Product Specification Sheet APS715 - Rev. 11/2013
SI005 Wireless LED Messaging Sign (TC500 Series)SI005 Wireless LED Messaging Sign (TC500 Series)
387 CANAL STREET • NEW YORK • NY • 10013-1615 • Phone: 212-431-5066 • Fax: 212-431-5422387 CANAL STREET • NEW YORK • NY • 10013-1615 • Phone: 212-431-5066 • Fax: 212-431-5422
Web: www.canalalarm.comWeb: www.canalalarm.com
Copyright © 1998-2 017 Alpha Communication s® - All Righ ts Reserved.
Due to c ontinuo us product i mprovement, all col ors, sizes, materials, finishes and sp ecifications are subject to change witho ut not ice.
Architects' And Engineers'Architects' And Engineers'
The Wireless Alphanumeric LED Message Sign(s)
shall be Alpha Communicat ions® / TekTone
SI005 or approved equal. The SI005 shall have a
large single-line display and shall be capable of
storing up to 24 messages. T he unit shall
provide a choice of tone modes for page
annunciation. The LED message sign shall be
preprogrammed to receive pat ient c all
information from the T C500 Wireless Emergency
Call System and/or Tek-CARE®400
(TC400) Nurse Call Syst em via the NC369 Paging
Transmitter. The LED message sign shall be
programmable for up to six (6) CAP codes. T he
sign shall annunciate and display alphanumeric
patient call information as generated by t he
emergency or nurse c all syst em. NOTE: t he LED
message sign is an anc illary method of
call annunciation, and is not intended to replace
the primary annunciation provided by the nurse
call system.
TekTone® has designed the Tek-CARE®500 to
work as a system. Its NC501ES Master Station
Computer has been c arefully designed and
matc hed to work with T ek-CARE®500 wireless
and wired peripherals. TekTone® will not
warrant or support c omponents of T ekCARE®500 that are purchased separately unless
the c omponents are add-ons to previously sold
systems. T ekTone® will also not warrant or
support a system that is a mix of T ekTone® and
Non-TekTone® parts, unless prior written
permission has been obtained. In order to t rack
our systems and to inform facilities of software
upgrades, full site information (site name,
address and phone number) will be required
when ordering. Site information and NC501ES
warranty number will also be required when
requesting tec hnical support
SI005 Wireless Alphanumeric LED Message SignSI005 Wireless Alphanumeric LED Message Sign
The SI005 LED Message Sign is a radio paging receiver with a large one-line
alphanumeric display.It is designed for use with the Alpha Communications® /
TekTone® TC500 Wireless Emergency Call and Tek-CARE®400 (TC400) Nurse Call
The SI005 stores up to 24 messages. The messages are delet ed after a
predetermined length of time.
Messages are automatically deleted as new messages arrive (beyond t he 24 message
limit), with the oldest messages being deleted first. T he SI005 may be c onfigured for
annunciation via audible tones. The SI005 has been pre-programmed to receive
call informat ion from the T C500 and/or TC400 systems, and it can be programmed for
up to six CAP c odes.
One-line backlit LED display
Displays 10 to 40 alphanumeric characters per line
Configurable for audible alerts
Wireless dat a input
Receives t ext messages from either TekTone® system
Height: 6.75" (172mm)
Width: 28.0" (712mm)
Depth: 4.25" (108mm)
Weight: 8.4 lbs
LED display board with RF paging circuitry enc losed in a
plastic housing.
Power Supply: Input 115VAC
457.550 Mhz
Required ComponentsRequired Components
NC369 Pager Transmitter