AMD RS780, RS780C, RS780D, RS780M, RS780E Register Programming Requirements

AMD 780G Family
Register Programming Requirements
For the RS780, RS780C, RS780D, RS780M, RS780E, RS780MC, and RX781
Technical Reference Manual
Rev. 1.01
P/N: 43291_rs780_rpr_pub_1.01
© 2009 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, AMD Athlon, ATI, Mobility, PowerPlay, CrossFire, Radeon, and combinations thereof, are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
HyperTransport is a licensed trademark of the HyperTransport Technology Consortium.
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Other product names used in this publication are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective companies.
The contents of this document are provided in connection with Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. ("AMD") products. AMD makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this publication and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. No license, whether express, implied, arising by estoppel, or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights are granted by this publication. Except as set forth in AMD's Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale, AMD assumes no liability whatsoever, and disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to its products including, but not limited to, the implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or infringement of any intellectual property right.
AMD's products are not designed, intended, authorized or warranted for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or in other applications intended to support or sustain life, or in any other application in which the failure of AMD's product could create a situation where personal injury, death, or severe property or environmental damage may occur. AMD reserves the right to discontinue or make changes to its products at any time without notice.
© 2009 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 About This Manual .............................................................................................................................................................1-1
Chapter 2: I/O Control (IOC)
2.1 RS780 Device Mapping ......................................................................................................................................................2-1
2.2 RS780 Device IDs...............................................................................................................................................................2-1
2.3 Configuration Access to RS780 Device Registers..............................................................................................................2-2
2.3.1 Using CF8/CFC I/O Pair ......................................................................................................................................2-2
2.3.2 Using BAR3 Memory Mapped Register Access..................................................................................................2-2
2.4 General RS780 IOC Programming After Boot-Up.............................................................................................................2-3
2.5 Miscellaneous IOC Features Programming ........................................................................................................................2-4
2.5.1 Power Management Register Access Setup .........................................................................................................2-4
2.5.2 S3 PME_Turn_Off/PME_To_Ack Sequence.......................................................................................................2-4
2.5.3 Disabling Internal Graphics..................................................................................................................................2-4
2.5.4 GFX MSI Enable..................................................................................................................................................2-4
2.5.5 Disabling Bus0 Device 3 PCI Bridge (Secondary External PCIE Graphics).......................................................2-4
2.5.6 Disabling Bus0 Device 3 PCI Bridges (Dev2, Dev4 to Dev7, Dev9-Dev10) ......................................................2-4
2.6 Broadcast CPU Requests to Dual External Graphics PCIE Devices ..................................................................................2-5
2.7 Enabling/Disabling Peer-To-Peer Traffic Access...............................................................................................................2-6
2.8 Enabling/Disabling MVPU .................................................................................................................................................2-6
2.9 IOC Dynamic Clock Setup .................................................................................................................................................2-6
2.10 Interrupt Mapping .............................................................................................................................................................2-7
2.11 GSM Enable......................................................................................................................................................................2-7
Chapter 3: Clock Settings
3.1 SBIOS Memory Clock Initialization...................................................................................................................................3-1
3.1.1 UMA Mode ..........................................................................................................................................................3-1
3.1.2 Side-Port Async Mode .........................................................................................................................................3-1
3.2 Memory Clock Changes For POWERPLAY......................................................................................................................3-3
3.3 Switching Back From PM Mode to Nominal Mode ...........................................................................................................3-4
3.4 Power Saving Settings ........................................................................................................................................................3-5
3.4.1 Enabling Dynamic Clocks ...................................................................................................................................3-5
3.4.2 Powering Down Efuse and Strap Block Clocks After Boot-Up...........................................................................3-5
3.4.3 Powering Down Graphics Core and Memory Clocks in Northbridge-Only Mode ..............................................3-6
3.4.4 Powering Down IOC GFX Clock in No External Graphics Mode ......................................................................3-6
3.4.5 PWM Controller ...................................................................................................................................................3-6
3.5 DOS Mode Power Saving ...................................................................................................................................................3-7
3.6 HTPLL VCO Mode Setting ................................................................................................................................................3-7
Chapter 4: Memory Initialization
4.1 Memory Initialization .........................................................................................................................................................4-1
Chapter 5: PCIE Initialization
5.1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................................................................5-1
5.2 PCI Express Configuration Space.......................................................................................................................................5-1
5.2.1 PCIE Port Configuration Space............................................................................................................................5-1
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5.2.2 PCIE Core Index Space ....................................................................................................................................... 5-2
5.2.3 PCIE Port Index Space ........................................................................................................................................ 5-2
5.2.4 PCIE Extended Configuration Space................................................................................................................... 5-2
5.3 Power-On and Reset State.................................................................................................................................................. 5-4
5.4 PCIE GFX Configurations ................................................................................................................................................. 5-4
5.4.1 PCIE Modes Only................................................................................................................................................ 5-4
5.4.2 DDI Modes Only ................................................................................................................................................. 5-5
5.4.3 PCIE and DDI Combined Modes ........................................................................................................................ 5-6
5.5 PCIE GPPSB Configurations ............................................................................................................................................. 5-6
5.5.1 Device Remapping............................................................................................................................................... 5-7
5.5.2 Default Configuration E (STRAP_BIF_LINK_CONFIG_GPPSB = 4’b0100) .................................................. 5-7
5.5.3 Configuration A (STRAP_BIF_LINK_CONFIG_GPPSB = 4’b0000) .............................................................. 5-8
5.5.4 Configuration B (STRAP_BIF_LINK_CONFIG_GPPSB = 4’b0001)............................................................... 5-8
5.5.5 Configuration C (STRAP_BIF_LINK_CONFIG_GPPSB = 4’b0010)............................................................... 5-8
5.5.6 Configuration D (STRAP_BIF_LINK_CONFIG_GPPSB = 4’b0011) .............................................................. 5-8
5.5.7 Switching GPPSB Configurations....................................................................................................................... 5-9
5.6 PCIE GPP Configurations................................................................................................................................................ 5-10
5.6.1 Default Configuration D .................................................................................................................................... 5-10
5.6.2 Configuration C ................................................................................................................................................. 5-10
5.7 PCIE Link Training Sequence...........................................................................................................................................5-11
5.8 Overall PCIE Programming Sequence ............................................................................................................................. 5-13
5.9 PCIE-GFX Core Initialization.......................................................................................................................................... 5-14
5.9.1 REFCLK Options .............................................................................................................................................. 5-14
