AEG P610 Operating Instructions Manual

P610 Programming Panel
Operating Instructions
Translation of the German Description A91M.12-271689
Revisioning of Operating Instructions P610 A91M.12-271893
This yellow page serves as a correction sheet for programming pa­nels beginning with index .03.
Thesoftwarekit”INSTAL→Programming Unit” from P610 device index .03 has been removed from active sales file of the P610. If you want to use the AEG main menu it is necessary to order the software kit ”INSTAL
Starting with revision index .03 the programming panel P610 provides 5 MByte RAM (4 MByte Expanded Memory). To use this memory it is necessary to install the EMS driver that is included on the operating system diskette.
EMS Driver Installation
To install the driver it has to be entered into the file CONFIG.SYS. Please execu­te the following steps:
Schritt 1 Use an ASCII editor of your device.
Schritt 2 Open the file CONFIG.SYS in your system directory.
Schritt 3 Add the following line in this file:
(z.B. DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.SYS [4096]) The number in brackets shows the size of the expanded memory. Edit 4096 for 4 MByte memory.
Schritt 4 Store the file and close the editor.
Schritt 5 Reset the PADT with (<Ctrl>+<Alt>+<Del>)
Now the installation of the expanded memory is completed. Now you are able to call up the software.
Application Note
Caution The relevant regulations must be observed for control applications involving safety requirements. For reasons of safety and to ensure compliance with docu­mented system data, repairs to components should be per­formed only by the manufacturer.
AEG offers suitable training that provides further information concerning the sys­tem (see addresses).
Data, Illustrations, Alterations
Data and illustration are not binding. We reserve the right to alter our products in line with our policy of continuous product development. If you have any sugges­tions for improvements or amendments or have found errors in this publication, please notify us by using the form on the last page of this publication.
The addresses of our Regional Sales Offices, Training Centers, Service and En­gineering Sales Offices in Europe are given at the end of this publication.
All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including copying, pro­cessing or any information storage, without permission in writing by the AEG Ak­tiengesellschaft. You are not authorized to translate this document into any other language.
All terms used in this user manual to denote AEG products are trademarks of the AEG Aktiengesellschaft.
IBM, IBM-PC, IBM-XT and IBM-AT are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.
Microsoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
TOSHIBA is a registered trademark of TOSHIBA Informationssysteme (Deutsch­land) GmbH.
© 1991 AEG Aktiengesellschaft.
Note This symbol emphasizes very important facts.
Caution This symbol refers to frequently appearing error sources.
Warning This symbol points to sources of danger that may cause financial and health damages or may have other aggravat­ing consequences.
Expert This symbol is used when a more detailed information is
given, which is intended exclusively for experts (special training re­quired). Skipping this information does not interfere with understand­ing the publication and does not restrict standard application of the product.
Path This symbol identifies the use of paths in software menus.
Figures are given in the spelling corresponding to international practice and ap­proved by SI (S
ystème International d‘ Unités). I.e. a space between the thousands and the usage of a decimal point (e.g.: 12 345.67).
Warm Restart <Ctrl>+<Alt>+<Del>
Press the reset key (can only be actuated with a pointed object e.g. pencil)
This document describes connection of the P610 programming panel to pro­grammable controllers.
For general information on P610 programming panel see attached manuals of the PC manufacturers.
Arrangement of This Guide
Chapter 1 describes the range of performance features of the P610.
Chapter 2 describes the keyboard and the handling of diskettes.
Chapter 3 describes requirements for programming with P610.
Chapter 4 describes errors and their correction.
Chapter 5 contains specifications of the P610.
Related Documents
Documents that are related to the special system, are necessary.
Validity Note
Information given in this manual, apply only to performance features and func­tions, if you use the attached MS DOS version 3.3.
Programming of A250 (AKF125) is possible using the P610 programming panel from device index .03 (5 Mbyte RAM).
Table of Contents ix
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 General Information 1......................
1.1 Use and Applications 2...............................
1.2 Features of the P610 4...............................
Chapter 2 Operation 5...............................
