Aeroflex 2968 User Manual

For the very latest specifications visit
The IFR 2968 TETRA Radio Test Set is the industry standard
for testing TETRA mobiles and base stations during design,
manufacture, service and repair. This application note answers
common questions concerning the capabilities and
common problems that may arise during testing.
IFR 2968 Frequently Asked Questions
by Clive Rodmell
TETRA is a complex system with many features and a high degree of customisation to suit the requirements of individual networks and groups of end users. The IFR 2968 is therefore a complex product providing configuration to match the mobiles and base stations under test and supporting the diversity of features and operational behaviour. Inevitably the IFR 2968 requires some user familiarisation and experience in order to achieve the greatest benefit from it. Further, since TETRA is a relatively new system, some of the test methods and TETRA terminology may be unfa­miliar to new users. This application note aims to distil IFR's prac­tical experience with testing TETRA mobiles and base stations to assist IFR 2968 customers. Note that the term 'mobile' is used as a generic term throughout this application note to mean a radio terminal, whether vehicle mounted or hand portable.
This application note contains details and examples of certain procedures, but it is not a substitute for the IFR 2968 operating manuals. You should ensure that you have obtained and read the latest versions of these manuals relevant to the software version in your IFR 2968. For full operating details please refer to the fol­lowing publications - these are the latest versions and are relevant to the latest Phase 3.2 software in the IFR 2968:
46882/324 IFR 2968 Phase 3.2 Operating Manual TETRA Supplement, Issue 10
46882/274 IFR 2965A/2966A/2967/2968 Operating Manual, Issue 13
46882/280 IFR 2965A/2966A/2967/2968 Program­ming Manual, Issue 12
Note: where references are made to specific numbered pages in these manuals, these apply to the printed versions. Electronic ver­sions on CD-ROM may have slightly different page numbering.
Validity of information
The information given in this application note is given in good faith and was believed to be correct at the time of publication, August
2002. However, this information is likely to be subject to change
over time as the TETRA standard continues to develop and net­works and equipment become more mature. You are advised to periodically check our web site for updated information. Your assistance in informing Aeroflex of any correc­tions, updates or additional questions would be much appreciat­ed (
Index to questions
Questions and answers are in the following categories: Section 1: IFR 2968 versions and options Section 2: Testing mobile and base station transmitters Section 3: Testing mobile and base station receivers Section 4: Testing the audio performance of TETRA mobiles Section 5: Functional testing of TETRA mobiles Section 6: Compatibility with TETRA mobiles and networks Section 7: Signalling and protocol operations Section 8: Testing mobiles with encryption and authentication Section 9: Miscellaneous functions
Use the index of questions below to determine whether your
question is covered, then find the answer in the numbered Questions and Answers section.
Section 1 Questions: IFR 2968 versions and options
Q1.1: What is the current software version for the IFR 2968? How
do I determine whether an IFR 2968 is fitted with the latest software?
Q1.2: My IFR 2968 does not have the latest software version.
Can it be upgraded, and is there a charge for this?
Q1.3: Do I have to return the IFR 2968 to Aeroflex for the soft-
ware upgrade?
Q1.4: Is there a new version of the 2968 operating manual for
the Phase 3.2 upgrade?
Q1.5: What are the new functions in the Phase 3.2 software?
Q1.6: My IFR 2968 still has old Phase 2 software. What func-
tionality will I gain by purchasing the "2968 PHASE 3" option?
Q1.7: What functionality will I gain by purchasing Option 32
TETRA Direct Mode?
Q1.8: Does Option 32 TETRA Direct Mode test any signalling
Q1.9: Can the IFR 2968 also set up a call to a Direct Mode
Q1.10: Can I purchase an IFR 2968 with only one of the TETRA
system options initially and add other options at a later date?
Q1.11: Can I purchase an IFR 2968 with none of the TETRA sys-
tem options initially and add one or more TETRA options at a later date?
Q1.12: Can I purchase an IFR 2968 with Option 32 TETRA DM
and add Option 30 TETRA MS at a later date?
