Product Specification Sheet A PS148 - Rev. 07/2013
CM491 / CM492 Vandal-resistant Apt. Intercom Speaker Entrance Panels
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Due to co ntinuous pro duct improvement, all colo rs, sizes, materials, finishes and specification s are subject to ch ange without n otice.
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Model CM492/056 Shown with
OF192 F rame and A M190D Direct ory
CM490/080 Butto n
Ad der Pa nel
Model CM491/020 shown
with OF291 (or OF 291S) Frame
CM491 / CM492 Tek-Guard™ Vandal-Resistant Series
Apartment Intercom System Entrance Panels
The Alpha Communicat ions®/TekTone CM491 and CM492
TekGuard™ Vandal-Resistant Series Entrance Panels are modular
and can be used in virtually any size building.
Panels are equipped with a mylar, voice-frequency response
speaker protected by a louvered grill and perforated aluminum
material. The aluminum push butt on ac tuators may be permanently
engraved with up t o four lett er/digit combinations. Panels feature
alphabetical direct ory style name listings and heavy duty
extruded aluminum const ruction.
Vandal-resistant panel and push button act uators
Weather-resistant mylar speaker
Fully enclosed flush bac k box with knockouts
Hands- free loud speaker (or optional handset)
Engraved solid aluminum and push button actuators
Self-wiping push button switc hes
Vandal-resistant Lexan® directories*
CM491/CM492 used with speaker type remotes (with IA543
amplifier or equivalent)
Tamper resistant mounting screws
OF19X Series frame: 19" (456 mm) height (width
depends upon no. of modules)
Speaker: 3.50" (89 mm) mylar c one
Plungers: Extruded aluminum engraved (Black Anodized)
Construction: Modular extruded anodized aluminum
OH190 series flush OF190S series surface frame
(OF291S for CM491)
Push Button: Individually replaceable with self- wiping contac ts
Architects' And Engineers' Specifications
The entrance panel shall be Alpha Communicat ions® / TekTone CM491 or CM492 Tek-Guard™ Vandal-Resistant series. It shall contain as
many engraved plungers as there are suites or areas to be called. Directory panels are to be supplied to ac commodate an equivalent number
of t enant names.
The panel shall include a weather-resistant mylar speaker mounted behind a louvered grill and perforated aluminum material to protec t the
speaker from damage. Push button switches shall be individually replaceable with self wiping cont acts. Push button act uators shall be made
solid, extruded (Black Anodized) aluminum, suitable for engraving.
All mounting sc rews shall be t amper resistant . The panel shall be flush (or surface) mounted and shall be finished in natural anodized
aluminum. Contractor shall supply building owner/manager with a model S1 sc rewdriver for future directory name maintenance.