AEM 30-6052 Series 2 Plug Play EMS Installation Instructions

This installation is not for the tuning novice nor the PC illiterate!
Installation Instructions for:
EMS P/N 30-6052
2000-2005 Honda S2000
Use this system with EXTREME caution! The AEM EMS System allows for total flexibility in engine tuning. Misuse of this product can destroy your engine!
If you are not well versed in engine dynamics and the tuning of management systems or are not PC literate, please do not attempt the installation. Refer the installation to an AEM-trained tuning shop. A list of tuners can be found in the “AEM EMS Tuning” subsection of the AEM Electronics Forums at or by calling 800-423-0046.
NOTE: AEM holds no responsibility for any engine damage that results from the misuse of this product!
This product is legal in California for racing vehicles only and should
never be used on public highways.
2205 126th Street Unit A Hawthorne, CA. 90250
Phone: (310) 484-2322 Fax: (310) 484-0152
2009 Advanced Engine Management, Inc.
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Thank you for purchasing an AEM Engine Management System.
The AEM Engine Management System (EMS) is the result of extensive development on a wide variety of cars. Each system is engineered for the particular application. The AEM EMS differs from all others in several ways. The EMS is a stand alone system, which completely replaces the factory ECU and features unique Plug and Play Technology, which means that each system is configured especially for your make and model of car without any jumper harnesses. There is no need to modify your factory wiring harness and in most cases your car may be returned to stock in a matter of minutes.
For stock and slightly modified vehicles, the supplied startup calibrations are configured to work with OEM sensors, providing a solid starting point for beginner tuning. For more heavily modified cars, the EMS can be reconfigured to utilize aftermarket sensors and has many spare inputs and outputs allowing the elimination of add-on rev-limiters, boost controllers, nitrous controllers, fuel computers, etc. It also includes a configurable onboard 1MB data logger that can record any 16 EMS parameters at up to 250 samples per second. Every EMS comes with all functions installed and activated; there is no need to purchase options or upgrades to unlock the full potential of your unit.
The installation of the AEM EMS on the supported vehicles uses the stock sensors and actuators. After installing the AEMTuner software, the startup calibration will be saved to the following folder on your PC: C:\Program Files\AEM\AEMTuner\Calibrations\Honda-Acura\ Multiple calibrations may be supplied for each EMS; additional details of the test vehicle used to generate each calibration can be found in the Calibration Notes section for that file.
Please visit the AEM Performance Electronics Forum at and register. We always post the most current strategy release, PC Software and startup calibrations online. On the forum, you can find and share many helpful hints/tips to make your EMS perform its best.
TUNING NOTES AND WARNING: While the supplied startup calibration may be a good starting point and can save considerable time and money, it will not replace the need to tune the EMS for your specific application. AEM startup calibrations are not intended to be driven aggressively before tuning. We strongly recommend that every EMS be tuned by someone who is already familiar with the AEM software and has successfully tuned vehicles using an AEM EMS. Most people make mistakes as part of the learning process; be warned that using your vehicle as a learning platform can damage your engine, your vehicle, and your EMS.
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Read and understand these instructions BEFORE attempting to install this product.
1) Install AEMTuner software onto your PC
The latest version of the AEMTuner software can be downloaded from the AEMTuner section of the AEM Performance Electronics forums. Series 2 units are not supported by the older AEMPro tuning software.
2) Remove the Stock Engine Control Unit
Access the stock Engine Control Unit (ECU). The location of the ECU on the S2000 is behind the driver side kick panel.
Carefully disconnect the wiring harness from the ECU. Avoid excessive stress or pulling on the wires, as this may damage the wiring harness. Some factory ECUs use a bolt to retain the factory connectors, and it must be removed before the harness can be disconnected. There may be more than one connector, and they must all be removed without damage to work properly with the AEM ECU. Do not cut any of the wires in the factory wiring harness to remove them.
