Agilent Technologies DSO5054A, DSO5012A, DSO5034A, DSO5032A, DSO5052A Programmer's Manual

Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes
Programmer's Guide
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2007-2008
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Manual Part Number
Version 05.15.0000
July 31, 2008
Available in electronic format only
Agilent Technologies, Inc. 1900 Garden of the Gods Road Colorado Springs, CO 80907 USA
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In This Book

This book is your guide to programming the 5000 Series oscilloscopes:
Table 1 InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscope Models
Channels Input Bandwidth (Maximum Sample Rate)
500 MHz (4 GSa/s) 300 MHz (2 GSa/s) 100 MHz (2 GSa/s)
4 analog DSO5054A DSO5034A DSO5014A
2 analog DSO5052A DSO5032A DSO5012A
The first few chapters describe how to set up and get started:
Chapter 1, "What's New" on page 19, describes programming command
changes in the latest version of oscilloscope software.
Chapter 2, "Setting Up" on page 27, describes the steps you must take
before you can program the oscilloscope.
Chapter 3, "Getting Started" on page 37, gives a general overview of
oscilloscope program structure and shows how to program the oscilloscope using a few simple examples.
Chapter 4, "Commands Quick Reference" on page 51, is a brief listing of
the 5000 Series oscilloscope commands and syntax.
The next chapters provide reference information:
Chapter 5, "Commands by Subsystem" on page 89, describes the set of
commands that belong to an individual subsystem and explains the function of each command. Command arguments and syntax are described. Some command descriptions have example code.
Chapter 6, "Commands A- Z" on page 477, contains an alphabetical
listing of all command elements.
Chapter 7, "Obsolete and Discontinued Commands" on page 501,
describes obsolete commands which still work but have been replaced by newer commands and discontinued commands which are no longer supported.
Chapter 8, "Error Messages" on page 545, lists the instrument error
messages that can occur while programming the oscilloscope.
The command descriptions in this reference show upper and lowercase characters. For example, :AUToscale indicates that the entire command name is :AUTOSCALE. The short form, :AUT, is also accepted by the oscilloscope.
Then, there are chapters that describe programming topics and conceptual information in more detail:
Chapter 9, "Status Reporting" on page 553, describes the oscilloscope's
status registers and how to check the status of the instrument.
Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide 3
Chapter 10, "Synchronizing Acquisitions" on page 575, describes how to
wait for acquisitions to complete before querying measurement results or performing other operations with the captured data.
Chapter 11, "More About Oscilloscope Commands" on page 585, contains
additional information about oscilloscope programming commands.
Finally, there is a chapter that contains programming examples:
Chapter 12, "Programming Examples" on page 607.
See Also • For more information on using the SICL, VISA, and VISA COM libraries
in general, see the documentation that comes with the Agilent IO Libraries Suite.
For information on controller PC interface configuration, see the
documentation for the interface card used (for example, the Agilent 82350A GPIB interface).
For information on oscilloscope front-panel operation, see the User's
For detailed connectivity information, refer to the Agilent Technologies
USB/LAN/GPIB Connectivity Guide. For a printable electronic copy of
the Connectivity Guide, direct your Web browser to "" and search for "Connectivity Guide".
For the latest versions of this and other manuals, see:
4 Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide


