Alesis A6 Specification

A6 Midi Sysex Specification
5/23/02 Alesis
The A6 MIDI System Exclusive message format is as follows:
F0 System exclusive status 00 00 0E Alesis manufacturer id# 1D A6 family id# cc Opcode dd Data : : : : F7 End-Of-Exclusive
00 - MIDI Program Dump F0 00 00 0E 1D 00 <bank#> <program#> <data> F7
<bank#> = 0..15 selects any bank in the A6, where: 0 = USER 1 = PRESET1 2 = PRESET2 3-15 = CARD BANKS (MAX number depends on size of card)
<program#>= 0..127 selects individual programs from within bank
<data> is in a packed format in order to optimize data transfer. Eight MIDI bytes are used to transmit each block of 7 A6 data bytes. If the 7 data bytes are looked at as one 56-bit word, the format for transmission is eight 7-bit words beginning with the most significant bit of the first byte, as follows:
SEVEN A6 BYTES: 0: A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 1: B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 2: C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1 C0 3: D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 4: E7 E6 E5 E4 E3 E2 E1 E0 5: F7 F6 F5 F4 F3 F2 F1 F0 6: G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0
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TRANSMITTED AS: 0: 0 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 1: 0 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 A7 2: 0 C4 C3 C2 C1 C0 B7 B6 3: 0 D3 D2 D1 D0 C7 C6 C5 4: 0 E2 E1 E0 D7 D6 D5 D4 5: 0 F1 F0 E7 E6 E5 E4 E3 6: 0 G0 F7 F6 F5 F4 F3 F2 7: 0 G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1
There are 2341 data bytes sent for a single program dump, which corresponds to 2048 bytes of
program data. With the header, the total number of bytes transmitted with a program dump is
For librarian purposes, it is often useful to rename a patch ‘offline.’ The bytes involved, in a 2048-
byte unpacked patch, useful for this purpose are as follows:
Byte 0-1: Patch Version Number: Currently A6h 0Ah Byte 2-17: 16 Character Name stored in ASCII format
01 - MIDI Program Dump Request F0 00 00 0E 1D 01 <bank#> <program#> F7
<bank#> = 0..15 selects any bank in the A6, where: 0 = USER 1 = PRESET1 2 = PRESET2 3-15 = CARD BANKS (MAX number depends on size of card) <program#> = 0..127 selects individual user programs
When received, the A6 will respond to this message with a MIDI program dump (00) of the
program number selected.
02 - MIDI Program Edit Buffer Dump F0 00 00 0E 1D 02 <editbuf#> <data> F7
<editbuf#> = 0-15; Mix program edit buffers for mix channels 1-16 <editbuf#> = 16; Program edit buffer
<data> is in the same format as described in 00. With this header, the total dump will be 2349
03 - MIDI Program Edit Buffer Dump Request F0 00 00 0E 1D 03 <edit#> F7
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<editbuf#> = 0-15; Mix program edit buffers for mix channels 1-16 <editbuf#> = 16; Program edit buffer
When received, the A6 will respond to this message with a MIDI edit program dump (02) of the
edit program selected.
04 - MIDI Mix Dump F0 00 00 0E 1D 04 <bank#> <mix#> <data> F7
<bank#> = 0..15 selects any bank in the A6, where: 0 = USER 1 = PRESET1 2-15 = CARD BANKS (MAX number depends on size of card) <mix#> = 0..127 selects individual mixes in bank
<data> is in the same format as described in 00, but with a different number of bytes due to the
difference in the mix parameters. The total number of data bytes sent for a single mix dump is 1171, which corresponds to 1024 bytes of mix data. With the header, the total number of bytes transmitted with a program dump is 1180.
