AEG KS 55 C User Manual [en, ru, de, es, fr, it, cs, pl]

KS 55 C
Original instructions Originalbetriebsanleitung Notice originale Istruzioni originali Manual original Manual original Oorspronkelijke
gebruiksaanwijzing Original brugsanvisning Original bruksanvisning Bruksanvisning i original Alkuperäiset ohjeet
Πρωτότυπο οδηγιών χρήσης Orijinal işletme talimatı Původním návodem k používání
Pôvodný návod na použitie Instrukcją oryginalną Eredeti használati utasítás Izvirna navodila
Originalne pogonske upute
Instrukcijām oriģinālvalodā
Originali instrukcija
Algupärane kasutusjuhend Оригинальное руководство по
эксплуатации Оригинално ръководство за
експлоатация Instrucţiuni de folosire originale Оригинален прирачник за работа
Technical Data,Safety Instructions, Specied Conditions of Use,
EC-Declaration of Conformity, Mains connection, Maintenance, Symbols
Technische Daten, Sicherheitshinweise, Bestimmungsgemäße Verwendung, CE-Konformitätserklärung, Netzanschluss, Wartung, Symbole
Caractéristiques techniques, Instructions de sécurité, Utilisation conforme aux prescriptions, Declaration CE de Conformité, Branchement secteur, Entretien, Symboles
Dati tecnici,Norme di sicurezza,Utilizzo conforme, Dicharazione di Conformità CE, Collegamento alla rete, Manutenzione, Simboli
Datos técnicos, Instrucciones de seguridad, Adapte la velocidad de avance para evitar que se sobrecalienten los dientes de la hoja de sierra y que se derrita el
Características técnicas, Instruções de segurança, Utilização autorizada, Declaração de Conformidade CE, Ligação à rede, Manutenção, Symbole
Technische gegevens, Veiligheidsadviezen, Voorgeschreven gebruik van het systeem, EC-Konformiteitsverklaring, Netaansluiting,Onderhoud, Symbolen
Tekniske data, Sikkerhedshenvisninger, Tiltænkt formål, CE-Konformitetserklæring, Nettilslutning, Vedligeholdelse, Symboler
Tekniske data, Spesielle sikkerhetshenvisninger, Formålsmessig bruk, CE-Samsvarserklæring, Nettilkopling, Vedlikehold, Symboler
Tekniska data, Säkerhetsutrustning, Använd maskinen Enligt anvisningarna, CE-Försäkran, Nätanslutning, Skötsel, Symboler
Tekniset arvot, Turvallisuusohjeet, Tarkoituksenmukainen käyttö, Todistus CE-standardinmukaisuudesta, Verkkoliitäntä, Huolto, Symbolit
Фечнйкб уфпйчейб, Ейдйкеу хрпдейоейу буцблейбу, Чсзуз ухмцщнб ме фп укпрп рсппсйумпх, Дзлщуз рйуфпфзфбу ек, Ухндеуз уфп злекфсйкп дйкфхп, Ухнфзсзуз,
Teknik veriler, Güvenliğiniz için talimatlar, Kullanim, CE uygunluk beyanice, Şebeke bağlantisi, Bakim, Semboller
Technická data, Speciální bezpečnostní upozornění, Oblast využití, Ce-prohlášení o shodě, Připojení na sít, Údržba, Symboly
Technické údaje, Špeciálne bezpečnostné pokyny, Použitie podľa predpisov, CE-Vyhlásenie konformity, Sieťová prípojka, Údrzba, Symboly
Dane techniczne, Specjalne zalecenia dotyczące bezpieczeństwa, Użytkowanie zgodne z przeznaczeniem, Świadectwo zgodności ce, Podłączenie do sieci, Gwarancja, Symbole
Műszaki adatok, Különleges biztonsági tudnivalók, Rendeltetésszerű használat, Ce-azonossági nyilatkozat, Hálózati csatlakoztatás, Karbantartás, Szimbólumok
Tehnični podatki, Specialni varnostni napotki, Uporaba v skladu z namembnostjo, Ce-izjava o konformnosti, Omrežni priključek, Vzdrževanje,Simboli
Tehnički podaci, Specijalne sigurnosne upute, Propisna upotreba, CE-Izjava konformnosti, Priključak na mrežu, Održavanje, Simboli
Tehniskie dati, Speciālie drošības noteikumi, Noteikumiem atbilstošs izmantojums, Atbilstība CE normām, Tīkla pieslēgums, Apkope, Simboli
