 3-5: 6 x 1 Lane PCI Express® Interface for General Purpose External Devices ..................................................................3-6
Table 3-6: PCI Express® Interface for Miscellaneous PCI Express® Signals ...............................................................................3-6
Table 3-7: Clock Interface ...............................................................................................................................................................3-7
Table 3-8: CRT Interface ................................................................................................................................................................3-7
Table 3-9: Integrated DVI/HDMI™ Interface ................................................................................................................................3-7
Table 3-10: TMDS Interface Multiplexed on the PCI Express® Graphics Interface (Dual-Link DVI) .........................................3-8
Table 3-11: TMDS Interface Multiplexed on the PCI Express® Graphics Interface (HDMI™ on Lane 0-3) ..............................3-9
Table 3-12: TMDS Interface Multiplexed on the PCI Express® Graphics Interface (HDMI™ on Lane 4-7) ..............................3-9
Table 3-13: Miscellaneous TMDS Interface Signals ......................................................................................................................3-9
Table 3-14: DisplayPort™ Interface Multiplexed on the PCI Express® Graphics Interface .......................................................3 -10
Table 3-15: Miscellaneous DisplayPort™ Signals .......................................................................................................................3-10
Table 3-16: Power Management Pins ...........................................................................................................................................3-11
Table 3-17: Miscellaneous Pins ....................................................................................................................................................3-11
Table 3-18: Power Pins .................................................................................................................................................................3-12
Table 3-19: Ground Pins ...............................................................................................................................................................3-13
Table 3-20: Strap Definitions for the RS880 ................................................................................................................................3-14
Table 4-1: Timing Requirements for HyperTransport™ Reference Clock (100MHz) Output by the Clock Generator ................4-1
Table 4-2: PCI Express® Differential Clock (GFX_REFCLK, GPPSB_REFCLK, 100MHz) AC Characteristics ......................4-2
Table 4-3: Timing Requirements for REF_CLKP Used as OSCIN (14.3181818MHz) .................................................................4-2
Table 4-4: RS880 Power Rail Power-up Sequence .........................................................................................................................4-3
Table 5-1: Maximum and Minimum Ratings .................................................................................................................................. 5-1
Table 5-2: DC Characteristics for 3.3V TTL Signals .....................................................................................................................5-2
Table 5-3: DC Characteristics for DDC Signals (DDC Mode) .......................................................................................................5-2
Table 5-4: DC Characteristics for AUX Signals (AUX Mode) ......................................................................................................5-2
Table 5-5: DC Characteristics for POWERGOOD .........................................................................................................................5-2
Table 5-6: DC Characteristics for HyperTransport™ and PCI-E Differential Clock (HT_REFCLK, GFX_REFCLK,
GPPSB_REFCLK, 100MHz) ..........................................................................................................................................................5-3
Table 5-7: DC Characteristics for REFCLK_P as OSCIN Input (14.3181818MHz) .....................................................................5-3
Table 5-8: DC Characteristics for the Memory Interface when Supporting DDR2 ........................................................................5-3
Table 5-9: DC Characteristics for the Memory Interface when Supporting DDR3 ........................................................................5-3
Table 5-10: DC Characteristics for the Integrated DVI/HDMI™ ..................................................................................................5-4
Table 5-11: DC Characteristics for the TMDS Interface Multiplexed on the PCI Express® Gfx Lanes ......................................5-4
Table 5-12: Electrical Specifications for the DisplayPort Interface ..............................................................................................5-5
Table 5-13: RS880 Thermal Limits ................................................................................................................................................5-6
Table 5-14: RS880 528-Pin FCBGA Package Physical Dimensions .............................................................................................5-8
Table 5-15: Recommended Board Solder Reflow Profile - RoHS/Lead-Free Solder .................................................................. 5 -11
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List of Tables
Table 6-1: ACPI States Supported by the RS880 ............................................................................................................................6-1
Table 6-2: ACPI Signal Definitions ................................................................................................................................................6-1
Table 6-3: Standard PCI Configuration Space Header Type 0 .......................................................................................................6-2
Table 6-4: PCI Status Register ........................................................................................................................................................6-3
Table 6-5: Capabilities Pointer (CAP_PTR) ...................................................................................................................................6-3
Table 6-6: Power Management Register Block ..............................................................................................................................6-3
Table 6-7: Power Management Control/Status Register (PMCSR) ................................................................................................6-4
Table 6-8: Capability Identifier (CAP_ID) .....................................................................................................................................6-4
Table 6-9: Next Item Pointer (NEXT_ITEM_PTR) .......................................................................................................................6-5
Table 6-10: Power Management Capabilities – PMC .....................................................................................................................6-6
Table 7-1: Pins on the Test Interface ..............................................................................................................................................7-1
Table 7-2: Example of an XOR Tree ..............................................................................................................................................7-2
Table 7-3: RS880 XOR Tree ...........................................................................................................................................................7-3
Table 7-4: Truth Table for the VOH/VOL Tree Outputs ................................................................................................................7-5
Table 7-5: RS880 VOH/VOL Tree .................................................................................................................................................7-7
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1.1 Introducing the RS880