For librarian purposes, it is often useful to rename a patch ‘offline.’ The bytes involved, in a 1024-
byte unpacked patch, useful for this purpose are as follows:
Byte 0-1: Patch Version Number: Currently B6h 0Ah Byte 2-17: 16 Character Name stored in ASCII format
05 - MIDI Mix Dump Request F0 00 00 0E 1D 05 <bank#> <mix#> F7
<bank#> = 0..15 selects any bank in the A6, where: 0 = USER 1 = PRESET1 2-15 = CARD BANKS (MAX number depends on size of card) <mix#> = 0..127 selects individual mixes in bank
When received, the A6 will respond to this message with a MIDI Mix dump (04) of the mix
06 - MIDI Mix Edit Buffer Dump F0 00 00 0E 1D 06 00 <data> F7
<data> is in the same format as described in 04. With this header, the total dump will be 1179
bytes. In the current OS, there is only one mix edit buffer, hence the command is shown with 00 as the edit buffer.
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07 - MIDI Mix Edit Buffer Dump Request F0 00 00 0E 1D 07 00 F7
When received, the A6 will respond to this message with a MIDI mix edit buffer dump (06) of the
edited mix. In the current OS, there is only one mix edit buffer, hence the command is shown with 00 as the edit buffer.
08 - MIDI Global Data Dump F0 00 00 0E 1D 08 <data> F7
<data> is in the same format as described in 00, but with a different number of bytes due to the
difference in the global parameter size. The total number of data bytes sent for a global data dump is 15904, which corresponds to 18176 bytes of global data. With the header, the total number of bytes transmitted with a program dump is 18183.
09 - MIDI Global Data Dump Request F0 00 00 0E 1D 09 00 F7
When received, the A6 will respond to this message with a MIDI global data dump (08).
0A - MIDI Program Bank Request F0 00 00 0E 1D 0A <bank#> F7
<bank#> = 0..15 selects any bank in the A6, where: 0 = USER 1 = PRESET1 2 = PRESET2 3-15 = CARD BANKS (MAX number depends on size of card)
When received, the A6 will respond to this message with 128 MIDI Program Dumps (00), sent
sequentially from the requested bank.
0B - MIDI Mix Bank Request F0 00 00 0E 1D 0B <bank#> F7
<bank#> = 0..15 selects any bank in the A6, where: 0 = USER 1 = PRESET1 2-15 = CARD BANKS (MAX number depends on size of card)
When received, the A6 will respond to this message with 128 MIDI Mix Dumps (04), sent
sequentially from the requested bank.
0C - MIDI Dump All Request F0 00 00 0E 1D 0C 00 F7
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This command is will dump out MIDI all data stored in the non-volitile RAM within the A6. When
received, the A6 will respond to this message with a 128 MIDI Program dumps (00) from the User bank, 128 MIDI Mix dumps (04) from the User bank, and a Global data dump (08), for a total of 470023 MIDI bytes.
0D - MIDI Mode Select F0 00 00 0E 1D 0D <mode> F7
<mode> = 0 = Program mode; 1 = Mix mode
When received, the A6 will change to the mode that was selected. The settings will be retained
from the last time that mode was exited.
0E - MIDI Editing
F0 00 00 0E 1D 0E <parent page><child ID><data2><data1><data0>F7
<parent page> = The parent page of the parameter to be edited <child ID> = child ID of parameter to be edited <data2> = Mix channel number and most significant bits (bits 14-16) of parameter’s data <data1> = Bits 7-13 of parameter’s data <data0> = Least significant bits (bits 0-6) of parameter’s data
All parameters to be edited must be sent in this format (12 MIDI bytes), regardless of the number
of bits required to transmit the value of the parameter. When the A6 receives this message, it will change the specified parameter in the specified mix channel to the new data value. The mix channel number is specified in <data2> with the format 0xxx xyyy, where xxxx is the mix channel number (0-15) and yyy are the uppermost bits (bits 14-16) of the parameter data. In program mode, the mix channel number is ignored and the edit will be applied to the program edit buffer and A6’s screen will show the result of the edit. In mix mode, the result of the edit will be shown only if the edit occurred in the currently selected mix channel on the A6. If the edit happened to a mix channel not currently selected on the A6, the edit will still occur, but it won’t be displayed.