Techniniai duomenys, Ypatingos saugumo nuorodos, Naudojimas pagal paskirtį, CE Atitikties pareiškimas, Elektros tinklo jungtis, Techninis aptarnavimas, Simboliai
Tehnilised andmed, Spetsiaalsed turvajuhised, Kasutamine vastavalt otstarbele, EÜ Vastavusavaldus, Võrku ühendamine, Hooldus, Sümbolid
Технические данные, Рекомендации по технике безопасности, Использо- вание, Подключение к электросети, Обслуживание, Символы
Технически данни, Специални указания за безопасност, Използване по предназначение, СЕ-Декларация за съответствие, Свързване към мрежата, Поддръжка, Символи
Date tehnice, Instrucţiuni de securitate, Condiţii de utilizare specicate, Declaraţie de conformitate, Alimentare de la reţea, Intreţinere, Simboluri
Технички Податоци, Упатство За Употреба, Специфицирани Услови На Употреба, Еу-декларација За Сообразност, Главни Врски, Одржување, Симболи
技术数据, 特殊安全指示, 正确地使用机器, 欧洲安全规定说明, 电源插头, 维 修, 符号
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24 26 28 30 32
34 36
38 40 42 44 46 48 50
52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72
74 76
2 3
13 16
4 5
EN 847-1
6 7
8 9
0 - 54 mm
Adjust the cutting depth to the thickness of the workpiece. Less than a full tooth of the blade teeth should be visible below the workpiece.
Passen Sie die Schnitttiefe an die Dicke des Werkstücks an. Es sollte weniger als eine volle Zahnhöhe unter dem Werkstück sichtbar sein.
Adapter la profondeur de coupe à l’épaisseur de la pièce. Moins d’une dent complète devrait apparaître sous la pièce.
Adattare la profondità di taglio allo spessore del pezzo in lavorazione. Nella parte inferiore del pezzo in lavorazione dovrebbe essere visibile meno della completa altezza del dente.
Adaptar la profundidad de corte al grosor de la pieza de trabajo. La hoja de sierra no deberá sobresalir más de un diente de la pieza de trabajo.
Adaptar a profundidade de corte à espessura da peça a ser trabalhada. Deveria estar visível por aproximadamente menos do que uma altura de dente abaixo da peça a ser trabalhada.
Pas de zaagdiepte aan de dikte van het werkstuk aan. Er dient minder dan een volledige tandhoogte onder het werkstuk zichtbaar te zijn.
Tilpas skæredybden efter arbejdsemnets tykkelse. Der må maksimalt være en hel tandhøjde synlig under emnet.
Tilpass skjæredybden til tykkelsen på arbeidsstykket. Det skal være mindre enn en full tannhøyde synlig under arbeidsstykket.
Anpassa sågdjupet till arbetsstyckets tjocklek. Den synliga delen av en tand under arbetsstycket måste vara mindre än en hel tand.
Aseta leikkaussyvyys työkappaleen paksuuden mukaan. Työkappaleen alla tulisi terää näkyä korkeintaan täysi hammaskorkeus.
Προσαρμόστε το βάθος κοπής στο πάχος του υπό κατεργασία τεμαχίου. Κάτω το υπό κατεργασία τεμάχιο πρέπει να φαίνεται λιγότερο από ένα ολόκληρο δόντι του πριονόδισκου.
Kesme derinliğini iş parçasının kalınlığına göre ayarlayın. İş parçası altında tam diş uzunluğunun daha azı görünmelidir.
Přizpůsobte hloubku řezu tloušťce obrobku. Pod obrobkem by měla být viditelná méně než celá výška zubu.
Hrúbku rezu prispôsobte hrúbke obrobka. Pod obrobkom by malo byť vidieť menej pílového listu ako plnú výšku zuba píly.
Głębokość cięcia należy dopasować do grubości obrabianego przedmiotu. Powinno być widoczne mniej jak pełna wysokość zębów
pod obrabianym przedmioten.
A vágási mélységet a munkadarab vastagságának megfelelően kell megválasztani. A fűrészlapból a munkadarab alatt kevesebb mind egy
teljes fogmagasságnyinak kell kilátszania.
