Product Specification Sheet APS958 - Rev. 07/2016
IS485C Vandal-Resistant Apt. Intercom Station-HorizontalIS485C Vandal-Resistant Apt. Intercom Station-Horizontal
42 Central Drive • Farmingdale • NY • 11735-1202 • Phone: (631) 777-5500 • Fax: (631) 777-559942 Central Drive • Farmingdale • NY • 11735-1202 • Phone: (631) 777-5500 • Fax: (631) 777-5599
TOLL-FREE: (800) 666-4800 • Web: AlphaCommunications.com • Email: info@alphacommunications.comTOLL-FREE: (800) 666-4800 • Web: AlphaCommunications.com • Email: info@alphacommunications.com
Copyright © 1998-2 016 Alpha Communication s® - All Righ ts Reserved.
Due to c ontinuo us product i mprovement, all col ors, sizes, materials, finishes and sp ecifications are subject to change witho ut not ice.
IS485C Vandal-Resistant Apartment IntercomIS485C Vandal-Resistant Apartment Intercom
Station - HorizontalStation - Horizontal
Architects' And Engineers'Architects' And Engineers'
The apartment stat ion(s) shall be Alpha
Communications® (V.I.P.™ series) model IS485C
or approved equal. Stat ion fac eplate shall be
minimum .035" solid stainless steel. Momentary
action, metal push-butt ons shall be provided for
TALK, LISTEN and DOOR functions. Button
markings shall be stamped right on t he
fac eplate. The speaker/microphone shall be
a 2.75" (70mm) high-sensitivity type with
excellent voice- frequency and tone signalling
response. Color coded pigtail wires shall be
provided, and required wiring shall be only three
(3) common wires and one (1) selec tive. (Add 1common wire for systems with individual apt.
door push-butt ons that need to tone t hrough
the IS485C stations).
IS485C Vandal-Resistant Apt. Intercom Station-HorizontalIS485C Vandal-Resistant Apt. Intercom Station-Horizontal
The Alpha Communica tio ns ® IS485C (V.I.P.™ serie s ) ap a rtme nt interco m s ta tio ns a re
de s ign ed s pe cifica lly to minimize van da lis m an d t ena nt ab use . Ma de fro m .03 5" th ick so lid
st ain less s te el, wit h me ta l pus h-b uttons , thes e stations are b uilt to las t. A h igh sen sitivity
2.75" (70mm) s pe a ke r a ss ures cle a r vo ice co mmun ica tio n, a s well a s to ne s ign al
resp ons e.
The IS4 85 C is des igne d t o b e mou nt ed flush , over e xis tin g Mirtone (or eq uiva le nt ) se rie s
ho rizon ta l flus h b a ck bo xe s . The tw o (2) mo un tin g h oles a re sp aced 6.5" (o n cen te r) fro m
left to righ t.
Co lo r-cod e d p igt ail w ire s make the s e st at ion s ea s y to w ire . The a dvan ce d e le ctro nic
de s ign pe rmits use in a n y size buildin g.
A w ide va rie ty o f o pt ion al acce s so rie s is a va ilable to pro vid e ad dition a l functions su ch as
multi-e nt rance o pe ra tio n, p ost office doo r re leas e , etc. Sta tio ns a re also availab le in
cus to m size s an d w iring co nfigura tio ns .
Simple push butt on operation
Made of Rugged Stainless St eel with Metal Push-Buttons
Tamper and Vandal-Resistant
Easy Installation
Automatic Privacy
Clear Voice Fidelit y using high qualit y 2.75" voice speaker
Color-Coded pigtail wiring minimizes water c orrosion
Simple to Operate and Reliable
Requires only 3-c ommon and 1-select ive wire (add 1 c ommon wire when apt.
door tone signalling is required)
Dimensions: 8.00"W (204mm) x 5.50"H (140mm) x 0.25"D (7mm).
Construction: Solid .035" thick Stainless St eel faceplate.
2.75" round (70mm), 45 ohms, designed for crystal-c lear
voice and tone signal response.
Push Buttons:
Individually replaceable Metal push butt ons with self-wiping
plated c ontact s. Identified TALK, LISTEN and DOOR.
Flush. Mounting holes spaced 6.5" (on center) left to right