Alcatel-Lucent 1626 Light Manager
R EL E A S E 6 . 1
The Alcatel-Lucent 1626 Light Manager (LM) is a global 10G/40G multi-reach Dense Wavelength Division
Multiplexing (DWDM) platform for regional, long-haul terrestrial and unrepeatered submarine applications. As
new multimedia services fuel huge bandwidth growth and time-to-service becomes key to business success,
capacity, flexibility and ease of operations are driving the requirements for next-generation regional and backbone
photonic networks. The combination of networking flexibility, operational efficiency, traffic scalability and optical
performance makes the Alcatel-Lucent 1626 LM the ideal platform to support profitable transport network growth.
Zero Touch Photonics – flexible,
automated, easy to operate
The Alcatel-Lucent 1626 LM helps
ser vice providers lower the overall
cost per transported bit in the core of
the network by implementing AlcatelLucent Zero Touch Photonics technology. Its unique multi-degree Tunable
and Reconfigurable Optical Add-Drop
Multiplexer (T&ROADM) architecture
supports photonic switching, enabling
fast and easy turnup or reconfiguration of wavelength services from
end to end. This functionality ensures
operations access to any wavelength
anywhere in the network, regardless of
the traffic forecast, and provides full
network traffic reconfiguration without
on-site intervention.
The Alcatel-Lucent 1626 LM delivers
any mix of 10G and 40G wavelength
services on any given fiber in the
network. In addition, next- generation
polarization division multiplexing
binary phase-shift keying (PDM-BPSK)
coherent modulation allows for 40G
wavelengths at the largest optical reach
and with full compatibility with neighbor
10G optical channels. This capability
enables service providers to profitably
grow their capacity by leveraging their
existing 10G assets without compromise,
both in terms of backward compatibility
and future scalability.
Sophisticated design tools and
self-tuning features simplify, optimize
and accelerate planning for new
networks or upgrades. These tools
fully automate network installation,
provisioning and commissioning,
while unparalleled optical performance is guaranteed for the most
stringent long reach applications. The
Alcatel-Lucent 1626 LM also supports
Generalized Multi-Protocol Label
Switching (GMPLS) to further enhance
network flexibility and improve
resiliency with photonic restoration.

The Alcatel-Lucent 1626 LM is fully
managed by the Alcatel-Lucent
1350 Optical Management System (OMS),
providing a range of operations support
applications for the entire network
life cycle, from planning and design to
provisioning. The Alcatel-Lucent 1626 LM
enables flexible photonic networking
for protected or unprotected linear,
ring and meshed network topologies.
Supporting the ITU-T Optical Transport
Network (OTN) suite of standards, the
Alcatel-Lucent 1626 LM enables
end-to-end management of backbone
photonic networks for simplified, zerotouch operations.
Key features and benefits
• Photonic switching – fast and easy
service turn-up
¬ T&ROADM: Wavelength Selective
Switch (WSS)-based wavelength
routing and tunable filter
¬ Any client to any wavelength
to any direction
¬ Flexible optical add/drop options
with T&ROADM, ROADM and
Fixed OADM
¬ Multi-degree node support from
two-degree to nine-degree
¬ Supports linear, ring and mesh
• High capacity at 10G and 40G –
scalability without compromise
¬ Up to 96 channels at 10 Gb/s and
up to 80 channels at 40 Gb/s in
the C-band
¬ Any 10G/40G mix supported
¬ Up to 15 channels at 40G in a
rack, using PDM-BPSK coherent
• Automation – fast and easy network
life-cycle management
¬ Graphical design tools for
accelerated administration
from plan to commission
¬ Integrated with network
management for 360 -degree
¬ Self-tuning optical performance,
automatic power and line
¬ Supports TL1 interface
• Extended reach – optimal performance
¬ 3500 km unregenerated
transmission at 10 Gb/s using
pure Erbium Doped Fiber
Amplifiers (EDFAs)
¬ >1600 km unregenerated
transmission at 40 Gb/s
using pure EDFAs
¬ >400 km unrepeatered
transmission at 10 Gb/s
¬ >2500 km using 40G coherent
• GMPLS control plane
¬ Automated discovery of network
resources (links, paths and switches)
¬ Resilience against multiple
network failures
¬ Coordination with other GMPLS-
enabled networks for fast service
provisioning and OPEX reductions
¬ Increased efficiency, yielding
CAPEX savings and a more fully
monetized transport network
• Extensive interface options –
reliable service delivery
¬ Support a variety of Ethernet
and SONET/SDH client interfaces
¬ Transparent concentrators
¬ 1+1 channel protection
¬ Optical Multiplex Section
Protection (OMSP)
Technical specifications
Network applications
• Point-to-point DWDM terminal
• Long-haul and ultra long-haul
unrepeatered applications
• Ring-based transport networks
• Multipoint-to-multipoint
networks with wavelength add/
drop requirements
• Mesh-based optical network
Client interfaces
¬ OC-768/STM-256: ITU-T G.693
VSR2000-3R2, -3R3, -3R5
¬ OC-192/STM-64: VSR, S-64.2
¬ OC-48/STM-16: I-16.1, S-16.1,
L-16.2, L-16.1
• Ethernet
¬ 1000Base-SX, 1000Base-LX,
¬ 10GigE LAN PHY LR, 10GigE LAN
• 10 Gb/s, 40 Gb/s UNI and NNI
ITU-T G.709 interfaces
WDM interfaces
• Bit rate: 10.709 Gb/s, 11.096 Gb/s
and 43.018 Gb/s
• Supported modulation formats at
10 Gb/s (direct transponders and
¬ Non-return-to-zero (NRZ)
• Supported modulation formats at
40 Gb/s (direct transponders and
¬ Differential phase-shift keying
¬ Partial DPSK (P-DPSK)
• ITU-T G.709 direct transponders
and concentrators/muxponders
• Optical amplifiers: 17 dBm, 20 dBm
and 23 dBm output power
Alcatel- Lucent 1626 L ight Manag er | Re lease 6.1 | Data She et2