Q1.13: Does the IFR 2968 have an option for 800 MHz TETRA
Q1.14: Does the IFR 2968 have a DC supply or battery pack
Q1.15: Does the IFR 2968 include automatic testing?
Q1.16: Can the IFR 2968 test other radio systems besides
Q1.17: Does the IFR 2968 support Tetrapol?
Q1.18: Can the IFR 2968 test US PMR/PAMR/SMR systems such
as P25, EDACS, iDEN?
Q1.19: Can I have a 2965A, 2966A or 2967 upgraded to a
Q1.20: Is there an IFR TETRA Test SIM available, as there is for
Q1.21: Does IFR supply cables, connectors and adaptors forcon-
necting to TETRA mobiles?
For the very latest specifications visit
Section 2 Questions: Testing mobile and base station
Q2.1: How do I use the 2968 to control the mobile to transmit at
a particular power level?
Q2.2: Why is the mobile power level approximately 5 dB too high
or too low?
Q2.3: Can I use the 2968 to control the mobile power directly, as
with GSM?
Q2.4: How do I ensure a repeatable method for testing mobiles
on a particular power level?
Q2.5: Can I test the mobile's transmitter on different frequen-
Q2.6: Can I test the mobile's transmitter over its entire receive/
transmit frequency range?
Q2.7: Why do the TETRA mobile transmitter measurements stop
after about a minute?
Q2.8: Why does my TETRA mobile or base station exhibit exces-
sive vector error?
Q2.9: Can the 2968 measure Adjacent Channel Power (ACP)?
Q2.10: Can the 2968 power measurement compensate for cable
loss, attenuators, splitters?
Q2.11: Why does the power reading show a reverse video aster-
isk next to it?
Q2.12: Can the IFR 2968 measure directional ("through-line")
Section 3 Questions: Testing mobile and base station receivers
Q3.1: Can the IFR 2968 test the receiver sensitivity of TETRA
Q3.2: How do I measure receiver sensitivity using 'TT' RF
Q3.3: Why does the mobile drop the call while measuring receiv-
er sensitivity?
Q3.4: Why doesn't 'TT' RF Loopback work with my mobile?
Q3.5: How do I test receiver sensitivity if a mobile does not sup-
port TT RF Loopback?
Q3.6: What is the difference between 'TT' test mode and 'T1' test
Q3.7: How do I access T1 test mode in the mobile under test?
Q3.8: How do I test the mobile receiver if I have no access to TT
loopback or T1 test mode?
Q3.9: What is the difference between MER, BER and RBER?
Q3.10: Which types of T1 test signals are generated for MS test-
Q3.11: What is the content of the PRBS information generated by
the IFR 2968 T1 signals?
Q3.12: Can the 2968 generate PRBS fortesting AACH, BSCH and
SCH/HD channel types?
Q3.13: Can the IFR 2968 test base station receivers?
Q3.14: What is the synchronisation connection between the base
station and the IFR 2968?
Q3.15: How do I perform a test on a base station receiver with
the IFR 2968?
Q3.16: What is the purpose of "SYNC PULSE OFFSET" and
Q3.17: Why does the base station indicate a BER measurement
of around 50%?
Q3.18: Can the 2968 signal generatorcompensate for cable loss,
attenuators, splitters etc.?
Q3.19: Why does the signal generator level setting show a
reverse video asterisk next to it?
Q3.20: Can I use the 2968 to test receiver selectivity?
Q3.21: Can the IFR 2968 be used for dynamic (fading) sensitivity
Section 4 Questions: Testing the audio performance of TETRA mobiles
Q4.1: Can I perform audio testing whilst the IFR 2968 is in TETRA
Q4.2: Can I use an external audio source to modulate the 2968
TETRA signal?
Q4.3: How can I test the mobile's audio circuitry with the 2968?
Q4.4: What is the IFR 2968 generating when it is set to 'test
Q4.5: Can I use the 2968 TETRA test tone for audio SINAD
Q4.6: Can I use the 2968 to test audio at frequencies other than
1 kHz?
