Aemc instruments SR600 User Manual

AC Current Probe Model SR600
User Manual
The SR600 (Cat. #2113. 42) is designe d for use i n indust rial envi ro nments . The erg onom ic desig n allo ws it to easily attach to cables or sm all bus ba rs . The “c ircul ar” j aws gua rante e a v er y good a ccurac y an d low phas e shift. The probe has a mea surement range up to 1000 Arms. con tinuous and is compatible with a ny AC ammeter, multim eter, or other c urrent measu rement instrum ent with an in put impedance lower than 5. To achieve the stated accuracy, use the SR600 with an ammeter having an accuracy of 0.75% or better.
The safety warnings are provided to ensure the safety of personnel and proper operation of the instrument. Read the instruction completely.
• Use caution on any circ uit: potentially high voltag es and currents may be prese nt and may pose a shock hazard.
• Do not use the probe if dama ged. Al ways co nnect th e cur rent pr obe to the m easuri ng devi ce bef ore it is connected around the conductor
• Do not use on non-insulated c onduct or with a potential to gr ound gr eater tha n 600V C AT III pollutio n
2. Use extreme caution when clamping around bare conductors or bus bars.
• Before each use, inspect the probe; look for cracks in housing or output cable insulation.
• Do not use clamp in wet environment or in locations that hazardous gases exist.
• Do not use the probe anywhere be yond the tactile barrier.
This symbol signifi es t hat the c urre nt prob e is p rotect ed b y doubl e or rei nforc ed ins ulati on. Use onl y factory specified replacement parts when servicing the instrument.
This symbol signifies CAUTION! and requests that the user refer to the user manual before using the instrument.
This is a type A current sensor. This symbol signifies that application around and removal from HAZARDOUS LIVE conductors is permitted.
DEFINITION OF MEASUREMENT CATEGORIES CAT II: For measurements performed on circuits directly connected to the electrical distribution system.
Examples are measurements on household appliances or portable tools.
CAT III: For measurements performed in the building installation at the distribution level such as on
hardwired equipment in fixed installation and circuit breakers.
CAT IV: For measurements performed at the primary electrical supply (<1000V) such as on primary
overcurrent protection devices, ripple control units, or meters.
Upon receiving yo ur shipm ent, mak e sure that the c ontent s are co nsistent with th e pack ing list. Notify your distributor of an y missing i tems. If th e equi pment ap pears to b e damag ed, file a c laim im mediatel y with t he carrier and notify your distributor at once, giving a detailed description of any damage.
Primary current
0.1 to 10A
Accuracy %
Phase shift
Primary current
Accuracy %
Phase shift
Current Range:
0.1 to 1000A
Output Signal:
Accuracy and Phase Shift*:
AC, continuous cycle @ 1kHz
AC/AAC (1AAC at 1000A)
(*Reference conditions: 23°C ±3°K, 20 to 75% RH, 48 to 65 Hz, external magnetic field <40 A/m, no DC component, no external current carrying conductor, test sample centered.) Load impedance 1Ω.
Overload: 12 00A f o r 40 mn on, 20 m n off Accuracy: Per IEC 185 Frequency Range : 30 Hz to 5 kHz; current
derating above 1kHz using the formula:
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