The RS880 is a ninth-generation Integrated Graphics Processor (IGP) that integrates a DirectX® 10.1 compliant Shader Model 4.1 graphics core and a system controller in a single chip. It supports AMD’s AM3-socket CPUs, including the AMD Phenom™ II and later desktop processors. The RS880 integrates an ATI RV620-based graphics engine, dual display, an integrated DVI/HDMI™ interface, a TMDS interface, DisplayPort capability, and Northbridge functionality in a single BGA package. This high level of integration and scalability enables manufacturers to offer enthusiast level capabilities and performance while helping to minimize board space and system cost.
The RS880 is pin-compatible with AMD's mainstream 700 and 800-series products including the RS780, RS780M, RX780, RX781, RS880M, and RX881, allowing a single design to target multiple market seg ment s .
Robust and Flexible Core Logic Features
The RS880 combines graphics and system logic functions in a single chip using a 21mm body BGA package, reducing overall solution area. For optimal system and graphics performance, the RS880 supports a high speed HyperTransport™ interface to the AMD processor, running at a data rate of up to 4.4 GT/s and supporting both HT 1.0 and HT 3.0 protocols. The RS880 is ideally suited for 64-bit operating systems, and supports platform configurations with greater than 4GB of system memory. The rich PCI Express external graphics and up to six other PCI Express peripherals, all supporting the PCI Express 2.0 standard with data rates of up to 5.0GT/s. These capabilities are complemented by the advanced I/O features of AMD’s SB700-series Southbridges.
Designed for Windows Vista
Chapter 1


(PCIe®) expansion capabilities of RS880 include support for PCI Express
The RS880 delivers a compelling Windows Vista experience. It harnesses the increased bandwidth of HyperTransport 3.0 to a DirectX 10.1 graphics core, which provides the 3D rendering power needed to generate the Windows Vista desktop even under the most demanding circumstances. The AMD RV620-based graphics core employs a unified shader architecture to deliver excellent 3D performance across the whole spectrum of 3D applications. It meets all current Windows Vista Premium Logo requirements.
Leading Multimedia Capabilities
The RS880 incorporates AMD’s Unified Video Decoder (UVD) 2.0 technology, which provides dedicated hardware decode of the H.264, VC-1, and MPEG-2 video formats used for HD contents and Blu-ray disks. The RS880 also incorporates the innovative AMD Avivo™ HD display architecture, providing users with amazing visual quality. Advanced scaling and color correction capabilities, along with increased precision through the entire display pipeline, ensure an exceptional image on CRT monitors, LCD panels, and any other display device. Dual DisplayPort output capability provides the ability to interface to the next generation of digital display devices. That is complemented by a fully integrated DVI/HDMI and HDCP support, allowing compatibility with even the most modern high definition televisions without the additional cost of external components.
*Note: AMD Avivo HD is a technology platform that includes a broad set of capabilities offered by certain AMD Radeon™ products. Support for any AMD Avivo HD capability is subject to qualification of the RS880 ASIC. Full enablement of some AMD Avivo HD capabilities may require complementary products.
Low Power Consumption and Industry Leading Power Manage ment
The RS880 is manufactured using the power efficient 55 nm technology, and it supports a whole range of industry standards and new proprietary power management features. System power can be further reduced through the dedicated local frame buffer interface supported by the RS880. The integrated UVD dramatically reduces CPU loading and hence overall power consumption during Blu-ray video and HD contents playback.
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Software Compatibility
The graphics driver for the RS880 is fully compatible with all other AMD Radeon™ class graphics controllers from AMD. A single driver can support multiple graphics configurations across AMD’s product lines, including the AMD Radeon family and the AMD chipset family. In addition, this driver compatibilit y allows the RS880 to benefit immediately from AMD's software optimization and from the advanced Windows Windows 7
support available in the Radeon family drivers.

1.2 RS880 Features

1.2.1 CPU HyperTransport Interface

Supports 16-bit up/down HyperTransport (HT) 3.0 interface up to 4.4 GT/s.
Supports 200, 400, 600, 800, and 1000 MHz HT1 frequencies.
Supports 1.6, 1.8, 2.0, and 2.2 GHz HT3 frequencies.
Supports AMD’s AM3-socket CPUs, including the AMD Phenom II and later desktop processors.
Supports LDTSTOP interface and CPU link stutter mode.

1.2.2 Memory Interface

Supports an optional dedicated local frame buffer (side-port) of up to 128MB through a 16-bit interface. Note,
however, that the memory interface is optimized for a 64MB local frame buffer. As such, the system BIOS will downsize the side-port size if a 128MB memory device is populated.
New highly flexible memory architecture allows asymmetric side-port and shared system memory frame buffer sizes.
Supported configurations include UMA only and UMA+side-port (interleave mode).
New dynamic memory allocation scheme improves performance and reduces power simultaneously.
Support for DDR2 system memories up to DDR2-800, with a maximum memory clock speed of 400MHz. Memory
clock is independent of any other clock source and can therefore be set to any frequency equal to or less than 400MHz (DDR2-800), allowing the use of lower speed side-port memories.
Support for DDR3 system memories up to DDR3-1200, with a maximum memory clock speed of 600MHz. Memory
clock is independent of any other clock source and can therefore be set to any frequency equal to or less than 600MHz (DDR3-1200), allowing the use of lower speed side-port memories.
Support one memory device of x16 width (see section, “Supported DDR2 Components,” on page 2-4.and
section, “Supported DDR3 Components,” on page 2-5, for details).
Asynchronous HyperTransport and memory controller interface speeds.
Supports DDR SDRAM self refresh mechanism.
Supports dynamic CKE and ODT for power conservation.
RS880 Features
XP, Windows Vista®, and

