Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch 6850E, OmniSwitch 6855, OmniSwitch 6400, OmniSwitch 9000, OmniSwitch 9000E User Manual

060220-00 Rev. M
April 2011
Transceivers Guide
This user guide contains SFP and XFP transceiver specifications and compatibility information for
switches . The information described in this guide is subject to change without notice.
Attention: Use of any transceivers other than those part numbers listed in the SFP and XFP
Compatibility Matrices is prohibited. Failure to comply with these matrices is not guaranteed for proper performance and may result in voiding the warranty for the affected platforms.
Copyright © 2011 by Alcatel-Lucent. All rights reserved. This document may not be reprod uced in whole or in part without the express written permission of Alcatel-Lucent.
Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch
OmniAccess™, Omni Switch/Router™, PolicyView™, RouterView™, SwitchManager™, VoiceView™, WebView™, X-Cell™, X-Vision™, and the Xylan logo are trademarks of Alcatel-Lucent.
This OmniSwitch product contains components which may be covered by one or more of the followin g U.S. Patents:
U.S. Patent No. 6,339,830
U.S. Patent No. 6,070,243
U.S. Patent No. 6,061,368
U.S. Patent No. 5,394,402
U.S. Patent No. 6,047,024
U.S. Patent No. 6,314,106
U.S. Patent No. 6,542,507
U.S. Patent No. 6,874,090
and the Alcatel-Lucent logo are registered trademarks of Alcatel-Lucent. Xylan®,
, OmniStack®, and Alcatel-Lucent OmniVista® are registered trademarks of Alcatel-Lucent.
ii OmniSwitch Transceivers Guide April 2011
26801 West Agoura Road
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US Customer Support—(800) 995-2696
About This Guide ...........................................................................................................v
Supported Platforms ...........................................................................................................v
Who Should Read this Manual?
When Should I Read this Manual?
What is Not in this Manual?
How is the Information Organized? ................................................................................. vii
Documentation Roadmap ......................................................................................... .... ... .vii
Related Documentation .....................................................................................................ix
Product Documentation .....................................................................................................xi
Technical Support .............................................................................................................xi
Chapter 1 Small Form-Factor Pluggables (SFPs) ...................................................................1-1
In This Chapter ................................................................................. .... .... .... ...................1-1
SFP MSA Specification ..................................................................................................1-2
SFP Transceiver Installation and Removal .....................................................................1-3
Gigabit Ethernet Transceivers ......................................................................................... 1-5
Dual-Speed Ethernet Transceivers ..................................................................................1-8
Bi-directional Ethernet Transceivers ...............................................................................1-9
100 FX Ethernet Transceivers .......................................................................................1-12
CWDM Gigabit Ethernet Transceivers .........................................................................1-14
10-Gigabit SFP+ Transceivers ......................................................................................1-15
Chapter 2 Industrial Small Form Factor Pluggables (iSFPs) ............................................1-18
In This Chapter ................................................................................. .... .... .... .................1-18
Industrial Gigabit Ethernet Transceivers ......................................................................1-19
Industrial Bi-directional Ethernet Transceivers ............................................................1-22
Industrial 100 FX Ethernet Transceivers ......................................................................1-25
Industrial 10-Gigabit SFP+ Transceivers ......................................................................1-27
Chapter 3 10-Gigabit Small Form Factor Pluggables (XFPs) ..........................................1-28
In This Chapter ................................................................................. .... .... .... .................1-28
XFP MSA Specification ................................................................................................ 1-29
OmniSwitch Transceivers Guide April 2011 iii
XFP Transceiver Installation and Removal ..................................................................1-30
10-Gigabit Ethernet Transceivers .................................................................................1-31
Chapter 4 SFP Compatibility Matrix ........................................................................................1-34
OmniSwitch 9000 Series ...............................................................................................1-34
OmniSwitch 9000E Series ............................................................................................1-35
OmniSwitch 6855 Series ...............................................................................................1-36
OmniSwitch 6850 Series ...............................................................................................1-37
OmniSwitch 6850E Series ............................................................................................1-38
OmniSwitch 6400 Series ...............................................................................................1-40
OmniSwitch 6250 Series ...............................................................................................1-41
OmniStack 6200 Series .................................................................................................1-42
Chapter 5 XFP Compatibility Matrix ........................................................................................1-43
OmniSwitch 9000 Series ...............................................................................................1-43
OmniSwitch 9000E Series ............................................................................................1-43
OmniSwitch 6855 Series ...............................................................................................1-44
OmniSwitch 6850 Series ...............................................................................................1-44
OmniSwitch 6400 Series ...............................................................................................1-44
OmniSwitch 6250 Series ...............................................................................................1-44
OmniStack 6200 Series .................................................................................................1-45
iv OmniSwitch Transceivers Guide April 2011
About This Guide
This OmniSwitch Transceivers Guide provides specifications and compatibility information for the supported OmniSwitch SFP and XFP transceivers for all OmniSwitch AOS 6 Release Products.