5.9.2 Lane Reversal (CMOS Option - Disabled by Default)...................................................................................... 5-15
5.9.3 GFX Overclocking............................................................................................................................................. 5-15
5.9.4 Reset PCIE-GFX Core....................................................................................................................................... 5-16
5.9.5 Reset PCIE-GFX Slot ........................................................................................................................................ 5-16
5.9.6 Delay Training Option (CMOS Option – Default 2ms) ................................................................................... 5-16
5.9.7 Transmitter Drive Strength (CMOS Option – Default 22mA) .......................................................................... 5-16
5.9.8 Program PCIE Memory Mapped Configuration Space ..................................................................................... 5-17
5.9.9 GEN1 Software Compliance (CMOS Option – Disabled by Default) .............................................................. 5-17
5.9.10 GEN2 Software Compliance (CMOS Option – Disabled by Default) .............................................................. 5-18
5.9.11 De-Emphasis Strength -3.5dB/-6dB in GEN2 (CMOS Option - Disabled by Default) .................................... 5-18
5.9.12 Core Initialization .............................................................................................................................................. 5-19
5.9.13 Autonomous GEN2 Speed Change (CMOS Option – Disabled by Default) .................................................... 5-21
5.9.14 Link Training ..................................................................................................................................................... 5-22
5.9.15 Power Down Control ......................................................................................................................................... 5-22
5.9.16 Software Initiated Speed Change to GEN2 (CMOS Option – Disabled by Default)
5.9.17 Active State Power Management (ASPM) ........................................................................................................ 5-31
5.9.18 Clock Gating...................................................................................................................................................... 5-34
5.10 PCIE-GPPSB and PCIE-GPP Cores Initialization......................................................................................................... 5-35
5.10.1 REFCLK Options .............................................................................................................................................. 5-35
5.10.2 Lane Reversal (CMOS Option – Disabled by Default) ..................................................................................... 5-35
5.10.3 Transmitter Drive Strength (CMOS Option – Disabled 22mA)........................................................................ 5-37
5.10.4 Reset PCIE-GPP Slot......................................................................................................................................... 5-37
5.10.5 GEN1 Software Compliance (CMOS Option – Disabled by Default) .............................................................. 5-37
5.10.6 GEN2 Software Compliance (CMOS Option – Disabled by Default) .............................................................. 5-38
5.10.7 De-Emphasis Strength -3.5dB/-6dB in GEN2 (CMOS Option - Disabled by Default) .................................... 5-39
5.10.8 Core Initialization .............................................................................................................................................. 5-40
5.10.9 Device Remapping............................................................................................................................................. 5-43
5.10.10 Dynamic Slave CPL Buffer Allocation (CMOS Option – Enabled by Default) ............................................... 5-43
5.10.11 Autonomous GEN2 Speed Change (CMOS Option – Disabled by Default) .................................................... 5-45
5.10.12 Link Training ..................................................................................................................................................... 5-46
5.10.13 Power Down Control ......................................................................................................................................... 5-46
........................................ 5-29
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5.10.14 Software Initiated Speed Change to GEN2 (CMOS Option – Disabled by Default).........................................5-49
5.10.15 Active State Power Management (ASPM).........................................................................................................5-51
5.10.16 Clock Gating.......................................................................................................................................................5-54
5.10.17 Non-Posted VC1 Traffic Support on SB Link (CMOS Option – Disabled by Default) ....................................5-55
5.11 Dynamic Link Width Control (CMOS Option – Disabled by Default) ..........................................................................5-56
5.12 PCI Enumeration and Special Features Programming Sequence ...................................................................................5-59
5.12.1 PCI Enumeration ................................................................................................................................................5-59
5.12.2 Program the Common Clock Configuration.......................................................................................................5-59
5.12.3 Slot Power Limit (CMOS Option - Default 75W) .............................................................................................5-59
5.12.4 Update Hot-Plug Info .........................................................................................................................................5-59
5.12.5 Disable Immediate Timeout on Link Down .......................................................................................................5-59
5.12.6 Register Locking ................................................................................................................................................5-60
5.12.7 Optional Features................................................................................................................................................5-60
5.12.8 Dynamic Link Width Control.............................................................................................................................5-60
5.12.9 Special Features Programming Sequence ..........................................................................................................5-60
Chapter 6: Graphics Core Settings
6.1 Bus Interface (BIF) .............................................................................................................................................................6-1
6.2 DEVICE_IDs, MAJOR_REV_IDs, MINOR_REV_IDs....................................................................................................6-1
6.3 CFG_ATI_REV_ID ............................................................................................................................................................6-1
6.4 GFX_DEBUG_BAR...........................................................................................................................................................6-1
6.5 Gpuioreg BAR For Accessing nbconfig Registers (A12)...................................................................................................6-2
6.6 Initialization ........................................................................................................................................................................6-2
6.7 Master Abort Status ............................................................................................................................................................6-3
6.8 HDP/MC Write Combiner ..................................................................................................................................................6-3
6.9 Graphics UMA FB Size ......................................................................................................................................................6-3
6.10 Suggested FB Interleaving Ratios.....................................................................................................................................6-4
Chapter 7: PCIE Initialization for DDI
7.1 PCIE Modes ........................................................................................................................................................................7-1
7.1.1 Case 1: PCIE 1x16 GFX.......................................................................................................................................7-1
7.1.2 Case 2: PCIE 1x8 GFX on Lanes 0-7...................................................................................................................7-1
7.1.3 Case 3: PCIE 1x8 GFX on Lanes 8-15.................................................................................................................7-2
7.1.4 Case 4: PCIE 2x8 .................................................................................................................................................7-3
7.1.5 Case 5: PCIE 1x4 GPP on Lanes 0-3 ..................................................................................................................7-3
7.1.6 Case 6: PCIE 1x4 GPP on Lanes 4-7 ..................................................................................................................7-3
7.1.7 Case 7: PCIE 1x4 GPP on Lanes 8-11 ................................................................................................................7-3
7.1.8 Case 8: PCIE 1x4 GPP on Lanes 12-15 ...............................................................................................................7-3
7.1.9 Case 9: PCIE 2x4 GPPs on Lanes 0-7..................................................................................................................7-4
7.1.10 Case 10: PCIE 1x4 GPP on Lanes 0-3 and 1x4 GPP on Lanes 8-11 ...................................................................7-5
7.1.11 Case 11: PCIE 1x4 GPP on Lanes 0-3 and 1x4 GPP on Lanes 12-15 .................................................................7-5
7.1.12 Case 12: PCIE 1x4 GPP on Lanes 4-7 and 1x8 GFX on Lanes 8-15...................................................................7-5
7.1.13 Case 13: PCIE 2x4 GPPs on Lanes 8-15..............................................................................................................7-5
7.1.14 Case 14: PCIE 1x8 GFX on Lanes 0-7 and 1x4 GPP on Lanes 8-11...................................................................7-7
7.1.15 Case 15: PCIE 1x8 GFX on Lanes 0-7 and 1x4 GPP on Lanes 12-15.................................................................7-7
7.1.16 Case 16: PCIE 1x8 GFX on Lanes 8-15 and 1x4 GPP on Lanes 4-7...................................................................7-9
7.1.17 Case 17: PCIE 1x4 GPP on Lanes 0-3 and 1x8 GFX on Lanes 8-15.................................................................7-10
