Beyond mapping business and industrial Ethernet
flows onto SDH network resources through standardized
mechanisms such as GFP/LAPS, VCAT and LCAS (as
specified in ITU G.7041, ITU G.7042 and ITU G.707), the
ISA-ES1 series cards introduce wire-speed classification,
policing and scheduling capabilities on a carrier-class
Ethernet switching blade.
Per-customer traffic flow management with low bandwidth granularity, traffic segregation and per-flow QoS
mechanisms are supported to enable service-oriented
Ethernet networking. Two different blade options are
available for the ISA-ES1 to meet the required capacity
and features, providing the best cost-optimized Ethernet
solution for different networking applications:
> ISA-ES1 3-port version, offering 2 x FE electrical plus
1 x FE optical ports on board, providing 155 Mb/s
backpanel capacity and featuring GFP, VCAT, LCAS,
VLAN/Q-in-Q with QoS support.
> ISA-ES1 8-port version, offering 8 x FE electrical ports
on board, with the same features as the 3-port version.
Through the integration of Ethernet-switching capability
on Alcatel 1642 EM Ethernet cards, not only point-topoint, but also point-to-multipoint applications and sharedbandwidth rings can be implemented. The resources
required to connect several customer and business sites
to provide Ethernet LAN interconnection services are
drastically reduced.
Network-infrastructures owner must manage and
transport new Ethernet-based revenue-generating value
added services (VAS) at the lowest cost per bit, especially
in the access network, where bandwidth is limited. The
shared-bandwidth ring allows sharing of bandwidth
between multiple users who are accessing the ring, using,
for example, only 1 x VC-3 on each link for Ethernet
traffic and leaving enough bandwidth for other revenuegenerating services.
The Alcatel 1642 EM’s Ethernet card gives service
providers and public/private companies an optimized
solution for providing Ethernet LAN interconnection
services with incremental investments, exploiting the
existing SDH infrastructure, thus avoiding the need to
deploy a new overlay infrastructure, ultimately reducing
both CAPEX and OPEX.
The Alcatel 1642 EM is based on 2 x STM-1/4 (155 to
622 Mbit/s) line interfaces, up to 18 STM-1 equivalents
full non-blocking HO SDH matrix and 12 STM-1 equivalents full non-blocking LO SDH matrix, clock reference
and equipment control functions, all concentrated in a
1-slot wide compact card.
The equipment’s shelf is physically formed in four
parts: a middle-lower area where a main control board
holds an STM-1/4 ADM, the upper part with up to four
upper tributary boards and the left and right parts
hosting the fan and power-access board.
Alcatel 1642 Edge Multiplexer — 155-to-622-Mbit/s Alcatel OMSN for customer premises & public/private companies
Figure 1- Positioning the Alcatel 1642 Edge Multiplexer in the Network