Attention: Use of any transceivers other than those part numbers listed in the SFP and XFP
Compatibility Matrices is prohibited. Failure to comply with these matrices is not guaranteed for proper performance and may result in voiding the warranty for the affected platforms.
Supported Platforms
This information in this guide applies to the following products:
OmniSwitch 6250 Series
OmniSwitch 6400 Series
OmniSwitch 6850(E) Series
OmniSwitch 6855 Series
OmniSwitch 9000/9000E Series
OmniStack 6200 Series
Unsupported Platforms
The information in this guide does not apply to the following products:
OmniSwitch (original version with no numeric model name)
OmniSwitch 6600 Series
OmniSwitch 6800 Series
OmniSwitch 7700/7800
OmniSwitch 8800
Omni Switch/Router
OmniSwitch Transceivers Guide April 2011 page v
Who Should Read this Manual? About This Guide
Who Should Read this Manual?
The audience for this user guide is network administrators and IT support personnel who need to provide network connectivity using SFP or XFP transceivers on an OmniSwit ch.
When Should I Read this Manual?
Read this guide as soon as you are ready to integrate your OmniSwitch into your network and you are ready to provide connectivity using the supported transceivers. You should have already stepped through the first login procedures and read the brief software overviews in the appropriate OmniSwitch Getting
Started Guide and OmniSwitch Hardware Guide.
This guide includes information about the support ed OmniSwitch transceivers.
SFP and XFP specifications
SFP and XFP compatibility information
What is Not in this Manual?
Procedures for switch management methods, such as CLI, web-based (WebView or OmniVista) or SNMP, are outside the scope of this guide.
For information on WebView and SNMP switch management methods consult the OmniSwitch Switch Management Guide. Information on using WebView and OmniVista can be found in the context-sensitive on-line help available with those network management applications.
This guide is designed to provide transceiver specification and compatibility information only and is not intended as a reference for any CLI commands or configuration information. Refer to the Documentation Roadmap for a list of available user guides.
page vi OmniSwitch Transceivers Guide April 2011
About This Guide How is the Information Organized?
How is the Information Organized?
Chapters in this guide are broken down by transceiver type, SFP or XPF. Additional sub-sections are provided for the various types of transceivers.
Specification Information. Each transceiver has an associated table providing individual specifications for all supported transceivers.
Compatibility Information. A compatibility chart is provided for each transceiver specifying which modules or switch the transceiver is supported on.
Documentation Roadmap
The OmniSwitch user documentation suite wa s design ed to supply you with information at several critic al junctures of the configuration process. The following section outlines a roadmap of the manuals that will help you at each stage of the configuration process. Under each stage, we point you to the manual or manuals that will be most helpful to you.
Stage 1: Using the Switch for the First Time Pertinent Documentation: Getting Started Guides
Release Notes
The Getting Started Guide provides the basic information you need to unpack and identify the compo­nents of your shipment. It provides information on unpacking the switch, unlocking access control, setting the switch’s IP address, and setting up a password. It also includes overview information on fundamental aspects of the switch, such as hardware LEDs, the software directory structure, CLI conventions, and web­based management.
At this time you should also familiarize yourself with the Release Notes that accompanied your switch. This document includes important information on feature limitations that are not included in other user guides.
Stage 2: Gaining Familiarity with Basic Switch Functions Pertinent Documentation: Hardware Users Guides
Switch Management Guide OmniSwitch Transceivers Guide
Once you have your switch up and running, you will want to begin investigating basic aspects of its hard­ware and software. Information about switch hardware is provided in the Hardware Guide. This guide provide specifications, illustrations, and descriptions of all hardware components, such as chassis, power supplies, Chassis Management Modules (CMMs), Network Interface (NI) modules, and cooling fans. It also includes steps for common procedures, such as removing and installing switch components.
