Allen&Heath Scepter SERVICE MANUAL

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Audio Owner Manual
Section 5
To implement any User Options, you will need to gain access to the internal circuit cards, The various jumper links later defined are located on those cards. Follow the outlined procedure to safely open the Scepter mixer.
The Scepter is composed of individual glass-epoxy circuit cards secured to silk-screened aluminum front panel. A steel rear panel is secured to the rear of the circuit cards by numerous jack nuts. This sub-assembly (i.e. Front panel, Circuit cards and Rear Panel) is then inserted into a steel chassis. Eight 6x32 front panel counter-sunk screws and eight 6x32 rear panel screws hold both assemblies together. The front carrying handles also hold the two assemblies together with four
10x32 screws.
In order to get to the jumper links, you will have to first remove the Front
panel/Circuit card/Rear panel sub-assembly from the chassis and then remove the
Rear panel from the Circuit cards. The jumper links will then be accessible. NOTE:
If you need to change only the Master options (Mono or Stereo Out Jumpers) then
the Rear panel
have to be separated from the Circuit cards. Eliminate
step 2 and proceed as far as step 7.
Perform all work on a soft surface to prevent undue scratching of the Scepter unit.
Place the Scepter face down (resting on its handles) on a soft surface Loosen (do not remove yet) the black plastic nuts from the
Remove the 8 panel screws securing the Rear panel to the chassis.
Turn the Scepter over and remove the 8 countersunk screws securing the
Front panel to the Chassis. At this point the Handles screws are the only
fasteners holding the Front panel Assembly to the Chassis.
Support the Scepter on its front, but without using the handles for support. Use a foam block or similar item 2” or greater in height to clear the handles. Remove the 4 countersunk handle screws. Hold onto the handles when performing this step to prevent them from rotating and possibly scratching the Front panel. Lift the Chassis off the Front panel assembly.
At this point you may make changes to the Master jumper links. The remaining
steps should only be performed if you need to remove the Rear panel. (This is necessary if Input or
jumper links have to be changed or if servicing needs
Audio Owner Manual
Section 5
to be carried out.
Free the DC power XLR-5 pin insert from its metal shell by using a small
screwdriver to loosen the XLR setscrew (anti-clockwise). The insert can then
be pulled out the back of the XLR shell. The DC wires to the Master card will
remain attached to the insert.
Remove the loosened plastic nuts from the
Remove the 2 fixing screws from each XLR jack.
Lift the Rear panel off the circuit cards.
The Circuit cards are now accessible for changes to the jumper links or repair
work. If the main IDC 20 way ribbon harness is removed for service, use care when
it is replaced. Make sure that all pins on all Circuit cards are correctly inserted into
the IDC sockets; it is easy to bend a pin or mistakenly shift over one pin when
putting a socket on. When re-assembling the Scepter, follow the above steps in reverse order.
The diagram below shows a header and Jumper link arrangement.
Audio Owner Manual
Section 5
There are a number of User options available on the Scepter mixer. They are
implemented with removable jumper links that the user can move to different
combinations of header pins; no soldering is necessary. (except for the left and right Stereo Return options).
To alter any of the User Configured Options you will have to gain access to the internal circuit cards. Please read the ACCESS TO MIXER CIRCUITS procedure in the SERVICE ACCESS section.
Input Channel Options
Seven different options are available on each Input channel:
Direct Out
Aux send source select
Pre-EQ source select Pre-EQ mute select
1 of 3 choices 1 of 3 choices for each Aux 1 of 3 choices 1 of 2 choices
Direct Out
Three choices are available for the Channel Direct Out. Normally the Direct
Out is set to follow the Fader and Mute switch, however there may be situations when you may want the Direct Out to stay active even if the Channel is muted. This would allow you to use each input as an independent preamp. If the channel is
muted, the signal would appear only at the Direct Out jack; the Aux sends and
pan feed would be cut.
The Direct Out follows the Channel fader and Mute switch. This option is factory set.
The Direct Out follows the Channel fader but the
Mute switch has no effect on the signal.
Pre-Fader/Pre-Mute Neither the fader nor Mute switch affect the Direct
Audio Owner Manual
Section 5
Channel Aux Send Source Select
Three choices are available for each of the four Auxiliary Sends. Aux A & B
are set up as Monitor or Cue sends (Pre-EQ/Pre-Fader); Aux C & D are set as EFX
sends (Post-Fader). Normally all Aux sends are muted along with the channel, but
the Pre-EQ source can be set to ignore the Mute switch. (see Pre-Eq Mute/No
section) The Pre-EQ can also be set to 1 of 3 different configurations (See Pre-EQ
Source Select).
