Information furnished by Aeroflex Gaisler AB is believed to be accurate and reliable.
However, no responsibility is assumed by Aeroflex Gaisler AB for its use, nor for any infringements
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No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Aeroflex
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Figure 2-1: GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board.............................................................................7
Figure 2-2: User JTAG headers.......................................................................................................8
Figure 2-3: Setting the EDCL IP address.........................................................................................9
Figure 2-4: GRMON after connect.................................................................................................10
Figure 5-1: Selecting a SnapGear template configuration..............................................................21
0.12010-03-17 AllNew document
0.22010-06-16 29, 30, 32Fixed minor errors and omissions in U-boot image creation. Added
information on how to change the EDCL IP address used by U-boot.
This document is a quick start guide for the GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board.
The purpose of this document is to get users quickly started using the board. For a complete
description of the board please refer to the GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board User
Manual, the LEON4 system-on-chip is described in the LEON4-ASIC-DEMO Data sheet and
User's Manual. This quick start guide does not contain as much technical details and is
instead how-to oriented. However, to make the most of the guide the user should have
glanced through the two aforementioned documents and should ideally also be familiar with
the GRMON debug monitor.
The GR-LEON4-ITX data package and this document (including possibly newer revisions)
are available from the GR-LEON4-ITX product page at
1.2 References
RD-1LEON4-ASIC-DEMO Data sheet and User's Manual, Aeroflex Gaisler, 2010
RD-2GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board User Manual, Aeroflex Gaisler, 2010
RD-3GRMON User Manual
RD-4SnapGear Linux for LEON
The referenced documents can be downloaded from or be found on
the USB Flash stick accompanying the board.
1.3 Abbreviations
ASICApplication Specific Integrated Circuit.
DILDual In-Line
DDRDouble Data Rate
DSUDebug Support Unit
GPIOGeneral Purpose Input / Output
I2CIIC, Inter integrated circuit, a 2 wire bus
IPIntellectual Property
PCBPrinted Circuit Board
RMIIReduced Media Independent Interface
SOCSystem On a Chip
SPISerial Peripheral Interface
The board is delivered with a power supply, JTAG adapter, USB and Ethernet cables.
Quick Start Guide
Figure 2-1: GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board
After unpacking the board, two routes can be taken. Either the preprogrammed Linux system
can be booted, or you can connect to the board using the GRMON debug monitor. If you
wish to start the bundled Linux system, please proceed to section 2.2 , to work with the
board through the GRMON debug monitor skip to section 2.3 .
2.2 Running the bundled Linux system
The GR-LEON4-ITX board's SPI boot PROM has been programmed with boot loader that
loads an image of the Linux kernel into main memory and then boots the kernel. The Linux
kernel then mounts its root file system, containing initialization scripts and software, from a
USB Flash stick. The Linux console is available both over the DVI video interface and over
the serial terminal.
The Linux kernel mounts the root filesystem from the USB stick included in the delivery.
Therefore the USB stick must be attached to the board. As previously stated, the Linux
console is available both over the video interface and over the serial terminal. As the board
only provides PIN headers with the receive and transmit lines for the serial terminal it is
recommended that a monitor, keyboard and mouse is attached to the board. According the
normal conventions for the PS/2 interface, the top connector (green) is the Mouse interface
and the bottom connector (purple) is the Keyboard interface. If using a USB keyboard and
mouse the devices should be connected via a USB hub and the USB memory stick should
be directly connected to one of the board's USB ports.
The connected monitor must support DVI-A output, the board can also be connected to a
monitor using a DVI-to-VGA adapter.
It is recommended, but not required, to connect the board to a Ethernet network where it can
receive an IP address via DHCP and access the Internet. This will allow system software to
automatically set the system date and time. If an Ethernet cable is attached it should be
connected to the first Ethernet port (the lower port).
Booting Linux
The bootloader will start Linux when the power adapter is attached to the board. Please skip
to section 3 for usage instructions. Section 5.1 contains transcripts of the output that should
be shown on the monitor during the boot process.
2.3 Connecting with the GRMON debug monitor
GRMON is a competent debug monitor that is used to debug GRLIB/LEON systems. The
GR-LEON4-ITX board has a number of debug interfaces that are all supported by GRMON.
Note: If you intend to use GRMON to work with the board it is recommended to clear the SPI
boot PROM as described in section 4.5 .
The board is delivered with a JTAG adapter that can be used to connect to the board. For a
description of how to set up the JTAG device, or for other JTAG adapters please see the
GRMON User's Manual. The documentation and a evaluation version of GRMON is
available from Unless you will be loading software that will use the
USB Flash stick, it is recommended to not connect the USB Flash stick to the board.
The JTAG adapter shall be connected to the board using the JTAG pin header shown in the
middle bottom of Figure 2-2. Please ensure that the JTAG cable/adapter is connected with
the correct polarity, to prevent unintended damage to the board or cable.
To connect to the board using the JTAG adapter delivered with the board, issue the
grmon -jtag
Connecting with a Xilinx USB JTAG adapter
The JTAG adapter shall be connected to the board using the JTAG pin header, or ribbon
connector, shown in the middle bottom of Figure 2-2. Please ensure that the JTAG
cable/adapter is connected with the correct polarity, to prevent unintended damage to the
board or cable.
To connect to the board using a Xilinx USB adapter, issue the command:
grmon -xilusb
Connecting via the USB interface
Please see the GRMON User's Manual for how to set up the required USB driver software.
Then connect to the board using the command:
grmon -usb
Connecting via serial UART
Please refer to the GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board User Manual and the GRMON
User's Manual for instructions on how to connect via the serial debug interface.
Connecting via Ethernet
Before connecting via Ethernet the host computer (the computer running GRMON) must be
connected to the same network as the GR-LEON4-ITX board. After that the IP address of
the Ethernet Debug Communication Link (EDCL) must be set up. This address can be set up
either by PROM software or by using another debug link. After connecting with an alternate
debug link, issue the command edcl <ip address>. Figure 2-3 below shows a session where
an IP address is set and the expected output:
Figure 2-3: Setting the EDCL IP address
After the EDCL IP address has been set, connect to the target with
grmon -eth -ip <ip address>
In the example above, the command would be: grmon -eth -ip
The GRMON User's Manual describes the capabilities of GRMON. Section 4 of this
document describes some usage scenarios for GRMON on the GR-LEON4-ITX board.