Aerosoft Bergen X User Guide

Bergen X
Copyright: © 2014 / Aerosoft GmbH Airport Paderborn/Lippstadt D-33142 Bueren, Germany
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Bergen X
Add-on for
Microsoft Flight Simulator X
and Prepar3D V1&V2
Bergen X
General Information ............................................................ 5
Installation ........................................................................... 6
Removing the scenery ......................................................... 7
FSX Settings ......................................................................... 8
Minimal System Demands .................................................. 9
Product Description ............................................................. 9
Product Features ................................................................ 10
Aerodrome Information .................................................... 11
Configuration Tool ............................................................. 12
3D Lights ............................................................................ 12
3D Passengers .................................................................... 12
Equipment Density ............................................................ 13
Static Aircraft ..................................................................... 13
Docking System ................................................................. 13
Detailed Trees .................................................................... 13
3D Grass ............................................................................. 13
Bump Maps ........................................................................ 14
Texture Resolution ............................................................. 14
Runway Markings .............................................................. 14
Seasons ............................................................................... 15
Best recommended settings for this scenery ................ 8
Minimal recommended settings for this scenery .......... 9
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General Information
Bergen airport, Flesland (ENBR, BGO) is located on the eastern shoreline of Norway approximately 15km from Bergen city. The airport is currently the second busiest airport in Norway and served over six million passengers during 2013.
Bergen was originally only served by water aerodromes, during WWll the Wehrmacht was looking for a suitable location to build an airstrip. Mostly to fend off air raids performed by the British, but also to protect shipping and interest along the coastline. They later chose Herdla (an island to the north of Bergen) as the best alternative and built two runways there. One of the main reasons for the choice of that location was that earlier a Messerschmitt bomber had to do a forced landing in that area. The aircraft was later on able to take off without much difficulty. So in that sense they could quickly make suitable runways without having to flatten a lot of terrain.
After the war ended talks about building an airfield to serve the Bergen area started again. The main choice was still Herdla, mostly due to the poor topographic terrain surrounding Bergen. But after some back and forth Herdla was removed as an option due to the impossibility to extend the runways beyond the initially proposed length of 1500 meters. Another nail in the coffin for Herdla was the lack of connection to the mainland at that time and transportation to and from the island would have to be by ferry from Bergen.
During the 50’s funding from NATO was obtained and the Flesland area looked like the only viable option. Construction commenced 1952 and in 1955 Flesland Airport was opened to the public, though The Royal Norwegian Air Force had been using the airport for a couple of years before this time and Flesland Air Station was co-located at the aerodrome up until 1999.
Bergen X
Due to its geographical location Flesland was the only Norwegian airport used for SAS intercontinental flights to New York up until the 1980’s. During that same time increased traffic load required an expansion of the aerodrome and in the late 80’s a new Terminal was opened.
The old Terminal still stands and is now used for a substantial amount of the flights to offshore oil platforms in the North Sea, operated by CHC Helicopter Service and Bristow Norway.
The aerodrome has one north/south facing runway 2990 meters (9810ft) long, both ends equipped with instrument landing systems (ILS). The approach to both runways follows the scenic coastline that Norway is well known for.
Further expansions of the aerodrome is planned, the first step is to build a new terminal capable of handling the increased traffic load that is predicted in the coming years. The new terminal is scheduled to be completed in 2017.


You have to be logged in with administrator rights before you start the installation. After you have chosen your preferred installation langua­ge, the welcomescreen appears and with some important information and the license agreement. Please read it carefully.
You will be asked to insert your email address and the product key. Please insert them exactly the way they were written in the confirmati­on mail you received of our online shop. The installation program will attempt to locate the correct path of Microsoft Flight Simulator. If this path cannot be successfully located, or if you wish to install to another location, then you will have to enter the correct path for installation manually. In order to do this, click on “Browse“ and navigate to the correct path. Before the installationprogram starts to copy the files onto your hard disc, you will be presented with all the installation details.
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