7.2 DDI Modes........................................................................................................................................................................7-11
7.2.1 DDI Programming Sequence..............................................................................................................................7-11
7.2.2 Initialization Sequence .......................................................................................................................................7-14
7.2.3 Adjustable PHY Parameters for Better Quality Display ....................................................................................7-43
7.3 PCIE + DDI Modes...........................................................................................................................................................7-45
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Chapter 8: HTIU Settings
8.1 HT Link Initialization......................................................................................................................................................... 8-1
8.2 HTIU Indirect Register Space ............................................................................................................................................ 8-1
8.3 CPU Register Access ......................................................................................................................................................... 8-1
8.3.1 Normal Registers ................................................................................................................................................. 8-1
8.3.2 PHY Dataport Register Access............................................................................................................................ 8-1
8.4 Changing to High-Speed Mode.......................................................................................................................................... 8-1
8.4.1 Identifying Supported HT Frequencies ............................................................................................................... 8-1
8.4.2 Changing to High-Speed HyperTransport 1 Mode.............................................................................................. 8-2
8.4.3 Changing to HyperTransport 3 Mode.................................................................................................................. 8-2
8.4.4 HT Link Width + LVM Support.......................................................................................................................... 8-5
8.5 Workarounds ..................................................................................................................................................................... 8-5
8.5.1 LPC DMA Deadlock ........................................................................................................................................... 8-5
8.5.2 CPU Access To UMA Memory Deadlock .......................................................................................................... 8-6
8.6 HT Register Settings .......................................................................................................................................................... 8-6
8.6.1 HT General Register Settings .............................................................................................................................. 8-6
8.6.2 UnitID Clumping ................................................................................................................................................. 8-7
8.6.3 Isochronous Flow-Control Mode......................................................................................................................... 8-7
8.6.4 AMD Family 10h Processor Buffer Allocation Settings .................................................................................... 8-8
8.6.5 AMD Family 11h Buffer Allocation Settings ................................................................................................... 8-17
8.6.6 K8 Buffer Allocation Settings (Special Settings For UMA Mode)................................................................... 8-24
8.6.7 Additional UMA Settings .................................................................................................................................. 8-24
8.6.8 Transmitter Deemphasis ................................................................................................................................... 8-25
8.7 Power Management Settings............................................................................................................................................ 8-25
8.7.1 AMD Family 10h PMM Programming ............................................................................................................. 8-25
8.7.2 AMD Family 11h PMM Programming ............................................................................................................. 8-25
8.8 K8 PMM Programming.................................................................................................................................................... 8-25
8.8.1 K8 PMM1 Programming ................................................................................................................................... 8-26
8.8.2 Low-Power HyperTransport Features ............................................................................................................... 8-26
8.8.3 ATIVumaSysInfoRev3 Programming ............................................................................................................... 8-28
8.8.4 Generalized Stutter Mode .................................................................................................................................. 8-29
8.9 Programming Guidelines.................................................................................................................................................. 8-29
8.9.1 Debug Menu Features........................................................................................................................................ 8-29
Chapter 9: CLMC Programming
9.1 Global CLMC Settings....................................................................................................................................................... 9-1
9.1.1 CLMC Enable...................................................................................................................................................... 9-1
9.1.2 Default Inactive Lane State ................................................................................................................................. 9-1
9.2 Capability Registers ........................................................................................................................................................... 9-2
9.2.1 Programming Sequence ....................................................................................................................................... 9-2
9.3 Sub-Feature Registers ........................................................................................................................................................ 9-3
9.3.1 Programming the NBMCIND Registers.............................................................................................................. 9-3
9.4 CLMC Control Features..................................................................................................................................................... 9-4
9.4.1 CDLD (Centralized Dynamic Link Disconnection) ............................................................................................ 9-4
9.4.2 CDLC (Centralized Dynamic Link Configuration) ............................................................................................. 9-4
9.4.3 CDLW (Centralized Dynamic Link Width) ........................................................................................................ 9-9
9.5 CLMC Refresh Features..................................................................................................................................................... 9-9
9.5.1 CDLR (Centralized Disconnected Link Refresh)................................................................................................ 9-9
9.5.2 CILR (Centralized Inactive Lane Refresh).......................................................................................................... 9-9
9.6 CLMC Stutter Mode......................................................................................................................................................... 9-10
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Appendix A: Revision History
A.1 Rev. 1.06 (June 2009) ....................................................................................................................................................... A-1
A.2 Rev. 1.05 (April 2009) ...................................................................................................................................................... A-1
A.3 Rev. 1.04 (Jan 2009) ......................................................................................................................................................... A-1
A.4 Rev. 1.03 (June 2008) ....................................................................................................................................................... A-2
A.5 Rev 1.02 (February 2008) ................................................................................................................................................. A-3
A.6 Rev 1.01 (August 2007) .................................................................................................................................................... A-4
A.7 Rev 1.00 (June 2007) ........................................................................................................................................................ A-5
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1.1 About This Manual
This document is intended for BIOS engineers designing BIOSes for systems based on AMD’s 780G family of northbridges. It describes the register programming requirements needed to ensure the proper functioning of the 780G ASIC. Use this document in conjunction with the related AMD 780G Family Register Reference Guide and AMD 780G
Family BIOS Developer’s Guide.
Unless indicated otherwise, the programming information in this document applies to the following 780G variants (note that Chapter 9 only applies to 780G mobile variants):
RS780 (AMD 780G)
RS780C (AMD 780V)
RS780D (AMD 790GX)
RS780E (AMD 780E)
RS780M (AMD M780G)
RS780MC (AMD M780V)
RX781 (AMD M770) (Chapter 6 does not apply to the RX781 variant)
Some of the settings indicated in this document are workarounds for items that are expected to be solved in subsequent ASIC revisions. This document will therefore be updated as frequently as required.
Chapter 1
Changes and additions to the previous release of this document are highlighted in red. Refer to Appendix A: Revision
History at the end of this document for a detailed revision history.
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About This Manual
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2.1 RS780 Device Mapping
The RS780 has the following devices:
Bus0Dev0Fun0: Host bridge
Bus0Dev0Fun1: Clock control
Bus0Dev1: Internal graphics P2P bridge
Bus0Dev2: PCIE P2P bridge (external graphics)
Bus0Dev3: PCIE P2P bridge (external graphics)
Bus0Dev4: PCIE P2P bridge
Bus0Dev5: PCIE P2P bridge
Bus0Dev6: PCIE P2P bridge
Bus0Dev7: PCIE P2P bridge
Bus0Dev9: PCIE P2P bridge
Bus0Dev10: PCIE P2P bridge
Bus0Dev8: NB/SB Link P2P bridge (hidden by default)
Note: Each device has a P2P bridge header, except Dev0, which has a PCI device header.
