Natural Ga s Modulating &
Condensing Modular Hot
Water Boiler
Covering Models:
• EXT 321
• EXT 481
• EXT 641
• EXT 802
• EXT 962
• EXT 1123
Inst all at i on , Op erati on an d M ai ntenance
Modular Condensing Boilers
Light Commercial Series
Latest Update: 12/01/2014
AERCO International, Inc. • 100 Oritani Dr. • Blauvelt, New York 10913 • Phone: 800-526-0288
AERCO Document Conventions
MODULEX EXT 321, 481, 641, 802, 962, 1123 BOILERS
Instal lati on, Operation & Maintenan ce Manual
The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice from AERCO
Inter nat ion al, Inc. AERCO makes no warr ant y of an y kind w i th r espec t to this mater ial, including,
bu t not limit ed t o, imp lied w arrant ies of merc hant abil ity and fit ness for a par tic ul ar appli cat ion.
AERCO International is not liable for errors appearing in this manual, nor for incidental or
consequential damages occurring in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of
these materials.
AERCO Technical Support:
(Mon–Fri, 8am-5pm EST)
1 (800) 526-0288
In this document, some types of information are presented as shown in the following examples:
Message Type Example and Description
NOTE messages indicate specific information related to the
surrounding contextual information, and highlighted for special
CAUTION messages inform of potential problems relating to the
functioning of equipment, safety to persons, harm to the
environment, and/or damage to property or equipment.
WARNING messages warn of potential dangerous situations that
may result in serious injury and/or death to persons or animals.
Text is red within a red box.
How Instructions are Presented
1. Instructions are shown in a blue box with an underlined title.
2. All text, excepting in accompanying illustrations, is colored blue.
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3. All procedures are listed in steps starting with “1.” and using
letters [a), b), c), etc.] indicating sub=steps.
4. Steps that are continued on the next page have a “- Continued”
appended to the instruction title.
MODULEX EXT 321, 481, 641, 802, 962, 1123 BOILERS
Instal lati on, Operation & Maintenan ce Manual
CHAPTER 1: GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................ 7
1.1 Correct Use Of The Appliance .............................................................................................................................. 7
1.2 Water Treatment ................................................................................................................................................. 7
1.3 Information To Be Made Available To The User .................................................................................................. 7
1.5 Modifications To Parts Connected To The Appliance .......................................................................................... 8
1.6 For Appliances Operating With Propane Gas ...................................................................................................... 9
1.7 Data Plate .......................................................................................................................................................... 10
1.8.1 General Requirements ............................................................................................................................ 11
1.11 General Warnings ............................................................................................................................................ 13
1.11.1 Using the Operation and Maintenance Manual ................................................................................... 13
1.11.2 Installation and Servicing Personnel ..................................................................................................... 13
1.11.4 Preparing Boiler for Servicing ............................................................................................................... 14
1.11.5 Returning a Boiler to Service ................................................................................................................ 14
1.11.6 Change in Ownership ............................................................................................................................ 14
1.12 Operational Limits of the Boiler....................................................................................................................... 14
CHAPTER 2: T ECHNICAL FEATURES AND DIMENSIONS ............................................................. 15
2.1 Modulex EXT Technical Features ....................................................................................................................... 15
2.1.1 Temperature Control Devices: ................................................................................................................ 15
2.1.2 Control Panel (E8) Includes: .................................................................................................................... 15
2.1.3 Other Features Include: .......................................................................................................................... 15
2.2 General Boiler Operation ................................................................................................................................... 16
2.4 Performance Data ............................................................................................................................................. 21
3.1 General Warnings .............................................................................................................................................. 23
3.1.1 Appropriate Use of the Boiler ................................................................................................................. 23
3.1.2 Prerequisite System Flushing .................................................................................................................. 23
3.4 Transporting and Securing the Boiler Safely ...................................................................................................... 27
3.5 Removal From Boiler Bed And Installation Of Boiler Feet ................................................................................. 28
3.6 Boiler Location Inside A Boiler Room................................................................................................................. 29 Reversing Flow & Return Temperature Sensors .................................................................................. 35
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Instal lati on, Operation & Maintenan ce Manual Reversing Boiler Sensor Kf And Automatic Air Vent ............................................................................ 35
3.9 Gas Connection General Information ................................................................................................................ 36
3.9.1 Natural Gas Connections ........................................................................................................................ 37 Natural Gas Piping Sizes ....................................................................................................................... 37 Natural Gas Piping Connections........................................................................................................... 37 Natural Gas Supply Pressure Requirements ........................................................................................ 37
3.9.2 Propane Gas Connections ....................................................................................................................... 37 Propane Gas Piping Sizes ..................................................................................................................... 37 Propane Gas Piping Connections ......................................................................................................... 37 Propane Gas Supply Pressure Requirements ....................................................................................... 38
3.10 Flow And Return Pipe Connections ................................................................................................................. 38
3.13 Determination of Primary Boiler Pump Or Boiler System Pump ..................................................................... 40
3.14 Condensate Piping and Drain .......................................................................................................................... 42
3.15 Water Treatment ............................................................................................................................................. 43
3.16 Important Installation Warnings...................................................................................................................... 44