The Switch Management Guide is the primary users guide for the basic software features on a single switch. This guide contains information on the switch directory structure, basic file and directory utilities, switch access security, SNMP, and web-based management. It is recommended that you read this guide before connecting your switch to the network.
OmniSwitch Transceivers Guide April 2011 page vii
Documentation Roadmap About This Guide
Stage 3: Integrating the Switch Into a Network
Pertinent Documentation: Network Configuration Guide
Advanced Routing Configuration Guide
When you are ready to connect your switch to the network, you will need to learn how the OmniSwitch implements fundamental software features, such as 802.1Q, VLANs, Spanning Tree, and network routing protocols. The Network Configuration Guide contains overview information, procedures, and examples on how standard networking technologi es are configured in the OmniSwitch.
The Advanced Routing Configuration Guide includes configuration informatio n fo r networks using advanced routing technologies (OSPF and BGP) and multicast routing protocols (DVMRP and PIM-SM).
The OmniSwitch CLI Reference Guide contains comprehensive information on all CLI commands supported by the switch. This guide includes syntax, default, usage, example, related CLI command, and CLI-to-MIB variable mapping information for all CLI commands supported by the switch. This guide can be consulted anytime during the configuration process to find detailed and specific information on each CLI command.
page viii OmniSwitch Transceivers Guide April 2011
About This Guide Related Documentation
Related Documentation
The following are the titles and descriptions of all the related OmniSwitch AOS Release 6 user manuals:
OmniSwitch 6250 Series Getting Started Guide
Describes the basic information you need to unpa ck and iden ti fy the comp on ents of your OmniSwitch 6250 shipment. Also provides information on the initial configuration of the switch.
OmniSwitch 6400 Series Getting Started Guide
Describes the basic information you need to unpa ck and iden ti fy the comp on ents of your OmniSwitch 6400 shipment. Also provides information on the initial configuration of the switch.
OmniSwitch 6850/6850E Series Getting Started Guide
Describes the basic information you need to unpa ck and iden ti fy the comp on ents of your OmniSwitch 6850(E) shipment.Also provides information on the initial configuration of the switch.
OmniSwitch 6855 Series Getting Started Guide
Describes the basic information you need to unpa ck and iden ti fy the comp on ents of your OmniSwitch 6855 shipment. Also provides information on the initial configuration of the switch.
OmniSwitch 9000/9000E Series Getting Started Guide
Describes the hardware and software procedures for getting an OmniSwitch 9000/9000E Series up and running. Also provides information on fundamental aspects of OmniSwitch software architecture.
OmniSwitch 6250 Series Hardware Users Guide
Detailed technical specifications and procedures for the OmniSwitch 6250 Series chassis and compo­nents. Also includes comprehensive information on assembling and managing stacked configurations.
OmniSwitch 6400 Series Hardware Users Guide
Detailed technical specifications and procedures for the OmniSwitch 6400 Series chassis and compo­nents. Also includes comprehensive information on assembling and managing stacked configurations.
OmniSwitch 6850/6850E Series Hardware User Guide
Complete technical specifications and procedures for all OmniSwitch 6850(E) Series chassis, power supplies, and fans. Also includes comprehensive information on assembling and managing stacked configurations.
OmniSwitch 6855 Series Hardware User Guide
Complete technical specifications and procedures for all OmniSwitch 6855 Series chassis, power supplies, and fans.
OmniSwitch 9000/9000E Series Hardware Users Guide
Complete technical specifications and procedures for all OmniSwitch 9000/9000E Series chassis, power supplies, fans, and Network Interface (NI) modules.
OmniSwitch CLI Reference Guide
Complete reference to all CLI commands supported on the OmniSwitch Series switches. Includes syntax definitions, default values, examples, usage guidelines and CLI-to-MIB variable mappings.
OmniSwitch Transceivers Guide April 2011 page ix
Related Documentation About This Guide
OmniSwitch AOS Release 6 Switch Management Guide
Includes procedures for readying an individual switc h for integ ration into a ne twork. To pics in clud e the software directory architecture, image rollback protections, authenticated switch access, managing switch files, system configuration, using SNMP, and using web management software (WebView).
OmniSwitch AOS Release 6 Network Configuration Guide
Includes network configuration procedures and descriptive information on all the major software features and protocols included in the base software package. Chapters cover Layer 2 information (Ethernet and VLAN configuration), Layer 3 information (routing protocols, such as RIP), security options (authenticated VLANs), Quality of Service (QoS), and link aggregation.
