Alpha IS482C Specsheet

Product Specification Sheet A PS016 - Rev. 07/2013
IS482C Vandal-Resistant Apt. Intercom Station-Elongated
42 Central Drive • Farmingdale • NY • 11735-1202 • Phone: (631) 777-5500 • Fax: (631) 777-5599
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Due to co ntinuous pro duct improvement, all colo rs, sizes, materials, finishes and specification s are subject to ch ange without n otice.
Architects' And Engineers'
The apartment station(s) shall be Alpha Communications® (V.I.P.™ series) model
IS482C or approved equal. Station
fac eplate shall be minimum .035" solid stainless st eel. Momentary action, metal push-butt ons shall be provided for TALK, LISTEN and DOOR functions. Butt on markings shall be stamped right on the fac eplate. The speaker/microphone shall be a 2.75" (70mm) high-sensitivity type with excellent voice- frequency and tone signaling response. Color-c oded pigtail wires shall be provided, and required wiring shall be only three (3) common wires and one (1) selec tive. (Add 1-c ommon wire for systems with individual apt. door push-buttons that need t o tone through the IS482C stations).
Contract or shall observe all local and national elect rical and building codes.
IS482C Stainless Steel Apartment Intercom Station
The Alph a Co mmunica tio ns ® IS482 C (V.I.P.™ s eries ) ap artment in te rcom s ta tio ns are d es igne d sp ecifically to minimiz e van da lism a nd te na nt ab us e . Mad e from .0 35" th ick so lid s ta inle ss s te el, w ith me ta l pu sh -bu tto ns , th es e st ations a re bu ilt to las t. A high se ns itivity 2.75 " (70 mm) sp ea ke r as s ure s clea r vo ice co mmun icat ion , as w ell as tone sig na l resp on se .
The IS48 2C is d e sig ne d t o b e mo un te d flu sh , over e xis ting Aut h 777 s e ries (or eq uiva le nt) s e ries overs ize d flus h back b oxes .
Co lor-co ded pig ta il conne ctions make s the s e sta tio ns e as y to w ire . The ad va nce d e le ctro nic de sign p e rmits use in an y size bu ilding .
A w ide va riet y of o ption al a cce ss o ries is ava ilable to pro vide a dd ition al funct ion s s uch as multi­en tra nce o pe ra tion, po s t office d oo r re lea s e, e tc. St ations a re als o a va ilab le in cus to m size s a nd w iring con figurat ion s.
Simple push butt on operation Made of Rugged Stainless Steel with Metal Push- Buttons Tamper and Vandal-Resistant Easy Installation Automatic Privacy Clear Voice Fidelity using high quality 2.75" voice speaker Color- Coded pigtail wiring minimizes water c orrosion Simple to Operate and Reliable Requires only 3-c ommon and 1- selective wire (add 1 c ommon wire when apt . door tone signaling is required)
Dimensions: 5.63"W (143mm) x 12.50"H (318mm) x 0.50"D (13mm).
Construction: Solid .035" thick Stainless Steel faceplate.
2.75" round (70mm), 45 ohms, designed for crystal-c lear voice and tone signal response.
Push Buttons:
Individually replaceable Metal push buttons with self-wiping plated contacts. Identified TALK, LISTEN and DOOR.
Mounting: Flush. Pre-punched mounting holes.
Connections: Color-c oded pigtail wire connec tions.