3.16.1 Oxygen Levels in the System Water Warning ....................................................................................... 44
3.24.1 Regulations in Force.............................................................................................................................. 53
3.30 Starting Up: Filling and Deaerating the Boiler ................................................................................................. 65
3.30.1 Necessary Precautions for Safety ......................................................................................................... 65
3.30.2 Supply Voltage, Gas Pressure, and Water pressure .............................................................................. 65
3.31 Filling the System ............................................................................................................................................. 65
3.31.1 Necessary Precautions While Filling the System .................................................................................. 65
3.31.2 Filling Locations and Preparation.......................................................................................................... 66
3.32 Testing The Ignition Safety Shut Off Device..................................................................................................... 68
5.2.1 Setting Maximum and Minimum Flow Temperature ............................................................................. 93
5.2.2 Setting Room Temperature and Outdoor Compensation....................................................................... 93
5.2.3 Setting Heating Programs and Pumps .................................................................................................... 94
5.3 Menu And Sub-Menu Descriptions .................................................................................................................... 95
5.4 General Menu .................................................................................................................................................... 97
5.5 Service Menu ..................................................................................................................................................... 99
5.6 Display Menu ................................................................................................................................................... 101
5.7 User Menu ....................................................................................................................................................... 103
5.8 Time Program Menu ........................................................................................................................................ 105
5.9 Expert Menu .................................................................................................................................................... 106
5.10 Other Possible Settings .................................................................................................................................. 110
5.10.1 Settings for Heating Circuit 1/2........................................................................................................... 110 Heating Adjustment With Constant Flow Temp .............................................................................. 110 Temperature Settings For Heating Circuits ...................................................................................... 110 A Second DHW Storage Tank ........................................................................................................... 111 Temperature Setting For Second DHW Storage Tank ...................................................................... 111 Swimming Pool ................................................................................................................................ 111 Swimming Pool Temperature Setting .............................................................................................. 111 Screed Dry Program (For Floor Heating Installation) ....................................................................... 111 Temperature Setting For Screed Program ....................................................................................... 111 Signal 0 – 10 V ................................................................................................................................. 111 Slope And Temperature Setting with 0 – 10 V Signal ................................................................... 111
5.10.2 Setting of DHW Circuit ........................................................................................................................ 112 Operation of Pumps In Parallel ........................................................................................................ 112 Use of a DHW Storage Tank Thermostat (On/Off) ........................................................................... 112 Setting for Solar Panel Use .............................................................................................................. 112
CHAPTER 7: INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE ...................................................... 121
7.1 Instructions for Inspection And Maintenance ................................................................................................. 122
7.2 Periodic Examination Of Venting System ........................................................................................................ 122
7.3 Proper Procedure For Cleaning Exhaust Flue .................................................................................................. 122
7.3.1 Cleaning the Condensate Drain Line ..................................................................................................... 123
7.5 Visual Inspection Of The Flame ....................................................................................................................... 124
7.6 Proper Reassembly and Resealing of the Vent-Air Intake System................................................................... 124
7.7 Pressure Switch Hoses And Connections ......................................................................................................... 125
7.9 Heat and Return Sensor Resistance Values ..................................................................................................... 126
7.10 Unit Disassembly ........................................................................................................................................... 126
7.11 Cleaning the Burner Module and Combustion Chamber............................................................................... 134
7.12 Reassembly of the Burner Modules............................................................................................................... 136
7.13 Final Procedures After Maintenance ............................................................................................................. 136
7.14 Maintenance Kit Part Number ....................................................................................................................... 137
7.15 Accessory Kit Part Numbers........................................................................................................................... 138
CHAPTER 8: SPARE PARTS DRAWI NG AND LISTS .................................................................... 139
AERCO/MODULEX STANDARD WARRANTY ................................................................................... 147
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MODULEX EXT 321, 481, 641, 802, 962, 1123 BOILERS
Instal lati on, Operation & Maintenan ce Manual
1.1 Correct Use of the Appliance
The MODULEX EXT boiler has been designed utilizing the latest heating technologies and in
compliance w i th the curren t s af ety regulations. However, if not used or operated properly, the uni t
may cause inju ry or d eath to persons , or serious d amag e to th e equipment or s urrounding objects.
The MODULEX EXT boiler i s des i g ned t o be u s ed i n pum p ed h ot w ater c ent r al h eat i ng sy st em s.
Any other use of this appliance shall be considered improper, and AERCO declines any
resp ons ib ili t y for d am ages or i nj uri es c aus ed b y t he im p roper use of th is equi pm ent. In order to
use the equipm ent appropriately and safely according to its design, it is essent ial to carefull y
follow the instructions in this manual.
1.2 Water Treatment
It i s vi t al t o m ai nt ai n t h e pH of b oi l er w at er b etw een 6 .5 an d 8 . Fai l ur e t o d o so cou l d res u lt i n
severe damage t o the b oiler.
•The hardness of the main water supply influences the frequency with which the heat
exchanger must be cleaned.