OmniSwitch AOS Release 6 Advanced Routing Configuration Guide
Includes network configuration procedures and descriptive information on all the software features and protocols included in the advanced routing software package. Chapters cover multicast routing (DVMRP and PIM-SM), and OSPF.
OmniSwitch Transceivers Guide
Includes SFP and XFP transceiver specifications and product compatibility information.
Technical Tips, Field Notices
Includes information published by Alcatel-Lucent’s Customer Support group.
Release Notes
Includes critical open Problem Reports, feature exceptions, and other important information on the features supported in the current release and any limitations to their support.
page x OmniSwitch Transceivers Guide April 2011
About This Guide Product Documentation
Product Documentation
Some products are shipped with documentation included on a User Manual CD that accompanies the switch. This CD also includes documentation for other Alcatel-Lucent data enterprise products.
All products are shipped with a Product Documentation Card that prov ides details for downloading docu­mentation for all OmniSwitch and other Alcatel-Lucent data enterprise products.
All documentation is in bat Reader freeware is available at
Note. In order to take advantage of the documentation CD’s global search feature, it is rec ommended that you select the option for searching PDF files before downloading Acrobat Reader freeware.
To verify that you are using Acrobat Reader with the global search option , loo k for the following button in the toolbar:
Note. When printing pages from the documentation PDFs, de-select Fit to Page if it is selected in your print dialog. Otherwise pages may print with slightly smaller margins.
PDF format and requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader program for viewing. Acro-
Technical Support
An Alcatel-Lucent service agreement brings your company the assurance of 7x24 no-excuses technical support. You’ll also receive regular software updates to maintain and maximize your Alcatel-Lucent prod­uct’s features and functionality and on-site hardware replacement through our global network of highly qualified service delivery partners. Additionally, with 24-hour-a-day access to Alcatel-Lucent’s Service and Support web page, you’ll be able to view and update any case (open or closed) that you have reported to Alcatel-Lucent’s technical support, open a new case or access helpful release notes, technical bulletins, and manuals. For more information on Alcatel-Lucent’s Service Programs, see our web page at, call us at 1-800-995-2696, or email us at
OmniSwitch Transceivers Guide April 2011 page xi
Technical Support About This Guide
page xii OmniSwitch Transceivers Guide April 2011
1 Small Form-Factor
Pluggables (SFPs)
OmniSwitch Series switches use both copper-based and fiber-based optical Small Form Factor Pluggable (SFP) transceivers. SFPs are fully hot-swappable and are available for both short-reach and long-reach applications. Copper-based and fiber-based optical SFPs can be mixed on the same module.
In This Chapter
This chapter describes the technical specifications for all the OmniSwitch supported SFP transceivers. For additional details about OmniSwitch modules, see the appropriate OmniSwitch Hardware Guide.
SFP specifications in this chapter include:
SFP MSA Specifications. See “SFP MSA Specification” on page 1-2
SFP Transceiver Installation. See “SFP Transceiver Installation and Removal” on page 1-3
Gigabit Ethernet Transceivers. See “Gigabit Ethernet Transceivers” on page 1-5.
Dual-Speed Ethernet Transceivers. See “Dual-Speed Ethernet Transceivers” on page 1-8.
Bi-directional Ethernet Transceivers. See “Bi-directional Ethernet Transceivers” on page 1-9.
100-FX Ethernet Transceivers. See “100 FX Ethernet Transceivers” on page 1-12.
CWDM Gigabit Ethernet Transceivers. See “CWDM Gigabit Ethernet Transceivers” on page 1-14.
10-Gigabit SFP+ Transceivers. See “10-Gigabit SFP+ Transceivers” on page 1-15
For information on installing and managing OmniSwitch hardware, see the appropriate Hardware Guide. For information on OmniSwitch SFP compatibility, see “SFP Compatibility Matrix” on page 4-34. For information on OmniSwitch XFP compatibility, see “XFP Compatibility Matrix” on page 5-42.
OmniSwitch Transceivers Guide April 2011 page 1-1
SFP MSA Specification Small Form-Factor Pluggables (SFPs)
This diagram is a representation only; the physical appearance of the actual module may vary slightly.
SFP MSA Specification
The Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP) MSA (Multi Source Agreement) is a specification for a common interface for optical modular transceivers. The SFP connector consists of a 20-pin receptacle and an SFP housing cage. The connector provides the interface for the hot pluggable SFP module. Each SFP module contains a serial interface to provide identification information that describes the SFP capabilities, stand interfaces, manufacturer and other information.
