Allen & Heath Sigma 24 Service manual

In a dream world every console would have unlimited inputs, unlimited faders, unlimited aux sends, infinite equalisers, reset itself every session and come complete with a mind reading computer interface and be small enough to sit on your lap.
While we are working in that one we offer the Sigma Series
the low budget recording console runs out of muscle. Mixing and recording techniques are now well established, however the demands of special effects mixing, digital recording and electronic music have increased the demands on the console's capacity, versatility and performance.
The Sigma Series is AHB's response to the demand for increasingly sophisticated multitrack and live mixing consoles at increasingly attractive prices. Sigma consoles take over where
consoles is transparent for all practical purposes. What you will hear in the mix is your client's performance plus a little bit of noise, distortion and hum from your mics, instruments, multitrack and effects units. If you have been used to low budget consoles with clicking mutes, inconsistent pot laws and noisy inputs you will breathe a sigh of relief using Sigma. The designers of Sigma have li consoles are not big low cost products. Sigma consoles are for clients who want good sound consistently from reliable income — earning hardware.
Each module has an individual data sheet, here are
summaries of the benefits of each standard console system.
choice of source during recording and mixing does not involve replugging. With this system track bouncing is done via the M420
M410 and M430 modules:
Split module system with inputs on the left, outputs on the
modules. SSR automutes operate on the input faders and monitor
faders but not on the group outputs. right. The M430 is a high density module which compressed two outputs and monitor sections into a single module width, leaving more space for M410 inputs in a standard frame. Two large faders with each M430 provide the group outputs. Two monitor sections
from inputs and monitors and ergonomic efficiency. All faders in
the M410/420 system can be non automated, VCA or automation
types as an option. each have three sources; outputs, tape or (echo) return line inputs. One equaliser is shared between both monitors. Fader reverse
M470 in-line module system: allows mixing the monitor sources on large faders. Due to space li
mitations these faders are not automation capable.
This is the choice when space is at a premium and inputs
more important than track monitors.
M410 inputs provide mic line and tape inputs so that the choice of source during recording and mixing does not involve replugging. With this system track bouncing is done via the input modules. SSR Automutes operate on the input fader and monitor level controls but not on the group outputs.
Each module provides three inputs and one output (to tape). The inputs are mic and line on the small fader (normally). The monitor input selects between output and tape input and uses the large fader (normally). For recording and bouncing operations the module works as a single entity to provide controls for record input to tape plus monitor input from tape to the monitor/remix output. Equalisation and aux send are shared between the input and monitor. Both inputs have the standard Sigma PFL/AFL, SOLO MUTE, MUTE AND AUTOMUTE. There is no fader for record
M410 and M420 modules:
output. Trim of record level is provided by a rotary control.
Split module system with inputs left and outputs right. M420 modules are called line I/O types since one module provides output to tape and input from tape to the stereo mix
group output. Of course, there is also the additional (echo) return line input source provided so that the module provides two functions:
1. mix and output, 2. monitor of output, tape input or return input.
A full set of input controls occupies most of the M420 panel.
Group output controls are located above the large fader. The rest
fader is to mix the track with EQ and echo. The small fader can be used as a second input to the mix with echo send or as an additional echo send itself via assignment. Echo returns use spare modules and inputs. Analogue subgroups to the mix are available on modules 17-24 (16 track systems) and 25-32 (24 track systems) on small or large fader. Within a small frame M470 in line systems give the maximum facilities for highly efficient multitrack
operations. of the module is monitor input controls. These include assign to groups, EQ, aux send, mute and a small fader which may be reversed with the large fader below. Choose the way you want to work — output on large fader or monitor on large fader. Either way when it comes to bouncing tracks you simply select the new output. The valuable EQ and echo settings do not have to be
from many sources simultaneously, electronic music sessions for
example, then the M470 system gives two line inputs to the mix
simultaneously with EQ and echo send shared. Input reverse
allows the choice of large or small fader preference to be given to
the three source programmes at will. copied across to an input module. This not only saves time it reduces the risk of an operator error.
VCA or automation types as an option. SSR Automutes operate on
all small and large faders.
Take for granted that the sonic performance of Sigma
stened to the complaints about low cost products. Sigma
M410 inputs provide mic line and tape inputs so that the
Choose this combination when you want high performance
All that is required for multitrack record overdub and remix.
For mixing operations the primary function of the large
When the situation demands high priority for live inputs
All large faders in the M470 system can be non automated.