•I n hard w ater areas wher e the m ain wat er can exceed 1 5°f total hard ness , a scal e redu cin g
device is recommended. The choice of this device has to be made taking into consideration the
characteri stics of t he water.
•In or der to improve the resistance to lime scale i t is r ecommen ded th at the domestic hot wat er
temp erat ure be as near as pos s ib le to t he temperatu re required for end us e.
•AERCO recommends inspecting the state of cleanliness of the domestic hot water heat
exchanger at t he end of the first year and subsequently, on the basis of the lime scale found,
this period can be extended to two year s after th e ini tial insp ection.
1.3 Information to Be Made Available To The User
Go through the information in this manual with the owner/operator and make sure that he or she is
famili ar wit h all necessary operat in g inst ructi ons, in particul ar:
• These instructions sh all b e made av ail abl e t o th e end user, tog eth er wi th an y ot her l iter atu re
reg ardi ng thi s ap pl ianc e. It is highly recommended that th e us er ke ep t hes e doc um ent s i n a
safe and convenie nt pl ac e i n order t o al way s hav e t hem at hand f or future ref erence.
• It is i mp erat ive that a proper ven ting and exhau st s ystem b e i mpl emen ted with t hi s unit . R efer
to the AERCO Venting Application Guide (GF-115-V).
• It is absolutely forbidden to make any alterations to the boiler not in keeping with the
manuf acturers r ecommen dations and instructi ons.
• It is critical to check the system’s water pressure and ensure it is at the correc t pressu re.
• For optimal operation of time and temperature controls, therm ostats, heating controls and
radiators, refer t o separat e E8 Controller Us er M anual (GF-115-C).
• It i s obl ig atory to c arr y out com preh ens ive maintenance services annually with a combustion
analysis every t wo years (in compliance with national and local laws).
• If th e ap pl i ance i s sol d or tr ans fer r ed to an ot h er own er , or i f t h e pr es ent u s er m ov es from th e
installation site and leaves the appliance installed, ensure that the manual stays with the boiler
so that it can be consulted by the new owner and/or installer.
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MODULEX EXT 321, 481, 641, 802, 962, 1123 BOILERS
Instal lati on, Operation & Maintenan ce Manual
Failure to follow the instructions indicated in this manual, which is supplied with the boiler,
could cause injury to persons, animals or damage to property. The m anufacturer shall not
be held l i ab l e for any such i n jury and /or d amage.
1.4 Safety Warning s
• Children m ust be supervised so they do not play on , arou n d , or
wi th th e applian ce.
• The installation, adjustment, and servicing of this appliance
must be carried out by a competent person and installed in
accor d anc e wi t h th e cu r ren t st an d ard s an d r egu l ati on s . Fai lu r e
to c or r ect l y i nst al l thi s appliance could cause injury to persons,
anim al s or dam age t o p rop ert y. Th e man ufac tu rer shal l not be
held liab le for any i nju ry and/or dam age.
• Servicing or repairs of the appliance must be carried out by
AERCO authorized servic e technicians; AERCO recommends
drawing up a service contract. Incomplete, inappropriate, or
ir regul ar ser vici ng c ould compr om ise t he saf e oper ati on of t he
appliance, and could cause injury to persons, animals or
damage to property for which AERCO shall not be held liable.
1.5 Modifications To Parts Connected To The Appliance
Do not c arry out any modi f ications to the fol lowi ng parts:
• The boiler
• To the g as, air , water s upply pipes and electrical power
• To the f lue pi pe, safety reli ef val ve and it s drainage pipe
• To the con s tructive c omp onents whic h influence the applianc e’s safe operati on
W hen ti ghten i ng or l oos eni n g th e scr ew pip e c on n ect i on s, us e onl y
properly sized wrenches. The improper use of inadequate
equ ipment can cau se damage (for example, water or gas leak ages)
to the equipment.
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MODULEX EXT 321, 481, 641, 802, 962, 1123 BOILERS
Instal lati on, Operation & Maintenan ce Manual
1.6 For Appliances Operating With Propane Gas
Bef ore inst all in g t he appl iance, en sure that th e gas tan k has been purged. For cor rect
instructions on purging the tank, con tact the liquid gas s upplier or a compet ent person who is
legall y authoriz ed to provide such information. If the tank has not been correctly purged,
problems may occur during ignition. If this happens cont act the liquid gas tank’s supplier.
Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors
or liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.
Do not try to light any appliance.
Do not touch any electrical switch.
Do not use any phone in the building.
Immediately call your gas supplier from a neighbor’s
phone. Follow the gas supplier’s instructions.
If you cannot contact your gas supplier, call the fire
The boiler must be installed in such way as to avoid, under the
foreseen operation conditions, the freezing of the water and to
prevent the c ontrol devic es from being expos ed to t emper atures
lower than 5°F (15°C) or higher than 104°F (40°C). The boiler must
be p rot ect ed against en vironmental var iati ons wit h:
• The insulation of the hydraulic pipelines and the condensate
•The adoption of specific antifreeze products in the Cold/Hot
water installation.
