Allworx VoIP Tutorial Service Manual

Allworx VoIP White Paper
une 2005
Author: Jeffrey Szczepanski, Chief Technical Officer, InSciTek Microsystems, Inc.
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Copyright © 2005 All Rights Reserved - InSciTek Microsystems Inc. No part of this document may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, including quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
Allworx VoIP White Paper
Table of Contents
What Does VoIP Really Mean Anyway?
Allworx VoIP Features
SIP Protocol and VoIP
Echo in VoIP Networks
Bandwidth Calculations
SIP Protocol and NAT Firewalls
Allworx Solves SIP NAT Problem
QoS on the LAN
QoS Across a WAN
Key System Feature – Allworx BLF Protocol
Remote Office Phones
Zoning Paging
Common Problems and Tips
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Allworx VoIP White Paper
The Allworx 10X system and family of digital VoIP phones are designed to meet the communications and networking needs of typical small businesses, while also simplifying the setup and maintenance of the voice and IT infrastructure for business owners. The primary mission of the Allworx product line is to deliver to small businesses the most recent round of IT technologies (including VoIP) in “turnkey” solutions that previously were only practical for large enterprises with full-time administrative teams. While Allworx makes IT solutions much easier to use and deploy, having a high-level grasp of the various technologies involved goes a long way toward understanding VoIP systems better and being able to diagnose issues that may occur.
This paper is intended to be a tutorial on several topics as they relate to deploying and maintaining digital phones on a VoIP network. In particular, this document aims to arm administrators, installers, and network planners with information to help them take advantage of the new technologies associated with moving voice traffic over data networks, both on a LAN and across several sites via a WAN.
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What Does VoIP Really Mean Anyway?
The term “VoIP” is officially an acronym for Voice over Internet Protocol, but is also used to loosely refer to any application where packet-based data networks are used to calls in real-time. This type of telephony contrasts to traditional hard-wired analog telephony that is based telephony technology has several advantages, both technical and economic, but also introduces some new complexities that must be managed as part of the data network.
Traditionally, data networks and the Internet in general were developed only as a “best-effort” service. The network was designed to get the data there as fast as possible – and when there were problems, to get as much data there as possible good design characteristic for data, but it has problems with true real-time constraints to support
packet switch
circuit switched
telephone calls. For
. Going to VoIP-
. This is a
telephone audio, not only are bandwidth and throughput important, but packet loss, latency, and jitter performance are also critical factors to good-sounding audio. Therefore, real-time applications like VoIP gave rise to engineering and managing the Quality of Service (QoS) of data networks.
Designing networks for QoS factors and diagnosing QoS problems are entirely new dimensions in data networks for many people. In VoIP applications, a valid data connection is required to ensure
application success uncommon for data networks to have throughput or packet loss problems that go completely unnoticed until VoIP systems are deployed. Thus, when deploying VoIP systems, it is important to inspect or validate the existing network to make sure it is going to be VoIP-ready from a QoS perspective. This is an especially important consideration when VoIP calls are going to be placed over data connections between physical locations. QoS topics are further
a high-quality, maintainable QoS. It is not
explored later in this document, but the main items of interest are network packet latency, jitter, and packet loss rates.
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Allworx VoIP Features
The Allworx 10x server is a sophisticated VoIP PBX and gateway designed specifically for use by small businesses. The Allworx 10x supports traditional analog telephony in a circuit-switched fashion between its analog FXO loop interfaces and FXS analog extension ports. It also acts as a VoIP gateway to bridge the digital data packet­based world and the analog world. As a result, the Allworx product supports ordinary analog telephones, analog telephone lines, and advanced VoIP telephones simultaneously —and
The Allworx VoIP technology platform is intended to integrate the following key features as smoothly as possible:
Auto Station Discovery
into the network, and the Allworx server automatically discovers and configures the new station without manual intervention.
Simplify Move/Add/Change Administration
: Simply plug a new Allworx VoIP station
: With Allworx VoIP
phones, station identity moves with the station, not with the physical cable drop used. This means that moving phones to new locations within the office is as simple as moving the phone to the new location and plugging it into another network drop.
Remote Phone Capability with Remote Plug-and-Play Functionality
home) and seamlessly operate it as if it was directly connected to the LAN at the office.
Site-to-Site Toll Bypass Calling
Allworx system to another Allworx system at a different site, without placing a call on the regular public phone network.
Integration with Internet Telephony Service Providers (ITSP):
Allworx server acts as a proxy server, placing and receiving low­cost Internet telephone calls through ITSP providers without requiring the use of regular phone lines.
Third-party SIP Gateway Product Integration
: Install an Allworx VoIP phone at a remote site (e.g.,
: Seven-Digit dialing from one
: Expand Allworx
capabilities via LAN-connected and SIP-based FXO, FXS, and/or T1/PRI third-party gateway products.