The SSR MIDI remote controller is a powerful micro computer enabling the automatic control of channel and monitor mutes as well as up to 16 effects devices under MIDI control. Pre programmed mute patterns and MIDI patch changes can be synchronised to a MIDI sequencer, driven from the SSR's internal sequencer or MIDI clock generated from SMPTE to MIDI converter, and the SSR recognises MIDI song pointer information.
The SSR can control a complete Sigma automute system of
up to 64 inputs, up to 16 different MIDI controlled effects devices, enables MIDI keyboards and sequencers to have precise control over muting and effects, or the SSR can operate as a conventional music sequencer or computer recorder. In the sequencer mode it enables switching from one SSR MIDI programme plus one MUTE PATCH combination to another, under manual or automatic timing control.
There are 8 alternative clock options for operation in the
sequencer mode allowing for different synchronisation methods. CLOCK MODE 0
Manual footswitch stepping of MIDI and mute data, useful
for work with pre-recorded material with no sync-track.
As above but steps automatically to next song, enables
more than 100 steps to be used under manual control.
SSR runs the sequencer from its internal clock, from 29 to 320 BPM. The MIDI and MUTE data will be changed when the internal clock time and event times coincide.
SSR driven from external clock 24 (sync 24) pulse code, with stop/start control, also providing SYNC 24 to MIDI converter.
SSR controlled by MIDI timing data, START, STOP, CLOCK, CONTINUE START and SONG POSITION. Also providing MIDI to SYNC 24 converter.
Data entry in real time with the internal clock. Each depression of a footswitch enters current song time into event
ming data. Error correction via INSERT and DELETE facilities.
Data entry in real time with timing data from SYNC 24 pulse
code, with full error correction and editing facilities. CLOCK MODE 7
This enables real time recording in synchronisation with
MIDI clock, with full error correction and editing facilities.
The control unit is illustrated below approximately half real
size and is a mobile panel connected to the console through a data
All program data is stored in the KMM memory cartridge and
braries of data can be created to accompany synth discs and
li RAM packs for example.
SSR mute commands operate the console audio mutes in co-operation with manual local pushbutton mute commands. An un-muted channel (or monitor) responds to SSR mute and de-mute commands. A channel (or monitor) which is manually muted does not respond to SSR commands.
SSR is a unique innovative system which exploits MIDI for the benefit of the electronic music artist in particular. In applications
which do not call for this benefit, the system may be operated
without the SSR control unit, alternatively simply select a mute patch where all mutes are cleared.
MODULE M410: MONO MIC/LINE INPUT. Phantom power on switch
Mic input phase reverse switch 20dB mic input pad switch Mic input gain control
Input source selections: either mic or line or tape source is available.
Tape and line input GAIN control with gain indications.
EQUALISER section: pre fader, post insertion point. Dual concentric controls.
HF shelving ± 12dB. MF peak/dip ± 12dB. MF peak/dip ± 12dB.
4k Hz to 12 kHz range.
1.1 to 11 kHz sweep range, Q =1
0.35 to 3.5 kHz sweep range, Q =1
80Hz fixed frequency low-cut filter. 12dB/oct.
LF shelving ± 12dB.
30Hz to 400Hz range.
EQ BYPASS operates on the four variable sections simultaneously.
AUXILIARY SENDS: four controls with six outputs. Aux 1 and 2 are switchable, pre or post fader. The pre fader selection is preset internally either pre equaliser or pre fader (ex works standard). Aux 3/5 and 4/6 are preset internally either pre equaliser, pre fader (post equaliser) or post
fader (ex works standard).
GROUP ASSIGN selectors for group outputs 1 to 24 from input fader: six pushbuttons select
twelve outputs in pairs.
SHIFT selects either outputs 1 to 12 or 13 to 24.
L-R assigns fader output to the main stereo output. PAN operates with the assign selectors. PEAK responds to pre fader, post eq signal level.
SOLO MUTE: with ENABLE (see M450) retains this input and operates the MUTE on all other
inputs not selected SOLO. PFL/AFL: operates control room loudspeaker and L/R meter changeover to receive either the
PFL or AFL mix. PFL is pre fader listen. AFL is After Fader Listen. AFL responds to input pan and mute. MUTE: press to mute the input post fader. Cuts post fader aux, assign and AFL. Also responds to SSR Automute and solo.
