AEM Performance Electronics
2205 126th Street Unit A, Hawthorne, CA. 90250
Phone: (310) 484-2322 Fax: (310) 484-0152
Instruction Part Number: 10-2320 Rev 01
2009 AEM Performance Electronics
Part Number 30-2320
Figure 1. Wiring Schematic
1 x 30-2320 X-WIFI Module
1 x 30-2001 UEGO Sensor
1 x 35-8535 Install Kit (UEGO Bung and 6 Butt Connectors)
1 x 10-2320 Installation Instructions
1 x 35-3416 8-Pin Power Harness
1 x 35-3400 6-Pin UEGO Sensor Harness
1 x 35-3009 USB Cable
4 x Zip Tie
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
2. Find a suitable, in cab, mounting location and secure the X-WIFI module using
the supplied zip ties. Note: The X-WIFI is not weatherproof and should not be
mounted in the engine bay or exposed to outside elements
3. Plug the 8-pin power harness into the mating connector on the right side of the XWIFI and connect the wires as shown in Figure 1.
4. Mount the UEGO sensor as shown in figure 3.
5. Connect the sensor to the X-WIFI using the 6-wire sensor cable. The connector
with the grey latch connects to the sensor. The single-row connector connects to
the left side of the X-WIFI.
6. Mount the optional EGT sensor(s) as shown in Figure 6.
7. Slide the heat shrink tube over the sensor cable and connect the EGT to the
cable as shown below in Figure 7.
8. Connect the 3-pin EGT sensors cable(s) to the X-WIFI.
RED - Connect to a switched, fused (5A) 12 volt power source.
BLACK – Connect to a clean power ground.
*BLUE - Connect to available 5 volt analog channel for EGT input.
*GREY - Connect to available 5 volt analog channel for EGT input.
*WHITE - Connect to Lambda + Input.
*BROWN - Connect to sensor ground. (Must be connected if the White, Grey, or blue
wire is used)
*optional – only needed if using the available differential analog output
Wiring notes:
GREY – The GREY wire should be connected to an available analog channel on the
EMS or similar device.
BLUE – The BLUE wire should be connected to an available analog channel on the
EMS or similar device.
WHITE – The WHITE wire should be connected to the Lambda + input on the EMS or
the analog + input on a similar device.
BROWN – The BROWN wire should be connected to the Lambda – input or the analog
– input. If the EMS or similar device does not have a – input, the BROWN wire should
be connected to a sensor ground. If no sensor ground is available, the BROWN wire
should be connected to a power ground. Note: The BROWN wire must be connected
in order to get correct readings from the analog outputs.
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Displaying Data with WIFI Enabled Electronic Devices
Figure 3. Minimum mounting angle for the UEGO Sensor
Real time AFR and EGT data from the X-WIFI can be viewed on WIFI enabled
electronic devices using a standard web browser. Locate the network “AEM X-WIFI”
and connect. Type the address in the address bar of the browser and
open the web page. A screen showing the AFR and EGT values will appear as shown
below in Figure 2. If a UEGO sensor error is detected, the AFR value will display “Err”
followed by a number. The number corresponds to the number of flashes on the error
status light as described in the Status Lights section below. Visit the video gallery at
www.aemelectronics.com for information on configuring specific WIFI enabled mobile
electronic devices.
UEGO Sensor Mounting
A weld-in M18 X 1.5 UEGO bung is supplied for sensor installation. Mount the UEGO
sensor in the exhaust system at least 18 inches downstream from the exhaust port. If
you anticipate high EGT's (over 800C), run a turbocharger, run at high RPM for
extended periods of time or plan on running leaded race fuel then you must mount the
sensor at least 36 inches or more downstream of the exhaust port as all of these can
cause the sensor to overheat. On turbocharged engines the UEGO sensor must be
installed after the turbo charger, if not, the pressure differential will greatly affect
the accuracy of the unit. For accurate readings, the sensor must be mounted before
catalytic converters and/or auxiliary air pumps. To prevent collection of liquids between
the sensor housing and sensor element during the cold start phase, the installation
angle should be inclined at least 10° from horizontal with the electrical connection
upwards, see Figure 3.
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Sensor Wiring and/or sensor
Check sensor cable for
broken wires/shorts
System voltage below 10 volts dc
Check electrical system
for good connections
and proper function
Figure 4. UEGO Status Lights
Status Lights
The AEM X-WIFI has two status lights, see Figure 4. The warm up status light on the
left flashes during sensor warm up. Once the sensor reaches operating temperature,
usually within 30 seconds, the light will remain on. During sensor warm up, AFR
readings may not be accurate. The UEGO error status light on the right will flash if a
sensor error is detected. The status light will flash on and off a number of times,
followed by a short pause. The error codes are listed below in Table 1.
UEGO Analog Output
The UEGO analog output from the AEM X-WIFI is a linear dc voltage signal that varies
from 0.5 Vdc at 8.5:1 AFR Gasoline to 4.5Vdc at 18.0:1 AFR Gasoline over the
operating range of the X-WIFI. The signal is used for sending information to a data
logger or an engine management system like the AEM EMS or F/IC. The transfer
function for the output is listed below.
AFR = 2.375(V) + 7.3125
For example, if the output is 2.0 Vdc, the AFR is 12.06:1
2.375 * 2.0 + 7.3125 = 12.06
A table showing the analog output voltage and corresponding Air/Fuel ratios for some of
the common fuels is shown below in Table 2.
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Table 2. EMS Software Values
Configuring the AEM EMS
With an EMS calibration open, go to Setup>Sensors>Oxygen Sensor #1(2)>O2 Sensor
#1(2) Cal Table>Table, and enter the values below into the O2 Sensor #1(2) Cal Table.
Connect the WHITE Analog Output + wire to the EMS Lambda input and the BROWN
Analog Output – wire to the EMS sensor ground. Table 3 below lists the Lambda and
Sensor ground pin locations for the different EMS part numbers.
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