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SIP Protocol and VoIP
The Allworx VoIP platform is built around the industry standard VoIP protocol known as Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). SIP is a packet­based protocol built on top of the standard IP stack using the User Datagram Protocol (UDP/IP). Although it is possible for VoIP telephony to use other standards (e.g., H.323 or MGCP), SIP was specifically designed for IP stacks, and was developed with Internet protocols in mind. While historically much of the older installed base of packet-based telephony used MGCP or H.323, it is generally accepted that SIP represents the future of VoIP – and nearly all new installations using industry-standard protocols are deployed using SIP.
When it comes to IP-based VoIP, SIP is not the whole story —it actually describes only one of the three functional elements required. In other words, when designing a VoIP protocol, three basic functions must be provided:
1. Call Control and Setup/Termination – A set of mechanisms to locate the intended dialed parties, determine their availability, and accept or deny their requests.
2. Session Negotiation – Once a new call is going to be accepted, this determines the format and network locations for transporting audio between the actual end points.
3. Media Transport – Once accepted and negotiated, this provides real-time audio transport between the end-points for the call ‘s duration.
SIP itself actually only provides the first item described above. Other protocols are actually required to perform the other two primary functions. When people talk about SIP, two protocols are also generally implied:
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Session Description Protocol (SDP) to negotiate the session media types (G.711 or G.729) and the IP address and port number that each end-point should transmit toward.
Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) to actually move coded audio data during the live call.
Therefore, when people talk about SIP VoIP telephony, several things are implied to be available and working properly for successful phone calls:
Reliable IP routing data connectivity of UDP packets between associated phones and their gateways or proxy servers for basic network transactions (network settings, DHCP, DNS, etc.).
SIP protocol and proxy configuration to locate intended parties and determine their availability (ringing or busy).
SDP negotiation to determine the final coder type, IP addresses, and port numbers that should communicate actual audio data.
RTP to transport coded audio over a network with an acceptable QoS level from end-to-end.
Acting as a VoIP gateway, the Allworx server contains all the necessary facilities to make the above happen in as simple a manner as possible. However, when one of these mechanisms is interfered with on the network, certain types of symptoms may result – such as dropped calls, choppy audio, one-way audio, or echo. Installers and site administrators must be certain that things are configured properly in their environments to ensure proper data connectivity and QoS between end points.
Looking forward, the remainder of this document will be dedicated to helping administrators and installers better understand the potential pitfalls, so that they may troubleshoot and resolve networking or configuration difficulties.
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Echo in VoIP Networks
From time to time, echo can be a problem during telephone calls. Certainly everyone has experienced echo at one time or another, even for ordinary, non-VoIP calls. Echo is most commonly experienced in international calls or long-distance calls to rural areas, and of course in calls on cell phones. Unfortunately, the characteristics of VoIP telephony connections increase the opportunity for echo problems to occur. This is due to the introduction of additional latency (delay) of the voice as it travels from source to destination over the packetized data network.
To the human observer, echo of his or her own voice is only noticeable when it is heard back with some amount of delay. Echo without delay simply sounds like side-tone. Side-tone is the sound of your talking fed back directly between microphone and speaker without any delay. It is normally introduced purposely on phones so that the phone does not sound “dead” when you are talking. Therefore, when echo exists in the analog phone network, especially in local calls, it is completely covered up by the existing side-tone. However, when a VoIP system is attached to that very same analog phone line, the additional latency of the data network now carrying the voice to/from the IP phone now makes that echo noticeable to the user – since the echo now arrives back well after the speaker has finished each sentence.
Echo round-trip delays of only a few milliseconds (ms) are not really noticeable, but as the delay accumulates into the area of 10ms, the system will start sounding hollow and eventually will start sounding like the reverb of a large stadium echo. As echo latencies run into the area of 50ms and beyond, the speaker’s own speech will be followed by a very distinct echo of the same words back in his or her ear. At this point, unless the echo is very quiet, it starts to become annoying.
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Generally speaking, the loudness and the latency impact how objectionable the echo sounds to the talker. As the echo gets quieter and/or less delayed, it becomes less objectionable. Alternatively, we can say that the more delayed the echo is, the quieter it needs to be in order to be acceptable. For echo to be acceptable in a VoIP system, it typically needs to be quieter than it was to start with in the analog­only part of the network. This is the role of the
echo canceller
in a
VoIP system, which we will cover later.
Where does the echo come from?
Echo results in the phone network when two-wire phone lines carrying voice in both directions on the same wire pair are converted into four-wire circuits (where a separate wire pair carries the audio in each direction). The analog device that does these conversions is called a two-wire analog loop world and the four-wire Central Office (CO) switch world. If phone and phone lines installed at every site, there would be no echo. However, in the real world, hybrids are not installed with perfect impedance matches, and therefore echo results when sounds “bounce off” the hybrids.