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MODULEX EXT 321, 481, 641, 802, 962, 1123 BOILERS
Instal lati on, Operation & Maintenan ce Manual
1.7 Data Plate
A sample Data Plate for a MODULEX EXT boiler is shown in the left figure below. A sample of the
Data Packagi ng l abel i s s hown in the right image below.
Figure 1-1: MODULEX EXT Data Plate (L) and Data Packing Label (R)
Eac h unit is fit ted wi th a d ata pl ate, w hich m ay be con sult ed for th e det ails on gas t ype, power
source and vent i ng class ificat ion .
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MODULEX EXT 321, 481, 641, 802, 962, 1123 BOILERS
Instal lati on, Operation & Maintenan ce Manual
1.8 Operational Requirements
General Requirements 1.8.1
The followi ng instr uc tions MUST be f ol lowed :
• The boi ler mu st only be u sed for its designated purpose as described in these Installation
• Each unit is fitted with a data plate. Consult the details on this plate to verify whether t he boil er
is compliant with its intended location, e.g.: gas type, power source and venting classification.
• On ly use the b oil er with th e ac ces sories and sp are part s l isted.
• Oth er combin ations of accessories and products must only be used i f they are speci fically
designed for the intended application and do not affect the system performance or t h e saf ety
• Maintenan ce and repairs must only be performed by trained professionals.
• Installation of a condensing gas boiler must b e approv ed per all fed eral and local gover nment
codes, regulations, and laws.
• Operation of a condensing gas boiler must use a vent system that has been specifically
desig ned and approv ed for this type of b oil er.
•Note that local p ermi ssion and approval f or t he vent s ystem an d condensate water connection
to a pub l ic sewag e system may be required.
Regulatory Requirements 1.8.2
You must also conform to any rules, regulations, or laws concerning the following:
• Local building codes regarding the instal lati on.
• Local building codes concerning the air i ntake and outlet systems and the vent connection.
• Regulations for t he power s upply connec tion.
• Tech nical rules laid down by the gas utility com pany conc erning the c onnecti on of th e gas
connect ion to t he l oc al g as mai ns.
• Instructions and standards concerning the safety equipment for the water/space heating
• Installation instructi ons for building heati ng sy stems.
• The boiler must be located in an area where leakage of the boiler or connections will not result
in damag e to t he are a adj acen t t o the b oiler or to l ower fl oors of th e str uctu re. W hen suc h
loc at ion s c ann ot b e avoi ded, i t i s r ecomm en ded that a su it ab le d rain pan b e in st all ed u nder
the boi ler.
• Do not res tr i ct or seal any air in take or out let openin gs.
• If you find any defects, you must in form t he own er, i n writ ing, of th e syst em def ect and th e
associat ed haz ard.
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Instal lati on, Operation & Maintenan ce Manual
Should overheatin g occ ur, or th e gas sup ply fail to s hut off, do n ot
turn off or disconnect the electrical supply to the pump. Instead,
shut of f the g as sup ply at a locati on ext ernal to th e boil er.
Water Quality Requirements 1.8.3
For addi tion al i nform ati on conc ern ing w ater quality and treatment,
ref er t o AER CO tec h nical doc um ents Gl yc ol Di rect i ve and AERCO
Piping Application Guide (GF-136-P).
Unsuitable heating system water can cause the formation of scale or sludge, which affects system
efficiency. It can also cause corrosion and reduc e l ife of th e heat exchanger.
• You must follow guidelines for boiler water quality.
• Thoroughly flush the system prior to filling .
• Follow the cleaning instructions.
• Never use water to fill the heating system that has been treated by reverse osmosis,
deionization, or di stilled wat er in or der to soften the water.
• Do not us e i nhi bitors or oth er additives unless approved by AERCO for that purpose.
• When frost protection of the heating system is desired, only use AERCO-approved
antifreezes. The allow ed m aximum concent ration is 50% .
• When using oxygen-permeable pipes, e. g. for under floor heating systems, you must
separate the system fr om the boiler using plate heat exchangers.
• Cl ose t h e v al ves of t h e boiler while flushing the sy st em , do n ot i nt r oduce any sys tem c lean er
into t he boil er loop. Fl ush s ystem t horoughly to remove all system cleaner bef ore f illi ng boiler.
Approve d antif reeze (maxi m u m concentration of 50%):
• Rh omar RhoGard Mutli-Metal (AL safe)
• Noble Noburst AL
Approved system clea ne rs:
• Nob le Noburst Hydr onic Sy stem Cleaner
• Fer nox F3 Cl eaner
• Rhomar Hydro-Solv 9100
Th e sy stem c l eaner s f rom NoB u rst, R hom ar , an d F ern ox ar e NOT t o be u s ed i n t h e b oi l er itself.
Th e b oi ler mu st b e c l os ed of f (v al v es c l os ed) from t h e res t o f t h e sy st em or not c on n ec t ed whi l e
the cleaners are in the system. The system shoul d then be drai ned and then thoroughly flushed
with clean water to remove all the system cleaner.
Approved inhibitors:
• Rhomar Pro-tek 922
• Noble Noburst AL inhibitor
• AERCO/Sentinel products. See list in GF-136-P, section 2.3 - System Flushing,
Treatment, and Cleans ing.
