AC Current Probe
Model SR634
User Manual
The SR634 (Catalog #2113.48) is designed for use in industrial environments. The ergonomic design
allows it to easil y attach t o cables or small bus b ars. The “circ ular” jaws guarantee a v ery good ac curacy
and low phase s hift. The probe has a measu rement ran ge up to 1000Arms. continu ous and is compatibl e
with any AC Ammete r, multimeter, or ot her cur re nt measurement ins tr um ent wi th a n input impedance lo wer
than 0.6Ω. To achie ve the s tated accu rac y, use the SR 634 wit h an amm eter havi ng an a ccuracy of 0.75%
or better.
The safety warnings are provided to ensure the safety of personnel and proper operation of the
instrument. Read the instruction completely.
• Use caution on an y circuit: potentiall y high voltag es and currents m ay be present and m ay pose a
shock hazard.
• Do not use the probe if damage d. Alwa ys connect the curr ent probe t o the meas uring d evice bef ore
it is connected around the conductor
• Do not use on non-insulat ed cond uct or with a pot enti al to gr ound g reate r than 600V CAT III polluti on
2. Use extreme caution when clamping around bare conductors or bus bars.
• Before each use, inspect the probe; look for cracks in housing or output cable insulation.
• Do not use clamp in wet environment or in locations that hazardous gases exist.
• Do not use the probe anywhere be yond the tactile barrier.
This symbol signifies that the current probe is p rotected by double or reinf orced insulation. Use
only factory specified replacement parts when servicing the instrument.
This symbol signifies CAUTION! and requests that the user refer to the user manual before using
the instrument.
This is a type A current sensor. This symbol signifies that application around and removal from
HAZARDOUS LIVE conductors is permitted.
CAT II: For measurements performed on circuits di rectly connected to th e electrical distributi on system.
Examples are measurements on household appliances or portable tools.
CAT III: For measurements performed in the building installation at the distribution level such as on
hardwired equipment in fixed installation and circuit breakers.
CAT IV: For measurements performed at the primary electrical supply (<1000V) such as on primary
overcurrent protection devices, ripple control units, or meters.
Upon receiving you r shipment, m ake sure t hat the conte nts are co nsistent with the pack ing list. Noti fy your
distributor of a ny mis sing i tem s. If th e equi pment app ears t o be dam aged, file a c laim i mm ediatel y wit h t he
carrier and notify your distributor at once, giving a detailed description of any damage.
99-MAN 100134.v10 03/ 17

Overload: 600A for 30 mn on, 15 mn OFF
Overload: 1200A for 30 on, @ 15 mn OFF
Current Range:
1 to 1000A
Transformation Ratio: 250:5, 500:5, 1000:5
Output Signal: 5mA, 10mA, 20mA AC/A AC
Accuracy and Phase Shift*:
Range 250:5 - 20mA/A
Overload: 300A for 30 mn on, 15 mn OFF
AC, continuous @ ≤ 1kHz
AC at 250, 500 or 1000A)
Range 500:5 - 10mA/A
Primary 1 to 10A 10A 25A 100A 500A 600A
Range 1000:5 - 5mA/A
(*Reference conditions: 23°C ±3°K, 20 to 75% RH, 48 to
65Hz, external magnetic field < 40 A/m, no DC component,
no external current carrying conductor, test sample
centered.) Load impedance 0.2Ω @ lead < 40mΩ. 0.1Ω for
250A range.