2.2 RS780 Device IDs
Table 2-1 RS780 Device IDs
Chapter 2
I/O Control (IOC)
Register RS780 RS780C RS780M RS780MC Description
NB_DEVICE_ID<nbcfg:0X02>DEVICE_ID [15:0] 0x9600 Northbridge configuration space ID
APC_DEVICE_ID<APCCFG:0x02>DEVICE_ID [15:0] 0x9602 Internal PCI-PCI bridge ID
0x9603 External GFX - port 0
0x960B External GFX - port 1
0x9610 0x9611 0x9612 0x9613 Internal graphics
0x9604 PCI-PCI bridge - Port 0
0x9605 PCI-PCI bridge - Port 1
0x9606 PCI-PCI bridge - Port 2
0x9607 PCI-PCI bridge - Port 3
0x9608 PCI-PCI bridge - Port 4
0x9609 PCI-PCI bridge - Port 5
0x960A PCI-PCI bridge (SB)
0x960F HD Audio controller
0x791A HDMI Audio codec
© 2009 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. AMD 780G Register Programming Requirements 1.01
Configuration Access to RS780 Device Registers
2.3 Configuration Access to RS780 Device Registers
Configuration access to the RS780 can be accomplished through one of the following two methods described in sections
2.3.1 and 2.3.2 below.
2.3.1 Using CF8/CFC I/O Pair
This method works for all registers of Dev0 and Dev1, and all PCI registers of Dev2 to Dev10. This method DOES NOT work for PCIE extended registers of Dev2 to Dev10. The address mapping follows the standard PCI specification:
Addr[11:8] = FunNum
Addr[15:12] = DevNum
Addr[23:16] = BusNum
Addr[7:2] = RegNum
Note: For conventional CF8/CFC IO pair configuration access, the first IO write to CF8 (which is a register index access), has to set Data[31] to indicate that this is a configuration access. Otherwise, it will be treated as a regular IO cycle.
2.3.2 Using BAR3 Memory Mapped Register Access
This method works for all PCI registers of Dev0, all PCI registers, and PCIE extended registers of Dev2 to Dev8. The address mapping follows the PCIE specification:
Addr[14:12] = FunNum
Addr[19:15] = DevNum
Addr[11:2] = RegNum (Addr[11:8] is an extended register field)
Addr[20 + n-1:20] = BusNum *
Addr[33:20 + n] = Reserved for BAR3 match *
* Note: ‘n’ indicates how many bits are allocated for the bus number. This value is decided by nbcfg0x84[18:16]. These
relations are listed in Table 2-2 below:
Table 2-2 nbcfg0x84[18:16] Relations
nbcfg0x84[18:16] n
3’b001 1
3’b010 2
3’b011 3
3’b100 4
3’b101 5
3’b110 6
3’b111 7
3’b000 8
The programming procedure to enable BAR3 is as follows:
Step 1: Enable BAR3 register access (set nbcfg0x7C[30])
Step 2: Program BAR3 bus range (nbcfg0x84[18:16]).
Step 3: Program the BAR3 register (nbcfg0x1C[31:21] and nbcfg0x20[1:0])
Step 4: Enable BAR3 decoding (set htiunbind 0x32[28]).
Note: nbcfg0x20 is the BAR3 memory upper address register (above 4G). The RS780 could support memory up to 16G, so this register must be set correctly.
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2.4 General RS780 IOC Programming After Boot-Up
After system boot-up, all registers should keep the default values.
The BIOS starts the bus enumeration, and detects the following: Bus0Dev0Fun0, Dev0Fun1, Dev1Fun0, Dev1Fun1, Dev2Fun0, Dev3Fun0, Dev4Fun0, Dev5Fun0, Dev6Fun0, Dev7Fun0. Then, for all of these PCI device headers or P2P device headers, the BIOS enables IOSpace (0x04[0]) and MemSpaceEn (0x04[1]). It also defines the primary bus number, the secondary bus number, and the subordinate bus number.
The following registers in Table 2-3 need to be programmed after boot-up. Note: After boot-up to Windows occurs, the IOC register default values follow the values in this table.
Table 2-3 Expected Register Values
Register Offset Expected Value
NB_BAR1_RCRB nbcfg0x14 32’hxxxx_xxxx
NB_BAR2_PM2 nbcfg0x18 32’hxxxx_xxxx
NB_BAR3_PCIEXP_MMCFG nbcfg0x1C 32’hxxxx_xxxx
NB_BAR3_UPPER_PCIEXP_MMCFG nbcfg0x20 32’h0000_000x
NB_PCI_CTRL nbcfg0x4C 32’h0000_0000_0x00_01x1_0010_0000_1100_00xx
NB_IO_CFG_CNTL nbcfg0x7C 32’h4000_0000
NB_PCI_ARB nbcfg0x84 32’b0000_0000_0000_0xxx_0000_00xx_1001_0101
IOC_DMA_ARBITER nbmisc0x09 32’hxxxx_xxxx
IOC_PCIE_CSR_COUNT nbmisc0x0A 32’hxxxx_xxxx
IOC_PCIE_CNTL nbmisc0x0B 32’h0000_0180
IOC_P2P_CNTL nbmisc0x0C 32’b0000_0000_0000_0000_0xx1_0111_xxxx_xx00
CMP_MSK_EOB nbmisc0x0D 32’hxxxx_xxxx
IOC_DMA_ARBITER nbmisc0x0E 32’hxxxx_xxxx
IOC_DMA_ARBITER nbmisc0x0F 32’hxxxx_xxxx
IOC_DMA_ARBITER nbmisc0x11 32’hxxxx_xxxx
NB_TOM_PCI nbmisc0x16 32’hxxxx_000x
NB_MMIOBASE nbmisc0x17 32’h0000_0000
NB_MMIOLIMIT nbmisc0x18 32’h0000_0000
NB_BROADCAST_BASE_LO nbmisc0x3A 32’hxxx0_0000
NB_BROADCAST_BASE_HI nbmisc0x3B 32’h0000_000x
NB_BROADCAST_CNTL nbmisc0x3C 32’hxxxx_xxxx
IOC_PCIE_D2_CNTL nbmisc0x51 32’h0010_0100
IOC_PCIE_D3_CNTL nbmisc0x53 32’h0010_0100
IOC_PCIE_D4_CNTL nbmisc0x55 32’h0010_0100
IOC_PCIE_D5_CNTL nbmisc0x57 32’h0010_0100
IOC_PCIE_D6_CNTL nbmisc0x59 32’h0010_0100
IOC_PCIE_D7_CNTL nbmisc0x5B 32’h0010_0100
IOC_PCIE_D9_CNTL nbmisc0x5D 32’h0010_0100
IOC_PCIE_D10_CNTL nbmisc0x5F 32’h0010_0100
NB_IOC_DEBUG nbmisc0x1 32’h0000_0048
General RS780 IOC Programming After Boot-Up
© 2009 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. AMD 780G Register Programming Requirements 1.01
Miscellaneous IOC Features Programming
2.5 Miscellaneous IOC Features Programming
2.5.1 Power Management Register Access Setup
BAR2 is used to access the Power Management registers. The programming procedure to setup BAR2 is as follows:
Step 1: Enable BAR2 register access (set nbcfg0x4C[17]).