1.2.3 AMD HyperMemory

Supports AMD HyperMemory™*.
* Note: Includes dedicated and shared memory. The amount of HyperMemory available is determined by various factors.
For details, please consult your AMD CSS representative.

1.2.4 PCI Express® Interface

Supports PCIe Gen2 (version 2.0).
Optimized peer-to-peer and general purpose link performance.
Highly flexible PCI Express implementation to suit a variety of platform needs.
A dual-port, x16 graphics interface, configurable to any one of the modes illustrated in Figure 1-1 for the RS880:
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RS880 Features
01 32 456789101112131415
PCI- E x16
PCI- E x 8 External Graphics
PCI- E x 16 External Graphics
TMDS enabling Dual- Link
Not Used
TMDS enabling Single- Link
DisplayPort (DP)
TMDS enabling HDMI
PCI-E x 16 Interface
Not Used
Not Used
SL-DVI Not Used
HDMI Not Used
DP Not Used
PCI- E x 8
PCI- E x 8
PCI- E x 8
HDMI Not Used
DP Not Used
SL-DVI Not Used
PCI- E x 8
PCI- E x 8
PCI- E x 8
DP Not Used
DP Not Used
Figure 1-1 Possible Configurations for the x16 PCIe
Graphics Interface
Supports programmable lane reversal for the graphics link to ease motherboard layout when the end device does not
support lane reversal.
Supports six general purpose lanes, for up to six devices on specific ports. Possible configurations are listed in
Table 1-1.
Table 1-1 Possible Configurations for the PCIe® General Purpose Links
Config. B Config. C Config. C2 Config. E Config. K Config. L
GPP1 x4 x4 x2 x2 x2 x1

1.2.5 A-Link Express II Interface

© 2013 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 46112 AMD RS880 Databook 1.40 Proprietary 1-3
GPP2-----x1 GPP3 - - x2 x1 x2 x1 GPP4---x1-x1 GPP5 x2 x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 GPP6 - x1 - x1 x1 x1
Supports x1, x2, x4, x8, x12 and x16 polarity inversion.
One x4 A-Link Express II interface for connection to an AMD Southbridge. The A-Link Express II is a proprietary
interface developed by AMD basing on the PCI Express technology, with additional Northbridge-Southbridge messaging functionalities.
Supports programmable lane reversal to ease motherboard layout.

1.2.6 2D Acceleration Features

Highly-optimized 128-bit engine, capable of processing multiple pixe ls per clock.
Hardware acceleration of Bitblt, line drawing, polygon and rectangle fills, bit masking, monochrome expansion,
panning and scrolling, scissoring, and full ROP support (including ROP3).
Optimized handling of fonts and text using AMD proprietary techniques.
Game acceleration including support for Microsoft's DirectDraw
Blit, and Masked Blit.
Acceleration in 1/8/15/16/32-bpp modes:
Pseudocolor mode for 8bpp
ARGB1555 and RGB565 modes for 16bpp
ARGB8888 mode for 32bpp
Significant increase in the High-End Graphics WinBench
Setup of 2D polygons and lines.
Support for GDI extensions:
In Windows XP and Windows Vista: Alpha BLT, Transparent BLT, and Gradient Fill.
In Windows 7: Alpha BLT, Transparent BLT, Color Fill BLT, Stretch BLT, and Clear Type BLT.
RS880 Features
: Double Buffering, Virtual Sprites, Transparent
score due to capability for C18 color expansion.
Hardware cursor (up to 64x64x32bpp), with alpha channel for direct support of Windows XP, Windows Vista and
Windows 7 alpha cursor.