Section 5 Questions: Functional testing of TETRA mobiles
Q5.1: Can the IFR 2968 test text messaging, as with SMS text
messages in GSM?
Q5.2: Can the IFR 2968 support 16-bit UCS2 and Cyrillic text
Q5.3: What is the 'commanded registration' function used for?
Q5.4: What is the 'TT test confirm' function used for?
used for?
Q5.6: Does the IFR 2968 test DGNA (Dynamic Group Number
Q5.7: Does the IFR 2968 test TETRA Packet Data?
Q5.8: Why has transmission trunking behaviour changed in the
Phase 3.2 software?
Q5.9: Why has the AUTORUN PARAMETERS menu changed in
the Phase 3.2 software?
Q5.10: Why is 'TEST MODE REGISTRATION' not in System
Parameters in Phase 3.2?
Q5.11: What has happened to mobile terminated SDS types 1, 2,
3 and 4 in Phase 3.2?
Q5.12: What has happened to the mobile classmark display in
Phase 3.2?
Q5.13: When a mobile registers and attaches multiple groups,
each group identity is immediately over-written by the next one. Is it possible to see this information?
Q5.14: When a mobile sends a text message, the IFR 2968 only
shows the first few characters. Is it possible to see the whole message ?
Q5.15: Is it possible to change the time and date information that
is sent when the IFR 2968 sends an SDS-TL text message to a mobile?
Q5.16: Why can't I make group calls when the mobile is regis-
tered and the PTT pressed?
Section 6 Questions: Compatibility with TETRA mobiles and networks
Q6.1: Which TETRA mobiles can be tested by the IFR 2968?
Q6.2: How do I make an RF connection between the IFR 2968
and the mobile?
Q6.3: What is the significance of "TIP" and which version does
the IFR 2968 comply with?
Q6.4: I have a TETRA mobile that claims to be TIP compliant, and
the IFR 2968 claims to be able to test it, so why doesn't the mobile register to the 2968 when I switch it on?
Q6.5: The essential network parameters have been set correctly
but the mobile still does not register to the IFR 2968. Is there anything else that needs to be checked?
Q6.6: The mobile registers to the IFR 2968 but call set-up fails.
What is wrong?
Q6.7: Why is the IFR 2968 so particular about the network
Q6.8: Why can't the IFR 2968 set the network parameters itself
Q6.9: GSM radio test sets don't require the correct network
parameters to be set, why is this necessary for TETRA mobiles on the IFR 2968?
Q6.10: How do I find out the network parameters for a particular
Q6.11: How do I set up the 2968 to match the network parame-
ters of a local TETRA BS?
Q6.12: How do I convert a frequency in Hz to a TETRA channel
plan and channel number?
Q6.13: Can I test a TETRA mobile that does not conform to the
ETSI channel numbering?
Q6.14: Can I ignore channel plans and channel numbers and set
the 2968 frequency in Hz?
Section 7 Questions: Signalling and protocol opera­tions
Q7.1: Does the IFR 2968 test signalling operations with Direct
Mode mobiles?
Q7.2: Can I see the signalling messages and parameters that the
2968 sends to the mobile and receives from the mobile?
Q7.3: Is it possible to read the individual bits of the PDU fields
that the 2968 receives?
Q7.4: Is it possible to edit the PDU fields that the 2968 sends?
Q7.5: Is it possible to view and edit the SYSINFO and SYNC mes-
sages sent by the 2968?
Section 8 Questions: Testing mobiles with encryption and authentication
Q8.1: Can I test TETRA mobiles that use encryption and / or
Q8.2: Does the IFR 2968 test Air Interface Encryption (AIE) or
End to End encryption (E2E)?
Q8.3: Will the IFR 2968 support encryption in a future upgrade?
Q8.4: How can I test a TETRA mobile that uses encryption?
Q8.5: The IFR 2968 has a setting for "AIR INTERFACE ENCRYP-
TION" - what is this for?
Q8.6: Can I check that the mobile attempts to perform an
encrypted registration?