The parameter data is a 17-bit number 2’s complement signed number.
If the parent page and child ID selected does not exist in the current configuration, the command
will be ignored. The function and page numbers for each parameter are shown in the next section.
Turn on Osc 2 Mod 3:
F0 00 00 0E 1D 0E 10 1C 00 00 01 F7
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Set Filter 2 Offset to –0.02:
F0 00 00 0E 1D 0E 13 08 07 7F 70 F7
A chart of all parameters is at the end of this document.
The A6 responds to the Universal Device Inquiry message < F0 7E 7F 06 01 F7 > Upon receiving this message the A6 will respond with the following:
F0 7E 7F 06 02 Universal Device Reply 00 00 0E Alesis Manufacturer ID 1D 00 A6 Family ID, LSB first 00 00 A6 Family Member, LSB first ww xx yy zz Software revision, ASCII (ex. 30 31 30 30 = '0100' = 1.00) F7 End-Of-Exclusive
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The following specific parameter information shows the locations in which each Program parameter resides after unpacking the data from its 7 bit MIDI format into the 8 bit format as described in Opcode 00, Program Data Dump.
A6 Program Description 09/13/2001
Byte Offset Description Range
0-1 Key describing program structure. MSB is always 0xA6, LSB is version number of program. 10 = Version 1.0 MSB=0xA6, LSB=0x0A ushort 2-17 Program Name ASCII char 18-105 Actual ASIC Control Values for Initial Condition Do not Modify ushort 106-107 Reserved Do not Modify char 108-111 Actual ASIC Switch Values for Initial Condition Do not Modify uint 112-115 Actual ASIC Switch Values for Initial Condition Do not Modify uint
Mod Route 1: 116-117 Mod 1 Percentage -32768 to +32767 short 118-119 Mod 1 Offset Amount -32768 to +32767 short 120-121 Mod 1 Control Percentage -32768 to +32767 short 122 Mod 1 Source 0-255 byte 123 Mod 1 Destination 0-255 byte 124 Mod 1 Control Source 0-255 byte 125:0 Mod 1 Enable/Disable 0-1 byte 125:1 Mod 1 Polarity 0-1 125:2-7 Reserved n/a 126-131 Reserved n/a byte
132-147 Mod Route 2: See Mod Route 1 148-163 Mod Route 3: See Mod Route 1 164-179 Mod Route 4: See Mod Route 1 180-195 Mod Route 5: See Mod Route 1 196-211 Mod Route 6: See Mod Route 1 212-227 Mod Route 7: See Mod Route 1 228-243 Mod Route 8: See Mod Route 1 244-259 Mod Route 9: See Mod Route 1 260-275 Mod Route 10: See Mod Route 1 276-291 Mod Route 11: See Mod Route 1 292-307 Mod Route 12: See Mod Route 1 308-323 Mod Route 13: See Mod Route 1 324-339 Mod Route 14: See Mod Route 1 340-355 Mod Route 15: See Mod Route 1 356-371 Mod Route 16: See Mod Route 1 372-387 Mod Route 17: See Mod Route 1 388-403 Mod Route 18: See Mod Route 1 404-419 Mod Route 19: See Mod Route 1 420-435 Mod Route 20: See Mod Route 1 436-451 Mod Route 21: See Mod Route 1 452-467 Mod Route 22: See Mod Route 1 468-483 Mod Route 23: See Mod Route 1 484-499 Mod Route 24: See Mod Route 1 500-515 Mod Route 25: See Mod Route 1 516-531 Mod Route 26: See Mod Route 1 532-547 Mod Route 27: See Mod Route 1 548-563 Mod Route 28: See Mod Route 1