Fader: choice of 100mm analogue or Fader Automation.
AHB SF 1/7
Input source selectors, choice of group output, tape input or return input. Input GAIN for the selected source. Normal position central.
EQUALISER ASSIGN switch to either group output or monitor section. EQUALISER section: pre fader, post insertion point. Dual concentric controls. HF shelving ± 12dB.
MF peak/dip ± 12dB. MF peak/dip ± 12dB.
4 kHz to 12 kHz range.
1.1 to 11
kHz sweep range, Q =1
0.35 to 3.5 kHz sweep range, Q =1
80Hz fix frequency low cut filter.
LF shelving ±12dB.
30Hz to 400Hz range.
EQ BYPASS operates on the four variable sections simultaneously.
AUXILIARY SENDS: four controls with six outputs. Aux 1 and 2 are switchable pre or post monitor fader. The pre fader selection is preset internally either: pre equaliser or pre fader (ex works standard)
Aux 3/5 and 4/6 are preset internally to be either: pre equaliser, pre fader or post fader (ex works standard).
SMALL FADER: normally the monitor input fader to the group assign and post fader sends. See FADER REVERSE.
GROUP ASSIGN: selectors for group outputs 1 to 24 from the monitor input fader. Six
pushbuttons select twelve outputs in pairs. SHIFT selects 1-2 or 13-24. L-R assigns to stereo
SOLO MUTE: with ENABLE (see M450) retains this input and operates the MUTE on all other inputs not selected SOLO.
PFL/AFL: operates control room loudspeaker and L/R meter changeover to receive either the PFL or AFL mix. PFL is Pre Fader Listen. AFL is After Fader Listen. AFL responds to input pan and mute.
MUTE: press to mute the input post fader. Cuts aux, assign and AFL. Also responds to SSR
Automute and Solo. FADER REVERSE: interchanges small and large faders. Pre and post sends not affected.
GROUP OUTPUT section controls: PAN ON connects the group fader output to the main stereo
PFL/AFL operates in the same fashion as monitor PFL/AFL above. MUTE: press to mute the GROUP OUTPUT post fader. Cuts output, pan and AFL. This mute is
manual only and does not respond to Automute or solo system.
LARGE FADER: choice of 100mm analogue or Fader Automation.
AHB SF 1/9
MODULE M430: DUAL OUTPUT/MONITOR MONITOR section for ODD numbered output and inputs: Input selector switches with three sources; group output, tape input, return input.
AUXILIARY SENDS: four dual concentric controls with six outputs.
Aux 1 and 2 are switchable pre or post the monitor level control. The pre fader selection is preset internally either: pre equaliser or pre fader (ex works standard). Aux 3/5 and 4/6 are preset internally to be either: pre equaliser, pre fader or post fader (ex works standard).
Monitor LEVEL and PAN are concentric controls. The inner 'level' adjusts output to the console stereo mix. The outer 'pan' adjusts image position. SOLO MUTE with ENABLE (see M450) retains this input and operates the mute on all other
inputs not selected SOLO.
PFL/AFL operates the control room loudspeaker and L/R meter changeover to receive either the PFL or AFL mix. PLF is pre monitor level. AFL is after monitor level and pan.
MUTE press to mute the input after the level control. Cuts aux, AFL and stereo outputs.
Responds to Automute and SOLO commands.
EQUALISER section: pre monitor level controls. Dual concentric controls.
HF shelving ± 12dB. MF peak/dip ± 12dB. MF peak/dip ± 12dB.
80Hz fix frequency low cut filter.
4 kHz to 12 kHz range.
1.1 to 11 kHz sweep range, Q =1
0.35 to 3.5 kHz sweep range, Q =1 12dB/oct.
LF shelving ±12dB. 30Hz to 400Hz range. EQ BYPASS operates on the four variable sections simultaneously.
EQ ASSIGN: places entire equaliser either in ODD or EVEN monitor.
MONITOR section for EVEN numbered output and inputs. Facilities identical to ODD section above.
GROUP OUTPUT section controls for two outputs, one odd one even.
FADER REVERSE interchanges the large fader and the monitor level control. Pre and post fader
sends are unaffected.
PFL/AFL operates the control room loudspeaker and L/R meter changeover to receive either
the PFL or AFL mix. Group AFL is central mono.
MUTE press to mute the GROUP OUTPUT post fader. Cuts output and AFL. This mute is manual only and does not respond to Automute or SOLO system.