Q8.7: Does the IFR 2968 test Authentication or Mutual
Q8.8: How can I test a TETRA mobile that uses authentication?
Q8.9: Will the IFR 2968 support authentication in a future
Q8.10: How can I test a TETRA mobile that uses mutual authen-
Q8.11: Will the IFR 2968 support mutual authentication in a
future upgrade?
Q8.12: Could the IFR 2968 test authentication without secure
algorithms and keys?
Section 9 Questions: Miscellaneous functions
Q9.1: Can the IFR 2968 test TETRA mobiles off-air?
Q9.2: Can the IFR 2968 receive TETRA base station signals off-
Q9.3: Can the IFR 2968 perform off-air BER testing (coverage
monitoring or drive testing)?
For the very latest specifications visit
Q9.4: Can the IFR 2968 test other base station components
besides the transceiver?
Q9.5: Can I store and recall different TETRA system set-ups on
the IFR 2968?
Q9.6: Why doesn't the store / recall facility work when I try to
store /recall TETRA settings?
Q9.7: Can I use a FLASH memory card instead of a battery
backed SRAM memory card?
Q9.8: Can I capture a 2968 screen image and use it in PC appli-
Section 1 Q&A: IFR 2968 versions and options
: What is the current software version for the IFR 2968? How do I determine whether an IFR 2968 is fitted with the latest software?
: The current software version is "Phase 3.2" (version 11.20). If you purchase a new 2968 it will have this version of software. To determine which software version is installed in a 2968, press the [HELP/SET-UP] hardkey then the [VERSION] softkey and check the version numbers as follows:
The current
PPhhaassee 33..22 ssooffttwwaarree
is identified as follows:
A4 TETRA APP 11.20 16/04/02 (see note)
A6/2 MAINCODE 4M 11.20 16/04/02
TETRA application 11.20 16/04/02
The previous
PPhhaassee 33..11 ssooffttwwaarree
is identified as follows:
A4 TETRA APP 11.10 18/01/01 (see note)
A6/2 MAINCODE 4M 11.10 18/01/01
TETRA application 11.10 18/01/01
The earlier
PPhhaassee 33..00 ssooffttwwaarree
is identified as follows:
A4 TETRA APP 11.00 25/04/00 (see note)
A6/2 MAINCODE 4M 11.00 25/04/00 or version 11.01
TETRA application 11.00 25/04/00
Note: Shown only when TETRA system is selected.
My IFR 2968 does not have the latest software version.
Can it be upgraded, and is there a charge for this?
Yes, it can be upgraded to Phase 3.2. If your IFR 2968 has the previous Phase 3.1 software (version 11.10) or the earlier Phase 3.0 software (version 11.00 or 11.01) then there is no charge for the upgrade to Phase 3.2. If your IFR 2968 has the ear­lier Phase 3.0 software you can upgrade straight to Phase 3.2 without first upgrading to Phase 3.1. If your IFR 2968 has the even earlier Phase 2 software (version 10.20 or lower) then you will need to purchase the "2968 PHASE 3" option before your IFR 2968 can be upgraded. Please contact your local IFR sales rep­resentative or distributorto arrange for an upgrade or to purchase the option "2968 PHASE 3".
Do I have to return the IFR 2968 to IFR for the software
No, this is not normally necessary. The software upgrade will normally be performed by your local IFR Approved Service Center, either on your premises or by return to a local service cen­ter, as agreed between you and the IFR Approved Service Center. The process takes about 45 minutes and does not require disas­sembly of the test set. However, if the IFR 2968 is due to be returned to an IFR Approved Service Center for repair or routine calibration, then the software upgrade can be requested at the same time. If your test set is a very early unit that has never been upgraded then it may require return to your local IFR Approved Service Center.
Is there a new version of the 2968 operating manual for
the Phase 3.2 upgrade?