1 What's New
2 Setting Up
In This Book 3
What's New in Version 5.15 20
What's New in Version 5.10 22
What's New in Version 5.00 23
What's New in Version 4.10 25
Version 4.00 at Introduction 26
Step 1. Install Agilent IO Libraries Suite software 28
Step 2. Connect and set up the oscilloscope 29
Using the USB (Device) Interface 29 Using the LAN Interface 29 Using the GPIB Interface 30
Step 3. Verify the oscilloscope connection 31
3 Getting Started
Basic Oscilloscope Program Structure 38
Initializing 38 Capturing Data 38 Analyzing Captured Data 39
Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide 5
Programming the Oscilloscope 40
Referencing the IO Library 40 Opening the Oscilloscope Connection via the IO Library 41 Initializing the Interface and the Oscilloscope 41 Using :AUToscale to Automate Oscilloscope Setup 42 Using Other Oscilloscope Setup Commands 42 Capturing Data with the :DIGitize Command 43 Reading Query Responses from the Oscilloscope 45 Reading Query Results into String Variables 46 Reading Query Results into Numeric Variables 46 Reading Definite-Length Block Query Response Data 46 Sending Multiple Queries and Reading Results 47 Checking Instrument Status 48
Other Ways of Sending Commands 49
Tel ne t S oc ke ts 49 Sending SCPI Commands Using Browser Web Control 49
4 Commands Quick Reference
Command Summary 52
Syntax Elements 85
Number Format 85 <NL> (Line Terminator) 85 [ ] (Optional Syntax Terms) 85 { } (Braces) 85 ::= (Defined As) 85 < > (Angle Brackets) 86 ... (Ellipsis) 86 n,..,p (Value Ranges) 86 d (Digits) 86 Quoted ASCII String 86 Definite-Length Block Response Data 86
5 Commands by Subsystem
Common (*) Commands 91
*CLS (Clear Status) 95 *ESE (Standard Event Status Enable) 96 *ESR (Standard Event Status Register) 98 *IDN (Identification Number) 100 *LRN (Learn Device Setup) 101 *OPC (Operation Complete) 102
6 Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide
*OPT (Option Identification) 103 *RCL (Recall) 104 *RST (Reset) 105 *SAV (Save) 108 *SRE (Service Request Enable) 109 *STB (Read Status Byte) 111 *TRG (Trigger) 113 *TST (Self Test) 114 *WAI (Wait To Continue) 115
Root (:) Commands 116
:AER (Arm Event Register) 119 :AUToscale 120 :AUToscale:AMODE 122 :AUToscale:CHANnels 123 :BLANk 124 :CDISplay 125 :DIGitize 126 :HWEenable (Hardware Event Enable Register) 128 :HWERegister:CONDition (Hardware Event Condition Register) 130 :HWERegister[:EVENt] (Hardware Event Event Register) 132 :MERGe 134 :OPEE (Operation Status Enable Register) 135 :OPERegister:CONDition (Operation Status Condition Register) 137 :OPERegister[:EVENt] (Operation Status Event Register) 139 :OVLenable (Overload Event Enable Register) 141 :OVLRegister (Overload Event Register) 143 :PRINt 145 :RUN 146 :SERial 147 :SINGle 148 :STATus 149 :STOP 150 :TER (Trigger Event Register) 151 :VIEW 152
:ACQuire Commands 153
:ACQuire:AALias 155 :ACQuire:COMPlete 156 :ACQuire:COUNt 157 :ACQuire:DAALias 158 :ACQuire:MODE 159 :ACQuire:POINts 160
Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide 7
:ACQuire:SEGMented:COUNt 161 :ACQuire:SEGMented:INDex 162 :ACQuire:SRATe 164 :ACQuire:TYPE 165
:CALibrate Commands 167
:CALibrate:DATE 168 :CALibrate:LABel 169 :CALibrate:STARt 170 :CALibrate:STATus 171 :CALibrate:SWITch 172 :CALibrate:TEMPerature 173 :CALibrate:TIME 174
:CHANnel<n> Commands 175
:CHANnel<n>:BWLimit 178 :CHANnel<n>:COUPling 179 :CHANnel<n>:DISPlay 180 :CHANnel<n>:IMPedance 181 :CHANnel<n>:INVert 182 :CHANnel<n>:LABel 183 :CHANnel<n>:OFFSet 184 :CHANnel<n>:PROBe 185 :CHANnel<n>:PROBe:ID 186 :CHANnel<n>:PROBe:SKEW 187 :CHANnel<n>:PROBe:STYPe 188 :CHANnel<n>:PROTection 189 :CHANnel<n>:RANGe 190 :CHANnel<n>:SCALe 191 :CHANnel<n>:UNITs 192 :CHANnel<n>:VERNier 193
:DISPlay Commands 194
:DISPlay:CLEar 196 :DISPlay:DATA 197 :DISPlay:LABel 199 :DISPlay:LABList 200 :DISPlay:PERSistence 201 :DISPlay:SOURce 202 :DISPlay:VECTors 203
:EXTernal Trigger Commands 204
:EXTernal:BWLimit 206 :EXTernal:IMPedance 207
8 Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide
:EXTernal:PROBe 208 :EXTernal:PROBe:ID 209 :EXTernal:PROBe:STYPe 210 :EXTernal:PROTection 211 :EXTernal:RANGe 212 :EXTernal:UNITs 213