LARGE FADER: 100mm analogue fader. Part of 16 or 24 way panel.
AHB SF 1/11
MODULE M440: STEREO MASTER, 76mm WIDTH Two sets of identical controls provide console master output facilities and return input sections.
RETURN input section controls:
LEVEL control and selector switches for return to Aux 1 and 2. GROUP ASSIGN selectors for return to group outputs 1-24 from the level control below. Six pushbuttons select twelve outputs in pairs. SHIFT selects either outputs 1 to 12 or 13 to 24.
L-R assigns return to the main stereo output.
LEVEL adjusts return to group assign and AFL.
Note that RETURN to AUX is preset pre LEVEL control. PAN operates with the assign selectors. PFL/AFL operates control room loudspeaker and L/R meter changeover to receive either the PFL or AFL mix. PFL is Pre Fader Listen. AFL is After Fader Listen. AFL responds to input Pan and Mute. MUTE cuts off outputs post-level control. Not affected by console SOLO or Automute commands.
AUX MASTER output section controls. Six identical sections, eight on in-line console systems. Output master level control numbered and calibrated.
PFL/AFL operates control room loudspeaker and L/R meter changeover to receive either the PFL or AFL mix. PFL is Pre Fader Listen. AFL is After Fader Listen. AFL is central mono and responds to MUTE. MUTE: press to mute the output after the level control. Cuts output and AFL. Not part of Automute or SOLO system.
CUE OUTPUT section controls. Two identical sections.
Three source selectors for the stereo cue output, Aux 1, Aux 2 and L-R can be operated singly or combined. Aux 1 feeds left cue output. Aux 2 feeds right cue output. Mono combines left and right cue outputs. Cue 1 and 2 output master level controls are calibrated for normal position.
MUTE: press to mute the cue output.
CUE 1 and 2 receive talkback from the monitor master module. Talkback operation dims the CUE source and superimposes TB speech.
STEREO OUTPUTS Left and Right. Two identical sections. Peak responds to L and R pre fader mix level. MUTE: press to mute the main stereo output L or R.
FADERS: 100mm analogue output faders.
AHB SF 1/13
The Sigma I/O design offers space saving, value for money, in-line consoles. The three standard formats are:-
32/24 in small frame 44/24 in large frame 56/24 extended large frame
(1.55m — 61in)
(2m — 79in)
(2.65m — 104in)
Each frame can be part filled allowing for easy future expansion. I/O modules can be loaded into frames with the master modules in any sequence required. The standard master module set is supplied including the M441 8 auxiliary send version. Other Sigma
module types can be included if required.
The M470 in-line module is a complete record/ overdub/remix system for three sources and one
record output.
A great deal of design effort has been applied to make the M470 ergonomically efficient, with the most used controls being grouped nearest the fader, ie. mute, solo, pan and equalisation. The signal path switching is designed for minimum effort transfer from record/ overdub/bounce and remix modes. An example of this is that when all the pushbuttons are released the module is in the correct mode to record a mic source on to tape with simultaneous monitoring on the large fader, therefore you are already rehearsing your final mix, with only two button presses track bouncing can take place. Each module is controlled for status locally there are no master controls or overrides, module status reminder indicators are included for source, eq and assignment functions.
The Sigma in-line system has generous and versatile facilities necessary for modern recording techniques.
Five band eq switchable between the large and small fader, eight mixes for cue and effects sends. There are separate faders for input and monitor, each with a dedicated pan and gain trim control, solo mute, PFL and AFL checking and access to the auxiliary sends.
Large fader SOLO has the benefit of SOLO SAFE which prevents SOLO MUTE occuring, necessary when echo returns are wanted in a solo section. The
MIC/LINE source section is a true dual input. Line
input is dedicated for use by instruments and echo
returns. The output from the multitrack occupies the
module tape input connection leaving MIC or LINE sources available as required.
Both faders can access the output assignment section; in the 'normal' mode priority is given to the pre-recorded source via the large fader to the mix, with the small fader being the 'live' input fader to the bus output. In 'reverse' mode 'live' inputs are controlled on the large fader section and small fader is the monitor to the mix.
The M470 in-line module has unique features that are
a bonus in high performance remix operations.
The small fader can be switched to receive the large fader output, so that when all the auxiliaries are used
up the small fader is used as an echo send fader, with
mute, and assigned to a bus output, which is then
patched to the echo device. Each fader has a path
to the mix via its own pan pot so when necessary each
module is a twin input device.