A1.4: Yes, but only the TETRA specific aspects have changed. Current versions are:
46882/274 Operating Manual for
2965/2966/2967/2968: issue 13, 25 June 2001
46882/324 TETRA Supplement for 2968 Phase 3.2:
issue 10, 17 May 2002
46882/280 Programming Manual for
2965/2966/2967/2968: issue 12, 21 March 2002
If you receive a free-of-charge upgrade to Phase 3.2 from Phase
3.1 or Phase 3.0 you can also receive free-of-charge electronic copies of the updated TETRA supplement and programming man­ual in pdf format. If you are purchasing the "2968 PHASE 3" option to upgrade to Phase 3.2 from Phase 2, you will receive a new printed copy of the TETRA supplement. You may also pur­chase printed copies of any of the manuals if required - please contact yourusual IFR sales representative. If you purchase a new 2968 you will receive printed copies of all 3 manuals.
What are the new functions in the Phase 3.2 software?
The following is a brief summary of the new functions in the IFR 2968 Phase 3.2 software release with respect to the previous Phase 3.1 release.
TETRA Test (TT) mode registration obtains TEI, Power
Class, Receiver Class
TETRA Test (TT) RF Loopback and TCH/S BER /
RBER / MER measurement
Enhanced autotest with up to six configurable call set-up
and clear-down tests
TIPv3 Compliant
Mobile Originated SDS-TL text message, 160 characters
with destination SSI / ESN
Mobile Terminated SDS-TL text message, 120 characters
user definable, timestamp
Mobile Originated and Mobile Terminated 7-bit SDS-TL
text messages
SDS-TL Short Reports sent and received
Mobile Originated Status with destination SSI / ESN
Multiple Group Attachments, group detachment and group modification fully displayed
Configurable Trunking Timers and Call Timers
DTMF digits displayed during a call
Mobile Originated Direct Mode call set-up and clear down (requires Option 32)
Direct Mode call set-up parameters displayed (requires Option 32)
For more details refer to the IFR 2968 data sheet 46891/022 issue 9 (April 2002) and the IFR 2968 operating manual TETRA supplement 46882/324 issue 10 (May 2002).
My IFR 2968 still has old Phase 2 software. What func-
tionality will I gain by purchasing the "2968 PHASE 3" option?
The "2968 PHASE 3" option enables your IFR 2968 to be
upgraded to the latest Phase 3.2 software. The Phase 3.2 release also incorporates the enhancements introduced in the two previous releases under the "2968 PHASE 3" option, Phase
3.0 and Phase 3.1.
Phase 3.0 was released in April 2000 with the following enhancements w.r.t. Phase 2:
TIPv2 compliant
TCH and MCCH on different frequencies
Transmission trunking
Open Loop and Closed Loop power control
Neighbour Cell Broadcast and Cell Re-Selection
Mobile Originated Status and SDS
Group Attachments
Phase 3.1 was released in January 2001 with the following enhancements w.r.t. Phase 3.0:
800 MHz channel plan for Asia Pacific countries
Zero offset channel plans and 410MHz channel plan with
-6.25 kHz offset
Power reading in Watts as well as dBm
Re-start measurement averaging
Channel plan NO PLAN for direct entry in Hz
Off-air capability by setting expected level -40dBm
Pre-defined call types: Group, Private, Phone, Emergency, User
Mobile Terminated Phone Call with ESN
Mobile Terminated Status and SDS
Mobile Originated SDS-TL text message (limited length)
Mobile Terminated SDS-TL text message (very limited)
Phase 3.2 was released in April 2002.
Refer to A1.5 above for details of the enhancements in Phase 3.2
w.r.t. Phase 3.1.
What functionality will I gain by purchasing Option 32
TETRA Direct Mode?
The "TETRA DIRECT MODE" system (Option 32) is an addi­tion to the "TETRA MOBILE" system (Option 30). When the TETRA DIRECT MODE system is selected, the IFR 2968 does not emulate a TETRA base station but receives and measures transmissions from a TETRA mobile operating in direct mode. When a TETRA mobile is set to operate in Direct Mode (DMO), it is able to trans­mit autonomously without synchronising or registering to the test set, and without requesting permission to transmit. No signalling messages from the test set are required in response to a TETRA mobile setting up a call in direct mode, nor is any such response expected by the mobile. Simply holding the PTT starts transmis­sion. The format of the transmitted bursts is slightly different in direct mode, and the burst timing is decided by the mobile, not by the test set. The IFR 2968 transmitter measurements are mod­ified accordingly to ensure that the direct mode transmissions are measured according to the direct mode specification.
