AEG-Electrolux F60860 User Manual

User manual
Dear Customer
Thank you for choosing one of our high-quality products. With this appliance you will experience the perfect combination of functional design and cutting edge technology. Our appliances are engineered to deliver the best performance and control ­indeed we are setting the highest standards of excellence. In addition to this you find environmental and energy saving aspects as an integral part of our products. To ensure optimal and regular performance of your appliance please read this instruction manual carefully. It will enable you to navigate all processes perfectly and most efficiently. To refer to this manual any time you need to, we recommend you to keep it in a safe place. And please pass it to any future owner of the appliance. We wish you much joy with your new appliance.
The following symbols are used in this manual:
Important information concerning your personal safety and information on how to avoid damaging the appliance.
General information and tips
Environmental information
Operating Instructions 4
Safety information 4
Product description 6
Control panel 7
First use 10
Set the water softener 10 Filling with dishwasher salt 13 Filling with rinse aid 14
Daily use 16
Loading cutlery and dishes 16 The lower basket 18 The cutlery basket 19 The upper basket 20 Adjusting the height of the upper basket 21 Use of detergent 22 Multi-tab function 23 Washing programmes 26 Select and start a washing programme 27
Care and cleaning 30
Something not working 32
The wash results are not satisfactory 34
Technical data 35
Hints for test institutes 36
Installation 37
Water supply connections 38 Water inlet hose with safety valve 39 Water outlet hose connection 40 Electrical connection 41 Environment concernes 42
Guarantee/Customer Service 43
Operating Instructions
Safety information
In the interest of your safety and to ensure the correct use, before installing and first using the appliance, read this user manual carefully, including its hints and warnings. To avoid unnecessary mistakes and accidents, it is important to ensure that all people using the appliance are thoroughly familiar with its operation and safety features. Save these instructions and make sure that they remain with the appliance if it is moved or sold, so that everyone using it through its life will be properly informed on appliance use and safety.
Correct use
This dishwasher is only intended for washing household utensils suitable for
machine washing.
Do not put any solvents in the dishwasher. This could cause an explosion.
Knives and other items with sharp points must be loaded in the cutlery basket
with their points down or placed in a horizontal position in the upper basket.
Only use products (detergent, salt and rinse aid) suitable for dishwashers.
Avoid opening the door whilst the appliance is in operation, hot steam may
Do not take any dishes out of the dishwasher before the end of the
dishwashing cycle.
When the appliance is not in use for an extended period or while on vacation,
isolate the appliance from the power supply and turn off the water supply.
This product should be serviced only by an authorised service engineer, and
only genuine spare parts should be used.
Under no circumstances should you attempt to repair the machine yourself.
Repairs carried out by inexperienced persons will cause injury or serious malfunctioning. Contact your local Service Force Centre. Always insist on genuine spare parts.
General safety
This appliance is not intended for use by young children or infirm persons
unless they have been adequately supervised by a responsible person to ensure that they can use the appliance safely.
Safety informations
Dishwasher detergents can cause chemical burns to eyes, mouth and throat.
Could endanger life! Comply with the safety instructions of the dishwasher detergent manufacturer.
Dishwasher detergents are strongly alkaline. They can be extremely dangerous
if swallowed. Avoid contact with the skin and eyes and keep children away from the dishwasher when the door is open. Check that the detergent receptacle is empty after completion of the wash cycle.
The water in your dishwasher is not for drinking. Detergent residues may still
be present in your machine.
Ensure that the door of the dishwasher is always closed when it is not being
loaded or unloaded. In this way you will avoid anybody tripping over the open door and hurting themselves.
Do not sit or stand on the open door.
Child safety
Young children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the
appliance. Make sure that children and pets don’t climb into the dishwasher.
Keep all packaging well away from children. There is risk of suffocation.
Keep all detergents in a safe place out of children’s reach.
Keep children well away from the dishwasher when the door is open.
Check your dishwasher for any transport damage. Never connect a damaged
machine. If your dishwasher is damaged contact your supplier.
All packaging must be removed before use.
Any electrical and plumbing work required to install this appliance must be
carried out by a qualified and competent person.
For safety reasons it is dangerous to alter the specifications or attempt to
modify this product in any way.
Never use the dishwasher if the electrical supply cable and water hoses are
damaged; or if the control panel, work top or plinth area are damaged such that the inside of the appliance is freely accessible. Contact your local Service Force centre, in order to avoid hazard.
All sides of the dishwasher must never be drilled to prevent damage to
hydraulic and electric components.
