Amazon Kindle 6 Inch E Ink Display User Manual

Kindle User’s Guide 2
Chapter 1 Getting Started .. ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... .5
Using the controls .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . 5
Charging the battery . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . 6
Status indicators ... . ... . ... . ... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ..6
Wi-Fi status indicators .. . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ..6
Battery status indicators ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... ... . ... . ... . ... .... 6
Activity indicator .. .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... ... . ... . ..7
Setting up your Kindle .. . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . 7
Special Offers & Sponsored Screensavers . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . .7
Screensaver .. . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... 7
Home screen ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... .7
Chapter 2 Acquiring & Managing Kindle Books .. ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... ..8
Shop the Kindle Store anytime, anywhere . . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . 8
Managing your Kindle library .. .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . 8
Creating collections . . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... ... . ... . ... . ..8
Removing content .. .... ... . ... . ... . ... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . 8
Chapter 3 Reading Kindle Documents .. .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... .... 10
Understanding Kindle display technology .. .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . .. 10
Customizing your text display . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... 10
Zooming in on images .. . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... 10
Interacting with your documents .. ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . .. 10
Viewing page numbers and progress .. ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . . 11
When you’re finished reading .. ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... 11
Chapter 4 Getting More From Your Kindle . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... .... .... ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . . 12
Customizing your Kindle settings ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... . 12
The Settings contextual menu . . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . . 13
Viewing other types of files .. ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .. 13
Reading Kindle documents on other devices . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... . 13
Sharing comments via social networks .. . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... .. 13
Loaning Kindle books . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . .. 13
Using Kindle with your computer ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... ... . ... . ... . ... . ... ... . ... . ... 14
Kindle User’s Guide 3
Chapter 5 Finding Additional Assistance . ... .... ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . .. 15
Appendix A Product Information .. ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... 16
Safety and Compliance Information . . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... 16
Maintaining Your Kindle . .... ... . ... . ... . ... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... 16
Servicing Your Device . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... 16
Battery Safety ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .. 16
Wireless Safety and Compliance .. . ... . ... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... ... 16
Turn Off Wireless When Flying .. . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . . 17
Using Your Kindle Around Other Electronic Devices . . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... 17
Steps to Minimize Interference . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... 17
Watch for Signs ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... 17
FCC Compliance Statement for Model Number D01100, FCC ID: ZEG-0725 . ... . ... . ... . .. 17
Model Number D01100, FCC ID: ZEG-0725 ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . . 18
Canadian Compliance Statement .. ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . .. 18
EU Declaration of Conformity .. .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... ... . ... . .. 18
Additional Information for Kindle Users .. ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... ... . ... . ... . ... . ... ... . .. 19
Recycling Kindle Properly . . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... 19
Product Specifications .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .. 19
KINDLE LICENSE AGREEMENT AND TERMS OF USE . . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... 19
ONE-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... ... 19
Additional Information ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . . 20
Patent Notices . . ... . ... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... 21
Copyright and Trademark Notices . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... .... ... . ... . ... . ... 21
This short, informative guide will familiarize you with many Kindle features, and can generally be read in less than 10 minutes.
Additional help is available on the Kindle Support website (, including a printable PDF version of this guide.
Press the Next Page button button
. If you want to read this guide again, look for Kindle User’s Guide on your Home screen.
on the sides of the device to keep reading. To leave this guide, press the Home
Kindle User’s Guide 5
Chapter 1 Getting Started

Chapter 1 Getting Started

Using the controls

You need to learn only a few simple controls to navigate around your Kindle to download and read books, magazines, and newspapers.
To the sides of the screen are the Next Page and Previous Page buttons. Both buttons are available on each side so you can hold your Kindle with either hand while reading.
Your Kindle has the following buttons and a micro-USB port:
Back button: Use this button to retrace your steps. For example, you can follow a link from a book, then press the Back button to return to your place in the book.
Keyboard button: This button brings up an onscreen keyboard for entering text. Use the 5-way controller to navigate the keyboard. You can dismiss the keyboard by pressing the keyboard button. When searching for a title or author, press the keyboard button, enter your search string, and select the return key on the onscreen keyboard to initiate the search.
5-way controller: The 5-way controller enables you to quickly perform many common tasks on your Kindle. It has a center select button plus four arrows. To scroll up or down on a page, use the Up and Down arrows. When reading a book with chapters, you can use the Left and Right arrows to skip through chapter by chapter. You can also use the Left and Right arrows to move the cursor along a line of text. To select a menu item, press the Up or Down Arrow until the item you want is underlined, then press the center button to select it.
Menu button: This button displays a menu of options. The menus are contextual, which means they change to offer appropriate options depending on what you’re currently doing with the device. For example, when you’re reading a book, the menu lets you go to another part of the book, search its contents, add a bookmark, etc.
On the Home screen, menu options include viewing archived items and organizing your Kindle materials into groups (collections).
Kindle User’s Guide 6
Chapter 1 Getting Started
Home button: This button takes you to the Home screen, where you’ll find a list of the
books and other content stored on your Kindle.
Power button: To turn your Kindle on, press the power button. To put your Kindle in sleep mode, press and release the power button; the screensaver appears on the display. To wake up your Kindle, press the power button. To turn off your Kindle, press and hold the power button for seven seconds until the screen goes blank. If your Kindle does not power on or is unresponsive during use, you can restart your device by pressing and holding the power button for 20 seconds.
Micro-USB/power port: You can use the supplied USB cable to connect your Kindle to a computer for charging the battery and transferring files, including personal documents, to your Kindle.