Does Option 32 TETRA Direct Mode test any signalling
Yes, with the current Phase 3.2software. The IFR 2968 sup­ports Mobile Originated Direct Mode Call Set-Up and Cleardown in accordance with TTR 002 Direct Mode TIP v1.0.3. The IFR 2968 indicates when a direct mode call has been set up or cleared down, and displays the following information sent by the Direct Mode mobile relating to itself and the parameters of the call:
ITSI (MCC / MNC / SSI) of the mobile under test
Direct Mode power class of the mobile under test
Direct Mode call type (individual or group, clear mode or encrypted)
Direct Mode call priority level (normal, high, pre-emptive or emergency)
Called party ID (individual call) or called group ID (group call)
Can the IFR 2968 also set up a call to a Direct Mode
No. The IFR 2968 does not send any signalling to a Direct Mode mobile, hence it does not support Mobile Terminated call set-up and cleardown. This can be tested if required by using a second Direct Mode mobile. The IFR 2968 should first be used to determine that the transmitting Direct Mode mobile is within specification, and to determine that the configurations and parameters of the Direct Mode mobiles are compatible.
If I purchase an IFR 2968 with only one of the TETRA sys-
tem options can I add other options at a later date?
Yes. The IFR 2968 can be purchased in one of the fol-
lowing configurations:
IFR 2968 + Option 30 TETRA MS + Option 31 TETRA BS + Option 32 TETRA DM
IFR 2968 + Option 30 TETRA MS + Option 32 TETRA DM
For the very latest specifications visit
IFR 2968 + Option 30 TETRA MS + Option 31 TETRA BS
IFR 2968 + Option 30 TETRA MS
IFR 2968 + Option 31TETRA BS
Further options can be purchased at a later date if not purchased initially. Please contact your local IFR sales representative or dis­tributor for a quotation.
Can I purchase an IFR 2968 with none of the TETRA sys­tem options initially and add one or more TETRA options at a later date?
No. At least one of Option 30 TETRA MS or Option 31
TETRA BS must be included at the time of initial purchase.
Can I purchase an IFR 2968 with Option 32 TETRA DM
and add Option 30 TETRA MS at a later date?
No. Option 32 TETRA DM is only available as an addition to Option 30 TETRA MS.
Does the IFR 2968 have an option for 800 MHz TETRA
Yes, but it is not an optional extra. 800 MHz TETRA is included as standard with its own pre-defined channel plan. The IFR 2968 also includes as standard the ability to test any TETRA system at any frequency from 100 MHz up to 1 GHz.
Does the IFR 2968 have a DC supply or battery pack
No, operation is only possible from AC mains power. If you need to operate the test set from a low voltage DC supply (e.g. in a vehicle) you are recommended to obtain an inverter with adequate power. You may find that you can obtain a suitable inverter intended for operating mains powered appliances in car­avans. IFR has not evaluated any such inverters and is not able to recommend particular products, therefore you should ensure that the AC supply requirements of the IFR 2968 are satisfied.
Does the IFR 2968 include automatic testing?
Yes. Autotest mode for testing mobiles was introduced in Phase 3.0, and has been further enhanced in the latest Phase 3.2 release. Automatic test programs can include functional tests (registration, call set-up, call clear-down) as well as parametric tests (radio measurements). Phase 3.2 autotest provides the flex­ibility of up to six separate call set-up and clear-down tests as well as the ability to test receiver sensitivity automatically using TETRA Test (TT) mode RF loopback Bit Error Rate (BER) measurement.