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MODULEX EXT 321, 481, 641, 802, 962, 1123 BOILERS
Instal lati on, Operation & Maintenan ce Manual
1.9 Tools, Materials, And Additional Equipment
For the installation and maintenance of the boiler you will need:
Standard tools for space heati ng, g as and w ater fitting
Manometer that i s capab le of reading both pos i tive an d negative pr essu res
Combustion an alyzer
Digital multimeter
pH digital meter
Metric Allen wrenches
Metric socket wrenches
1.10 Disposal
Dispose of the boiler packaging in an environmentally sound manner. Disp ose of comp onent s of t he heating sys tem ( e.g. boiler or c ont rol d ev ice), that mu st b e
rep laced in an env iron mentally responsib le man ner.
1.11 General Warnings
Using the Operation and Maintenance Manual 1.11.1
This instruction manual is an integral and indispensable part of the product and must be
retained by the pers on i n c harge of the applian ce. Please read the instruct ions contained in this
manual carefully as they provide im portant information regarding the s afe installation, use and
servic ing of this appli ance. Keep thi s manual in a s af e pl ace for fu tu re ref erenc e.
Installation and Servi cin g P ers onn el 1.11.2
Installation and servicing must be carried out in accordance with the regulations in force
acc ord ing to t he m anuf act urer ’s i ns tru ct ions and b y l egal ly c omp eten t au thor iz ed pe rs ons. By
defi n i t i on , a comp et en t p e rson i s a p er s on wh o h as a speci f i c t ec h n i c al q ual i f i c at i on i n t h e fiel d
of component s fo r c ent ral heating systems f or domest ic use, domest ic hot w ater producti on, and
servicing. This person must have the qualifications legitimized by the current laws and
reg ulations in for ce.
Inappropriate, incomplete, or irregular servicing could compromise the safe operation of the
app lian ce, an d cou ld cau se inju ry to pers ons, ani mals or damage t o property. The manufacturer
shall not be held li abl e for any su ch in ju ry an d/ or damage.
Any repairs must be carried out by AERCO authorized technicians and using only original spare
par t s. N on -obs erv an c e o f t h e above r eq u i r em ent m ay j eop ard i z e th e s af ety of t h e app l i ance an d
void any warranties.
In the event of failure and/or faulty functioning of the appliance, switch off the boiler. Do not
attempt to make any repairs, but instead contac t qual ified tech ni cians.
To guar ant ee the efficiency and corr ect f unct ion ing of t he appliance it is required th at the b oiler be
serviced annually by a qualifi ed person.
Installation Materials 1.11.3
The installations for the domestic hot water production MUST be built, in their entirety, with
mat erials (t aps, p ipes, fitti ngs , et c.) approv ed f or dri nk able water.
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MODULEX EXT 321, 481, 641, 802, 962, 1123 BOILERS
Instal lati on, Operation & Maintenan ce Manual
Preparing Boiler for Servicing 1.11.4
Before carrying out any cleaning or servicing t urn off the electrical supply to the boiler by means
of the ON/OFF switch and/or by means of the appropriate shutdown devices.
Returning a Boiler to Service 1.11.5
Bef ore pu t ti ng a b oil er, w hich has been unused for a length of time, bac k in t o ser vi ce, ri nse t h e
entire d om est ic hot w ater system, allowing the w ater to flow an approp riate amount of tim e in
order to circulate throughout the entire system.
Change in Ow nership 1.11.6
If the ap pliance i s sold or transferred t o another owner, or if t he p resent user mov es from the
installation site and leaves the appliance installed, ensure that the manual stays with the
app li ance so that it c an be c onsulted by the new own er and/or installer.
1.12 Operational Limits of the Boiler
Max. boi ler temperat ure: 180° F
Max Al lowable Working Tem peratu re ASME: 2 00 °F
• Ma x. Allowable Working Pressure ASME: 92 psi
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MODULEX EXT 321, 481, 641, 802, 962, 1123 BOILERS
Instal lati on, Operation & Maintenan ce Manual
2.1 Modulex EX T Technical Features
Com pact, gas fired, L ow N Ox, condensing boiler.
Comprised of one sectional boiler bod y, suit abl e as a single boi ler or in a cascaded group.
May be instal led i n ei th er an in s ide or outside location.
Low inter nal water volume.
Fas t r espon se to load variations.
Flue exhaust outlet positi onable on three sides.
Manifold delivery and return (reversible).
Made up of two or more heating elements ( 2 to 7 ), cast alumin um / sil icon / mag nesium.
Full range of modulation by variable speed blowers and premix burners.
Eac h heat in g el em ent m oni tor s i ts own wat er temperature, and will individually shutdown
if f low i s inter rupt ed, w ithout affecting th e oth er burner s ecti ons.
One gas supply line (reversible).
• Individual modules capable of between 46 and 160.5 kBTU/hr.
These b oil ers ar e designed f or use with category IV venting.