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564-579 Mod Route 29: See Mod Route 1 580-595 Mod Route 30: See Mod Route 1 596-611 Mod Route 31: See Mod Route 1 612-627 Mod Route 32: See Mod Route 1 628-643 Mod Route 33: See Mod Route 1 644-659 Mod Route 34: See Mod Route 1 660-675 Mod Route 35: See Mod Route 1 676-691 Mod Route 36: 692-947 Reserved n/a 948-949 Filter 1 Level -32768 to +32767 short 950-951 Panning for Main Outs -32768 to +32767 ushort 952-953 Panning for Aux 1 and 2 Outs -32768 to +32767 954-955 Reserved n/a 956-957 Panning for Digital FX Send -32768 to +32767 958-959 Oscillator 1 Semitone -32768 to +32767 short 960-961 Oscillator 1 Cents -32768 to +32767 short 962-963 Oscillator 1 Fine -32768 to +32767 short 964-965 Oscillator 2 Semitone -32768 to +32767 short 966-967 Oscillator 2 Cents -32768 to +32767 short 968-969 Oscillator 2 Fine -32768 to +32767 short 970-971 Reserved n/a char
Tracking Gen: 972-1031 Tracking Generator Slope Values (15 4-byte values) 0-15 uint 1032-1035 Reserved n/a 1036-1067 Tracking Generator Y Values (16 2-byte values) -32768 to +32767 short 1068-1099 Tracking Generator X Values (16 2-byte values) -32768 to +32767 short 1100-1101 Tracking Generator Percentage -32768 to +32767 short 1102-1103 Tracking Generator Offset -32768 to +32767 short 1104 Tracking Generator Source 0-255 byte 1105:0 Tracking Generator Ramp/Step 0-255 byte 1105:1 Tracking Generator Enable 0-255 byte 1105:2-7 Reserved n/a 1106 Tracking Generator Size 1107-1115 Reserved n/a byte
LFO 1: 1116-1119 LFO 1 Multiplier 1 Do not Modify uint 1120-1123 LFO 1 Multiplier 2 Do not Modify uint 1124-1127 LFO 1 Sine Multiplier Do not Modify uint 1128-1129 LFO 1 Start Phase ushort 1130-1131 LFO 1 Amplitude ushort 1132-1133 LFO 1 Period ushort 1134-1135 LFO 1 Delay ushort 1136-1137 LFO 1 Offset -32768 to +32767 short 1138-1139 LFO 1 Trigger Level -32768 to +32767 short 1140-1141 LFO 1 Modulation Percentage -32768 to +32767 short 1142-1143 LFO 1 Modulation Offset -32768 to +32767 short 1144-1145 LFO 1 Ticks per Period ushort 1146-1147 LFO 1 Duty Cycle ushort 1148:0-2 LFO 1 Mode byte 1148:3-4 LFO 1 Polarity 1148:5 LFO 1 Freerun 1148:6 LFO 1 Modulation Enable 1148:7 LFO 1 Trigger Enable 1149:0 LFO 1 Voice Launch Trigger Enable byte 1149:1-2 LFO 1 Sync Source 1149:3-7 Reserved n/a 1150 LFO 1 Trigger Source 0-255 byte 1151 LFO 1 Trigger Polarity 0-255 byte 1152 LFO 1 Modulation Source 0-255 byte
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1153 LFO 1 Modulation Destination Index 0-255 byte 1154-1167 Reserved n/a byte 1168-1219 LFO 2 See LFO1 for byte breakdown 1220-1271 LFO 3 See LFO1 for byte breakdown 1272-1273 Envelope 1 Delay ushort 1274-1275 Envelope 1 Attack Time ushort 1276-1277 Envelope 1 Decay1 Time ushort 1278-1279 Envelope 1 Decay2 Time ushort 1280-1281 Envelope 1 Decay2 Level ushort 1282-1283 Envelope 1 Sustain Level ushort 