Product Specification Sheet A PS439 - Rev. 07/2013
IR151B Single-Bed & IR152B Double Bed Patient Stations
42 Central Drive • Farmingdale • NY • 11735-1202 • Phone: (631) 777-5500 • Fax: (631) 777-5599
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Due to co ntinuous pro duct improvement, all colo rs, sizes, materials, finishes and specification s are subject to ch ange without n otice.
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Call reset push butt on
Intercom indicat or lights when room is monitored
Push button calling from call cord(s)
Call-placed LED indicator(s)
Sensitive speaker/microphone
Architects' & Engineers' Specifications
Patient Stat ion(s) shall be Alpha Communications®/Tektone
IR151B and/or IR152B, or approved equal. Model IR151B shall
contain call-plac ed and intercom in-use indicators, c ancel button,
call c ord jack and a 2.50" speaker/microphone with voice
response. Model IR152B shall include all of above with an additional
call c ord jack and c all-placed indicator.
Removal of a c ord, either ac cidentally or intentionally, will place a
call, which can be canceled only by replacing the c ord or its
equivalent into the call jac k. All station components shall be
mounted on an att ract ive flame retardant ABS plastic fac eplate, in
fog white color. Connect ions shall be plug-in type. The st ation(s)
shall be use a 2.50" x 2.50" speaker/microphone for acc urate voice
Contract or shall observe all local and national electrical and
building codes.
The IR151B and IR152B station(s) shall be UL 1069 listed to the
latest 4th Edition St andards
IR151B Single Bed Patient Station
The Alpha Communicat ions® IR151B Pat ient Station provides for
efficient use of the nursing staff by permitt ing fast and
reliable audio communication between nurse and patient.
Calling the nurse is ac c omplished by pressing the c all button on
the end of the 8 to 10 foot long call cord. A non-resettable c all
is registered if the call c ord is accidentally removed from its jack.
Callplaced assurance and intercom operation is indicated by
reliable solid stat e LED indicat or lamps.
The speaker/microphone is sensitive enough to assure clear
conversations even with weak patients. A call reset button is
also provided on the rugged ABS plastic faceplate.
IR152B Dual Bed Patient Station
The IR152B has the same spec ificat ions and
features as the IR151B except that it includes
two call c ord jacks and t wo c all-placed
indicators for use with t wo patient beds (in
close proximity to eac h other).
Height: 4.50" (119mm)
Width: 6.38" (162mm)
Depth: 2.75" (70mm)
Projects: 0.50" (12.7mm)
Attractive, flame retardant type ABS Plastic
Connections: Plug-in type
Finish: Light texture, fog white
Speaker: 2.50" x 2.50", 60 ohm with voice response
Alpha Communications® IH353 Box with IH352
Ring or Steel City #H3BD with #3GC plaster ring,
or EXACT equal. Horizontal mount.
SF301/8 or SF301/10 Call Cord Switch
Use SF301/8 (8 foot) or SF301/10 (10 foot)
call c ord, or other spec ialty t ype (i.e.
Geriatric t ype). Includes HW155
pillow/bedsheet clip.
Cord Construction: One piece molded, 8' or
10' long
Push Button: Momentary contact