Step 2: Program the BAR2 register (assign values to nbcfg0x18[31:5]). A 32 bytes IO space is reserved for
BAR2(ACPI PM) registers.
Step 3: Enable BAR2 decoding (set nbcfg0x84[7]).
Note: The above programming procedure is necessary before enabling ACPI. BAR2 is a memory mapped IO base register that could be used to reserve some space for the ACPI registers. After BAR2 is setup, IO access which address matches BAR[31:5] should be treated as ACPI register access, and Addr[4:0] is used as the register offset. The current offset 0x00 and 0x04 are used, as PM2_CNTL and PM1_Status, respectively.
2.5.2 S3 PME_Turn_Off/PME_To_Ack Sequence
No programming is required in the RS780. However, a backup sequence is required in case there is a mis-communication between the northbridge and the southbridge.
2.5.3 Disabling Internal Graphics
Internal graphics disabling is controlled by an efuse bit, but may also be disabled by writing 1 to register nbcfg0x7C[0] (NBCFG.NB_IOC_CFG_CNTL[0])
2.5.4 GFX MSI Enable
The SBIOS must enable internal graphics MSI capability in GCCFG by setting the following:
The OS will determine if MSI’s are supported by the system, and if so, the OS will set the following:
Note: At the time of this writing, to enable MSI in Vista, set the registry key as follows:
2.5.5 Disabling Bus0 Device 3 PCI Bridge (Secondary External PCIE Graphics)
Set nbmiscind0x0C[3] to disable Bus0 Device3 register access and decoding. Note: An efuse called CrossFireDisable is also used that could disable Device 3. Either bit as 1 would disable device 3.
2.5.6 Disabling Bus0 Device 3 PCI Bridges (Dev2, Dev4 to Dev7, Dev9-Dev10)
Set any bit according to the information in Table 2-4:
Table 2-4 Disabling Bus0 Device3 PCI Bridges Settings
Devices Bit Settings
Bus0 Device2 nbmiscind 0x0C[2]
Bus0 Device4 nbmiscind 0x0C[4]
Bus0 Device5 nbmiscind 0x0C[5]
Bus0 Device6 nbmiscind 0x0C[6]
Bus0 Device7 nbmiscind 0x0C[7]
Bus0 Device9 nbmiscind 0x0C[16]
Bus0 Device10 nbmiscind 0x0C[17]
AMD 780G Register Programming Requirements 1.01 © 2009 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 2-4
Broadcast CPU Requests to Dual External Graphics PCIE Devices
2.6 Broadcast CPU Requests to Dual External Graphics PCIE Devices
Figure 2-1 describes the algorithm for address translation and broadcast:
Figure 2-1 Address Translation And Broadcast
The Address Translation and Broadcast Algorithm is as follows:
Broadcast_Address = input_address[63:0] – {BROADCAST_BASE[63:20], 20’b0} +
{Bridge_Prefetchable_BASE[63:20], 20’h} + {32’h0, BROADCAST_OFFSET[31:12], 12’h0}.
Input_address refers the request address IOC received from CPU.
BROADCAST_BASE refers to the broadcast memory range start address.
Bridge_Prefetchable_BASE refers to external graphics device memory range start address.
BROADCAST_OFFSET is the offset between translated broadcast base address and bridge Prefetchable_BASE
Two broadcast addresses are obtained by applying two Bridge_Prefetchable_BASE addresses from the two PCI configuration space. Therefore, a single CPU memory write request could be translated and redirected to two external graphics devices by IOC. Note that this address translation and broadcast algorithm is only applicable to CPU memory write requests. For CPU memory read requests, the address translation to the primary graphics device is performed using the above equation, and the request is only forwarded to the primary graphics devices since only one response is expected by the CPU.
The 32-bit registers are defined as follows:
[63:20] GPU_FB_BROADCAST_BASE // 1M aligned broadcast address
[31:12] GPU_FB_BROADCAST_OFFSET // 4K aligned broadcast offset address
[11:11] GPU_FB_BROADCAST_EN // Enable broadcast feature
0 = Lower device/port#
1 = Higher device/port#
[07:00] GPU_FB_BROADCAST_SIZE // Size (8MB)
If enabled, and the address is in range (address -> address + size), then the broadcast memory writes to both ports.
Broadcast only works for applicable memory writes, and applicable reads will be sent to the primary device only.
Broadcast is enabled when the enable bit is set, when both device 2 and device 3 bridges are enabled, and when the
memory space is enabled.
The broadcast memory range should not conflict with any existing P2P memory range, or any BAR memory range.
Broadcast address = input_address[63:0] - {GPU_FB_BROADCASE_BASE[63:20], 20'h0} +
{bridge_prefetchable_bar[63:20], 20'h0}
+ { 32'h0, GPU_FB_BROADCAST_OFFSET[31:12], 12'h0}
Address [63:34] does not need to be checked since they are not used (the RS780 supports up to 16G memory space)
© 2009 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. AMD 780G Register Programming Requirements 1.01
Enabling/Disabling Peer-To-Peer Traffic Access
2.7 Enabling/Disabling Peer-To-Peer Traffic Access
The P2P master could be any device from the southbridge, devices connected behind P2P bridge 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,9 and 10. The P2P targets could be devices connected behind P2P bridge 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,9, 10. The southbridge cannot be a target for trusted-PC purposes. The P2P traffic could be only memory writes. After bootup, by default all P2P traffic listed above should be enabled. In order to disable a P2P target at a specific device, the following register bits in Table 2-5 need to be set as follows:
Table 2-5 Enabling/Disabling Peer-To-Peer Traffic Settings
Devices Bit Settings
Bus0 Device1 nbmisc0x4C[2]
Bus0 Device2 nbmisc0x51[3]
Bus0 Device3 nbmisc0x53[3]
Bus0 Device4 nbmisc0x55[3]
Bus0 Device5 nbmisc0x57[3]
Bus0 Device6 nbmisc0x59[3]
Bus0 Device7 nbmisc0x5B[3]
Bus0 Device9 nbmisc0x5D[3]
Bus0 Device10 nbmisc0x5F[3]
2.8 Enabling/Disabling MVPU
MVPU is a feature that enables P2P traffic between external graphics devices (the devices behind P2P bridge 2 and 3) and the internal graphics device (the device behind P2P bridge 1). The corresponding P2P traffic access enable bits are described in section Table 2-5 above.
2.9 IOC Dynamic Clock Setup
The following clocks are in IOC:
LCLK (free running)
LCLK_MST (master branch)
LCLK_SLV (slave branch - Note: This dynamic branch should not be used)
Note: Only LCLK_MST (master branch) and LCLK_SLV (slave branch) can be dynamically turned on and off.