For information on installing SFPs, refer to the documentation included with the transceiver.
Small Form Factor Pluggable (SFP)
page 1-2 OmniSwitch Transceivers Guide April 2011
Small Form-Factor Pluggables (SFPs) SFP Transceiver Installation and Removal
To remove, you must first open the SFP’s hinged face to approximately ninety degrees. Then, grasp the hinged face and carefully pull the SFP straight out of
the slot.
When inserting a SFP, be sure that the hinged face is closed. Slide the SFP straight into the slot until the module clicks firmly into place.
SFP Module
Interface Slot
SFP Transceiver Installation and Removal
Follow the instructions below for the appropriate SFP type. ESD Caution: Before handling the module, you must discharge all static electricity on your person to
avoid Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) damage. If using a wrist strap, ensure that the wrist strap touches your skin. Attach the other end of the strap to the chassi s. If your chassis provides a grounding lug, this can be used. Refer to your hardware user guide for details.
If using a wrist strap, ensure that the wrist strap touches your skin. Attach the other end of the strap to the chassis. If your chassis provides a grounding lug, this can be used. Refer to your hardware user guide for details.
Dust Exposure: To reduce the risk of dust exposure and physical damage, be sure to replace the protec­tive rubber cover (provided) when the SFP is not in use.
Eye Safety: SFP transceivers are international Class 1 laser products and are eye-safe devices when oper- ated within the limits of manufacturers’ specifications. Operating SFP transceivers in a manner inconsis-
tent with intended usage and specification may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
Note: After removing a transceiver, wait for a minimum of 5 seconds before re-inserting any transceiver into the same port. This allows sufficient time for software to detect the removal of the transceiver.
Note: Never force the transceiver in or out of the transceiver slot.
OmniSwitch Transceivers Guide April 2011 page 1-3
SFP - Hinged
SFP Transceiver Installation and Removal Small Form-Factor Pluggables (SFPs)
To install, align the transceiver with the transceiver slot on the NI module, as shown. Be sure that the bail wire delatch is in the up, or closed position. Slide the transceiver straight into the slot until the module clicks firmly into place.
SFP Transceiver
Network Interface (NI) Module
To remove, you must first pull down on the bail wire delatch. Grip the wire delatch while it is in this open position and carefully pull the transceiver straight out of the slot.
Bail Wire Delatch
Transceiver Slot
(Shown in open “removal” posi-
tion; when inserting, bail delatch must be closed.)
To install, align the transceiver with the transceiver slot on the NI module, as shown. Carefully slide the transceiver back until it clicks into place; this is an indication that the connectors are firmly seated.
SFP Transceiver
Network Interface (NI) Module
To remove, use the ejector tool (provided with each switch chassis) to push the trans­ceiver’s ejector button. The ejector button is located just below the transceiver port; refer to the diagram for more information. The transceiver will disengage from the connec­tors and eject slightly. Once disengaged, use the clip end of the ejector tool to carefully pull the transceiver straight out and away from the NI module.
Dust Cover
Transceiver Slot
SFP - Bail Wire
SFP - Ejector Button
page 1-4 OmniSwitch Transceivers Guide April 2011
Small Form-Factor Pluggables (SFPs) Gigabit Ethernet Transceivers
Gigabit Ethernet Transceivers
Gigabit SFP Optical Transceiver.
Connector Type LC Standards Supported 802.3z, SFP MSA Connections Supported 1000Base-SX Fiber Type MMF Wavelength 850 nm Optical Power Output -9.5 to -4 dBm Receiver Sensitivity -17 dBm Transmission Distance ~275 m on 62.5/125µm
~550 m on 50/125µm Operating Temperature 0 ºC to 70 ºC Digital Diagnostic Monitoring Not Supported
Gigabit SFP Optical Transceiver.
Connector types LC Standards supported 802.3z, SFP MSA Connections supported 1000Base-LX Fiber Type SMF Wavelength 1310 nm Optical Power Output -9.5 to -3 dBm Receiver Sensitivity -20 dBm Transmission Distance Operating Temperature -40 ºC to 85 ºC / 0 ºC to 70 ºC Digital Diagnostic Monitoring Not Supported
10 km
OmniSwitch Transceivers Guide April 2011 page 1-5
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