The boiler is supplied c omplete with all the safety and control devices in accordance with all
current regulations, and its technical and functional features comply with the regulations
prescribed by: ANSI Z21.13 / CSA 4.9 - Gas-fired low pressure steam and hot water boilers.
Temperature Control Devices: 2.1.1
• Local NTC sensor (each heating
• Limit thermostat room (each heating
• Return NTC s ens or (General)
• Safety therm ostat approved (manual
• Flow sens or B CM
• Flow NTC sensor (General)
Control Panel (E8) Includes: 2.1.2
• ON-OFF switch
• Temperature control / Boiler operation
• Fuses
• Air pressure fans
• Conden sat e level sensor
• Air pr essu re sw i tc h (ant i-obstruction)
• High limit sensors
Other Features Includ e: 2.1.3
• NTC heat sensors for global temperature control on the flow and return.
• 0-10V output to control variable speed pri mary pum p.
• Integral insulation with hypoallergenic synthetic wool.
Premix fiber m esh modulating burner (premixes into the fan with autom atic diaphragm
backflow separation from the co mbust io n chamber).
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Instal lati on, Operation & Maintenan ce Manual
Less th an 49 dBA of noise at maximum power. Heati ng operati on: instantaneous power microprocessor control, with preset parameters for
com par is on b etw een tem per atu re ( or c alc ulat ed fr om t he e xter nal t em per atur e regu lat i on)
and gl obal temperat ure f low .
Operation modes:
o A bilit y to c ontrol power to the in dividu al heating elements for any calibration with or
without confidential code access.
o Pr oducti on of A.C.S. (Active Cooling System) by NTC sensor of priorities for control by
boiler feed pum p or by three-way divert er valve c ontr oller.
E8 electronic controller included.
BCM ( Boil er Commun i cation M anager) included.
Ability to control power of the individual heating elements.
Con tr ol of heat d eman d: c onstant or rem ote s et poi nt.
Monitoring of oper ating s tat us and temperatu re.
Rep ort in g of alarms .
Setting of parameters.
Em er g enc y oper at i on preven t s t h e boiler from shutting dow n as a r esu l t of th e i nter ruption
of comm unicat ion with a control system or any r emote control un i t .
Alarm management.
Alarm reset input.
Warnin g alarm relay.
Stainless steel condensate collector tank with siphon , drain trap, and smoke chamber.
Easil y r emovabl e st ainl ess steel panels pai nted for outd oor inst al lation.
Built-in air v ent
2.2 General Boiler Operation
The boi ler m ay b e oper at ed fr om t he E8 controller or al ter nat iv ely from a B CM (Boi ler Casc ade
The boiler management logi c prov ides t he maximum numb er of simultaneou sly operati ng heating
elements in order to maximize h eat p roduct ion and over all efficiency. Burner efficiency and a high
heat exchange between surfaces con tribute to th e reliab le and eff icient output power. The various
components are designed t o w ork together so that op erati ng ti me is shared equally among the
components, thus reducing maintenance and labor costs.
Th e hot w ater moved by t he pum p is pushed to the return of the p rim ary fl ow of the h ydrau li c
separat or . F r om h er e a sec on d pum p will distribute the hot water to the various destinations. The
cooled return water is drawn by the pump through t he hy draul ic s eparator to r esume the cycle via
the boiler.
If in stalli ng t o an outd oor locat ion wher e fre ezing temperat ures may
occ ur , it is nec essar y t o in st all d evic es an d/ or m ater ial s t o pr even t
any freezing in the condensate drain and the Flow and Return
manifolds. Failure to do so may cause serious damage to the
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MODULEX EXT 321, 481, 641, 802, 962, 1123 BOILERS
On Modulex EXT models 321,
Instal lati on, Operation & Maintenan ce Manual
2.3 Dimensional Drawings
642 and 962 the flue terminal
ends inside the casing
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Figure 2-1: MODULEX EXT Dimensional Drawings (Si de V iews)
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Figure 2-3a: MODULEX EXT Main Components (Left Side Vie w)
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Instal lati on, Operation & Maintenan ce Manual
Figure 2-3b: MODULEX EXT Main Components (Right Side View)
•Exhaust and condensate evacuation connections: are on the RIGHT
HAND side (supply condition), but may be moved to the RIGHT HAND or
REAR positions.
• Air intake connect io n : located on th e LE F T HAND side.
• Cold/Hot flow connection: on the RIGHT HAND side (suppl y condition), but
may be moved to the LEFT HAND position.
•Cold /H ot retu rn conn ect ion: on t he RIGHT HAND si de (supply c ondition) ,
but may be moved to the LEFT HAND position.
•Gas connection: on t he R I GHT HA ND s id e (supply condition) , but may be
moved to the LEFT HAND position.
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Instal lati on, Operation & Maintenan ce Manual
2.4 Per for ma nce Data
Table 2-2: MODULEX EXT Perfor manc e Data
The Tec hnical d ata plat e is pl aced u nder the c as in g.
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Instal lati on, Operation & Maintenan ce Manual
3.1 General Warnings
Appropriate Use of t he Boil er 3.1.1
This boiler MUST be us ed for the use for which it has been exp ressively designed. Any other
use shall b e con sidered impr oper and ther efore dan gerous.
