Quick Start Guide
For more detailed documentation, visit us online at www.adtran.com.
Total Access 912/916/924 P/N 1210912L1, 1210916L1, 1210924L1/L2
Two configuration methods are available for your Total Access 900 Series:
• Web-based GUI
• AOS Command Line interface (CLI)
The GUI lets you configure the main unit settings and provides online guidance and explanations for
each setting. However, using the AOS CLI may be necessary for more advanced configurations.
The Web-based GUI is an online configuration tool that allows you to easily configure and view the
main settings, as well as the status of your system.
1. Connect the Total Access 900 Series unit to your PC using the ETH 0/1 port on the rear panel
of the unit. The Total Access 900 Series units support auto MDI-MDIX crossover; therefore, a
straight-through cable can be used for this connection.
2. Configure your PC to obtain an IP address automatically (DHCP), or change the IP address of
your PC to The default address for the Total Access 900 Series unit is
3. Enter the unit’s IP address in your browser address field. The default IP address is
4. You will then be prompted for the username and password. The default settings are admin and
5. The initial GUI screen appears.
Once you have logged in, click on Config Wizard. Use the buttons at the bottom of the screen or
the menu at the top left to navigate the Config Wizard.
Use the system’s Config Wizard utility as an online configuration tool to set up basic (as well as
advanced) voice applications. The Config Wizard can easily walk you through system setup, voice
and data settings, and trunk and station configuration through a series of easy-to-answer questions.
At the end of the wizard, you can review your choices and accept them or make additional changes.
It is best to use the Config Wizard for new installations only because some
existing settings may be lost or reset when using this wizard.
The configuration parameters used in the examples outlined in this
document are for instructional purposes only. Please replace all underlined
entries (
example) with your specific parameters to configure your
The following items are needed to connect to the Total Access 900 Series unit:
• VT100 terminal or PC (with VT100 terminal emulation software)
• Straight-through serial cable with a DB-9 (male) connector on one end and the appropriate
interface for your terminal (or PC) on the other
1. Connect the DB-9 (male) connector of your serial cable to the CRAFT port on the rear panel of
the unit.
2. Connect the loose end of the serial cable to the VT100 terminal or PC (with terminal emulation
3. Open a VT100 terminal session to the Total Access 900 Series unit using the following settings:
9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity bits, 1 stop bit, and no flow control.
4. Press <Enter> to activate the ADTRAN Command Line Interface.
5. Enter enable at the > prompt, and enter the password when prompted. The default password is
Follow these steps if you are not able to change the PC’s IP address in order to access the Web GUI.
Change the Total Access 900’s IP address to correspond with your network setup. If you are not sure
what IP address to assign, please contact your network administrator.
1. At the # prompt, enter config terminal.
2. At the (config)# prompt, enter interface eth 0/1 to access the Ethernet interface configuration
3. Enter ip address
24-bit subnet mask.
4. Enter no shutdown to activate the interface to pass data.
5. Enter exit to exit the Ethernet interface commands and return to Global Configuration mode.
6. Enter exit to return to the Enable command security mode.
7. At the # prompt, enter copy running-config startup-config to save the current configuration to
8. Enter exit to close the configuration session. to assign an IP address to the Ethernet port using a
Quick Start Guide, 61210916L1-13C, March 2006 Technical Support 1-888-4ADTRAN (1-888-423-8726) Copyright © 2006 ADTRAN, All Rights Reserved

Quick Start Guide
For more detailed documentation, visit us online at www.adtran.com.
Total Access 912/916/924 P/N 1210912L1, 1210916L1, 1210924L1/L2
DSX-1 (T1 0/2) PINOUTS
Pin Name Description
1 R Transmit data toward the DTE (Ring)
2 T Transmit data toward the DTE (Tip)
4 R1 Receive data from the DTE (Ring 1)
5 T1 Receive data from the DTE (Tip 1)
6-8 — Unused
Pin Name Description
1 R1 Receive data from the network (RIng 1)
2 T1 Receive data from the network (Tip 1)
3 — Unused
4 R Transmit data toward the network (Ring)
5 T Transmit data toward the network (Tip)
6-8 — Unused
Pin Name Description
1 TX1 Transmit Positive
2 TX2 Transmit Negative
3 RX1 Receive Positive
4, 5 — Unused
6 RX2 Receive Negative
7, 8 — Unused
Pin Name Description
1 DCD Data Carrier Detect (output)
2 RD Receive Data (output)
3 TD Transmitted Data (input)
4 DTR Data Terminal Ready (input)
5 GND Ground - connected to unit chassis
6 DSR Data Set Ready (output)
7 RTS Request To Send - flow control (input)
8 CTS Clear To Send - flow control (output)
9 RI Ring Indicate (output)
A single 50-pin female amphenol connector provides the interconnect wiring for the analog circuits
(FXS or FXO). Refer to the Total Access 900 Series Hardware Installation Guide (61210916L1-34) for
a detailed pinout.
An optional battery backup system (P/N 1175044L1, L2, or L4) is available for the Total Access 912/
916/924. Refer to the documentation available for your specific battery backup unit for more
information on this connection.
More detailed documentation for configuring your ADTRAN unit is provided on the ADTRAN OS
System Documentation CD included in your shipment. For more detail on hardware setup, refer to the
Hardware Installation Guide. For more detail on configuring your system, refer to the ADTRAN
Operating System (AOS) Command Reference Guide, configuration guides, and technical support
Important: For additional details on product features, specifications,
installation, and safety, refer to the appropriate Hardware Installation
Guide on the ADTRAN OS System Documentation CD shipped with the
base unit and available online at www.adtran.com.
Quick Start Guide, 61210916L1-13C, March 2006 Technical Support 1-888-4ADTRAN (1-888-423-8726) Copyright © 2006 ADTRAN, All Rights Reserved