2.1 Operating and Display Elements 6.....................
2.1.1 PRT/B/A Switch 7....................................
2.1.2 Display Elements 7..................................
2.1.3 Operator Keyboard 8.................................
2.1.4 Brightness Control 9.................................
2.1.5 Socket for External Keyboard 9........................
2.1.6 Reset Key 9.........................................
2.2 Use of the Diskettes 10...............................
2.2.1 Insert Diskette 11....................................
2.2.2 Remove Diskette 11..................................
2.3 MS-DOS Instructions 12..............................
Chapter 3 Programming Requirements 13.............
3.1 Power Supply 14....................................
3.2 Initial Start-up 14....................................
3.3 Installation of the Software 14.........................
3.4 Peripheral Connection Field 15........................
3.5 Connection to the Programmable Controller 16..........
3.5.1 Cable Connection 17.................................
3.5.2 Start-up Conditions at the Programmable Controller 17...
3.6 Connection to the Printer 18..........................
3.6.1 Cable Connection 18................................. Printer with Centronics port 18........................ Printer with RS 232 C port 19.........................
3.6.2 Start Printout 19.....................................
Table of Contentsx
3.7 Connection to the EPROM Programming Station 20.....
3.8 Connection to Modbus plus (Modicon 984) 21...........
3.8.1 Communication Module 21............................
3.9 Connection to Viewstar B500 22.......................
3.10 Connection to Viewstar 200 23........................
3.10.1 Viewstar 200 PC 23.................................. Communication Module 23............................ External Monitors 24.................................
3.10.2 Viewstar 200 XA 25..................................
3.11 Connection to the FD 300 Diskette Drive 26.............
3.12 Installation of PC Modules 27.........................
Chapter 4 Errors and their Correction 29..............
Chapter 5 Specifications 33..........................
Power Supply 34....................................
Ports 34............................................
Processor 34........................................
Memory 35..........................................
Screen 35...........................................
Keyboard 35........................................
Clock / Calendar 36..................................
Environmental Characteristics 36......................
Physical Characteristics 36............................
Ordering Details 37..................................
Index 39..................................
Table of Contents
Figure 1 P610 Programming Panel 2...........................
Figure 2 P610 Operating and Display Elements 6................
Figure 3 PRT/B/A Switch 7....................................
Figure 4 Display Elements 7..................................
Figure 5 P610 Keyboard 8....................................
Figure6 Useofthe31/2”Diskettes 10.........................
Figure 7 Insert diskette 11....................................
Figure 8 Connection Field (Rear of P610) 15....................
Figure 9 Programmable Controllers which can be Connected 16...
Figure 10 Printers which can be Connected 18...................
Figure 11 EPROM Programming Stations which can be
Connected 20.......................................
Figure 12 Communication Module for Modicon 984 21.............
Figure 13 Connection to Viewstar B500 22.......................
Figure 14 Communication Module for Viewstar 200 PC 23.........
Figure 15 External Monitors for Viewstar 200 PC 24..............
Figure 16 Connection to Viewstar 200 XA 25.....................
Figure 17 Connection to the FD 300 26..........................
Table 1 Cable Connection from the P610 to the
Programmable Controllers 17.........................
Table 2 Cable Connection from the P610 to the
Programmable Controllers (Continuation) 17............
Table of Contents
General Information 1
Chapter 1 General Information
Use and Applications
General Information2
1.1 Use and Applications
Figure 1 P610 Programming Panel
The P610 programming panel is an IBM-AT-compatible computer.
General Information
The P610 programming panel has a multitude of applications:
together with the software provided for programming the A010, A020 (plus), A030, A120, A130, A250, A350, A500 and Modicon 984 programmable con­trollers as well as the Viewstar 200 operating and monitoring devices.
as Modbus plus node at Modicon 984.
as an operating and monitoring device for process display with the Viewstar 200 PC.
as external memory for the Viewstar B500 color video system.
to archive the programs on
/2” diskette
/4” diskette in connection with the FD 300 diskette drive
EPROM in connection with the EPS 2000 or EPS 386
as a personal computer (PC) with the MS-DOS operating system. In this case the necessary information can be found in the provided manuals.
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