During remix when the first 24 faders are used for tracks some group faders may be needed. On non­automated consoles the system allows two solutions. Bus outputs can be patched to any spare fader and reassigned or added to the mix. Also the small fader can be configured to receive the bus output mix, performing as a group or subgroup fader and reassigned or added to the mix. This variation re­allocates the 'follow large' pushbutton as a `normal'/ 'bus' source selector. Of course, maximum creative freedom is achieved when fader automation is installed and takes over group functions.
The design of the M470 module affords excellent sonic quality with transformerless balanced audio interfaces, low noise and distortion design, a generous 22dB of internal signal path headroom, with
100dB dynamic range. Mute switching is carried out by highly reliable solid state switches. The I/O module mic preamp is an improved version of the standard preamp having lower distortion; the bus output has an increased overload margin; the standard equaliser has been improved with the addition of switched bandwidth (Q) for the two midrange sections, switched bell or shelf characteristics for the HF and LF sections and a variable cut off frequency for the high-pass filter. The musical responses have been chosen with the benefit of listening tests and the improvement is achieved without degradation of noise or distortion performance.
The advent of mute sequence memory, pioneered
by AHB on the Sigma Automute system gives MIDI sync of input and monitor mutes. Sigma in-line
consoles not only benefit from improved ergonomic
design of the control surface and operating systems
but also all mute operations on small and large faders are recognised by the mute processor and stored in
memory, thereby eliminating separate key entry of
mute data. The console mute status at any time can
be stored as a 'snap-shot' with memory identity for
recall. There are 32 patch memories available for storing mute patterns, plus the 'in-progress' scratch
pad memory. Real time access is now also possible from a MIDI sequencer to module mutes. This is the
basis of the Sigma MIDI automation system which stores, recalls and up-dates the mute data in sync.
The in-line format of Sigma offers a great deal at
present. The combination of sonic excellence, versatile and efficient control systems, and a compact
layout that reduces operator fatigue adds up to a high
performance console. It can be as straight forward or sophisticated as you chose with or without fader automation, with or without patchbay, part filled or fully filled frames.
The Sigma console concept allows you to plan for future needs with the ability to extend frames on-site, fader automation achieved on-site and module
addition achieved on-site.
Finally, with AHB's on-going design programme new module types will become available, all compatible with existing frames, making Sigma the console for today's as well as tomorrow's studio.
AHB SF 1/20
1 2 3
4 5
12 13 14 15
23 24
26 27
29 30
32 33
35 36
38 39 40
42 43
44 45
46 47
49 50
51 52 53
57 58
59 60
62 63
M470 CONNECTIONS: PATCHBAY INTERFACE OPTIONAL 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1/4" JACK SOCKETS. 0dBv is 0.775v RMS. Minimum loads: balanced outputs 600 ohms, unbalanced 2K ohms.
Bus out, unbalanced, -2dBv. 22 ohm source impedance, +21d
Bus in, unbalanced, -2dBv Bus in/out are patched to create subgroups on large faders 25 upwards as required. Large fader insert, breakpoint post EQ prefader. Unbalanced 0dBv, tip send, ring return. 22 ohm/5K ohm
3. +21d
Small fader insert, breakpoint post EQ prefader. Unbalanced 0dBv, tip send, ring return. 22 ohm/5K ohm
29. 30 Select aux 5 and 6 to follow small or large fader
+ 21dBv Tape in, input to large fader section, balanced, nominal +4dBv Line in, input to small fader section, balanced, nominal 0dBv, tip +, ring-, 15K ohm impedance. Bus out, output to multitrack record input, balanced nominal +4dBv, pin 2+, pin 3-. XLR 3M. 50 ohm impedance
+26dBv max. Mic in, input to small fader section, balanced pin 2+, pin 3-. XLR 3F. Switched +48v phantom power is included. 2K ohm impedance. Tape in (low): -10dBV (300mV) input to large fader section. Passes through the high level Tape in jack switch contacts. 50K ohm impedance.
Internal meter connection. Nominal +4dBv
Internal meter trim adjustment.
Mic/line source select.
48v phantom power on switch.