:FUNCtion Commands 214
:FUNCtion:CENTer 217 :FUNCtion:DISPlay 218 :FUNCtion:GOFT:OPERation 219 :FUNCtion:GOFT:SOURce1 220 :FUNCtion:GOFT:SOURce2 221 :FUNCtion:OFFSet 222 :FUNCtion:OPERation 223 :FUNCtion:RANGe 224 :FUNCtion:REFerence 225 :FUNCtion:SCALe 226 :FUNCtion:SOURce1 227 :FUNCtion:SOURce2 228 :FUNCtion:SPAN 229 :FUNCtion:WINDow 230
:HARDcopy Commands 231
:HARDcopy:AREA 233 :HARDcopy:APRinter 234 :HARDcopy:FACTors 235 :HARDcopy:FFEed 236 :HARDcopy:INKSaver 237 :HARDcopy:PALette 238 :HARDcopy:PRinter:LIST 239 :HARDcopy:STARt 240
:MARKer Commands 241
:MARKer:MODE 243 :MARKer:X1Position 244 :MARKer:X1Y1source 245 :MARKer:X2Position 246 :MARKer:X2Y2source 247 :MARKer:XDELta 248 :MARKer:Y1Position 249 :MARKer:Y2Position 250 :MARKer:YDELta 251
Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide 9
:MEASure Commands 252
:MEASure:CLEar 259 :MEASure:COUNter 260 :MEASure:DEFine 261 :MEASure:DELay 264 :MEASure:DUTYcycle 266 :MEASure:FALLtime 267 :MEASure:FREQuency 268 :MEASure:NWIDth 269 :MEASure:OVERshoot 270 :MEASure:PERiod 272 :MEASure:PHASe 273 :MEASure:PREShoot 274 :MEASure:PWIDth 275 :MEASure:RISetime 276 :MEASure:SDEViation 277 :MEASure:SHOW 278 :MEASure:SOURce 279 :MEASure:TEDGe 281 :MEASure:TVALue 283 :MEASure:VAMPlitude 285 :MEASure:VAVerage 286 :MEASure:VBASe 287 :MEASure:VMAX 288 :MEASure:VMIN 289 :MEASure:VPP 290 :MEASure:VRATio 291 :MEASure:VRMS 292 :MEASure:VTIMe 293 :MEASure:VTOP 294 :MEASure:XMAX 295 :MEASure:XMIN 296
:RECall Commands 297
:RECall:FILename 298 :RECall:IMAGe[:STARt] 299 :RECall:PWD 300 :RECall:SETup[:STARt] 301
:SAVE Commands 302
:SAVE:FILename 304 :SAVE:IMAGe[:STARt] 305 :SAVE:IMAGe:AREA 306
10 Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide
:SAVE:IMAGe:FACTors 307 :SAVE:IMAGe:FORMat 308 :SAVE:IMAGe:INKSaver 309 :SAVE:IMAGe:PALette 310 :SAVE:PWD 311 :SAVE:SETup[:STARt] 312 :SAVE:WAVeform[:STARt] 313 :SAVE:WAVeform:FORMat 314 :SAVE:WAVeform:LENGth 315
:SBUS Commands 316
:SYSTem Commands 334
:SYSTem:DATE 335 :SYSTem:DSP 336 :SYSTem:ERRor 337 :SYSTem:LOCK 338 :SYSTem:PROTection:LOCK 339 :SYSTem:SETup 340 :SYSTem:TIME 342
:TIMebase Commands 343
:TIMebase:MODE 345 :TIMebase:POSition 346 :TIMebase:RANGe 347 :TIMebase:REFerence 348 :TIMebase:SCALe 349
Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide 11
:TIMebase:VERNier 350 :TIMebase:WINDow:POSition 351 :TIMebase:WINDow:RANGe 352 :TIMebase:WINDow:SCALe 353
:TRIGger Commands 354
General :TRIGger Commands 357 :TRIGger:HFReject 358 :TRIGger:HOLDoff 359 :TRIGger:MODE 360 :TRIGger:NREJect 361 :TRIGger:PATTern 362 :TRIGger:SWEep 364 :TRIGger:CAN Commands 365 :TRIGger:CAN:PATTern:DATA 367 :TRIGger:CAN:PATTern:DATA:LENGth 368 :TRIGger:CAN:PATTern:ID 369 :TRIGger:CAN:PATTern:ID:MODE 370 :TRIGger:CAN:SAMPlepoint 371 :TRIGger:CAN:SIGNal:BAUDrate 372 :TRIGger:CAN:SOURce 373 :TRIGger:CAN:TRIGger 374 :TRIGger:DURation Commands 376 :TRIGger:DURation:GREaterthan 377 :TRIGger:DURation:LESSthan 378 :TRIGger:DURation:PATTern 379 :TRIGger:DURation:QUALifier 380 :TRIGger:DURation:RANGe 381 :TRIGger[:EDGE] Commands 382 :TRIGger[:EDGE]:COUPling 383 :TRIGger[:EDGE]:LEVel 384 :TRIGger[:EDGE]:REJect 385 :TRIGger[:EDGE]:SLOPe 386 :TRIGger[:EDGE]:SOURce 387 :TRIGger:GLITch Commands 388 :TRIGger:GLITch:GREaterthan 389 :TRIGger:GLITch:LESSthan 390 :TRIGger:GLITch:LEVel 391 :TRIGger:GLITch:POLarity 392 :TRIGger:GLITch:QUALifier 393 :TRIGger:GLITch:RANGe 394 :TRIGger:GLITch:SOURce 395
12 Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide
:TRIGger:IIC Commands 396 :TRIGger:IIC:PATTern:ADDRess 397 :TRIGger:IIC:PATTern:DATA 398 :TRIGger:IIC:PATTern:DATa2 399 :TRIGger:IIC:SOURce:CLOCk 400 :TRIGger:IIC:SOURce:DATA 401 :TRIGger:IIC:TRIGger:QUALifier 402 :TRIGger:IIC:TRIGger[:TYPE] 403 :TRIGger:LIN Commands 405 :TRIGger:LIN:ID 406 :TRIGger:LIN:SAMPlepoint 407 :TRIGger:LIN:SIGNal:BAUDrate 408 :TRIGger:LIN:SOURce 409 :TRIGger:LIN:STANdard 410 :TRIGger:LIN:SYNCbreak 411 :TRIGger:LIN:TRIGger 412 :TRIGger:SPI Commands 413 :TRIGger:SPI:CLOCk:SLOPe 414 :TRIGger:SPI:CLOCk:TIMeout 415 :TRIGger:SPI:FRAMing 416 :TRIGger:SPI:PATTern:DATA 417 :TRIGger:SPI:PATTern:WIDTh 418 :TRIGger:SPI:SOURce:CLOCk 419 :TRIGger:SPI:SOURce:DATA 420 :TRIGger:SPI:SOURce:FRAMe 421 :TRIGger:TV Commands 422 :TRIGger:TV:LINE 423 :TRIGger:TV:MODE 424 :TRIGger:TV:POLarity 425 :TRIGger:TV:SOURce 426 :TRIGger:TV:STANdard 427 :TRIGger:UART Commands 428 :TRIGger:UART:BAUDrate 430 :TRIGger:UART:BITorder 431 :TRIGger:UART:BURSt 432 :TRIGger:UART:DATA 433 :TRIGger:UART:IDLE 434 :TRIGger:UART:PARity 435 :TRIGger:UART:POLarity 436 :TRIGger:UART:QUALifier 437 :TRIGger:UART:SOURce:RX 438 :TRIGger:UART:SOURce:TX 439
Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide 13
:WAVeform Commands 442
:WAVeform:BYTeorder 449 :WAVeform:COUNt 450 :WAVeform:DATA 451 :WAVeform:FORMat 453 :WAVeform:POINts 454 :WAVeform:POINts:MODE 456 :WAVeform:PREamble 458 :WAVeform:SEGMented:COUNt 461 :WAVeform:SEGMented:TTAG 462 :WAVeform:SOURce 463 :WAVeform:SOURce:SUBSource 467 :WAVeform:TYPE 468 :WAVeform:UNSigned 469 :WAVeform:VIEW 470 :WAVeform:XINCrement 471 :WAVeform:XORigin 472 :WAVeform:XREFerence 473 :WAVeform:YINCrement 474 :WAVeform:YORigin 475 :WAVeform:YREFerence 476
6 Commands A-Z
7 Obsolete and Discontinued Commands
:CHANnel:LABel 506 :CHANnel2:SKEW 507 :CHANnel<n>:INPut 508 :CHANnel<n>:PMODe 509 :DISPlay:CONNect 510 :ERASe 511 :EXTernal:INPut 512 :EXTernal:PMODe 513 :FUNCtion:SOURce 514 :FUNCtion:VIEW 515 :HARDcopy:DESTination 516 :HARDcopy:DEVice 517 :HARDcopy:FILename 518 :HARDcopy:FORMat 519
14 Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide
:HARDcopy:GRAYscale 520 :HARDcopy:IGColors 521 :HARDcopy:PDRiver 522 :MEASure:LOWer 523 :MEASure:SCRatch 524 :MEASure:TDELta 525 :MEASure:THResholds 526 :MEASure:TMAX 527 :MEASure:TMIN 528 :MEASure:TSTArt 529 :MEASure:TSTOp 530 :MEASure:TVOLt 531 :MEASure:UPPer 533 :MEASure:VDELta 534 :MEASure:VSTArt 535 :MEASure:VSTOp 536 :PRINt? 537 :TIMebase:DELay 539 :TRIGger:CAN:ACKNowledge 540 :TRIGger:CAN:SIGNal:DEFinition 541 :TRIGger:LIN:SIGNal:DEFinition 542 :TRIGger:TV:TVMode 543
8 Error Messages
9 Status Reporting
Status Reporting Data Structures 555
Status Byte Register (STB) 558
Service Request Enable Register (SRE) 560
Trigger Event Register (TER) 561
Output Queue 562
Message Queue 563
(Standard) Event Status Register (ESR) 564
(Standard) Event Status Enable Register (ESE) 565
Error Queue 566
Operation Status Event Register (:OPERegister[:EVENt]) 567
Operation Status Condition Register (:OPERegister:CONDition) 568
Arm Event Register (AER) 569
Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide 15
Hardware Event Event Register (:HWERegister[:EVENt]) 570
Hardware Event Condition Register (:HWERegister:CONDition) 571
Clearing Registers and Queues 572
Status Reporting Decision Chart 573
10 Synchronizing Acquisitions
Synchronization in the Programming Flow 576
Set Up the Oscilloscope 576 Acquire a Waveform 576 Retrieve Results 576
Blocking Synchronization 577
Polling Synchronization With Timeout 578
Synchronizing with a Single-Shot Device Under Test (DUT) 580
Synchronization with an Averaging Acquisition 582
11 More About Oscilloscope Commands
Command Classifications 586
Core Commands 586 Non-Core Commands 586 Obsolete Commands 586
Valid Command/Query Strings 587
Program Message Syntax 587 Command Tree 591 Duplicate Mnemonics 601 Tree Traversal Rules and Multiple Commands 601
Query Return Values 604
All Oscilloscope Commands Are Sequential 605
12 Programming Examples
SICL Examples 608
SICL Example in C 608 SICL Example in Visual Basic 617
VISA Examples 626
VISA Example in C 626 VISA Example in Visual Basic 635 VISA Example in C# 645 VISA Example in Visual Basic .NET 659
16 Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide
VISA COM Examples 672
VISA COM Example in Visual Basic 672 VISA COM Example in C# 682 VISA COM Example in Visual Basic .NET 693
Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide 17
18 Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide
Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide
1 What's New
What's New in Version 5.15 20 What's New in Version 5.10 22 What's New in Version 5.00 23 What's New in Version 4.10 25 Version 4.00 at Introduction 26
1 What's New