Prosimo, da globino reza prilagodite debelini obdelovanca. Znaša naj manj kot višina zoba, ki je vidna pod obdelovancem.
Prilagodite dubinu rezanja debljini izratka. Ispod izratka treba biti vidljiv manje od jedan puni zub.
Izvçlieties zâìçðanas dziïumu, kas atbilst zâìçjamâ priekðmeta biezumam. Zâìçðanas dziïumam jâbût tik lielam, lai zem zâìçjamâ priekðmeta redzamâs asmens daïas augstums bûtu mazâks par asmens zobu augstumu.
Pjovimo gylá tinkamai nustatykite pagal ruoðinio storá. Ruoðinio apaèioje turi matytis ðiek tiek maþiau, nei per visà pjûklo danties aukðtá, iðlindusi disko dalis.
Kohandage lõikesügavus tooriku paksusega. Saeketas võib tooriku alt vähem kui ühe täis hamba võrra välja ulatuda.
Устанавливайте глубину реза в соответствии с толщиной детали. Под деталью пильное полотно не должно высовываться более чем на один зуб.
Винаги настройвайте дълбочината на рязане съобразно дебелината на стената на обработвания детайл. От обратната страна на детайла дискът трябва да се подава на разстояние, по-малко от една височина на зъба.
Adaptaţi adâncimea de tăiere la grosimea piesei de lucru. Sub piesa de lucru ar trebui să se vadă mai puţin de înălţimea întreagă a unui dinte.
Прилагодете ја длабочината на засекот во зависност од густината на обработуваното парче. Нешто помалку од цел забец од сечилото треба да биде видлив под работното парче.
根 据 工 件 的 厚 度 设 定 锯 深 。 不 可 以 让 锯 齿 完 全 突 出 於 工 件 之 外 。
10 11
0° ... 45°
0° ... 50°
0° ... 45° / 50°
Carry out a test cut Probeschnitt durchführen Effectuer une coupe d‘essai Effettuare un taglio di prova Efectuar corte de prueba Efectuar experiências de corte Proefsnede maken Foretages et prøvesnit Foreta prøvekutt Gör ett provsnitt!
РсбгмбфпрпйЮуфе мЯб дпкймбуфйкЮ фпмЮ
Deneme kesmesi yapın Proveďte zkušební řez. Vykonať skušobný rez. Wykonac próbę cięcia
Végezzen teszvágást Opravite preizkusni rez! Izvesti probno rezanje
Jāveic izmēģinājuma griezums! Atlikite bandomąjį pjūvį!
Teha proovilõige!
Выполните пробный проход Направете пробно рязане! Efectuaţi un test de tăiere Да се направи пробно сечење
x cm
12 13
Accessory Zubehör Accessoire Accessorio Accessorio
Toebehoren Tilbehør Tilbehør Tillbehör
ø 26 mm
Příslušenství Príslušenstvo Element wyposażenia
dodatkowego Tartozék Oprema Pribor
Papildus aprīkojums
Priedas Tarvikud
< 6 mm
14 15
If a correction of the 90° angle of the guide-plate to the saw blade is necessary, use the correction screw.
Falls eine Korrektur des 90° Winkels der Führungsplatte zum Sägeblatt nötig ist, diese mit der Korrekturschraube durchführen
Si une correction de l'angle à 90° de la plaque de base par rapport à la lame de scie s'avère nécessaire, il convient alors d'avoir recours à la vis de correction.
Nella caso in cui si rendesse necessaria una correzione dell 'angolo di 90° della piastra di base rispetto alla lama, questa potrà essere effettuata agendo sulla vite di correzione.
Si es necesario un ajuste o corrección de
perpendicularidad (90°) del disco de sierra actuar sobre el tornillo de ajuste.
Caso se torne necessário corrigir a esquadria da base em relação ao disco de corte, agir sobre o parafuso de
Indien een korrektie van de 90° hoek van de bodemplaat ten opzichte van het zaagblad nodig is kan deze worden gekorrigeerd met de korrektieschroef.
Såfremt det er nødvendigt med en korrektion af bundpladens 90° vinkel i forhold til savklingen, gennemføres denne med korrektionsskruen.