For electrical and water connection carefully follow the instructions given in specific paragraphs.
Safety informations
Product description
Product description
Upper basket
Water hardness dial
Salt container
Detergent dispenser
Rinse aid dispenser
Rating plate
Lower spray arm
Upper spray arm
Work top
TThhiiss ddiisshhwwaasshheerr hhaass aann iinntteerrnnaall lliigghhtt tthhaatt ttuurrnnss oonn wwhheenn tthhee ddoooorr iiss ooppeenneedd..
IInntteerrnnaall lliigghhtt eeqquuiippppeed
d wwiitthh lleedd llaammpp CCLLAASSSS
11 iinn aaccccoorrddaannccee wwiitthh IIEECC 6600882255--11:: 11999933 ++ AA11::11999977 ++ AA22::22000011..
IInn ccaassee tthhaatt tthhiiss l
liigghhtt hhaass ttoo bbee rreeppllaacceedd,,
pplleeaassee ccoonnttaacctt yyoouurr llooccaall CCuussttoommeerr CCaarree CCeennttrree..
Control panel
Control panel
On/off button
Programme selection buttons
ndicator lights
Digital display
Function buttons
Control panel
FFuunnccttiioonn bbuuttttoonnss::
in addition to the dishwashing programme selection, the setting of the water softener and the activation/deactivation of the rinse aid dispenser can also be set with the help of these buttons.
TThhee ddiiggiittaall ddiissppllaayy iinnddiiccaatteess::
- the level of hardness to which the water softener is set,
- the approximate remaining time of the running programme,
- activation/deactivation of the rinse aid dispenser (
function active),
- the end of a washing programme (a zero will appear in the digital display),
- the countdown of the delay start,
- if the audible signals are activated/deactivated.
- fault codes concerning malfunction of the dishwasher.
Illuminates when the prewash phase is running.
Illuminates when the wash phase is running.
Illuminates when the rinse aid has run out.
The salt and rinse aid indicator lights are never illuminated while a washing programme is running even if filling with salt and/or rinse aid is necessary.
Illuminates when the special salt has run out.
Illuminates when the rinse phase is running.
Illuminates when the draying phase is running.
Illuminates when the washing programme has ended..
Illuminates when the dishwasher does not fill with water.
Illuminates from time to time, apart from the amount of soil on the filters. Check and if necessary clean the filters.
Illuminates when the door has not been properly closed.
Indicator lights
Control panel
SSeettttiinngg mmooddee Always remember that when:
- setting the water softener,
- activating/deactivating the audible signals,
- activating/deactivating the rinse aid dispenser the appliance
be in setting mode:
Press On/Off button,
programme button lights are illuminated =
appliance in setting mode.
Press On/Off button,
a programme button light is illuminated = last performed or selected programme still set. In this case, to return to setting mode, the programme has to be cancelled.
TToo ccaanncceell aa sseett pprrooggrraammmmee oorr aa pprrooggrraammmmee iinn pprrooggrreessss Simultaneously press and hold the two programme buttons positioned over the
, until all the programme button lights will illuminate. The
programme has been cancelled and the machine is now in setting mode.
AAuuddiibbllee ssiiggnnaallss Audible signals have been introduced to help indicate which operations the
dishwasher is performing:
- end of programme
- intervention of an alarm due to malfunction It is possible to deactvate the audible signals, using some of the programme buttons on the control panel. Factory setting: audible signals activated. Deactivation/activation of the audible signals
Press the On/Off button. The dishwasher must be in setting mode.
Press simultaneously and keep pressed buttons AAand
until the lights of the
buttons AA, BBand CCstart flashing.
Press button CC, the lights of buttons
and BBturn off while the light of button
goes on flashing. The digital display indicates the current setting.
To change the current setting, press again button CC, the digital display will indicate the new setting.
To memorise the operation, switch off the dishwasher by pressing the On/Off button.
Audible signals deactivated
Audible signals activated (factory set)
First use
First use
Before using your dishwasher for the first time:
Ensure that the electrical and water connections comply with the installation
Remove all packaging from inside the appliance
Set the water softener
Pour 1 litre of water inside the salt container and then fill with dishwasher
Fill the rinse aid dispenser
If you want to use combi detergent tablets such as: ‘3 in 1’, ‘4 in 1’, ‘5 in 1’ etc... set the Multi-tab function (see Multi-tab function).
