CCoonnddiittiioonnss ooff uussee ooff tteelleepphhoonnee
You are about to use DECT type equipment, officially approved for private use between
portable telephones and a private exchange (PABX), with no wire or domestic terminal
In addition to the approval of the equipment, the following utilisation conditions must
also be observed, notably due to the use of radioelectrical frequencies:
- the use of DECT equipment is not guaranteed against interference generated by other
authorised users of radioelectrical frequencies,
- DECT equipment can only be used for links between fixed geographical points when
the said points are not permanent installations, and the equivalent isotropic power
radiated at the antenna shall not exceed 50 mW,
- DECT equipment (type PABX without wire link with more than two public lines) shall
be installed by a technician approved by the ministry responsible for
telecommunications, as such installations are considered to be complex installations,
- the conditions applicable to DECT equipment access to a telepoint network shall be
defined in an contract with the authorised telepoint network operator concerned.
This terminal must only be used with an Alcatel system.
Do not expose the terminal to severe environments (rain, salty air, dust, etc.).
Terminal operation is not guaranteed outside an ambient air temperature range of
- 20°C to + 55°C.