Hvis det er nødvendig å foreta en justering av 90°-vinkelen på føringsplaten i forhold til sagbladet, må dette gjøres med justeringsskruen.
Med ställskruv är det möjligt att justera 90°- vinkeln, bottenplatta till sågklingan.
Mikäli pohjalevyn 90°-kulman oikaisu sahanterään nähden on tarpeen, oikaisu suoritetaan oikaisuruuvista.
Уе ресЯрфщуз рпх еЯнбй брбсбЯфзфз мЯб дйьсищуз фзт гщнЯбт фщн 90° фзт рлЬкбт пдЮгзузт рспт фп дЯукп рсйпнЯумбфпт, фьфе рсЭрей бхфЮ нб рсбгмбфпрпйзиеЯ ме фпн кпчлЯб дйьсищузт
Kılavuz levhanın testere bıçağına 90°'lik konumunda bir düzeltme gerekiyorsa, bunu düzeltme vidası ile yapın.
Je-li nutná oprava kolmosti vodicí desky k pilovému
kotouči, proveďte to nastavovacím šroubem.
Ak je potrebná korektúra 90° uhlu vodiacej platne k
pílovému listu, použite korekčnú skrutku. Jeżeli konieczne jest skorygowanie kąta ustawienia
płytki prowadzącej 90° w stosunku do brzeszczota, należy wykorzystać do tego celu śrubę regulacyjną.
Ha az alaplap és a fűrészlap által bezárt 90 fokos szög korrekcióra szorul, használja az állító csavart.
Če je potrebna korektura 90° kota vodilne plošče k žaginemu listu, to opravite s pomočjo korekturnega
Ako je potrebno korektura kuta vodeće ploče od 90°
prema listu pile, ovu izvesti sa vijkom za korekturu.
Gadījumā, ja nepieciešama atbalsta plāksnes 90° leņķa korekcija attiecībā pret zāģa ripu, izmantojiet korekcijas skrūvi.
Jei tarp kreipiamosios ir pjūklo reikalinga 90° laipsnių pataisa, tai atlikite pataisos varžtu.
Juhul kui on vaja parandada juhtplaadi 90° nurka saelehe suhtes, siis tehke seda korrigeeriva kruviga.
Для регулировки угла 90 град направляющей шины пильного полотна служит регулировочный винт
Ако е необходима корекция на ъгъла от 90° на водещата плоча спрямо режещия диск, направете я с коригиращия винт.
Dacă este necesară o corecţie în unghi de 90° a plăcii de ghidare faţă de lama ferăstraului, utilizaţi şurubul de corecţie.
Доколку е потребно корегирање на аголот од 90° водечката површина кон сечилото на пилата, користет го шрафот за корекција.
如果必须更改导引板和锯刀片之间的角度(90 度), 则要调整校正螺丝。
16 17
18 19
20 21
26 mm
54 mm
22 23
Production code.......................................................................................
Rated input ..............................................................................................
No-load speed .........................................................................................
Saw blade dia. x hole dia.........................................................................
Cutting depth max. at 90° ........................................................................
Cutting depth max. at 45° ........................................................................
Cutting depth max. at 50° ........................................................................
Weight according EPTA-Procedure 01/2003 ...........................................
Noise/vibration information
Measured values determined according to EN 60 745. Typically, the A-weighted noise levels of the tool are:
Sound power level (K = 3 dB(A)) ...........................................................
Sound pressure level (K = 3 dB(A)) .......................................................
Wear ear protectors!
Total vibration values (vector sum in the three axes) determined according to EN 60745. Cutting wood
Vibration emission value ah ..................................................................
Uncertainty K........................................................................................
Cutting metal
Vibration emission value ah ..................................................................
Uncertainty K........................................................................................
The vibration emission level given in this information sheet has been measured in accordance with a standardised test given in EN 60745 and may be used to compare one tool with another. It may be used for a preliminary assessment of exposure.
The declared vibration emission level represents the main applications of the tool. However if the tool is used for different applications, with different
accessories or poorly maintained, the vibration emission may differ. This may signicantly increase the exposure level over the total working period.
An estimation of the level of exposure to vibration should also take into account the times when the tool is switched off or when it is running but not
actually doing the job. This may signicantly reduce the exposure level over the total working period.