Set the water softener
The dishwasher is equipped with a water softener designed to remove minerals and salts from the water supply, which would have a detrimental or adverse effect on the operation of the appliance. The higher the content of these minerals and salts, the harder your water is. Water hardness is measured in equivalent scales, German degrees (°dH), French degrees (°TH) and mmol/l (millimol per litre - international unit for the hardness of water). The softener should be adjusted according to the hardness of the water in your area. Your local Water Authority can advise you on the hardness of the water in your area. The water softener must be set in both ways: manually, using the water hardness dial and electronically, using some of the programme buttons on the control panel
First use
Setting manually
The dishwasher is factory set at position 2.
Open the dishwasher door.
Remove the lower basket from the dishwasher.
Turn the water hardness dial to position 1 or 2 (see table).
Replace the lower basket.
Water hardness
°dH °TH mmol/l manually electronically
Adjusting the water
hardness setting
Use of
51 - 70 91 - 125 9,0 - 12,5 2 level 10 yes
43 - 50 76 - 90 7,6 - 8,9 2 level 9 yes
37 - 42 65 - 75 6,5 - 7,5 2 level 8 yes
29 - 36 51 - 64 5,1 - 6,4 2 level 7 yes
23 - 28 40 - 50 4,0 - 5,0 2 level 6 yes
19 - 22 33 - 39 3,3 - 3,9 2 level 5 yes
15 - 18 26 - 32 2,6 - 3,2 1 level 4 yes
11 - 14 19 - 25 1,9 - 2,5 1 level 3 yes
4 - 10 7 - 18 0,7 - 1,8 1 level 2 yes
< 4 < 7 < 0,7 1 level 1 no *
no salt is necessary
First use
Setting electronically
The dishwasher is factory set at level 5.
Press the On/Off button. The dishwasher must be in setting mode.
Press simultaneously and keep pressed buttons AAand BB, until the lights of buttons AA, BBand CCstart flashing.
Press button AA, the lights of buttons BBand CCturn off while the light of button A goes on flashing. In the digital display is visible the current level.
displayed = level 5 displayed = level 10
To change the level, press button AA. Each time the button is pressed the level changes. (For the selection of the new level see the chart).
EExxaammpplleess:: if the current level is 5, by pressing button AAonce, level 6 is selected. if the current level is 10, by pressing button AAonce, level 1 is selected.
To memorise the operation, switch off the dishwasher by pressing the On/Off button.
First use
Filling with dishwasher salt
Only use salt specifically designed for use in dishwashers. All other types of salt not specifically designed for use in a dishwasher, especially table salt, will damage the water softener. Only fill with salt just before starting one of the complete washing programmes. This will prevent any grains of salt or salty water, which may have been spilt, remaining on the bottom of the machine for any period of time, which may cause corrosion.
TToo ffiillll::
Open the door, remove the lower basket and unscrew the cap of the salt container by turning it anticlockwise.
Pour 1 litre of water inside the container ((tthhiiss iiss nneecceessssaarryy oonnllyy bbeeffoorree ffiilllliinngg wwiitthh ssaalltt ffoorr tthhee ffiirrsstt ttiimmee))
Using the funnel provided, pour in the salt until the container is full.
Replace the cap making sure that there is no trace of salt on the screw thread or on the gasket.
Replace the cap tightly turning it clockwise until it stops with a click.
Do not worry if water overflows from the unit when filling with salt, this is quite normal.
The salt indicator light on the control panel can remain illuminated for 2-6 hours after the salt has been replenished, assuming the dishwasher remains switched on. If you are using salts that take longer to dissolve then this can take longer. The function of the machine is not affected.
First use
Filling with rinse aid
Rinse aid ensures thorough rinsing, and spot and streak free drying. Rinse aid is automatically added during the last rinse.
Open the container by pressing the release button (A).
Add the rinse aid in the container. The maximum level for filling is indicated by ‘max’.
The dispenser holds about 110 ml of rinse aid, which is sufficient for between 16 and 40 dishwashing cycles, depending upon the dosage setting.
First use
According to the finish and drying results obtained, adjust the dose of rinse aid by means of the 6 position selector (position 1 minimum dosage, position 6 maximum dosage). The dose is factory set in position 4. Increase the dose if there are drops of water or lime spots on the dishes after washing. Reduce it if there are sticky whitish streaks on the dishes or a bluish film on glassware or knife blades.
Ensure that the lid is closed after every refill.
Clean up any rinse aid spilt during filling with an absorbent cloth to avoid excess foaming during the next wash. Only use branded rinse aid for dishwashers.
Never fill the rinse aid dispenser with any other substances (e.g. dishwasher cleaning agent, liquid detergent). This would damage the appliance.
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