This boiler i s des igned to he at water at a temperature below t he boiling point at atmospheric
Prerequisite System Flushing 3.1.2
Before ins tallin g t he boil er th e followin g actions MUST be carried out b y a competent engine er
or tec hnici an:
a) The whole system should be thoroughly flushed in order to remove any
resid ual dirt or grime which could compromise correct boiler operation.
b) Check that the boiler has been preset for operating with the gas type
available. This is verifiable via the indication on the packaging and on the
data badge;
c) Check that the flue pipe has an adequate draft, does not have any
con stri cti ons or ob str uct ions, and t hat no oth er ap pli anc e’s fl ue out let s have
been fitted, unless the flue pipe is serving more t han one heating appliance,
according to the specific standards and regulations in forc e. The connection
between t h e boi l er an d fl u e ou t l et c an be m ad e on l y af t er t hi s ver i f ic at i on has
been car ri ed out .
Installation Personnel Qualifications 3.1.3
The appliance must be installed by a qualifi ed engineer or t ech ni cian, who complies with the
technical requirements, who, under his own respon sibi lity, guarante es the compliance of th e
st an d ar ds ac c ording to t he lates t r egulations.
The app lianc e must be positioned so that at l east the mi nim um op erational and s ervicing
clearances are p rov ided .
The boiler must be connected to a heating system which is compatible to it s performance and
FOR MASSACHUSETTS INSTALLATIONS: The b oil er MUST be i nst all ed by a pl umb er or g as
fitter licensed within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Carbon Monoxide Detector Installation 3.1.4
The instal lati on MUST conf orm to th e requirements of th e aut hori ty having j urisdicti on or, in t he
absence of suc h requiremen ts, to on e of the following:
•United States: Installation must conform to the requirements of the
National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54.
•Canada: Installation must conform to the requirements of CAN/CSA-
B149.1 - Natural Gas and P ropane Inst al lation Code
•Where required by the authority having jurisdiction, the installation must
conform to the Standard ASME CSD-1 Controls and Safety Devices for
Automatically Fired Boile rs.
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MODULEX EXT 321, 481, 641, 802, 962, 1123 BOILERS
Instal lati on, Operation & Maintenan ce Manual
3.2 Code and Standards Approvals
The MODULEX EXT boil er has b een reviewed for compli ance w i th the applic abl e sections of
the following North A meri can Standards:
• ANSI Z21.13/CSA 4.9: Gas-fired low press ure s te am and hot wat er boiler s
• ASME SECTION IV: A SME B oil er and P res sur e Ves sel Cod e wi th ad den da, S ect ion IV :
Ru les for Con st ructi on of He ating Boilers
•BTS – 2000: Testing standard method to determine efficiency of commercial space
heating boilers.
•SCAQMD RULE 1146.2: Emissions of oxid es of nitrog en from large wat er he aters and
small boi lers and process h eater s.
•CSD-1: Cont rol s an d saf ety devices for automatic all y gas-fired boiler s.
3.3 Packaging
The MODULEX EXT boiler is delivered assembled and protected by a plastic bag inside a
strong cardboard box and fixed on a p all et. T hi s allows the boi ler to b e handled by a forklift.
Remove both straps and the cardboard box from above, making
sur e the pr oduct i s intact. The pac king el ements (cardb oard box,
strap s, plastic bag s, et c…) should be kept away from children, as
these present suffocation and choking hazards.
AERCO r ef uses all liability for inju ry to persons , an i mals or damage
to property derived from not respecting the above mentioned
In the packaging, in addition to t he b oiler, you will also find the f ollowing contents (see Fi gures
3-1 and 3-2):
• The flue exhaust ter min al scr ewed t o th e fron t of the f rame
• The sealing gasket for flue outlet mounted in the flue assembly.
• A cardboard box containing:
o The sealing gasket for connection between condensate tray and terminal
o 4 elbows + 1 T ee pi ece + 1 plastic plug, Ø 1.6” (40 m m) for condensate drai n.
o the screws necessary for installing the flue exhaust terminal
•External sensors: Remote Temperatur e, D. H.W. storage t ank & O utdoor temperature
Nipple/cap for fl ue exhau st gas sampling tests
Resistor kit for emer gency operation
Cab le gl ands for electrical supply
Pins for mounting soc ket s
Kit sheet for output cables 120 / 24 V
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MODULEX EXT 321, 481, 641, 802, 962, 1123 BOILERS
Instal lati on, Operation & Maintenan ce Manual
A cardboard box containing:
Four (4) frame support feet
3 hole covers for swit ching flue exh aust l ocation
3 insulation gask ets (f or installat ion out side).
A cardboard box containing:
CSD-1 header
Rel ief valve
One 39. 3 inch (1 met er) pipe for the con d en s at e evac u at ion system. -
Left and right side covers.
Socket, front and rear.
a plastic bag containing:
This installation manual for the i nstal ler.
User manual for th e user.
E8 controller instruction manual.
Pins to hold t he fan assemb ly in a r aised posit ion .