1284-1285 Envelope 1 Release1 Time ushort 1286-1287 Envelope 1 Release2 Level ushort 1288-1289 Envelope 1 Release2 Time ushort 1290-1291 Envelope 1 Smooth Time ushort 1292-1293 Envelope 1 Amplitude ushort 1294-1299 Envelope 1 Modulation Percentage -32768 to +32767 short 1300-1305 Envelope 1 Modulation Offset -32768 to +32767 short 1306-1307 Envelope 1 Offset -32768 to +32767 short 1308-1309 Envelope 1 Trigger Level -32768 to +32767 short 1310-1311 Envelope 1 Retrigger Level -32768 to +32767 short 1312-1313 Envelope 1 Key Tracking Amount -32768 to +32767 short 1314-1315 Envelope 1 Level Tracking Amount -32768 to +32767 short 1316-1317 Envelope 1 Smooth Start ushort 1318-1319 Envelope 1 Smooth Rise ushort 1320-1321 Envelope 1 Velocity Modulation -32768 to +32767 short 1322-1323 Envelope 1 Release Velocity Modulation -32768 to +32767 short 1324:0 Envelope 1 Mod 1 Enable 1324:1 Envelope 1 Mod 2 Enable 1324:2 Envelope 1 Mod 3 Enable ushort 1324:3 Envelope 1 Polarity 1324:4-5 Envelope 1 Loop Type 1324:6 Envelope 1 Sustain Enable 1324:7 Envelope 1 Trigger Enable 1325:0-2 Envelope 1 Trigger Polarity 1325:3 Envelope 1 Retrigger Enable 1325:4-6 Envelope 1 Retrigger Polarity 1325:7 Envelope 1 Smooth Polarity 1326 Envelope 1 Loop Count 0-254,255=infinite byte 1327 Envelope 1 Attack Shape 0-9 byte 1328 Envelope 1 Decay1 Shape 0-9 byte 1329 Envelope 1 Decay2 Shape 0-9 byte 1330 Envelope 1 Release1 Shape 0-9 byte 1331 Envelepe 1 Release2 Shape 0-9 byte 1332 Envelope 1 Smooth Shape 0-9 byte 1333:0-3 Envelope 1 Mode 0-15 byte 1333:4-5 Envelope 1 Reset Mode 0-3 1333:6-7 Reserved n/a 1334 Envelope 1 Trigger Source byte 1335 Envelope 1 Retrigger Source byte 1336 Envelope 1 Retrigger Stage byte 1337:0-3 Envelope 1 Loop End Stage byte 1337:4-7 Envelope 1 Loop Start Stage 1338 Envelope 1 Mod 1 Source Index 1339 Envelope 1 Mod 2 Source Index byte 1340 Envelope 1 Mod 3 Source Index 1341 Envelope 1 Mod 1 Destination Index byte 1342 Envelope 1 Mod 2 Destination Index 1343 Envelope 1 Mod 3 Destination Index 1344 Envelope 1 Key Tracking Base Key byte 1345-1359 Reserved n/a byte
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Envelope 2: 1360-1447 Envelope 2 See Envelope 1 for byte breakdown
Envelope 3: 1448-1535 Envelope 3 See Envelope 1 for byte breakdown
Sample and Hold: 1536-1537 Sample and Hold Clock frequency ushort 1538-1539 Sample and Hold Modulation Offset -32768 to +32767 short 1540-1541 Sample and Hold Modulation Percent -32768 to +32767 short 1542-1543 Sample and Hold Input Offset -32768 to +32767 short 1544-1545 Sample and Hold Input Percent ushort 1546-1547 Sample and Hold Trigger Level -32768 to +32767 short 1548-1549 Sample and Hold Ticks Per Step ushort 1550 Sample and Hold Trigger Source byte 1551 Sample and Hold Modulation Source byte 1552 Sample and Hold Input Source byte 1553 Sample and Hold Trigger Polarity byte 1554:0 Sample and Hold Enable byte 1554:1 Sample and Hold Modulation Enable 1554:2 Sample and Hold Trigger Enable 1554:3-7 Reserved n/a 1555:0 Sample and Hold Trigger on Voice Launch Enable byte 1555:1-2 Sample and Hold Sync Source 1555:3 Sample and Hold Sample on Trigger Enable 1555:4-7 Reserved n/a 1556-1567 Reserved n/a byte