The two bits that control IOC dynamic clocks are as follows:
clkcfg0x8C[14] CLKGATE_DIS_IOC_LCLK_SLV (Note: Ensure that this bit is programmed to 1 in order to avoid
system instability)
Note: Clkconfig:0x94[27] CLKGATE_IOC_SLV_GFX - BIOS should program to 1 to disable clock gating on this branch.
For both of these bits:
1=Dynamic clock is disabled
0=Dynamic clock is enabled
AMD 780G Register Programming Requirements 1.01 © 2009 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 2-6
2.10 Interrupt Mapping
Table 2-6 Interrupt Mapping Settings
1 (internal graphics) INTA -> INTC, INTB->INTD
2.11 GSM Enable
Set nbmisind0x0C[13]=1 to enable GSM in the RS780.
Interrupt Mapping
Devices Bit Settings
© 2009 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. AMD 780G Register Programming Requirements 1.01
GSM Enable
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3.1 SBIOS Memory Clock Initialization
3.1.1 UMA Mode
RS780 boots up in synchronous UMA clock mode. The memory clock and HT clock are driven by the same HT PLL. In UMA sync mode the memory PLL is not used and should be powered down.
Program <NBMCIND:0x6> Bit[31] MC_MPLL_CONTROL.MPLL_POWERDOWN = ‘1’ to power down memory
PLL in sync mode.
3.1.2 Side-Port Async Mode
Step 1: Program IO 1XCLK skew delay by setting
Step 2: Program current control for SCL for PLL to 0%
Step 3: Select memory PLL reference clock. Default is 100MHz HT reference and it should be used in normal
<NBMCIND : 0x8> Bit[10] MC_MPLL_CONTROL3.MPLL_REFCLK_SEL (‘0’=100 MHz HT reference
clock; ‘1’=PCIE reference clock)
Step 4: Program memory PLL settings for different operating frequencies.
Feedback divider : < NBMCIND:0x7 > Bit[8:0] MC_MPLL_CONTROL2.MPLL_FBDIV
Reference divider : < NBMCIND:0x7 > Bit[13:9] MC_MPLL_CONTROL2.MPLL_REFDIV
Post divider (postdiv) : < NBMCIND:0x7 > Bit[15:14] MC_MPLL_CONTROL2.MPLL_POSTDIV
Charge pump : < NBMCIND:0x7 > Bit[19:16] MC_MPLL_CONTROL2.MPLL_CP
Loop filter mode: < NBMCIND:0x7 > Bit[31:28] MC_MPLL_CONTROL2.MPLL_LF_MODE
Chapter 3
Clock Settings
Consider the following equation to calculate MCLK:
P1 = 100MHz / (MPLL_REFDIV + 1)
P2 = (MPLL_FBDIV[2:0] + 1) * (MPLL_FBDIV[8:3] + 1) * 2
P3 = 2 * (MPLL_POSTDIV+1)
MCLK = P1 * P2 / P3
The divider settings should use the frequency plan in Table 3-1 from memory PLL specification.
200MHz settings:
<NBMCIND:0x7> MC_MPLL_CONTROL2=0x00004018;
266MHz settings:
<NBMCIND:0x7> MC_MPLL_CONTRO2=0x00114478;
333MHz settings:
<NBMCIND:0x7> MC_MPLL_CONTROL2=0x00224498;
400MHz settings:
<NBMCIND:0x7> MC_MPLL_CONTROL2=0x00000018;
533MHz settings:
<NBMCIND:0x7> MC_MPLL_CONTROL2=0x00110478;
© 2009 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. AMD 780G Register Programming Requirements 1.01
SBIOS Memory Clock Initialization
667MHz settings:
<NBMCIND:0x7> MC_MPLL_CONTROL2=0x00220498
Note: For other frequencies, refer to TABLE X below.
Step 5: Program PM mode PLL setting the same as nominal mode setting
Note: For other PM frequencies, refer to Table 3-1 below.
Step 6: Program memory PLL and DLL lock time
Min. 10us calibration setup time: Calibration setup time = 10ns x <NBMCIND:0xA> Bit[11:8]
Min. 50ns calibration hold time: Calibration hold time = 10ns x <NBMCIND:0xA> Bit[15:12]
Min. 50us PLL lock time: MPLL lock time = 10ns x <NBMCIND:0xA> Bit[23:16]
Min. 50us DLL lock time: MDLL lock time = 10ns x <NBMCIND:0xA> Bit[31:24]
AMD 780G Register Programming Requirements 1.01 © 2009 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 3-2
Step 7: Recalibrate the memory PLL
Step 8: Wait for 200us;
Step 9: Poll PLL lock signal < NBMCIND:0x6 > Bit[1] MC_MPLL_CONTROL.MPLL_LOCKED = ’1’;
Step 10: Set < NBMCIND:0x6 > Bit[0] MC_MPLL_CONTROL.MPLL_CAL_TRIGGER = ’0’
Step 11: Program <NBMCIND:0x2> Bit[20] MC_GENERAL_PURPOSE_2.MCLK_SRC_USE_MPLL = ‘0’ to
select asynchronous clock mode.
Step 12: Start the memory initialization sequence.
3.2 Memory Clock Changes For POWERPLAY
Note: PowerPlay MCLK switching only applies to asynchronous clock mode for memory side port
Step 1: Program MPLL divider in PM mode by setting
Consider the following Equation to calculate MCLK in PM mode:
P1 = 100MHz / (PM_MPLL_REFDIV + 1)
P2 = (PM_MPLL_FBDIV[2:0] + 1) * (PM_MPLL_FBDIV[8:3] + 1) * 2
P3 = 2 * (PM_MPLL_POSTDIV+1)
MCLK = P1 * P2 / P3
Use the settings in Table 3-1 to get the divider settings for the required frequencies. For example:
133MHz in PM mode
Step 2: If MCLK < HT_CLK in PM mode, set < NBMCIND:0x9 > Bit[29]
Memory Clock Changes For POWERPLAY
Step 3: Program < NBMCIND:0x9 > Bit[0] MC_MPLL_FREQ_CONTROL.MPLL_PM_EN = 0x1
Step 4: Program MPLL parameters in PM mode by setting the following:
Use the settings in Table 3-1 to program the required frequencies. For example:
MPLL parameter for 133MHz in PM mode
Step 5: Program the memory controller settings in different PM mode speed
Refer to the AMD RS780 BIOS Developer’s Guide for more information.
Step 6: Switch to PM mode MCLK by setting < NBMCIND:0x9 > Bit[1]
© 2009 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. AMD 780G Register Programming Requirements 1.01
Switching Back From PM Mode to Nominal Mode
3.3 Switching Back From PM Mode to Nominal Mode
Step 2: Poll for < NBMCIND:0x9 > Bit[6] MC_MPLL_FREQ_CONTROL.PM_SWITCHMCLK_BUSY = 0x0.
