Quick Installation Guide for AWUS036H
Open your browser and enter
following URL to enter our
download section,
Select a driver that fits to your
operating system.
After file is downloaded, unzip to a
folder then execute setup.exe file
to bring up installation wizard.
Unzip the download file and
execute “setup.exe.” Select your
setup language and click “Next” to
start installation wizard.
On the “Wireless LAN Driver and
Utility” click “Install” to continue.

Click “Finish” and the Utility will
pop up for Windows XP. (Choose
“No, I will restart my computer
later” and click “Finish” for
Windows Vista)
Attach the antenna to the wireless
adapter and plug in the USB cable
to AWUS036H. Insert the USB
connector into an available USB
port, your computer will then
detect and activate the adapter
automatically. Do Not remove the
CD from the computer
Found New Hardware pops up
from the utility bar
Double click on the “Alfa Wireless
LAN Utility” icon placed on your
desktop from the installation