AEMC AmpFlex User Manual

AmpFlex® Flexible AC Current Probes
10 mV/A
1 mV/A
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Statement of Compliance
Chauvin Arnoux®, Inc. d.b.a. AEMC® Instruments certifies that this instrument has been calibrated using standards and instruments traceable to international standards.
We guarantee that at the time of shipping your instrument has met its published specifications.
An NIST traceable certificate may be requested at the time of purchase, or obtained by returning the instrument to our repair and calibration facility, for a nominal charge.
The recommended calibration interval for this instrument is 12 months and begins on the date of receipt by the customer.
 
Serial #:
Catalog #:
Model #:
AmpFlex® AC Current Probe
Please fill in the appropriate date as indicated:
Date Received:
Date Calibration Due:
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Table of Contents
Warning ..................................................................................................... 2
International Electrical Symbols ................................................................ 2
Definition of Measurement Categories ...................................................... 3
Receiving Your Shipment .......................................................................... 3
Packaging .................................................................................................. 3
Description ................................................................................................ 4
Features .................................................................................................... 5
Features .................................................................................................... 6
Accessories ............................................................................................... 6
Standard Models ....................................................................................... 7
Specifications ............................................................................................ 8
Instrument Compatibility .......................................................................... 12
Operation ................................................................................................. 12
Making Measurements with the AmpFlex® .......................................... 12
Tips for Making Precise Measurements: ............................................. 12
Typical Response Curves: ................................................................... 16
Maintenance ............................................................................................ 18
Warning ............................................................................................... 18
Battery Replacement ........................................................................... 18
Cleaning............................................................................................... 18
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AmpFlex® - Flexible AC Current Probes
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These safety wa rnings a re p rovided t o en sure the safety of personnel and proper operation of the instrument.
Read the in struction ma nual completely and foll ow all the
safety inform ation befo re attempting to use o r servi ce this instrument.
Wear protective clothing and gloves as required.
Use ca ution on any circu it: potentially high voltag es an d
currents may be present and may pose a shock hazard.
Read the safety spe cifications section prio r to using th e
current probe. Never exceed the max voltage ratings given.
Safety is the responsi bility of the operator. T he A mpFlex
must be used only by qu alified p ersonnel u sing a pplicable safety precautions.
ALWAYS de-energize the c ircuit before wrapping the
around b are conductors, b us ba rs, or near live
parts. Do not wrap on live conductors.
ALWAYS c onnect the elec tronic module to the dis play
device before wrap ping t he AmpFl ex
aro und th e sample
being tested.
ALWAYS inspec t the module, sens or, s ensor cable, and
output termin als pri or to u se. Repl ace any defective parts immediately. Use only factory parts.
NEVER us e the AmpFlex
on ele ctrical conductors rated
above 600V CAT IV; 1000V CAT III.
International Electrical Symbols
This symbol signifies that the current probe is p rotected by double or reinforced insulation. Use o nly factory spe cified repla cement parts when servicing the instrument.
This symbol signifies CAUTION! and requests that the user refer to the user manual before using the instrument.
This symbol refers to a type B current sensor. Do not apply around or remove from HAZARDOUS LIVE conductors without additional protective means (de-energizing the circuit or wearing protective clothing suitable for high voltage work).
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AmpFlex® - Flexible AC Current Probes
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Definition of Measurement Categories
CAT I: For measurements on circuits not directly co nnected to the A C
supply wall o utlet su ch as prot ected se condaries, si gnal level, and limited energy circuits.
CAT II: For mea surements pe rformed on ci rcuits dire ctly co nnected to
the ele ctrical distri bution system. Exa mples are m easurements on household appliances or portable tools.
CAT III: For me asurements p erformed in the b uilding in stallation at the
distribution l evel su ch a s on h ardwired e quipment in fixed installation and circuit breakers.
CAT IV: For me asurements p erformed at the primary ele ctrical supply
(<1000V) such as on p rimary ove rcurrent protection devi ces, ripple control units, or meters
Receiving Your Shipment
Upon receiving you r shipment, ma ke sure that the contents a re consistent wi th the packin g list. Noti fy your di stributor of any mi ssing items. If the equipment appears to be damaged, file a claim immediately with the carrier a nd notify your di stributor at on ce, giving a detailed description of any damage.
Your AmpFlex® consists of the following items:
Flexible probe with electronic module
User manual
9V battery
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AmpFlex® - Flexible AC Current Probes
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The AmpFlex® is a flexible AC current transformer composed of a flexible sensor a nd an electronic m odule. The flexib le sen sor permits measurements on condu ctors where standard clamp-on probe s could not be used. In pa rticular, it can be installed in ti ght spaces, around breaker panels, around cable bundles, around wide or large bus bars, or even wrapp ed arou nd irregula r sh apes. The Shap e Memory feature enables the user to “pre-shape” the sensor before inserting it between or around conductors. This feature facilitates closing, enhances user safety, and all eviates the drooping effe ct ty pically a ssociated with flexible sensors.
The AmpFle x
is lightwe ight and do es not u se magneti c co res like standard t ransformers. Th e tran sformation pri nciple is ba sed on an ai r core. It presents virtually no load to the system u nder te st, has a low phase shift and excellent frequ ency respon se, a nd cannot be damaged by overloads.
The se nsor assembly is waterproof and insul ated for 600V CAT IV; 1000V CAT III. The AmpFl ex
meets EN 61010-1, is CE m arked, and is designed wit h material s a nd co mponents to meet internatio nal agency approvals.
The Amp Flex
ha s a n mV output proportional to th e current m easured for direct readings on DMMs, data l oggers, oscilloscopes, and power or harmonic meters. TRMS m easurements are taken when connected to a TRMS m eter. The Amp Flex
is in sensitive to DC currents an d onl y the
AC component of the measured signal is measured.
The len gth of the flexible sensor can be sele cted in lengths of 24" , 36", and 48" in le ngth. Consult the factor y for cu stom lengths, ranges and/or features.
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7. Flexible Sensor (Diameter 0.5", 12.5mm)
8. Lead from Sensor to Module (6.5 ft, 2m)
9. Electronic Module - Descriptive Label on Back
Case (range, model, etc.)
1. Positive: Red Banana Plug (+)
2. Common: Black Banana Plug (-)
3. Power ON Indicator (Green LED)
4. Overload Indicator (Red LED)
5. Range Selection Switch
6. AmpFlex
Figure 1
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Models to measure from 0.5Arms to 30,000Arms
Accuracy 1% of Reading
TRMS measurements when connected to a TRMS instrument
No core saturation or damage if overloaded
Overrange LED for measurement circuitry
600V CAT IV; 1000V CAT III; EN 61010; CE Mark
Wate rproof sensor
9V battery for typical 150 hour continuous operation
Shape Memory for custom pre-shaping of sensor before use
(no drooping)
Very high frequency response
Low phase shift for power
Insensitive to DC, measures only AC component on DC + AC signals
Excellent linearity
Banana (Female) / BNC (Male) Adapter ..................... Cat. # 2118.46
For connection of the AmpFlex
to SLII Models L101, L102, L562,
BNC terminals on scopes and other displaying instruments.
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