15dB mic input pad switch. Source reverse connects mic/line to large fader, bus/tape to small. Normally mic/line is small fader, bus/tape is large fader. Separate mic and line gain controls. Mic range +70 to + 30dB; line range +20 to -6dB. Group assign: select 24 outputs in pairs. Connected to pan pot output of small or large fader, see 19. Shift selects outputs 1 to 12 or 13 to 24. Assign is normally connected to the small fader output. Select lge to switch the assign section onto the large fader. Status LED (55) turns on.
Bus trim, trim pot adjusts bus output level to tape + 5dB, -10dB.
Bus trim enable switch. Aux 1 and 2 send level controls.
Aux 1 and 2 switchable between small and large fader, normally in large fader signal path.
Select aux 1 and 2 pre or postfader.
Aux 3 and 4 send level controls.
Select aux 3 and 4 pre or postfader.
Select aux 3 and 4 to follow small or large fader.
Aux 5 and 6 send level controls.
Select aux 5 and 6 pre or postfader.
Level and pan for auxes 1/2 or 7/8.
Select auxes 1/2 or 7/8.
Select aux 1/2 or 7/8 pre or postfader.
HF equaliser: shelving or bell characteristics between 2kHz and 16kHz with 12dB infinitely variable cut and boost on
the inner control, frequency selection on the outer control.
Select HF shelf or bell characteristics. Normally shelving curve, when pressed gives a peak/dip (bell) curve
characteristics to HF equaliser. Bell Q = 0.7.
Places EQ section in the large fader signal path. Controls 39 and 40 also are switched with the equaliser to the large
MF equaliser peak/dip (bell) curve equaliser operating between 1KHz to 10kHz with 12dB infinitely variable cut and
boost on the inner control and frequency selection on the outer control. MF Q is normally 0.6 and can be sharpened to 2.5 with the pushbutton. EQ phase reversal select. Phase reverse switch, inverts signal phase of the programme being equalised. Peak indicator responds to EQ output level and lights when 3dB headroom remains. MF equaliser, peak/dip (bell) curve equaliser operating between 100Hz to 2kHz with 12dB infinitely variable cut and boost on the inner control and frequency selection on the outer control. MF Q is normally 0.6 and can be sharpened to 2.5 with the pushbutton. Press to select rumble filter, 12dB/octave slope. Cut off frequency is adjustable with control 45. LE equaliser; dual concentric inner control gives 12dB continuously variable cut or boost with shelving or bell characteristic at 90Hz frequency. Dual concentric outer section adjusts rumble filter cut off frequency between 20Hz and 400Hz. Select bell or shelf characteristic for the LF equaliser. Bell Q = 1.6. EQ switch, press for equalisation. Phase reverse and rumble filter are independent from the EQ in/out selector. Pan pot for small fader, affects output to the stereo mix and the assign section. Follow large connects small fader to the output of the large fader. The small fader can then be assigned to bus outputs and used as an additional echo send with level and mute. An internal link option changes this switch function so that small fader can select the bus output to tape as its source. This provides a subgroup which can be re-assigned to another output or added to the stereo mix.
Mix connects the small fader output to the stereo mix. PFL-AFL for small fader signal. Interrupts loudspeakers and meters only. After fade listen is post pan-pot and mute.
Solomute for small fader, mutes other small faders not soloed.
Mute small fader, cuts aux sends and pan output. This mute responds also to solo commands and the mute processor
synchronised memory system.
Small fader, normally the mic/line fader but see 15 source reverse. 60mm ultra smooth type fader, optionally P+G 3000 series.
Status reminder LEDs, grouped near the fader for high visibility.
Select large fader source either tape input or bus output. Large fader source trim pot +16dB, -6dB range. Mix mute cuts large fader from the stereo mix only. PFL-AFL for large fader signal, operates as PFL AFL for small fader. Any number of sources can be selected simultaneously. Solo safe prevents the large fader from being muted by other solos, useful for preserving echo returns. Large fader pan pot, affects output to the stereo mix and the assign section. Large fader mute, this mute is a superior fast acting pushbutton. It responds also to solo commands and the mute processor sync memory system. Solo mute for large fader, mutes other large faders not soloed. Small and large fader solo systems have master enable controls in the M450 module. Fader (not shown) 100mm large fader, normally the bus/tape fader but see 15 source reverse. Operates with the control group immediately above. Choice of ultra smooth regular carbon type,
. 18K ohm impedance.
from 3.6K ohm.
, ti
p +, ring -, 47K ohm impedance.
P+G 3000 series and fader automation.
+ 54 hidden pages