• PVC vent ing starter piece and pipe clamps
• Temperature & Pressure gauge
• Flow S wit ch
• Pi pe adaptor (r ubber )
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Cardboard Box
with Parts
Cardboard Box
with Parts
Flue Assembly
And Gasket
Drain Pipe
Instal lati on, Operation & Maintenan ce Manual
Figure 3-1: MODULEX EXT Unpacking (Front View)
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Figure 3-2: MODULEX EXT Unpacking (Rear View)
MODULEX EXT 321, 481, 641, 802, 962, 1123 BOILERS
Instal lati on, Operation & Maintenan ce Manual
Figure 3-3: MODULEX EXT Shipping Package
Table 3-1: MODULEX EX T Ship pin g P acka ge Dim en sio ns
Model A B C Gross W ei gh t
1110 mm
1110 mm
1110 mm
1110 mm
1375 mm
1375 mm
890 mm
890 mm
890 mm
890 mm
890 mm
890 mm
1250 mm
1250 mm
1250 mm
1250 mm
1250 mm
1250 mm
448 lb.
203 kg
520 lb.
236 kg
650 lb.
295 kg
716 lb.
325 kg
851 lb.
386 kg
924 lb.
419 kg
3.4 Transporting and Securing the Boiler Safely
The boiler is sus ceptib le to se ri ous damage wh en not s ecu red properly.
• Follow the transportation instructions on the packaging.
• On ly tran sport the boil er us in g appropr iate t ranspor tat ion equipment , such as a hand-truck
wi th a fasten in g belt or sp ecial eq uipment for tran sporti ng heavy eq ui pment.
•When moving t h e b oi l er, it must b e sec u r ed on t h e t r an sp ortat i on eq ui pment t o pr ev ent i t
from fall i ng off.
•Protect all parts against impacts, during transportation.
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Instal lati on, Operation & Maintenan ce Manual
3.5 Removal From Boiler Bed And Insta llation Of Boiler Feet
Foll ow the di rec tions below to prepare t he boiler for installation:
1) Remove th e covers of the boiler (Fi gure 3-4).
2) Lift the boiler with a hoist or for klift b ands (F i gure 3-4).
3) Remove th e 4 screws ’’A’’ (Figure 3-4).
Figure 3-4: EXT Unpacking (Left = With Covers, Right = Lifted Without Covers)
4) Retrieve the four (4) support feet from on e of t he cardboard boxes packaged wi th the
5) A tt ach the four (4 ) support feet to t he c hassis using the four ’’A’’ screws removed i n Step
3 (Figure 3-5).
6) P lace the b oiler on concrete slab and re-mount the cover(s) over t he boi ler.
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Instal lati on, Operation & Maintenan ce Manual
Figure 3-5: MEXT Unpacking (Left = Attach Feet, Right = Ready for Cover)
3.6 Boiler Location Inside A Boiler Room
Sp ec ial att ent i on sh all be p ai d t o l ocal r egu l ati ons and l aw s ab out b oil er enclosures and boiler
rooms, particularly to the m inimum clearances around the boil er. The installation shall be in
compliance with all the latest regulations and laws about boiler enclosures, boiler rooms,
in stal l at i ons of he at i n g and hot -wat er s ys tems , v ent i l ati on , vents c apable of exhausting the flue
gases of condensing boilers, and any other applicable requirements.
Th e boi ler can be p ut on a flat and suf fic ien tly str ong bas e wi th the same dim ensions as the
boi l er an d at l east 3.93’’ (100 mm) high (see Figure 3-6), in order to assemble the condensate
trap. An alternative to this base m ay be a 100mm deep well or trench next to the boiler to
acc om m odat e t he c ond en s ate “ U” d r ain pi pe (see Figure 3-6). Af ter in st all at ion t he b oil er sh all
be p erfect ly horizontal and stable, to reduce any pos sible vib rations or noises .
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MODULEX EXT 321, 481, 641, 802, 962, 1123 BOILERS
Drain Pipe
Boiler Housekeeping
Pad (Support Base)
At Least
3.93” (100mm)
Boiler Front
Instal lati on, Operation & Maintenan ce Manual
Well or Trench
for Condensate
Drain Pipe
Figure 3-6: Boiler (Front View) on Housekeeping Pad with Condensate Drain Pipe
Boiler Room Safety Concerns 3.6.1
When selecting the position for t he inst allat ion of t he b oiler pleas e com ply with the f ollow ing
safety requirements:
• Ensure easy access to the component s of th e boiler to f acil itat e maint enance.
• The ro om where t he boi ler will be placed mus t always be frost free.
Do n ot s tore or use g as ol i n e o r ot h er f l am mabl e v ap or s an d l i q u i d s i n t h e vicinity of this
or an y ot h er app l i an c e.
Never use or store any chlorinated detergents or halogenated hydrocarbons (e.g. in
spraycans, solvents and detergents, paints, adhesives) in proximit y to the boiler .
For outd oor in stallati on see Warning for Outdoor installation on page 16.
Products to Avoid in the Boiler Room 3.6.2
Do NO T st ore the fol low ing p roducts in the b oiler room and/or around com busti on air int ake