Can the IFR 2968 test other radio systems besides
Yes. GSM digital cellular, MPT 1327 analogue trunking and automated analogue PMR testing can be added as options, either at time of initial purchase or at a later date. Legacy analogue cel­lular systems (AMPS, TACS, NMT 900/450) options are also avail­able. The IFR 2968 also provides as standard traditional analogue radio testing capability for mobiles using FM, AM or PM modula­tion up to 1 GHz. Note that the GSM option only tests 900 MHz or lower frequency GSM mobiles, or the 900 MHz band of dual
band/tri-band GSM mobiles, not the 1800 MHz or 1900 MHz bands. Dual band and tri-band GSM mobiles are supported by the IFR 2935 and IFR 2967 radio test sets.
Does the IFR 2968 support Tetrapol?
No. Despite the similar sounding name, Tetrapol is not related to TETRA. Tetrapol is a proprietary FDMA PMR system from EADS-DSN Cogent (formerly Matra Communications) and is a completely different system from TETRA. IFR has no plans to provide system specific support for Tetrapol on the IFR 2968. However, since Tetrapol is an FDMA system, many of the meas­urements can be made using the traditional analogue radio test­ing capability of the IFR 2968.
Can the IFR 2968 test US PMR/PAMR/SMR systems such
as P25, EDACS, iDEN?
No. However, P25 (APCO Project 25) is supported on the IFR 2975 Radio Test Set. Refer to for details. EDACS is supported on the IFR 2945A and COM 120C Radio Test Sets. iDEN is a proprietary system from Motorola which is not current­ly supported by any IFR Radio Test Set. IFR has no plans to sup­port P25, EDACS or iDEN on the IFR 2968.
Can I have a 2965A, 2966A or 2967 upgraded to a
No, these instruments cannot support TETRA.
Is there an IFR TETRA Test SIM available, as there is for
No. TETRA mobiles do not currently use SIMs, although a few do include a SIM holder. Currently all TETRA mobiles have to be configured using programming and customisation tools, although TETRA SIMs may be used in future. Currently there is no specification for a test version of the TETRA SIM as there is for GSM. This situation may change in future.
Does IFR supply cables, connectors and adaptors forcon­necting to TETRA mobiles?
Yes and no. A small number of standard cables and adap­tors (N-type, TNC, BNC) are available as accessories (refer to the IFR 2968 data sheet or contact your local IFR sales representa­tive). For a wider selection of standard types you should consult your usual electrical distributor catalogues or specialist accessory suppliers. For proprietary connections you will normally need to contact the manufacturer or distributor of the mobile.
Section 2 Q&A: Testing mobile and base station trans­mitters
How do I use the 2968 to control the mobile to transmit
at a particular power level?
TETRA mobiles use Open Loop Power Control (OLPC) in which the mobile calculates the power level at which to transmit, based on the strength of the signal received from the base sta­tion. A mobile that is close to a base station will receive a strong signal, consequently it can transmit at a low power level. When the mobile is connected to the IFR 2968, the power is determined by the strength of the received signal, i.e. the 2968 RF Generator
Level, and by two of the parameters in the 2968 SYSTEM PARA­METERS menu, "ACCESS PARAMETER" and "MAX TX LEVEL".
The calculation is as follows:
Take the 2968 RF GEN level, which will be in -ve dBm, and make it +ve.
Add the ACCESS PARAMETER, which is in -ve dBm, range -53dBm to -23dBm.
The result is the mobile's transmit power, subject to some modifications.
The calculated mobile transmit poweris modified by the following conditions:
The mobile is not allowed to transmit at a power level higher than MAX TX LEVEL
The mobile cannot transmit at a power level higher than its power does, e.g. a Class 4 Mobile has a maximum power level of PL4 +30 dBm.
The mobile cannot transmit at a power level lower than its minimum, i.e. PL7 i.e. 15 dBm.
The mobile power is quantised to defined power level steps: PL1 +45 dBm, PL2 +40 dBm, PL3 +35 dBm, PL4 +30 dBm, PL5 +25 dBm, PL6 +20 dBm, PL 7+15 dBm.
Some mobiles belong to an 'L' power class where their top power level is reduced by 2.5 dB, e.g. PL4L 27.5 dBm.