1.2.7 3D Acceleration Features

DirectX 10.1 compliant, including full speed 32-bit floating point per component operations
Shader Model 4.1 geometry and pixel support in a unified shader architecture:
Full speed 32-bit floating point processing per component.
High dynamic range rendering with floating point blending, text ure filtering and anti-aliasing support.
High performance dynamic branching and flow control.
Nearly unlimited shader instruction store, using an advance caching system.
Advanced shader design, with ultra-threading sequencer for high efficiency operations.
Advanced, high performance branching support, including static and dynamic branching.
32-bit floating point components for high dynamic range computations.
Full anti-aliasing on render surfaces up to and including 128-bit floating point formats.
Support for OpenGL
Anti-Aliasing Filtering:
2x/4x/8x modes.
Sparse multi-sample algorithm with gamma correction, programmable sample patterns, and centroid sampling.
Temporal anti-aliasing.
Adaptive anti-aliasing mode.
Lossless color compression (up to 8:1) at all resolutions, up to and including widescreen HDTV.
Anisotropic Filtering:
2x/4x/8x/16x modes
Up to 128-tap texture filtering.
Adaptive algorithm with performance (bi-linear) and quality (tri-linear) options.
Improved quality mode due to improved subpixel precision, higher precision LOD computations, and
rotationally invariant LOD computations.
Advanced Texture Compression (3Dc+™ ):
High quality 4:1 compression for normal maps and luminance maps.
Works with any single-channel or two-channel data format.
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RS880 Features
HW support to overcome "Small batch" issues in CPU limited applications.
3D resources virtualized to a 32-bit addressing space, for support of large numbers of render targets and textures.
New vertex cache and vertex fetch design, to increase vertex throughput from previous generations.
Full support of 64-bit and 128-bit textures and surfaces, which can be 4x to 8x faster than previous generation of HW.
Up to 8K x 8K textures, including 128 bpp texture are supported.
New multi-level texture cache to give optimal performance, greater than 8x the previous designs.
High efficiency ring bus memory controller:
Programmable arbitration logic maximizes memory efficiency, software upgradeable.
Fully associative texture, color, and Z cache design.
New hierarchical Z and stencil buffers with early Z Test.
New lossless Z-buffer compression for both Z and stencil.
Fast Z-Buffer Clear.
Z cache optimized for real-time shadow rendering.
Z and color compression resources virtualized to a 32-bit addressing space, for support of multiple render targets
and textures simultaneously.

1.2.8 Motion Video Acceleration Features

Video scaling and fully programmable YCrCb to RGB color space conversion for full-speed video playback and fully adjustable color controls.
Adaptive de-interlacing eliminates video artifacts caused by displaying interlaced video on non-interlaced displays,
and by analyzing image and using optimal de-interlacing function on a per-pixel basis.
Motion video acceleration for HD contents and Blu-ray technology.
Dedicated UVD (Unified Video Decoder) 2.0 hardware for H.264,VC-1, and MPEG-2 decode:
H.264 implementation is based on the ISO/IEC 14496-10 spec.
VC-1 implementation is based on the SMPTE 421M spec.

1.2.9 Multiple Display Features

Dual independent displays. Possible configurations are illustrated in Figure 1-2.
© 2013 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 46112 AMD RS880 Databook 1.40 Proprietary 1-5
RS880 Features
Figure 1-2 RS880 Multiple Display Options
Resolution, refresh rates, and display data can be completely independent for the two display paths.
Each display controller supports true 30 bits per pixel throughout the display pipe.
Each display path supports VGA and accelerated modes, video overlay, hardware cursor, hardware icon , and palette
gamma correction.
Supports both interlaced and non-interlaced displays.
Full ratiometric expansion ability is supported for source desktop modes up to 1920 pixels/line.
Maximum DAC frequency of 400 MHz.
Supports 8, 16, 32, and 64-bpp depths for the main graphics layer:
For 32-bpp depth, supports xRGB 8:8:8:8, xRGB 2:10:10:10, sCrYCb 8:8:8:8, and xCrYCb 2:10:10:10 data
For 64-bpp depth, supports xRGB 16:16:16:16 data format.
Independent gamma, color conversion and correction controls for main graphics layer.
Support for DDC1 and DDC2B+ for plug and play monitors.
8-bit alpha blending of graphics and video overlay .
Hardware cursor up to 64x64 pixels in 2 bpp, full color AND/XOR mix, and full color 8-bit alpha blend.
Hardware icon up to 128x128 pixels in 2 bpp, with two colors, transparent, and inverse transparent. AND/XOR
mixing. Supports 2x2 icon magnification.
Virtual desktop support.
Support for flat panel displays via VGA, DVI, or HDMI.
Integrated HD audio controller for HDMI audio data.
46112 AMD RS880 Databook 1.40 © 2013 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 1-6 Proprietary
RS880 Features
VGA Output
Maximum resolutions supported by the VGA output for different refresh rates are:
2048x1536 @85Hz (pixel clock at 388.5MHz) for 4:3 format
2560x1440 @75Hz (pixel clock at 397.25MHz) for 16:9 format
2456x1536 @60Hz (pixel clock at 320MHz) for 16:10 format
Support for stereoscopic monitors.
RS880’s SurroundView™ feature allows support for up to four independent monitors for systems equipped with an
additional ATI discrete graphics card (requires special BIOS and display driver support).