Table 3-1 Memory PLL Settings For Supposed Frequencies
100 100 0 1 1 4 4 0000 0110 00 800
133.3333 133.3333 0 3 1 16 4 0001 0100 01 1066.6667
166.6666 166.6666 0 1 1 5 3 0000 0110 01 1000
200 200 0 1 1 4 2 0000 0110 00 800
233.3333 233.3333 0 1 1 7 3 0000 0100 10 1400
266.6666 266.6666 0 3 1 16 2 0001 0100 01 1066.6667
300 300 0 1 1 6 2 0000 0100 01 1200
333.3333 333.3333 0 3 1 20 2 0010 0100 10 1333.3333
366.6666 366.6666 0 3 1 11 1 0001 0100 00 733.33333
400 400 0 1 1 4 1 0000 0110 00 800
433.3333 433.3333 0 3 1 13 1 0001 0100 00 866.66667
466.6666 466.6666 0 3 1 14 1 0001 0100 00 933.33333
500 500 0 1 1 5 1 0000 0110 01 1000
533.3333 533.3333 0 3 1 16 1 0001 0100 01 1066.6667
566.6666 566.6666 0 3 1 17 1 0001 0100 01 1133.3333
600 600 0 1 1 6 1 0000 0100 01 1200
633.3333 633.3333 0 3 1 19 1 0010 0100 10 1266.6667
666.6666 666.6666 0 3 1 20 1 0010 0100 10 1333.3333
100 100 0 1 1 4 4 0000 0110 00 800
112 112.5 0.5 2 1 9 4 0000 0100 00 900
124 123.8095 0.2 7 1 26 3 0010 1000 00 742.85714
136 136.1111 0.1 9 1 49 4 0011 1100 01 1088.8889
148 148.1481 0.15 9 1 40 3 0011 1000 00 888.88889
160 160 0 5 1 24 3 0010 0100 01 960
172 171.875 0.1 8 1 55 4 0011 1100 10 1375
184 184.375 0.4 8 1 59 4 0011 1100 10 1475
196 195.8333 0.15 8 1 47 3 0011 1100 01 1175
208 208.3333 0.35 4 1 25 3 0010 0100 01 1250
220 220 0 5 1 33 3 0010 1000 10 1320
232 231.25 0.75 8 1 37 2 0011 1000 00 925
244 243.75 0.25 8 1 39 2 0011 1000 01 975
256 256.25 0.25 8 1 41 2 0011 1100 01 1025
268 268.75 0.75 8 1 43 2 0011 1100 01 1075
280 280 0 5 1 28 2 0010 1000 01 1120
292 291.6666 0.35 6 1 35 2 0010 1000 01 1166.6667
304 305.5555 1.55 9 1 55 2 0011 1100 01 1222.2222
316 316.6666 0.65 3 1 19 2 0010 0100 10 1266.6667
328 327.7777 0.2 9 1 59 2 0011 1100 10 1311.1111
340 340 0 5 1 34 2 0010 1000 10 1360
352 350 2 1 1 7 2 0000 0100 10 1400
364 364.2857 0.3 7 1 51 2 0011 1100 10 1457.1429
376 375 1 4 1 15 1 0001 0100 00 750
388 387.5 0.5 8 1 31 1 0010 1000 00 775
400 400 0 1 1 4 1 0000 0110 00 800
412 412.5 0.5 8 1 33 1 0010 1000 00 825
IICP [3:0]
E[3 :0]
VCO freq
AMD 780G Register Programming Requirements 1.01 © 2009 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 3-4
Power Saving Settings
424 425 1 4 1 17 1 0001 0100 00 850
436 437.5 1.5 8 1 35 1 0010 1000 00 875
448 450 2 2 1 9 1 0000 0100 00 900
460 460 0 5 1 23 1 0010 0100 00 920
472 471.4285 0.55 7 1 33 1 0010 1000 01 942.85714
484 483.3333 0.65 6 1 29 1 0010 1000 01 966.66667
496 500 4 1 1 5 1 0000 0110 01 1000
508 511.1111 3.1 9 1 46 1 0011 1100 01 1022.2222
520 520 0 5 1 26 1 0010 1000 01 1040
532 533.3333 1.35 3 1 16 1 0001 0100 01 1066.6667
544 544.4444 0.45 9 1 49 1 0011 1100 01 1088.8889
556 555.5555 0.45 9 1 50 1 0011 1100 01 1111.1111
568 566.6666 1.35 3 1 17 1 0001 0100 01 1133.3333
580 580 0 5 1 29 1 0010 1000 01 1160
592 588.8888 3.1 9 1 53 1 0011 1100 01 1177.7778
604 600 4 1 1 6 1 0000 0100 01 1200
616 616.6666 0.65 6 1 37 1 0011 1000 01 1233.3333
628 628.5714 0.55 7 1 44 1 0011 1100 10 1257.1429
640 640 0 5 1 32 1 0010 1000 10 1280
652 650 2 2 1 13 1 0001 0100 10 1300
664 662.5 1.5 8 1 53 1 0011 1100 10 1325
676 675 1 4 1 27 1 0010 1000 10 1350
IICP [3:0]
E[3 :0]
VCO freq
3.4 Power Saving Settings
3.4.1 Enabling Dynamic Clocks
Table 3-2 Dynamic Clocks Settings
ASIC Rev Settings Function/Comment
CFG_CT_CLKGATE_HTIU <clkcfg:0xf8> = 0xcf30 CLKCFG.CLKGATE_DISABLE[31], [28], [26], [24] = 0x0
All Revs
3.4.2 Powering Down Efuse and Strap Block Clocks After Boot-Up
Table 3-3 Powering Down Efuse and Strap Block Clocks Settings
ASIC Rev Settings Function/Comment
All Revs
Intgfx mode: <CLKCFG: 0xCC> Bit[24:23] = 0x3;
<GpuF0MMReg:0x3080> Bit[8]
NB only mode: <CLKCFG: 0xCC> Bit[24:23] = 0x3
Enables North Bridge dynamic clocks to htiu and
Powerdown efuse and strap block clocks in
integrated graphics mode
Powerdown efuse and strap block clocks in
northbridge only mode
© 2009 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. AMD 780G Register Programming Requirements 1.01
Power Saving Settings
3.4.3 Powering Down Graphics Core and Memory Clocks in Northbridge-Only Mode
Table 3-4 Powering Down Graphics core and Memory Clocks in NB-Only Mode Settings
ASIC Rev Settings Function/Comment
All Revs
<CLKCFG:0x8C> Bit[21] = 0x1
<CLKCFG:00xE4> Bit[0] = 0x1
Powers down reference clock to graphics core PLL in
northbridge only mode
Powers down clock to memory controller in
northbridge only mode
3.4.4 Powering Down IOC GFX Clock in No External Graphics Mode
Table 3-5 Powering Down IOC GFX Clock In No External Graphics Mode Settings
ASIC Rev Settings Function/Comment
All Revs
<CLKCFG:0xE8> Bit[17] = 0x1 Powers down clock to IOC GFX block in no external
graphics mode
3.4.5 PWM Controller
There are five PWM controllers mapped to five GPIO pins that can be used for voltage adjustment purpose after boot-up.