Identify additional safety measures to protect the operator from the effects of vibration such as: maintain the tool and the accessories, keep the hands warm, organisation of work patterns.
WARNING! Read all safety warnings and all instructions,
including those given in the accompanying brochure. Failure to
follow the warnings and instructions may result in electric shock, re and/or serious injury.
Save all warnings and instructions for future reference.
Cutting procederes
Danger: Keep hands away from cutting area and the blade.
Keep your second hand on auxiliary handle, or motor housing. If
both hands are holding the saw, they cannot be cut by the blade. Do not reach underneath the workpiece. The guard cannot protect
you from the blade below the workpiece. Adjust the cutting depth to the thickness of the workpiece. Less
than a full tooth of the blade teeth should be visible below the workpiece.
Never hold piece being cut in your hands or across your leg. Secure the workpiece to a stable platform. It is important to support
the work properly to minimize body exposure, blade binding, or loss of control.
Hold the power tool by insulated gripping surfaces, only when performing an operation where the cutting tool may contact hidden wiring or its own cord. Contact with a "live" wire will also
make exposed metal parts of the power tool "live" and could give the operator an electric shock.
When ripping always use a rip fence or straight edge guide. This improves the accuracy of cut and reduces the chance of blade binding.
Always use blades with correct size and shape (diamond versus round) of arbour holes. Blades that do not match the mounting
hardware of the saw will run eccentrically, causing loss of control. Never use damaged or incorrect blade washers or bolt. The blade
washers and bolt were specially designed for your saw, for optimum performance and safety of operation.
Kickback causes and related warnings:
- kickback is a sudden reaction to a pinched, bound or misaligned saw blade, causing an uncontrolled saw to lift up and out of the workpiece toward the operator;
KS 55 C 220-240 V KS 55 C 110 V
...........................4104 06 01... ....................4104 11 01...
...........................4118 31 01...
...000001-999999 ...000001-999999
............................ 1200 W ................................1200 W
............................ 6100 min-1 ...........................5800 min
........................ 165x20 mm .........................165x20 mm
................................ 54 mm .................................54 mm
................................ 43 mm .................................43 mm
................................ 38 mm .................................38 mm
............................... 3,7 kg ..................................3,7 kg
............................. 88,5 dB(A) ..............................98 dB(A)
............................. 99,5 dB(A) ............................109 dB(A)
............................... 2,1 m/s2 ...............................4,5 m/s
............................... 1,5 m/s2 ...............................1,5 m/s
............................... 2,4 m/s
............................... 1,5 m/s
- when the blade is pinched or bound tightly by the kerf closing down, the blade stalls and the motor reaction drives the unit rapidly back toward the operator;
- if the blade becomes twisted or misaligned in the cut, the teeth at the back edge of the blade can dig into the top surface of the wood causing the blade to climb out of the kerf and jump back toward the operator.
Kickback is the result of saw misuse and/or incorrect operating
procedures or conditions and can be avoided by taking proper precautions as given below.
Maintain a rm grip with both hands on the saw and position your arms to resist kickback forces. Position your body to either side of the blade, but not in line with the blade. Kickback could cause
the saw to jump backwards, but kickback forces can be controlled by the operator, if proper precautions are taken.
When blade is binding, or when interrupting a cut for any reason, release the trigger and hold the saw motionless in the material until the blade comes to a complete stop. Never attempt to remove the saw from the work or pull the saw backward while the blade is in motion or kickback may occur. Investigate and take
corrective actions to eliminate the cause of blade binding.
When restarting a saw in the workpiece, centre the saw blade in the kerf and check that saw teeth are not engaged into the material. If saw blade is binding, it may walk up or kickback from the
workpiece as the saw is restarted.
Support large panels to minimise the risk of blade pinching and
kickback. Large panels tend to sag under their own weight. Supports must be placed under the panel on both sides, near the line of cut and near the edge of the panel.
Do not use dull or damaged blades. Unsharpened or improperly set blades produce narrow kerf causing excessive friction, blade binding and kickback.
Blade depth and bevel adjusting locking levers must be tight and secure before making cut. If blade adjustment shifts while cutting, it
may cause binding and kickback.
Use extra caution when sawing into existing walls or other blind
areas. The protruding blade may cut objects that can cause kickback.