Remove the fasteners securing the ECU to the car body, and set them aside. Do not destroy or discard the factory ECU, as it can be reinstalled easily for street use and troubleshooting.
3) Install the AEM Engine Management System.
Plug the factory wiring harness into the AEM EMS and position it so the wires are not pulled tight or stressed in any manner. Secure the EMS with the provided Velcro fasteners.
Plug the comms cable into the EMS and into your PC.
Turn the ignition on but do not attempt to start the engine.
The USB drivers must be installed the first time you connect to a Series 2 EMS with an onboard USB port. When the Series 2 EMS is connected to the PC’s USB port and receiving power from the vehicle, the “Found New Hardware” window will appear. Select “Install from a list of specific location (Advanced)” and browse to the following folder: C:\Program Files\AEM\AEMTuner\USB Drivers (Series 2)\
With the AEMTuner software open, select ECU>>Upload Calibration to upload the startup calibration file (.cal) that most closely matches the vehicle’s configuration to be tuned. Check the Notes section of the calibration for more info about the vehicle it was configured for. These files can be found in the following folder:
C:\Program Files\AEM\AEMTuner\Calibrations\Honda-Acura\
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Set the throttle range: Select Wizards>>Set Throttle Range and follow the on­screen instructions. When finished, check that the ‘Throttle’ channel never indicates less than 0.2% or greater than 99.8%, this is considered a sensor error and may cause some functions including idle feedback and acceleration fuel to operate incorrectly.
4) Ready to begin tuning the vehicle.
Before starting the engine, verify that the fuel pump runs for a couple of seconds when the key is turned on and there is sufficient pressure at the fuel rail. If a MAP sensor is installed, check that the Engine Load indicates something near atmospheric pressure (approximately 101kPa or 0 PSI at sea level) with the key on and engine off. Press the throttle and verify that the ‘Throttle’ channel responds but the Engine Load channel continues to measure atmospheric pressure correctly.
Start the engine and make whatever adjustments may be needed to sustain a safe and reasonably smooth idle. Verify the ignition timing: Select Wizards>>Ignition Timing Sync from the pull-down menu. Click the ‘Lock Ignition Timing’ checkbox and set the timing to a safe and convenient value (for instance, 10 degrees BTDC). Use a timing light and compare the physical timing numbers to the timing value you selected. Use the Sync Adjustment Increase/Decrease buttons to make the physical reading match the timing number you selected.
Note: This calibration needs to be properly tuned before driving the vehicle. It is intended for racing vehicles and may not operate smoothly at idle or part-throttle.
5) Troubleshooting an engine that will not start
Double-check all the basics first… engines need air, fuel, compression, and a correctly-timed spark event. If any of these are lacking, we suggest checking simple things first. Depending on the symptoms, it may be best to inspect fuses, sufficient battery voltage, properly mated wiring connectors, spark using a timing light or by removing the spark plug, wiring continuity tests, measure ECU pinout voltages, replace recently-added or untested components with known-good spares. Check that all EMS sensor inputs measure realistic temperature and/or pressure values.
If the EMS is not firing the coils or injectors at all, open the Start tab and look for the ‘Stat Sync’d’ channel to turn ON when cranking. This indicates that the EMS has detected the expected cam and crank signals; if Stat Sync’d does not turn on, monitor the Crank Tooth Period and T2PER channels which indicate the time between pulses on the Crank and T2 (Cam) signals. Both of these channels should respond when the engine is cranking, if either signal is not being detected or measuring an incorrect number of pulses per engine cycle the EMS will not fire the coils or injectors.
If the Engine Load changes when the throttle is pressed this usually indicates that there is a problem with the MAP sensor wiring or software calibration (when the EMS detects that the MAP Volts are above or below the min/max limits it will run in a failsafe mode using the TPS-to-Load table to generate an artificial Engine Load signal using the Throttle input). This may allow the engine to sputter or start but not continue running properly.
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