Table 3-6 PWM Controller/GPIO Pins Mapping
ASIC Rev Register setting Function/Comment
All Revs
1. PWM control on LVDS_BLON GPIO pin
2. PWM control on LVDS_ENA_BL GPIO pin
3. PWM control on STRP_DATA GPIO pin
4. PWM control on LVDS_DIGON GPIO pin
5. PWM control on TMDS_HPD GPIO pin
Each of the above PWM registers in PWM Controller/GPIO Pins Mapping has the following register fields:
Bit[0]: Enable the PWM controller
Bits[12:1]: Number of cycles in pulse period of a 100MHz reference clock
Bits[24:13]: Number of high cycles in pulse period of a 100MHz reference clock
Bit[25]: Output enable of the GPIO
The STRP_DATA pin by default is driving low, and register setting <clkcfg:0xE0> Bit[0] = ‘1’ is required before using PWM or GPIO control.
The STRP_DATA pin is also used for core voltage scaling purposes. The CLK_TOP_PWM3_CTRL < CLKCFG:0xCC > Bit[0] = ’0’ is required to enable the graphics device driver to have control on the STRP_DATA pin.
The register settings < nbmisind:0x40 > Bit[8] = ‘1’ and Bit[10] = ’1’ are required for using PWM1 on the LVDS_BLON pin.
AMD 780G Register Programming Requirements 1.01 © 2009 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 3-6
3.5 DOS Mode Power Saving
To disable the graphics engine clock branches when in DOS mode, program the following register in Table 3-7 during boot.
Table 3-7 DOS Mode Power Saving Settings
ASIC Rev Settings Function/Comment
A12 1. CG_MISC_INPUT_3[9] = 0 <CLKCFG:0x90>
2. CG_INTGFX_MISC[31:20] = 0x9F3
3.6 HTPLL VCO Mode Setting
The HTPLL VCO mode setting should be configured in high-speed mode after boot-up.
<clkcfg:0xD4> CLK_CFG_HTPLL_CNTL Bit[16:15] = “00”
<clkcfg:0xD4> CLK_CFG_HTPLL_CNTL Bit[2:0] = “010”
<clkcfg:0xE8> CLK_TOP_SPARE_C Bit[16] = “0”
DOS Mode Power Saving
Write 0x1
© 2009 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. AMD 780G Register Programming Requirements 1.01
HTPLL VCO Mode Setting
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4.1 Memory Initialization
For memory controller programming information, refer to the AMD RS780 BIOS Developer’s Guide.
Chapter 4
Memory Initialization
© 2009 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. AMD 780G Register Programming Requirements 1.01
Memory Initialization
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5.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the initialization and feature programming of the northbridge PCI Express subsystem. The northbridge implements PCI Express point-to-point links to external devices.
There are 9 configurable PCI Express ports, which can be divided into 3 groups (implemented in hardware as 3 separate cores):
PCIE-GFX: 2 ports, 16 lanes in total. Each port is configurable from x1 to x8 link. The 2 ports can also be combined
to provide 1 x16 port (default configuration).
PCIE-GPPSB: 1 SB port and 4 GPP ports, 8 lanes in total. The SB port provides a dedicated x4 link to the
southbridge. The remaining 4 lanes are distributed across the 4 GPP ports to support 4 different configurations: a) 4:0:0:0:0, b) 4:4:0:0:0, c) 4:2:2:0:0, d) 4:2:1:1:0 and e) 4:1:1:1:1 (default configuration).
PCIE-GPP: 2 ports, 2 lanes in total. Each port provides a x1 link. The 2 ports can also be combined to provide a x2
5.2 PCI Express Configuration Space
The PCI Express configuration space consists of the following four groups:
PCIE Port Configuration Space (section 5.2.1)
PCIE Core Index Space (section 5.2.2)
Chapter 5
PCIE Initialization
PCIE Port Index Space (section 5.2.3)
PCIE Extended Configuration Space (section 5.2.4)
5.2.1 PCIE Port Configuration Space
Each PCIE port has a standard Type 1 Virtual PCI-to-PCI bridge header in the PCI configuration space. These are devices 2 through 10 on PCI bus 0.
GFX Port A: Device 2 (GFX0)
GFX Port B: Device 3 (GFX1)
GPPSB Port A: Device 8 (SB link, hidden by default)
GPPSB Port B: Device 4 (GPP0)
GPPSB Port C: Device 5 (GPP1)
GPPSB Port D: Device 6 (GPP2)
GPPSB Port E: Device 7 (GPP3)
GPP Port A: Device 9 (GPP4)
GPP Port B: Device 10 (GPP5)
© 2009 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. AMD 780G Register Programming Requirements 1.01
PCI Express Configuration Space
5.2.2 PCIE Core Index Space
The PCIE Core Index Space contains control and status registers that are generic to all PCIE ports in the northbridge. This register space is accessed through an index/data register pair:
NB_BIF_NB: NB_PCIE_INDX_ADDR: nbconfig: 0xe0
NB_PCIE_INDX_ADDR: [7:0] - Address in PCIE Core
GFX_GPPSB_SEL [18:16]:
000 – PCIE GFX Core
001 – PCIE GPPSB Core
010 – PCIE GPP Core
011 – Broadcast to all 3 cores
All other values are unused
NB_BIF_NB: NB_PCIE_INDX_DATA: nbconfig: 0xe4
Note: Registers in the core index space are referenced with the name PCIEIND or BIF_NB.
5.2.3 PCIE Port Index Space
The Port Index Space contains control and status registers that are specific to each port within the core. Each PCIE device implements its own set of registers in this space.
Each PCIE device contains an index/data pair in its Virtual Bridge PCI configuration space to access the Port Index Space registers. Please note the following information for the index/data register pair:
Index register: bus 0, device X, register 0xE0.
Data register: bus 0, device X, register 0xE4.
Note: Register descriptions are referenced with the name PCIEIND_P or BIF_NBP.
5.2.4 PCIE Extended Configuration Space
PCI Express extends the PCI configuration space from 256 bytes to 4096 bytes. Extended PCIE configuration space memory maps 4KB for each device. The first 256 bytes of each 4KB are the same as PCI 2.3 configuration registers, and the remaining 3840 bytes are PCIE specific configuration registers.
The northbridge uses NBCFG:NB_BAR3_PCIEXP_MMCFG nbconfig:0x1C (BAR3) to map the PCI Express Extended Configuration Space to a 256MB range within the first 4GB of addressable memory. PCIE devices are accessed by reading/writing to a memory mapped address that is based on the base address in BAR3. The PCIE target address is formed as follows:
Addr[11:2] = RegNum (Addr[11:8] is extended register field)
Addr[14:12] = FunNum
Addr[19:15] = DevNum
Addr[20 + n-1:20] = BusNum
Addr[33:20 + n] = Reserved for BAR3 match
AMD 780G Register Programming Requirements 1.01 © 2009 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 5-2
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