CLOCK: 1568-1569 Master Clock Period ushort 1570-1571 Master Clock Modulation Percent -32768 to +32767 short 1572-1573 Master Clock Modulation Offset -32768 to +32767 short 1574 Master Clock Modulation Source byte 1575 Master Clock MIDI Sync Channel byte 1576 Master Clock Ticks per Beat byte 1577:0 Master Clock Modulation Enable byte 1577:1-2 Master Clock Modulation Voice 1577:3-4 Master Clock Source 1577:5 Master Clock Reset on Key Down Enable 1577:6-7 Reserved n/a 1578-1587 Reserved n/a byte
Sequencer: 1588-1589 Sequencer Period ushort 1590-1591 Sequencer Tempo Modulation Offset -32768 to +32767 short 1592-1593 Sequencer Trigger Level -32768 to +32767 short 1594-1595 Sequencer Tempo Modulation Percent -32768 to +32767 short 1596-1597 Sequencer Ticks per Step -32768 to +32767 short 1598-1629 Sequencer Row A Values (16 16-bit signed) -32768 to +32767 short 1630-1661 Sequencer Row B Values (16 16-bit signed) -32768 to +32767 short 1662-1693 Sequencer Row C Values (16 16-bit signed) -32768 to +32767 short 1694-1695 Sequencer Hi Bits for Row A -32768 to +32767 short 1696-1697 Sequencer Hi Bits for Row B -32768 to +32767 short 1698-1699 Sequencer Hi Bits for Row C -32768 to +32767 short 1700-1707 Sequencer Note Type (16 4-bit Values) byte 1708 Sequencer Progressor Value char 1709 Sequencer Progressor Max Value char 1710 Sequencer Progressor Min Value char 1711 Sequencer Length byte 1712 Sequencer Loop Type char 1713 Sequencer Loop Count byte
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1714 Sequencer Trigger Source byte 1715 Sequencer Tempo Modulation Source byte 1716 Sequencer Trigger Polarity byte 1717 Sequencer Trigger Voice byte 1718 Sequencer Trigger Mode byte 1719 Sequencer Tempo Modulation Voice byte 1720:0-1 Sequencer Sync Source byte 1720:2 Sequencer Mono-Legato Enable 1720:3 Sequencer Sequencer Run Enable 1720:4 Sequencer Key Event Enable 1720:5 Sequencer Trigger Enable 1720:6 Sequencer Retrigger Enable 1720:7 Sequencer Modulation Enable 1721-1735 Reserved n/a byte
Arpeggiator: 1736-1737 Arpeggiator Period ushort 1738-1739 Arpeggiator Tempo Modulation Offset -32768 to +32767 short 1740-1741 Arpeggiator Trigger Level -32768 to +32767 short 1742-1743 Arpeggiator Tempo Modulation Percent -32768 to +32767 short 1744-1745 Arpeggiator Ticks per Step -32768 to +32767 short 1746-1747 Arpeggiator Gate Time ushort 1748:0-1 Arpeggiator Sync Source ushort 1748:2 Reserved n/a 1748:3 Arpeggiator Latch Enable 1748:4 Arpeggiator Retrigger Enable 1748:5 Arpeggiator Chord Mode Enable 1748:6 Arpeggiator Run Enable 1748:7 Reserved n/a 1749:0 Arpeggiator Tempo Modulation Source Enable 1749:1 Arpeggiator Trigger Enable 1749:2-7 Reserved n/a 1750 Arpeggiator Tempo Modulation Voice byte 1751 Arpeggiator Progressor char 1752 Arpeggiator Progressor Max Value char 1753 Arpeggiator Progressor Min Value char 1754 Arpeggiator Loop Type char 1755 Arpeggiator Octave Range char 1756 Arpeggiator Trigger Source byte 1757 Arpeggiator Tempo Modulation Source byte 1758 Arpeggiator Trigger Polarity byte 1759 Arpeggiator Trigger Voice byte 1760 Arpeggiator Trigger Mode byte 1761-1775 Reserved n/a byte