What's New in Version 5.15

New features in version 5.15 of the InfiniiVision 5000 Series oscilloscope software are:
Waveform math can be performed using channels 3 and 4, and there is
a new ADD operator.
Ratio of AC RMS values measurement.
Analog channel impedance protection lock.
More detailed descriptions of the new and changed commands appear below.
New Commands
Command Description
:FUNCtion:GOFT:OPERation (see page 219) Selects the math operation for the internal g(t)
source that can be used as the input to the FFT, INTegrate, DIFFerentiate, and SQRT functions.
:FUNCtion:GOFT:SOURce1 (see page 220) Selects the first input channel for the g(t)
:FUNCtion:GOFT:SOURce2 (see page 221) Selects the second input channel for the g(t)
:FUNCtion:SOURce1 (see page 227) Selects the first source for the ADD, SUBTract,
and MULTiply arithmetic operations or the single source for the FFT, INTegrate, DIFFerentiate, and SQRT functions.
:FUNCtion:SOURce2 (see page 228) Selects the second input channel for the ADD,
SUBTract, and MULTiply arithmetic operations.
:MEASure:VRATio (see page 291) Measures and returns the ratio of AC RMS
values of the specified sources expressed in dB.
:SYSTem:PROTection:LOCK (see page 339) Disables/enables the fifty ohm input
impedance setting.
20 Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide
What's New 1
Command Differences
:ACQuire:COUNt (see page 157) The :ACQuire:COUNt 1 command has been
deprecated. The AVERage acquisition type with a count of 1 is functionally equivalent to the HRESolution acquisition type; however, you should select the high-resolution acquisition mode with the :ACQuire:TYPE HRESolution command instead.
:FUNCtion:OPERation (see page 223) The ADD parameter is new, and now that
waveform math can be performed using channels 3 and 4, this command selects the operation only.
:FUNCtion:WINDow (see page 230) You can now select the Blackman-Harris FFT
Obsolete Command Current Command Equivalent Behavior Differences
:FUNCtion:SOURce (see
page 514)
:FUNCtion:SOURce1 (see
page 227)
Obsolete command has ADD, SUBTract, and MULTiply parameters; current command has GOFT parameter.
Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide 21
1 What's New