2 2
2 2
Lower guard function Check lower guard for proper closing before each use. Do not
operate the saw if lower guard does not move freely and close instantly. Never clamp or tie the lower guard into the open
position. If saw is accidentally dropped, lower guard may be bent. Raise the lower guard with the retracting handle and make sure it moves freely and does not touch the blade or any other part, in all angles and depths of cut.
Check the operation of the lower guard spring. If the guard and the spring are not operating properly, they must be serviced before use. Lower guard may operate sluggishly due to damaged
parts, gummy deposits, or a build-up of debris.
Lower guard may be retracted manually only for special cuts such as “plunge cuts” and “compound cuts.” Raise lower guard by retracting handle and as soon as blade enters the material, the lower guard must be released. For all other sawing, the lower guard
should operate automatically.
Always observe that the lower guard is covering the blade before placing saw down on bench or oor. An unprotected, coasting
blade will cause the saw to walk backwards, cutting whatever is in its path. Be aware of the time it takes for the blade to stop after switch is released.
Do not use saw blades not corresponding to the key data given in these instructions for use.
Wear ear protectors. Exposure to noise can cause hearing loss. Please do not use abrasion disks in this machine! Appliances used at many different locations including open air should
be connected via a residual current device of 30 mA or less. Always wear goggles when using the machine. It is recommended to
wear gloves, sturdy non slipping shoes and apron. Always disconnect the plug from the socket before carrying out any
work on the machine. Only plug-in when machine is switched off. Keep mains lead clear from working range of the machine. Always
lead the cable away behind you. Before use check machine, cable, and plug for any damages or
material fatigue. Repairs should only be carried out by authorised Service Agents.
Do not x the on/off switch in the “on” position when using the saw
hand-held. The dust produced when using this tool may be harmful to health. Do
not inhale the dust. Wear a suitable dust protection mask. Adapt the feed speed to avoid overheating the blade tips and to avoid
melting plastic materials during cutting.
This circular saw can cut lengthways and mitre accurately in wood, plastic, and aluminium.
Do not use this product in any other way as stated for normal use.
We declare under our sole responsibility that the product described
under “Technical Data” fullls all the relevant regulations and the directives 2011/65/EU (RoHs), 2006/42/EC, 2004/108/EC and the following harmonized standards
have been used: EN 60745-1:2009 + A11:2010
EN 60745-2-5:2010 EN 55014-1:2006 + A1:2009 + A2:2011 EN 55014-2:1997 + A2:2008 EN 61000-3-2:2006 + A1:2009 + A2:2009 EN 61000-3-3:2008
Winnenden, 2013-02-18
Alexander Krug Managing Director
Authorized to compile the technical le.
Techtronic Industries GmbH Max-Eyth-Straße 10 71364 Winnenden Germany
Connect only to single-phase a.c. current and only to the system voltage indicated on the rating plate. It is also possible to connect to sockets without an earthing contact as the design conforms to safety class II.
The ventilation slots of the machine must be kept clear at all times. Be sure to disconnect the tool from the power supply before attaching
or removing the saw blade. Clean tool and guarding system with dry cloth. Certain cleaning agents
and solvents are harmful to plastics and other insulated parts. Keep the apparatus handle clean, dry and free of spilt oil or grease. Check the function of guards. Regular maintenance and cleaning provide for a long service life and safe handling.
Use only AEG accessories and AEG spare parts. Should components need to be replaced which have not been described, please contact
one of our AEG service agents (see our list of guarantee/service
addresses). If needed, an exploded view of the tool can be ordered. Please state
the machine type printed as well as the six-digit No. on the label and order the drawing at your local service agents or directly at: Techtronic Industries GmbH, Max-Eyth-Straße 10, 71364 Winnenden, Germany.
Please read the instructions carefully before starting the machine.
Always disconnect the plug from the socket before carrying out any work on the machine.
Accessory - Not included in standard equipment, available as an accessory.
Do not dispose of electric tools together with household waste material! In observance of European Directive
2002/96/EC on waste electrical and electronic
equipment and its implementation in accordance with national law, electric tools that have reached the end of their life must be collected separately and returned to an environmentally compatible recycling facility.
Class II construction, tool in which protection against electric shock does not rely on basic insulation only, but in which additional safety precautions, such as double insulation or reinforced insulation, are provided.
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