In a typical analog phone call, there will be at least two hybrids
– and its job is to convert back and forth between the
were perfectly matched to the particular
involved: one at the CO for the calling party (near-end echo) and one at the CO for the called party (far-end echo). Beyond the hybrid
common is
echo, there can be other sources of echo. The most
echo at the far end – when you call someone who has a low-quality phone or is using a desktop-type speakerphone. The near-end echo is determined by the local phone line loop on which you are making the call, while the far-end echo depends on the party being called. For this reason, near-end echo is generally referred to as “line echo” and the other sources of echo are collectively referred to as “network echo”.
Delay times for “line echo” are not a concern for ordinary analog phone calls because the delay path is short enough that the echo
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sounds like side-tone. This means that the phone company can ignore the effects of line echo. However, the delays inherent in “network echo”
typically problematic, even for regular phone networks, especially with calls that cover long distances. The phone companies have to do something about this – so they have devices built into long-distance phone networks called Network Echo Cancellers (NEC) to remove this echo. Now it is generally safe to assume that “network echo” is not a particular concern for long­distance calls, even with VoIP systems attached to the PSTN.
The need for Line Echo Cancellers in VoIP
As we stated above, the PSTN is not concerned with line echo, since it will sound like side-tone. However, if we attach a LAN VoIP system to a PSTN gateway device (like Allworx), line echo becomes a specific concern in the system – because the hybrid echo coming back from the line is now delayed by tens of milliseconds in the IP network and will no longer be acceptable to the VoIP phone station user. VoIP gateway systems employ a device in their line interfaces called a Line Echo Canceller (LEC) that can cancel up to approximately 16 or 32ms of echo resulting from the hybrid installed on the CO’s local phone line.
If VoIP systems have an LEC and the PSTN has NECs, why do we still hear echo at times?
This is a complicated question with several different answers:
An echo canceller is a very sophisticated device that automatically
attempts to dynamically detect, adapt to, and remove all echo “on the fly,” while still providing true full-duplex speech performance. Neither LECs nor NECs are perfect devices – and depending on the design trade-offs of a given implementation, they will exhibit certain strengths and weaknesses in some operating environments.
The phone company NECs never perfectly converge down to zero
residual echo. When a VoIP system is introduced at one end of the
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connection, the increased delay may make the existing residual echo more perceptible. As described previously, this added delay gives the
that the echo is worse, even though the magnitude of the echo signal is actually the same. In a given call, depending on the exact level of residual echo, this may or may not end up being objectionable to the VoIP system user.
Regional “intra-LATA” calls can be very problematic relative to network echo. Because latency in the network is not significant, the phone company doesn’t usually bother to deploy the relatively expensive NECs for intra-LATA calls. The delay is relatively short, so the echo is not usually objectionable when using an ordinary analog phone at each end. However, add a VoIP system to one end and the network echo can be a real problem. This most often occurs when placing short-haul calls between competitive local or regional companies, and the called party has a particularly high level of far-end echo coming back. The inherent latency of the echo falls into the hole between the LECs ability to combat the echo and the lack of an NEC in the phone network. To be clear, that echo was
there – it just took the VoIP system to
actually hear it.
Shouldn’t a VoIP gateway then have both an LEC and an NEC?
Deploying both LECs and NECs in VoIP gateways or PBXes has some advantages. In particular, it can help with regional calling area calls (intra-LATA calls), which are typically the most problematic for VoIP. However, intra-LATA calls are a small percentage of most users’ calls, and having the NEC operating for other types of calls – the ones that already sounded good - presents some problems. The fundamental concern is having two different NECs operating on the same call: the NEC in the VoIP gateway and the one on the phone network. It can be difficult to get them to work reliably together, and in many cases it does more harm than good. You run into a situation where maybe five or 10 percent of calls are improved quite a bit, but
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the remaining 90 percent actually get a little worse. Which is a better trade-off?
In the end, most VoIP systems installed as end-user customer premise equipment, (including Allworx) employ only LECs, not NECs. The reasons are both technical and economic. NECs require significantly more processing power than LECs and are historically very expensive to implement on several channels at a time. Market forces have shown that the added costs are not outweighed by the functional benefits.
Other than new skills for both installers and administrators relative to data network Quality of Service (QoS) that are discussed in the next sections, echo is the biggest hurdle for VoIP systems to overcome, as they improve with each generation. Echo cancellers go a long way toward maximizing the user’s perceived audio quality, but still represent one of the areas for the relatively new VoIP technologies to improve. Looking forward, the quality and capabilities of echo cancellers will continue to improve, but the only thing that will completely eliminate echo sources is when VoIP systems no longer need to interact with analog phone loops that date back to the designs of Alexander Graham Bell. Once calls between all end points are completely digital, the problem of occasional or persistent echo will be a thing of the past.
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