Alcatel-Lucent 7450 Ethernet Service Switch
M E D I A D E P E N D E N T A D A P T E R - X P
The Alcatel-Lucent 7450 Ethernet Service Switch (ESS) Media Dependent Adapter-XP (MDA-XP) delivers high
performance and high-speed connectivity for Ethernet service delivery over next-generation Carrier Ethernet
networks. MDA-XPs deliver up to 25 Gb/s (full duplex) of line-rate throughput per half-slot card with services
enabled — including support for ITU-T Synchronous Ethernet — and high-density service aggregation with a
rich set of advanced service features.
48- por t 10/10 0/100 0BASE-TX MDA-XP
20- por t Gig E MDA-X P
20- por t Gig E MDA-X P
10- port GigE MDA-XP
4-port 10GigE MDA-XP
The Alcatel-Lucent MDA-XP family
of Ethernet interface adapters are
available in a wide range of GigE (fiber
and 10/100/1000BASE-TX copper) and
10GigE port configurations. Compliant
with IEEE 802.3 and ITU-T Synchronous
Ethernet standards, the MDA-XP is
targeted for highly-scalable Carrier
Ethernet deployment environments,
including residential triple play service
delivery, business VPN services and
mobile backhaul aggregation
The Alcatel-Lucent MDA-XP delivers
up to 25 Gb/s (full duplex) of line-rate
throughput per half-slot card (for
50 Gb/s full duplex per slot capacity).
Providing leading Ethernet port
densities, the MDA-XP enables service
providers, ILECs, multiservice operators
(MSOs), mobile operators, city carriers,
Internet service providers, application
service providers, and industry and
public sector (IPS) customers to meet
the ever-increasing demand for greater
bandwidth and performance scalability
to support today’s voice, video, data, and
Internet services over next-generation
Carrier Ethernet networks. MDA-XPs
support a wide range of small form
factor pluggable (SFP, XFP) opticalinterface options, enabling a high degree
of configuration flexibility and service
MDA-XPs are supported on the 7450 ESS,
are fully managed by the Alcatel-Lucent
5620 Service Aware Manager (SAM),
and support in-service insertion and
removal. Up to two MDA-XPs can be
supported per 7450 ESS Input/Output
Module (IOM).
2-po rt 10 GigE MDA-XP
1-po rt 10 GigE M DA-XP

Features and benefits
Using SyncE, operators can reliably
deliver synchronous-based applica-
• Provides up to 25 Gb/s (full duplex)
of line-rate throughput per half-slot
card — sustainable with services
enabled — delivering up to 1 Terabit
(half duplex) of throughput per chassis
• Delivers leading Ethernet port
densities with up to 960 GigE ports
and 80 10GigE ports per chassis
(see Table 1)
• Supports ITU-T compliant Synchronous
Ethernet (SyncE) for distribution
of precise network timing and
synchronization over Carrier Ethernet.
Table 1. Alcatel-Lucent 7450 ESS MDA-XP port densities-by-chassis type
48-port 10/100/1000BASE-TX MDA-XP N/A 384 480 960
20-port 10/100/1000BASE-TX MDA-XP 40 160 200 400
20-port 1000BASE MDA-XP 40 160 200 400
10-port 100 0BASE MDA-XP 20 80 100 200
4-port 10GBASE MDA-XP 8 32 40 80
2-port 10GBASE MDA-XP 4 16 20 40
1-port 10GBASE MDA-XP 2 8 10 20
tions — including TDM voice, circuit
emulation services, and mobile
backhaul services — directly over
native Ethernet.
• Enables highly flexible and chassislevel configuration options. MDA-XPs
can be intermixed at both the IOM
and chassis levels with Alcatel-Lucent
Ethernet MDAs and Packet over
• Supports a wide range of pluggable
optics (SFP, XFP) — with Digital
Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM) for
ESS-1 ESS- 6/6V ESS-7 ESS-12
extended operations, administration
and maintenance (OAM) support —
and copper media types for greater
flexibility. DDM measures key
optical parameters in real time to
improve installation, activation and
troubleshooting while reducing
overall operational costs.
• Supports coarse wavelength division
multiplexing (CWDM) SFPs
• Provides selectable WAN or LAN
physical interface option for 10GigE
Table 2. A lcatel-Lucent 7450 ESS MDA-XP ordering information*
3HE05159AA 48-por t 10/100/1000BASE-TX
3HE03616AA 20-port 10/100/1000BASE-TX
3HE03615AA 20-port GigE MDA-XP • 7450 ESS 20-port 1000BASE-TX Ethernet MDA-XP. Accepts up to twenty (20) GigE SFP optical modules.
3HE03614AA 10-port GigE MDA-XP • 7450 ESS 10-port 1000BASE Ethernet MDA-XP. Accepts up to ten (10) GigE SFP optical modules.
3HE03688AA 4-port 10GigE MDA-XP • 7450 ESS 4-port 10GBASE oversubscribed Ethernet MDA-XP. Accepts up to four (4) XFP 10GigE optical
3HE03687AA 2-port 10GigE MDA-XP • 7450 ESS 2-port 10GBASE Ethernet MDA-XP. Accepts up to t wo (2) XFP 10GigE optical modules and
3HE04273AA 1-port 10GigE MDA-XP • 7450 ESS 1-port 10GBASE Ethernet MDA-XP. Accepts one (1) XFP 10GigE optical module and supports
* Note: Mul tirate Etherne t SFPs are supported by the hardware.
• 7450 ESS 48-port 10/100/1000BASE-TX MDA-XP with eight (8) mini RJ-21 connectors; accepts up to eight
(8) mini RJ-21 cable assemblies (cable assemblies ordered separately); supported only on Input/Output
Module 3-XPs (IOM3-XPs).
• 7450 ESS 20-port 10/100/1000BASE-TX Ethernet MDA-XP with RJ-45 connectors.
For 10/100/1000BASE-TX operation, GigE TX SFPs are supported.
For 10/100/1000BASE-TX operation, GigE TX SFPs are supported.
modules and suppor ts WAN/L AN PHY operation.
supports WAN/LAN PHY operation.
WAN/LAN PHY operation.
Alcatel- Lucent 7450 E SS MDA-XP | Data Sheet2