1.2.10 DVI/HDMI

Integrated DVI or HDMI* interface (passing HDMI CTS v1.3b): single-link support only for HDMI‡, 30-bit
dual-link support for DVI.
Also supports a TMDS interface, enabling DVI or HDMI (passing HDMI CTS v1.3b), which is multiplexed on the
PCIe external graphics interface.‡
1620 Mbps/channel with 162 MHz pixel clock rate per link.
Supports industry standard EIA-861B video modes including 480p, 720p, 1080i, and 1080p (for a full list of currently
supported modes, contact you AMD CSS representative). Maximum resolutions supported by various modes are:
Single-link DVI: 1600x1200 @60Hz with standard timings, and 1920x1200 @60Hz with reduced blanking
Dual-link DVI: 2560x1600 @60Hz.
HDMI: 1080p.
Supports YCbCr 4:4:4 and 4:2:2 modes with HDMI.
HDMI basic audio support at 32, 44.1 or 48 kHz. Supports two-channel uncompressed audio data, and, for Windows
Vista platforms only, 5.1-channel audio data and DTS. HD audio device compatible with the Microsoft HD audio driver.
HDCP support for two independent display streams with on-chip key storage. Also available when the integrated
DVI/HDMI interface or the TMDS interface runs in dual-link mode.**
Notes: * CEC is not supported.
** HDCP content protection support is only available to HDCP licensees and can only be enabled when connected
to an HDCP-capable receiver.
‡ The TMDS interface multiplexed on the PCIe graphics lanes cannot enable HDMI when the integrated
DVI/HDMI interface is supporting HDMI, and vice versa.

1.2.11 DisplayPort™ Interface

Supports all mandatory features of the VESA DisplayPort Standard, Version 1.1, plus the following optional features:
10-bit support.
YCbCr 4:4:4 and 4:2:2 support.
HDCP support
Optional test pattern support.
Supports two independent displays over the PCIe interface for external graphics (see Figure 1-1,“Possible
Configurations for the x16 PCIe® Graphics Interface,” on page 1-3 for details).
Supports 4, 2, or 1-lane transmission.
Supports both the 2.7 Gbps and 1.62 Gbps link symbol rates.
© 2013 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 46112 AMD RS880 Databook 1.40 Proprietary 1-7
Supports the Auxiliary Channel (AUX CH).
Supports a maximum resolution of 2560x1600 @60Hz with 4 lanes.

1.2.12 Integrated HD Audio Controller and Codec

Integrated HD Audio codec supports linear PCM and AC3 (5.1) audio formats for HDMI output.
Separate logical chip function.
Can encrypt data onto one associated HDMI output.
Uses Microsoft UAA driver.
Internally connected to the integrated HDMI, or HDMI-enabled interface, hence no external cable required.
Support for basic audio (32, 44.1 or 48 KHz stereo) and AC3 or DTS at the same sample rates.

1.2.13 System Clocks

Support for an external clock chip to generate side-port memory, PCIe, and A-Link Express II clocks.

1.2.14 Power Management Features

Single chip solution in 55nm, 1.1V CMOS technology.
Full ACPI 2.0 and IAPC (Instantly Available PC) power management support.
Static and dynamic power management support (APM as well as ACPI) with full VESA DPM and Energy Star
The Chip Power Management Support logic supports four device power states defined for the OnNow Architecture—
On, Standby, Suspend, and Off. Each power state can be achieved by software control bits.
Hardware controlled intelligent clock gating enables clocks only to active fun ctional blocks, and is completely
transparent to software.
Dynamic self-refresh for the side-port memory.
Support for Cool'n'Quiet™ via FID/VID change.
Support for AMD PowerNow!™.
Clocks to every major functional block are controlled by a unique dynamic clock switching technique that is
completely transparent to the software. By turning off the clock to the block that is idle or not used at that point, the power consumption can be significantly reduced during normal operation.
Supports AMD Vari-Bright™ technology.
Supports dynamic lane reduction for the PCIe graphics interface when coupled with an AMD-based graphics device,
adjusting lane width according to required bandwidth.
RS880 Features

1.2.15 PC Design Guide Compliance

The RS880 complies with all relevant Windows Logo Program (WLP) requirements from Microsoft for WHQL certification.

1.2.16 Test Capability Features

The RS880 has a variety of test modes and capabilities that provide a very high fault coverage and low DPM (Defect Per Million) ratio:
Full scan implementation on the digital core logic through ATPG (Automatic Test Pattern Generation Vecto rs).
Dedicated test logic for the on-chip custom memory macros to provide complete coverage on these modules.
A JTAG test mode to allow board level testing of neighboring devices.
An EXOR tree test mode on all the digital I/O's to allow for proper soldering verification at the board level.
A VOH/VOL test mode on all digital I/O’s to allow for proper verification of output high and output low values at the
board level.
Access to the analog modules to allow full evaluation and characterization.
46112 AMD RS880 Databook 1.40 © 2013 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 1-8 Proprietary
Software Features
IDDQ mode support to allow chip evaluation through current leakage measurements.
These test modes can be accessed through the settings on the instruction register of the JTAG circuitry.

1.2.17 Packaging

Single chip solution in 55nm, 1.1V low power CMOS technology.
528-FCBGA package, 21mmx21mm.