What's New in Version 5.10

New features in version 5.10 of the InfiniiVision 5000 Series oscilloscope software are:
Segmented memory acquisition mode, enabled with Option SGM.
More detailed descriptions of the new and changed commands appear below.
New Commands
Command Description
:ACQuire:SEGMented:COUNt (see page 161) Sets the number of memory segments.
:ACQuire:SEGMented:INDex (see page 162) Selects the segmented memory index.
:WAVeform:SEGMented:COUNt (see page 461) Returns the number of segments in the
:WAVeform:SEGMented:TTAG (see page 462) Returns the time tag for the selected
currently acquired waveform data.
segmented memory index.
Command Differences
:ACQuire:MODE (see page 159) You can now select the SEGMented memory
22 Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide

What's New in Version 5.00

New features in version 5.00 of the InfiniiVision 5000 Series oscilloscope software are:
Serial triggering and decode options are now available.
The :SAVE and :RECall command subsystems.
Changes to the :HARDcopy sommand subsystem to make a clearer
distinction between printing and save/recall functionality.
More detailed descriptions of the new and changed commands appear below.
New Commands
Command Description
:HARDcopy:STARt (see page 240) Starts a print job.
:HARDcopy:APRinter (see page 234) Sets the active printer.
What's New 1
:HARDcopy:AREA (see page 233) Specifies the area of the display to print
(currently SCReen only).
:HARDcopy:INKSaver (see page 237) Inverts screen colors to save ink when printing.
:HARDcopy:PRinter:LIST (see page 239) Returns a list of the available printers.
:RECall Commands (see page 297) Commands for recalling previously saved
oscilloscope setups and traces.
:SAVE Commands (see page 302) Commands for saving oscilloscope setups and
traces, screen images, and data.
:SBUS Commands (see page 316) Commands for controlling oscilloscope
functions associated with the serial decode bus.
:TRIGger:CAN Commands (see page 365) Commands for triggering on Controller Area
Network (CAN) version 2.0A and 2.0B signals.
:TRIGger:IIC Commands (see page 396) Commands for triggering on Inter-IC (IIC)
:TRIGger:LIN Commands (see page 405) Commands for triggering on Local Interconnect
Network (LIN) signals.
:TRIGger:SPI Commands (see page 413) Commands for triggering on Serial Peripheral
Interface (SPI) signals.
:TRIGger:UART Commands (see page 428) Commands for triggering on UART/RS-232
:WAVeform:SOURce:SUBSource (see
page 467)
Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide 23
Selects subsource when :WAVeform:SOURce is SBUS (serial decode).
1 What's New
Command Differences
:BLANk (see page 124) Now, you can also use this command with the
serial decode bus.
:DIGitize (see page 126) Now, you can also use this command with the
serial decode bus.
:STATus (see page 149) Now, you can also use this command with the
serial decode bus.
:TRIGger:MODE (see page 360) You can now select the serial triggering modes.
:VIEW (see page 152) Now, you can now use this command with the
serial decode bus.
:WAVeform:SOURce (see page 463) Now, you can also use this command with the
serial decode bus.
Obsolete Command Current Command Equivalent Behavior Differences
:HARDcopy:FILename (see
page 518)
:HARDcopy:FORMat (see
page 519)
:HARDcopy:IGColors (see
page 521)
:HARDcopy:PDRiver (see
page 522)
:RECall:FILename (see
page 298)
:SAVE:FILename (see
page 298)
:HARDcopy:APRinter (see
page 234)
page 308)
:SAVE:WAVeform:FORMat (see page 314)
:HARDcopy:INKSaver (see
page 237)
:HARDcopy:APRinter (see
page 234)
24 Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide

What's New in Version 4.10

New features in version 4.10 of the InfiniiVision 5000 Series oscilloscope software are:
The square root waveform math function.
Several new hardcopy printer drivers.
More detailed descriptions of the new and changed commands appear below.
Command Differences
:FUNCtion:OPERation (see page 223) You can now select the SQRT (square root)
:HARDcopy:PDRiver (see page 522) You can now select the new DJPR0kx50,
What's New 1
waveform math function.
DJ55xx, PS470, and LJFastraster printer drivers.
Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide 25
1 What's New

Version 4.00 at Introduction

The Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series oscilloscopes were introduced with version 4.00 of oscilloscope operating software. The command set is similar to the 6000 Series oscilloscopes (and the 54620/54640 Series oscilloscopes before them) except that digital channels, rear-panel 10 Mhz reference BNC input/output, and serial bus triggering/decode features are not present.
26 Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide
Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide
2 Setting Up
Step 1. Install Agilent IO Libraries Suite software 28 Step 2. Connect and set up the oscilloscope 29 Step 3. Verify the oscilloscope connection 31
This chapter explains how to install the Agilent IO Libraries Suite software, connect the oscilloscope to the controller PC, set up the oscilloscope, and verify the oscilloscope connection.
2 Setting Up

Step 1. Install Agilent IO Libraries Suite software

Insert the Automation-Ready CD that was shipped with your oscilloscope into the controller PC's CD-ROM drive, and follow its installation instructions.
You can also download the Agilent IO Libraries Suite software from the web at:
28 Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide

Step 2. Connect and set up the oscilloscope

The 5000 Series oscilloscope has three different interfaces you can use for programming: USB (device), LAN, or GPIB.
All three interfaces are "live" by default, but you can turn them off if desired. To access these settings press the Utility key on the front panel, then press the I/O softkey, then press the Control softkey.
Setting Up 2

Figure 1 Control Connectors on Rear Panel

Using the USB (Device) Interface

1 Connect a USB cable from the controller PC's USB port to the "USB
DEVICE" port on the back of the oscilloscope.
This is a USB 2.0 high-speed port.
2 On the oscilloscope, verify that the controller interface is enabled:
a Press the Utility button. b Using the softkeys, press I/O and Control. c Ensure the box next to USB is selected (). If not (), use the
Entry knob to select USB; then, press the Control softkey again.

Using the LAN Interface

1 If the controller PC isn't already connected to the local area network
(LAN), do that first.
2 Get the oscilloscope's network parameters (hostname, domain, IP
address, subnet mask, gateway IP, DNS IP, etc.) from your network administrator.
3 Connect the oscilloscope to the local area network (LAN) by inserting
LAN cable into the "LAN" port on the back of the oscilloscope.
Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide 29
2 Setting Up
4 On the oscilloscope, verify that the controller interface is enabled:
a Press the Utility button. b Using the softkeys, press I/O and Control. c Ensure the box next to LAN is selected ( ). If not ( ), use the
Entry knob to select LAN; then, press the Control softkey again.
5 Configure the oscilloscope's LAN interface:
a Press the Configure softkey until "LAN" is selected. b Press the LAN Settings softkey. c Press the Addresses softkey. Use the IP Options softkey and the
Entry knob to select DHCP, AutoIP, or netBIOS. Use the Modify softkey (and the other softkeys and the Entry knob) to enter the IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway IP, and DNS IP values. When you are done, press the return (up arrow) softkey.
d Press the Domain softkey. Use the Modify softkey (and the other
softkeys and the Entry knob) to enter the Host name and the Domain name. When you are done, press the return (up arrow) softkey.

Using the GPIB Interface

1 Connect a GPIB cable from the controller PC's GPIB interface to the
"GPIB" port on the back of the oscilloscope.
2 On the oscilloscope, verify that the controller interface is enabled:
a Press the Utility button. b Using the softkeys, press I/O and Control. c Use the Entry knob to select "GPIB"; then, press the Control softkey
Ensure the box next to GPIB is selected ( ). If not ( ), use the Entry knob to select GPIB; then, press the Control softkey again.
3 Configure the oscilloscope's GPIB interface:
a Press the Configure softkey until "GPIB" is selected. b Use the Entry knob to select the Address value.
30 Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide
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