The Sound of Speed
The Mixing Experience
96kHz digital mixers for live sound, AV and installation.
SQ sets a new standard for compact digital mixers, with
the fastest workflow in the industry, 12 stereo mixes
+LR for ample IEM capability and comprehensive audio
networking, remote I/O and recording options. Built on
our latest generation 96kHz FPGA XCVI core, it delivers
pristine high-resolution audio quality, an ultra-low latency
of <0.7ms, variable bit depth for optimised dynamic
range, and the sheer power to embed our acclaimed
DEEP plugins into all 48 input channels and all mixes.
We think that you should decide how the mixer
operates, not the other way around. That’s why
we’ve packed SQ with options that let you design
your own workflows. Channels and mixes can be
individually dragged and dropped to any strip,
with custom naming and colour coding on the
displays, so you’re in full control of the layout. All
models feature assignable SoftKeys and SQ-6 and
SQ-7 offer Soft Rotaries with LCD displays, so you
get to choose which functions you always want at
your fingertips. Each strip features our patented
Chromatic Channel Metering system, giving at-a-
glance level indication using variable brightness
and colour. A ‘channel to all’ mix button instantly
accesses all send levels and assignments for the
selected channel.
Don’t get left behind.
Discover SQ.
Flexible Multitrack Recording
The integrated SQ-Drive makes it quick and easy to
capture a 96kHz multitrack or stereo recording of the
show direct to a USB key or drive. No software setup,
no soundcard driver issues and no extra laptop to bring
to the performance. SQ-Drive is also a smart way to
manage walk-in music.
Also provided is a built-in 32x32 96kHz audio interface
for multitrack recording, backing tracks or virtual
soundcheck applications. The interface is Core Audio
and ASIO compliant and comes complete with MIDI
and DAW control capabilities.

DEEP Processing
Expandable up to 48 mics
SQ’s DEEP processing architecture allows owners to hand-
pick boutique compressor and preamp emulations to suit their
style and needs.
DEEP plugins can be embedded directly within the mixer’s
inputs and mix channels, all without adding system latency or
setup hassles.
Browse the available DEEP plugins at: shop.allen-heath.com.
RackExtra FX
Thanks to its SLink intelligent port, SQ can be
expanded up to a total of 48 mic inputs via a
family of 96kHz and 48kHz rack and stage box
expanders (e.g. AB168, AR2412, AR84 and
DX168), making it a flexible solution for owners of
other Allen & Heath digital systems. You can even
connect to another SQ, Qu or dLive system for two
way audio patching.
Allen & Heath has a well-earned reputation for
crafting FX emulations that rival the very best
plug-ins, but with none of the associated hassle.
SQ is armed with 8 stereo FX engines and features
the acclaimed RackExtra library of emulations of
legendary classic reverbs, gated reverbs, delays,
modulators and more.
All FX have dedicated stereo returns so you don’t
need to waste input channels.
Advanced AMM
SQ’s advanced automatic mic mixers (AMMs)
make it a natural choice for mixing conferences,
panel talks and TV shows. They’re fully integrated
in the mixer too, with no extra latency, so you
don’t need to route the audio to an internal
DSP rack or an external plugin system. Two fully
independent 24 channel AMMs can be utilised
for two separate zones or combined into a single
48 channel AMM for larger events.