1.3 Software Features

Supports Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7.
BIOS ability to read EDID 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3.
Ability to selectively enable and disable several devices including CRT, LCD, and DFP.
Register-compatible with VGA standards, BIOS-compatible with VESA VBE2.0.
Supports corporate manageability requirements such as DMI.
ACPI support.
Full Write Combining support for maximum performance of the CPU.
Full-featured, yet simple Windows utilities:
Calibration utility for WYSIWYG color
Independent brightness control of desktop and overlay
End user diagnostics
Drivers meet Microsoft's rigorous WHQL criteria and are suitable for systems with the "Designed for Windows"
Comprehensive OS and API support.
Hot-key support (Windows ACPI 2.0 or AMD Event Handler Utility where appropriate).
Extensive power management support.
Rotation mode support in software.
Dual CRTC, simultaneous view, extended desktop support (Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7)
DirectX 10.1 support.
Switchable overlay support.
H.264 playback support.
Supports AMD OverDrive™ utility.
***Warning*** AMD and ATI processors are intendedto be operated only within their associated specifications and factory settings. Operating the AMD or ATI processor outside of specification or in
excess of factory settings, including but not limited to overclocking, may damage the processor and/or lead to other problems, including but not limited to, damage to the system components (including the motherboard and components thereon (e.g. memory)), system instabilities (e.g. data loss and corrupted images), shortened processor, system component and/or system life and in extreme cases, total system failure. AMD does not provide support or service for issues or damages related to use of an AMD or ATI processor outside of processor specifications or in excess of factory settings.
Supports Hybrid CrossFire™.

1.4 Branding Diagrams

Note: The branding can be in laser, ink, or mixed laser-and-ink marking.
© 2013 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 46112 AMD RS880 Databook 1.40 Proprietary 1-9
Graphics Device ID and Graphics Engine Clock Speed
Part Number
Date Code (“YY” - Year, ”ZZ” - Week)
AMD Product Type
AMD Logo
Wafer Lot Number (“ZZ” may not be shown)
Country of Origin (China or Taiwan)
Note: Branding can be in laser, ink, or mixed laser-and-ink marking.
Figure 1-3 RS880 ASIC A11 Production Branding

1.5 Graphics Device ID and Graphics Engine Clock Speed

Table 1-2 Graphics Device ID and Graphics Engine Clock Speed

1.6 Conventions and Notations

The following conventions are used throughout this manual.

1.6.1 Pin Names

Pins are identified by their pin names or ball references. Multiplexed pins sometimes assume alternate “functional names” when they perform their alternate functions, and these “functional names” are given in Chapter 3, “Pin Descriptions and
Strap Options.”
All active-low signals are identified by the suffix ‘#’ in their names (e.g., MEM_RAS#).

1.6.2 Pin Types

The pins are assigned different codes according to their operational characteristics. These codes are listed in Table 1-3.
Table 1-3 Pin Type Codes
I Digital Input O Digital Output OD Open Drain I/O Bi-Directional Digital Input or Output I/OD Digital Input or Open Drain M Multifunctional Pwr Power Gnd Ground A-O Analog Output A-I Analog Input
46112 AMD RS880 Databook 1.40 © 2013 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 1-10 Proprietary
RS880 0x9710 300 500
Code Pin Type
Graphics Device ID
Graphics Engine Clock Speed ( MHz)
Min. Max.
Conventions and Notations
Table 1-3 Pin Type Codes (Continued)
Code Pin Type
A-I/O Analog Bi-Directional Input/Output A-Pwr Analog Power A-Gnd Analog Ground Other Pin types not included in any of the categories above

1.6.3 Numeric Representation

Hexadecimal numbers are appended with “h” (Intel assembly-style notation) whenever there is a risk of ambiguity. Other numbers are in decimal.
Pins of identical functions but different running integers (e.g., “GFX_TX7P, GFX_TX6P,... GFX_TX0P”) are referred to collectively by specifying their integers in square brackets and with colons (i.e., “GFX_TX[7:0]P”). A similar short-hand notation is used to indicate bit occupation in a register. For example, NB_COMMAND[15:10] refers to the bit positions 10 through 15 of the NB_COMMAND register.

1.6.4 Register Field

A field of a register is referred to by the format of [Register Name].[Register.Field]. For example, “NB_MC_CNTL.DISABLE_BYPASS” is the “DISABLE_BYPASS” field of the register “NB_MC_CNTL.”

1.6.5 Hyperlinks

Phrases or sentences in blue italic font are hyperlinks to other parts of the manual. Users of the PDF version of this manual can click on the links to go directly to the referenced sections, tables, or figures.