Why is the mobile powerlevel approximately 5 dB too high
or too low when I have set the 2968 RF Generator Level to the correct value for the power level required?
Mobiles are permitted +/- 4 dB tolerance in measuring the
RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication), so it is not possible to guarantee a particular power level for a particular RF GEN level, except when the mobile is forced to the maximum or minimum power. If the 2968 signal generator is set at least 4 dB lower than the calculated value for maximum mobile power, the mobile should be using the maximum permitted power. If the 2968 sig­nal generator is set at least 4 dB higher than the calculated value for minimum mobile power, the mobile should be using the mini­mum transmit power. For the intermediate power level steps, you can experiment with different RF Generator Level settings to achieve the required level.
Can I use the 2968 to control the mobile power directly,
as with GSM?
No. TETRA mobiles do not incorporate a direct power con-
trol mechanism, therefore the 2968 cannot directly command the mobile to a particular power level. However, some TETRA mobiles incorporate Closed Loop Power Control (CLPC) in which they will respond to a command to increase or decrease their power by one or more 5 dB power level steps. The 2968 can therefore be used first to force the mobile to minimum or maximum power level by using normal open loop power control, then to command the mobile to increase or decrease power from this known start­ing point. However, most TETRA mobiles do not support CLPC.
How do I ensure a repeatable method for testing mobiles
on a particular power level?
Use the MAX TX LEVEL parameter on the SYSTEM PARA­METERS menu to limit the mobile power to the particular power level required. Set the RF Generator Level to a low enough level (e.g. -100 dBm) to force the mobile to transmit at the maximum power level permitted.
If the MAX TX LEVEL is changed, a TETRA mobile that is already registered to the test set or active in a call may not necessarily alter its power in response to the change, since this is not a parameter that a mobile would expect to change on a real base station. In this case it may be necessary to clear down the current call or even de-register and re-register the mobile to the test set for the parameter change to take effect. However, if the mobile is tested in T1Test Mode using the 2968 T1 test signal, the MAX TX LEVEL can be used to directly control the mobile's transmit power (with RF Gen Level set to -100 dBm).
Can I test the mobile's transmitteron different frequencies?
Yes. The control channel (MCCH) may have to be on a spe­cific frequency (channel number) in order for the mobile to recog­nise the test set and perform registration. However, during a call set-up, the mobile should obey an instruction from the IFR 2968 to transmit and receive on any traffic channel frequency (channel number) within the mobile's capabilities. When the mobile is idle on the control channel (MCCH) you can set the traffic channel (TCH) that will be used when a call is set-up. Hence you can test the mobile's transmitter on different frequencies by clearing down a call, changing the traffic channel number, and setting up a new call.
Can I test the mobile's transmitter over its entire receive /
transmit frequency range?
Yes, if the mobile has a flexible RF architecture that allows this operation. For example the 'TETRA 380 MS' channel plan can be used to test the mobile's receiver over the range 390 to 400 MHz, and the mobile's transmitter over the range 380 to 390 MHz. However, the IFR 2968 allows you to define a reverse chan­nel plan so the mobile's receiver can be tested over the range 380 to 390 MHz and the mobile's transmitter over the range 390 to 400 MHz. Depending on the configuration of the mobile, you may be able to perform normal registration and call set-up with a reverse channel plan, oryou may need to use T1 test mode to test on reverse frequencies. For further details, refer to 'Annex B: Configuring the IFR 2968 with a User Defined Channel Plan' in the application note 'Testing TETRA mobiles with the IFR 2968'.
Why do the TETRA mobile transmitter measurements stop after about a minute?
The measurements do not stop, it is the mobile transmis­sions that have stopped. TETRA mobiles making group calls or simplex private calls normally incorporate an autonomous trans­mission timer which is typically one minute in duration, so that the mobile stops transmitting even if the user is still holding the PTT pressed. TETRA mobiles do not normally incorporate a transmis­sion timer when making duplex private calls or phone calls, hence you should always set up a duplex call where possible (e.g. a phone call) when you want to examine transmitter measurements in detail. This also has the advantage of not requiring you to hold
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