Aux Send signal follows Gain control only. Auxes A
B default factory setting. This source has 3 extra
configuration options. (see Pre-Eq Source Select)
Aux Send follows the EQ and Mute switches; Fader
level has no effect. Same signal as PFL.
Aux Send follows Fader and
Switch. Used for
Effect send. Auxes C & D default factory setting.
Pre-EQ Source Select
Three choices are provided for the Pre-EQ
Normally the Post-Insert/ Post-HPF option is selected. The aux signal will be after any signal processing equipment you may have patched into the Channel Insert jack and also the channel High pass filtering. If you want the Aux send to be unaffected by the external equipment, select the Pre-Insert option. Likewise, choose the
point if you want the Aux to have the effect but not have the High Pass Filtering.
Pre-Insert Pre-EQ point is directly after the channel preamp
section. Any external equipment will not affect the aux send signal.
Insert/Pre-HPF Pre-EQ point follows any external equipment but is
not affected by HPF switch.
Post Insert/Post HPF
Pre-EQ signal is after any external processing equipment and is affected by the HPF switch. This is the factory default setting.
Audio Owner Manual
Section 5
Mute/No Mute
The Pre-EQ source (1 of 3 selected above) can be set to follow the Channel Mute switch or to ignore it. It is normally set to follow the mute. If you desire the source to be active even when the channel is muted, configure the No Mute option.
Pre-EQ Mute
Pre-EQ source will mute with the Channel. This is
the factory default setting.
Pre-EQ No Mute
Pre-EQ source will remain on even when the
channel is muted.
Left and Right Stereo Return Options
There are four
Ohm resistors (brown,black,orange) that can be set on each L/R card. These four resistors are located behind the two Aux controls. They select the source for the two Aux sends on each Stereo return. You have many variations, for each of the two Aux send sources.
If you select both a Left and Right source, the Aux will be a mono mix of the
Stereo return.
L-R return Pre-level
Aux sends A & B configured to follow the pre-level
mono mix of left and right return. This is the factory
default setting.
L-R return Post level
Aux sends A & B configured to follow after the post
level mono mix of left and right return.
If you want to change to Aux A Left only and Aux B Right only, remove the appropriate resistors. You may then configure the resistors for pre or post level for each aux send.
Left return Pre-level Aux sends A and/or B can be configured to follow
the left return only.
Left return Post-Level Aux sends A and/or B can be configured to follow
just the left return after the level control and mute
Right return Pre-level
Aux sends A and/or B can be configured to follow the right return only.
Right return Post-level
Aux sends A and/or B can be configured to follow
just the right return after the level control and mute
Audio Owner Manual
Section 5
Master Options
The user can choose the sources for both the Balanced MONO out XLR connector and the STEREO OUT some point in the main Left and Right audio path. The options are: Pre-Insert,
and Post-Fader.
jack socket. These outputs are derived from
Normally both the Mono and Stereo outputs are set for Pre-Insert. This makes
them independent of the main L & R faders and any processing equipment that is
patched into the Left or Right Insert jacks.
Mono Out Pre-Insert
Output is a mono mix of the main left & right pre-insert signal. This is the factory default setting.
Stereo Out Pre-Insert
Output is the main left & right pre-insert signal. Tip is left and Ring is right. This is the factory default setting.
Configure the jumper links for Post Insert if you want the MONO and STEREO OUT signals to be affected by any external processing equipment patched into the L & R Inserts.
Mono Out Post Insert Output is a mono mix of the main left & right post
insert signal. The L & R fader levels have no effect.
Stereo Out Post Insert Output is the main left & right post insert signal. Tip
is left and Ring is right. The L & R fader levels have no effect.
Configure the jumper links for Post-Fader to have both outputs follow the main
L & R outputs.
Mono Out Post Fader
Output is a mono mix of the main left & right post
fader signal. Equivalent to a mono mix direct out.
Stereo Out Post Fader Output is the main left & right post fader signal. Tip
is left and Ring is right. Equivalent to a stereo direct out.
The Mono Output header mixes the two selected sources together. The Stereo
Out header routes the left source to the left out and the right source to the right out.
Two extra positions are available on the Stereo out header. These points are
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