1.6.6 Acronyms and Abbreviations

The following is a list of the acronyms and abbreviations used in this manual.
Table 1-4 Acronyms and Abbreviations
Acronym Full Expression
ACPI Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
A-Link-E A-Link Express interface between the IGP and the Southbridge.
BGA Ball Grid Array BIOS BIST Built In Self Test.
BLT Blit
bpp bits per pixel CEC Consumer Electronic Control CPIS Common Panel Interface Specification
CRT Cathode Ray Tube CSP Chip Scale Package
DAC Digital to Analog Converter
DBI Dynamic Bus Inversion DDC DDR Double Data Rate
DFP Digital Flat Panel. Monitor connection standard from VESA.
DP DisplayPort
DPM Defects per Million
DTV Digital TV
Basic Input Output System. Initialization code stored in a ROM or Flash RAM used to start up a system or expansion card.
Display Data Channel. A VESA standard for communicating between a computer system and attached display devices.
© 2013 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 46112 AMD RS880 Databook 1.40 Proprietary 1-11
Table 1-4 Acronyms and Abbreviations (Continued)
Acronym Full Expression
DVD Digital Video Disc
DVS Digital Video Stream
EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
FIFO First In, First Out FPDI Flat Panel Display Interface
GDI Graphics Device Interface
GND Ground
GPIO General Purpose Input/Output
HDCP High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection
HDMI High Definition Multimedia Interface
HDTV High Definition TV. The 1920x1080 and the 1280x720 modes defined by ATSC.
HPD Hot Plug Detect iDCT inverse Discrete Cosine Transform
IDDQ Direct Drain Quiescent Current
JTAG Joint Test Access Group. An IEEE standard.
MB Mega Byte
PAL Phase Alternate Line. The standard definition TV system used in Europe and other areas. PCI Peripheral Component Interface
PCIe PCI Express
PLL Phase Locked Loop
POST Power On Self Test
PD Pull-down Resistor PU Pull-up Resistor
RAID Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
ROP Raster Operation
SDRAM Synchronous Dynamic RAM
TMDS Transition Minimized Differential Signaling
UMA Unified Memory Architecture
UV Chrominance (also CrCb). Corresponds to the color of a pixel.
UVD Unified Video Decoder
UXGA Ultra Extended Graphics Array
VBI Vertical Blank Interval
VESA Video Electronics Standards Association
VGA Video Graphics Adapter VRM Voltage Regulation Module
Digital Video Interface. Monitor connection standard from the DDWG (Digital Display Work Group).
Integrated Graphics Processor. A single device that integrates a graphics processor and a system controller.
Motion Pictures Experts Group. Refers to compressed video image streams in either MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 formats.
National Television Standards Committee. The standard definition TV system used in North America and other areas.
Conventions and Notations
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Conventions and Notations
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Conventions and Notations
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Chapter 2
Register Interface
Display 1& 2
Integrated DVI/HDMI
TMDS, enabling DVI/HDMI
Memory Controller
A-Link-E II
Gfx Interface
(1 x 16 Lanes)
GPP Interface
(6 x 1 Lanes)
Slots or
(1 x 4 Lanes)
(Multiplexed on PCIe® Gfx Lanes)
(Multiplexed on PCIe
Gfx Lanes)
Optional 16-bit
Memory Channel

Functional Descriptions

This chapter describes the functional operation of the major interfaces of the RS880 system logic. Figure 2-1, “RS880
Internal Block Diagram,” illustrates the RS880 internal blocks and interfaces.

2.1 Host Interface

The RS880 is optimized to interface with AMD processors through the HyperTransport an overview of the HyperTransport
© 2013 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 46112 AMD RS880 Databook 1.40 Proprietary 2-1
Figure 2-1 RS880 Internal Block Diagram
interface. For a detailed description of the interface, please refer to the
interface. This section presents
Host Interface
HT Interface to CPU (PHY)
Root Complex
Memory Controller
Data Link Layer
Protocol/Transacti o n La ye r
HyperTransport I/O Link Specification from the HyperTransport Consortium. Figure 2-2, “Host Interface Block
Diagram,” illustrates the basic blocks of the host bus interface of the RS880.
Figure 2-2 Host Interface Block Diagram
The HyperTransport (HT) Interface, formerly known as the LDT (Lightning Data Transport) interface, is a high speed, packet-based link implemented on two unidirectional buses. It is a point-to-point interface where data can flow both upstream and downstream at the same time. The commands, addresses, and data travel in packets on the HyperTransport link. Lengths of packets are in multiples of four bytes. The HT link consists of three parts: the physical layer (PHY), the data link layer, and the protocol/transaction layer. The PHY is the physical interface between the RS880 and the CPU. The data link layer includes the initialization and configuration sequences, periodic redundancy checks, connect/disconnect sequences, and information packet flow controls. The protocol layer is responsible for maintaining strict ordering rules defined by the HT protocol.
The RS880 HyperTransport bus interface consists of eighteen unidirectional differential data/control pairs and two differential clock pairs in each of the upstream and downstream direction. On power up, the HT link is 8-bit wide and runs at a default speed of 400MT/s. After negotiation, carried out by the HW and SW together, the link width can be brought up to 16-bit and the interface can run up to 4.4GT/s. The interface is illustrated in Figure 2-3, “RS880 Host Bus Interface
Signals.” The signal name and direction for each signal is shown with respect to the processor. Note that the signal names
may be different from those used in the pin listing of the RS880. Detailed descriptions of the signals are given in section
3.3, “CPU HyperTransport™ Interface‚’ on page 3-5.
46112 AMD RS880 Databook 1.40 © 2013 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 2-2 Proprietary
Side-Port Memory Interface
2 2
2 2
2 2

2.2 Side-Port Memory Interface

In order to significantly decrease system power and increase graphics performance, the RS880 provides an optional side-port memory interface for dedicated frame buffer memory, to be used exclusively for the integrated graphics core. The side-port memory interface can significantly reduce system power by allowing the CPU to stay in its lowest power state during periods of inactivity. Screen refreshes are fetched from the side-port memory, and there is no need to "wake up" the CPU to fetch screen refresh data.
The RS880 memory controller is unique and highly optimized. It operates in 16-bit mode at very high speed (up to DDR2-800 and DDR3-1200), and has a programmable interleaved mode that significantly increases the memory bandwidth and reduces data latency to the integrated graphics core. The additional bandwidth provided to the internal graphics core will also aid the RS880 in reaching and exceeding Microsoft's Windows Vista requirements.