Portamento: 1776-1777 Portamento Time ushort 1778-1779 Portamento Modulation Percent -32768 to +32767 short 1780-1781 Portamento Modulation Offset -32768 to +32767 short 1782 Portamento Modulation Source byte
1783 Portamento Type byte 1784 Portamento Start Mode byte 1785 Portamento Start Offset char 1786:0 Portamento Enable byte 1786:1 Portamento Modulation of Oscillator 1 Enable 1786:2 Portamento Modulation of Oscillator 2 Enable 1786:3 Portamento Modulation Enable 1786:4-5 Portamento Mode 1786:6 Reserved n/a 1786:7 Portamento Speed Fixed/Octave Select
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1787 Portamento Filter Enable byte 1788-1795 Reserved n/a byte
Key Tracking: 1796-1797 Key Tracking Filter1 Amount -32768 to +32767 short 1798-1799 Key Tracking Filter2 Amount -32768 to +32767 short 1800 Key Tracking Filter1 Offset char 1801 Key Tracking Filter2 Offset char 1802-1807 Reserved n/a byte
Pitch Wheel: 1808-1809 Pitch Wheel Top Range (Cents) ushort 1810-1811 Pitch Wheel Bottom Range (Cents) ushort 1812:0-3 Pitch Wheel Bottom Table 1812:4-7 Pitch Wheel Top Table 1813 Pitch Wheel Oscillator Enable ushort 1814-1819 Reserved n/a byte
Ribbon Controller: 1820 Ribbon Controller Mode byte 1821-1831 Reserved n/a byte
Mod Wheel: 1832-1833 Mod Wheel Range ushort 1834 Mod Wheel Curve byte 1835-1843 Reserved n/a byte
Chord Mode: 1844-1859 Chord Mode Notes byte 1860-1875 Chord Mode Velocities byte 1876:0 Chord Mode Enable byte 1876:1 Chord Mode MIDI Out Enable 1876:2-7 Reserved n/a 1877-1883 Reserved n/a byte 1884-1895 Reserved n/a pacV100_SPARE 1896-1897 Analog Distortion Send Level ushort 1898-1899 Analog Distortion Output Level ushort 1900-1901 Digital FX Send Level ushort 1902-1903 Reserved n/a ushort 1904-1905 Reserved n/a ushort 1906:0-1 Analog Distortion Type byte 1906:2-3 Reserved n/a byte 1906:4-6 Analog Distortion Output Enables byte 1906:7 Reserved n/a byte 1907:0-3 Oscillator Smoothing Type byte 1907:4-7 Filter Smoothing Type byte 1908 Digital FX Configuration byte 1909-1938 Digital FX Parameters (Configuration specific) byte 1939:0-3 Keyboard Mono Voice byte 1939:4 Reserved n/a 1939:5-6 Keyboard 1-Pitch byte 1939:7 Keyboard Mode byte 1940 Voice Assign Mode byte 1941 Unison X Mode byte 1942 Unison X Detune Amount byte 1943 Front Panel ENV1 Amount Knob Destinations byte 1944:0-3 Voice Mix Out byte 1944:4-7 Voice Out byte 1945 Front Panel Oscillator 2 FM Amount Knob Assignment byte 1946 Pre Filter Mix Noise/Ext. Assignment byte 1947 Reserved n/a byte
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