Charging the battery

Charge your Kindle by plugging the supplied USB cable into a power source, such as a computer or the Kindle power adapter (sold separately). A lightning bolt should appear on the battery icon at the top of the Home screen.
The indicator light on the bottom edge of the device will turn amber while charging and green when the battery is fully charged.
Charging should take less than three hours. You can use your Kindle while it is connected via USB and charging from your computer, by unmounting or ejecting it so that Kindle exits USB drive mode.
• Windows Vista and 7: Click the Start button, select “Computer” from the options, right-click
on the Kindle drive icon, and select “Eject” from the pop-up menu.
• Windows XP: Right-click on the “Safely remove hardware” icon in the lower right-hand
corner of the task bar and follow the on-screen instructions to remove Kindle.
• Mac OS: Ctrl-click on the Kindle device icon and choose “Eject.”
Your Kindle will then exit USB drive mode and display the Home screen. You’ll see a lightning bolt on the battery status icon that indicates your Kindle is still charging. If the charge indicator light does not come on, make sure that the USB cable is fully inserted into your Kindle and into the USB port.

Status indicators

At the top of every screen, you’ll see indicators that inform you about the status of various Kindle services.

Wi-Fi status indicators

Your Kindle has a strong Wi-Fi signal and the Whispernet service is active. The more bars that
are filled in with black, the stronger the Wi-Fi signal.
Your Kindle is checking for available Wi-Fi networks.

Battery status indicators

The Kindle battery indicator shows the various states of the battery as it discharges.
Note that subscribing to multiple blogs that update frequently may increase power consumption and decrease the battery life. A weak Wi-Fi signal can also increase power consumption.
Kindle User’s Guide 7
Chapter 1 Getting Started

Activity indicator

This indicator appears in the top left corner of your Kindle screen when the device is busy
downloading new content, checking for new items, searching for an item, opening a large PDF file, or loading a web page.

Setting up your Kindle

If you’re reading this guide, you’ve probably completed the Kindle setup process, which includes connecting to a Wi-Fi network and registering your Kindle to an Amazon account. If you haven’t done these steps yet, go to the Home screen now, select Set Up Your Kindle, and follow the onscreen prompts. Once you have completed the setup process, Set Up Your Kindle will no longer appear on your Home screen.
About Wi-Fi connections: Books, magazines, and other materials are delivered directly to your Kindle via its built-in Wi-Fi connectivity. You can connect to networks at home or at Wi-Fi hotspots around the world. To view available Wi-Fi networks, from the Home screen, press the Menu button and select Settings. On the Settings page, select “view” next to Wi-Fi Network. Identify the network you want to use, then select “connect.” If you see a lock symbol next to “connect,” the network requires a password.
About registration: If you bought your Kindle online using your Amazon account, or you’ve already gone through the Kindle setup process, the device is registered and ready to use. To verify this, press the Home button and check whether your Amazon user name is in the upper left corner of the Home screen. If it says “My Kindle” your device is not registered.

Special Offers & Sponsored Screensavers

For Kindle with Special Offers, you will receive special offers and sponsored screensavers that only display on Kindle’s home screen or screensaver—not within a book. Note that special offers & sponsored screensavers are not available in all countries.


When your device is sleeping, Special Offers and Sponsored Screensavers will be displayed on your screensaver. To wake your Kindle, simply press the power button or, to see more details on the special offer, press and hold the center of the 5-way controller. Special Offers & Sponsored Screensavers are updated regularly when your Kindle is connected to Wi-Fi.

Home screen

Special Offers will be displayed at the bottom of the Home screen. This feature is only available for Kindle with Special Offers. To view additional details, navigate to the banner and press the center of the 5-way controller. All available Special Offers and sponsored Screensavers are saved on your Kindle.
To view all available special offers:
1. Press the Home button, then press the Menu button.
2. Navigate to “View Special Offers” by moving the 5-way controller down, then press the
5-way controller to select.
3. Navigate to the item you want to view by moving the 5-way controller down, then press the
5-way controller to view details.
Note that if you buy a special offer when your Kindle is offline, your order will not be processed immediately.
The purchase will be queued and the transaction will be automatically completed the next time you connect to a network.
+ 14 hidden pages