2.2.1 DDR2 Memory Interface

Figure 2-4, “RS880 Side-Port Memory Interface,” on page 2-4 illustrates the side-port memory interface of the RS880.
RS880 memory controller features and limitations:
Supports a single memory device up to 128MB of physical size. However, as the memory interface is
optimized for a 64MB local frame buffer, the system BIOS will downsize the side-port memory if a 128MB memory device is populated.
Controls a single rank of DDR2 devices in 16-bit memory configuration.
Supports device sizes of 256, 512, and 1024 Mbits, and a device width of x16.
As the memory controller supplies only one chip select signal, only devices with one chip selec t are supp orte d.
A wide range of DDR2 timing parameters, configurations, and loadings are programmable via the RS880
memory controller configuration registers.
Figure 2-3 RS880 Host Bus Interface Signals
Premium logo
© 2013 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 46112 AMD RS880 Databook 1.40 Proprietary 2-3
Data Mask MEM_DM[1:0]
Data MEM_DQ[15:0]
RS880 Side-Port Memory
Data Strobes MEM_DQS[1:0]P/N
Un-buffered DDR2 SDRAM
Differential Clocks MEM_CKP/MEM_CKN
Address MEM_A[13:0]
Chip Select MEM_CS#
On-Die Termination MEM_ODT
Bank Address MEM_BA[2:0]
Side-Port Memory Interface
Figure 2-4 RS880 Side-Port Memory Interface Supported DDR2 Components
The memory controller supports DDR2 SDRAM chips in several configurations. These chips are organized in banks, rows (or pages), and columns. The supported DDR2 components have four or eight banks. Table 2-1 lists the supported memory components.
Table 2-1 Supported DDR2 Components
Config Mbits CS Mode Bank Bits Row Bits Col Bits
16Mbx16 256 4 2 13 9 32 32Mbx16 512 10 2 13 10 64 64Mbx16 1024 11 3 13 10 128
Mbytes Row and Column Addressing
Table 2-2 shows how the physical address P (after taking out the bank bit) is used to provide the row and column
addressing for each size of DDR2 memories.
Table 2-2 DDR2 Memory Row and Column Addressing
A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0
Row P10 P14 P13 P12 P11 P22 P21 P20 P19 P18 P17 P16 P15 Column - - PC - P9P8P7P6P5P4P3 P2 P1
Row P23 P14 P13 P12 P11 P22 P21 P20 P19 P18 P17 P16 P15 Column - - PCP10P9P8P7P6P5P4P3 P2 P1
16Mbx16 devices
32Mbx16 devices
46112 AMD RS880 Databook 1.40 © 2013 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 2-4 Proprietary
Side-Port Memory Interface
A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0
Row Column
Row Column Note: PC = precharge flag
P23 P14 P13 P12 P11 P22 P21 P20 P19 P18 P17 P16 P15
- - PC P10 P9 P8 P7 P6 P5 P4 P3 P2 P1
P24 P23 P14 P13 P12 P11 P22 P21 P20 P19 P18 P17 P16 P15
- - PC P10 P9 P8 P7 P6 P5 P4 P3 P2 P1

2.2.2 DDR3 Memory Interface

RS880 memory controller features and limitations:
Supports a single memory device up to 128MB of physical size. However, as the memory interface is
optimized for a 64MB local frame buffer, the system BIOS will downsize the side-port memory if a 128MB memory device is populated.
Supports a single rank of DDR3 device in 16-bit memory configuration.
Supports device sizes of 512 and 1024 Mbits, and a device width of x16.
64Mbx16 devices
128Mbx16 devices
A wide range of DDR3 timing parameters, configurations, and loadings are programmable via the RS880 memory
controller configuration registers. Supported DDR3 Components
The memory controller supports DDR3 SDRAM chips in several configurations. These chips are organized in banks, rows (or pages), and columns. Table 2-3 lists the supported memory components.
Table 2-3 Supported DDR3 Components
Config Mbits CS Mode Bank Bits Row Bits Col Bits
32Mbx16 512 9 3 12 10 64 64Mbx16 1024 11 3 13 10 128 Row and Column Addressing
Table 2-4 shows how the physical address P (after taking out the bank bit) is used to provide the row and column
addressing for each size of DDR3 memories.
Table 2-4 DDR3 Memory Row and Column Addressing
A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0
32Mbx16 devices
Row P23 P14 P13 P12 P11 P22 P21 P20 P19 P18 P17 P16 P15 Column - - PCP10P9P8P7P6P5P4P3 P2 P1
64Mbx16 devices
Row P23 P14 P13 P12 P1 1 P22 P21 P20 P19 P18 P17 P16 P15 Column - - PC P10 P9 P8 P7 P6 P5 P4 P3 P2 P1
Note: PC = precharge flag
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