Product Specification Sheet APS021 - Rev. 07/2013
SF301/8 (Single) / SF302 (Dual) Call CordsSF301/8 (Single) / SF302 (Dual) Call Cords
387 CANAL STREET • NEW YORK • NY • 10013-1615 • Phone: 212-431-5066 • Fax: 212-431-5422387 CANAL STREET • NEW YORK • NY • 10013-1615 • Phone: 212-431-5066 • Fax: 212-431-5422
Web: www.canalalarm.comWeb: www.canalalarm.com
Copyright © 1998-2 017 Alpha Communication s® - All Righ ts Reserved.
Due to c ontinuo us product i mprovement, all col ors, sizes, materials, finishes and sp ecifications are subject to change witho ut not ice.
Architects' And Engineers'Architects' And Engineers'
The call cord(s) shall be Alpha Communicat ions®
Model SF301/8 (single) or SF302 (double) or
approved equal. Model SF301/8 shall provide for
a single momentary c all button. Model SF302
shall provide a 'Y' type cord with two momentary
call butt ons. T he c all cords shall be made to
U.L.® 1069 standards and encased in a molded,
shockproof plastic c ase. The SF301/8 shall be
(shall be ETL Listed) and shall be provided with
an 8' polyvinyl c ord and the SF301/10 shall be
provided with a 10' polyvinyl c ord. The SF302
shall be provided with dual 6' polyvinyl cords and
the SF302/10 shall be provided with dual
10' polyvinyl cords. Call c ords shall include the
HW155 sec urity "bed" clip attached, and shall
feature a right angle molded plug assembly. Call
cords shall be able t o withstand gas sterilization
without damage, but should not be used in
oxygen-rich environments. (except for
the newest model SF301/8).
SF301/8 and SF302 Series Call CordsSF301/8 and SF302 Series Call Cords
The Alpha Communicat ions® SF301/8 (single) or SF302 (double) call cords are
specifically designed to be used with the NC110A, NC110N, NC150N, NC200N,
NC205, NC300 and NC300II Nurse-Call Syst ems, and on TC500 Emergency- Call
systems, on bed stat ions utilizing 1/4" type phono jacks.
The SF301/8 cord features an 8 foot long cord, and t he SF302 features twin 6 foot
cord lengths. A wide variety of optional call cords are also available for spec ialty
applications suc h as geriatric use, and air-call. Ten foot c ords are also available in
single (SF301/10) and double (SF302/10) cord st yles. Ot her length cords are
available on special order
Simple push butt on operation and "winged" pendant
Made to U.L.® 1069 or ETL spec ificat ions
S.P.S.T . 1- Amp Momentary Switc h
Integral brass, hard gold contact s
Rugged and Reliable. Can be gas sterilized
Dirt and dust protec tion
Small, lightweight pendant fits comfortably in hand
Bed sheet c lips included
500 mA, 50-wat t maximum, AC
ESD protec tion to 15,000 volts
SAFE FOR USE IN OXYGEN ENVIRONMENT S (newest version ETL Listed model
SF301/8 ONLY!!)
Cord shall be made from a heavy duty polyvinyl covered c ord with
molded right angle plug and momentary c ontact butt on enc ased in
a shoc kproof plastic "winged" pendant.
Push Button:
Momentary S.P.S.T. type with integral brass, hard gold contac t s,
molded into a c omfortable "winged" hand pendant.
Callcord OperationCallcord Operation
The patient, by pressing the momentary button on the SF301/8 (or other equivalent
SF301 and/or SF302 series) call c ord shall signal for assistance. The ac tual c all
signaling functions depend upon which system the c all cord is being used.