ADTRAN 1xN User Manual

1xN Remote Protection Switch
Installation and Maintenance
1. GENERAL ................................................................ 1
2. INSTALLATION ....................................................... 3
3. CONFIGURATION ................................................... 4
4. OPERATIONAL DESCRIPTION .............................5
5. NORMAL OPERATION ........................................... 6
6. PROTECT OPERATION ........................................... 6
7. PROTECTION SWITCH ...........................................8
9. AUTO-PROTECT OPERATION ............................ 11
10. SPECIFICATIONS ..................................................12
11. MAINTENANCE .....................................................12
Figure 1. 1xN Pro-Cap....................................................1
Figure 2. SCIM Card Elements ......................................4
Figure 3. Normal Operation ........................................... 6
Figure 4. Arming Operation ...........................................8
Figure 5. Protect Operation .......................................... 10
Figure 6. Switchover.....................................................10
Figure 7. Total Access 3000 Auto-protect Switching .. 11
Section 61190860L1-5B
Issue 2, January 2002
Table 1. LED Indication ................................................ 3
Table 2. In-Band Commmands ..................................... 7
Table 4. In-Band Enable/Disable Protocol ................... 8
Table 5. In-Band Protection Switch Protocol ...............9
Table 6. Out-Of-Band Enable/Disable Protocol ...........9
Table 7. Out-Of-Band Protection Switch Protocol ....... 9
Table 8. In-Band Protection Release Protocol ............ 11
Table 9. Out-Of-Band Protection Release Protocol ... 11
Table 10. Specifications ................................................12
This practice provides installation and operational procedures for the ADTRAN‚
Remote 1xN Pro-Cap protection switch multi-mount housing (P/N 1190860L1). See Figure 1. Pro-Cap initiates remote switching of a DS1 or HDSL circuit to a standby line following detection of a fault. This eliminates the immediate need for a vehicle dispatch to investigate trouble or provide standby service. The shelf also accommodates DDS and ISDN technologies but without protection.
Figure 1. 1xN Pro-Cap
Pro-Cap can be used in conjunction with the
ADTRAN Total Access
3000 Carrier Class Broadband Multiservice Access Platform, or any standard Office Repeater Bay (ORB) with T1 or HDSL to provide a Protection Switching Network Interface (PSNI).
The Pro-Cap housing accepts eight T200 type circuit cards or four dual slot T400 DS-1, HDSL, or HDSL2 circuit cards. The unit is a wall mounted assembly that provides convenient access to CPE connections. The assembly incorporates a circuit board backplane that provides a choice of amphenol connector or wire-wrap pins for facility wiring hook-up.
The Pro-Cap accepts -48 VDC local power or a modular power supply that inserts into the POWER slot at the far right of the shelf. The power supply module includes an AC power cord that plugs into a standard 110 VAC grounded outlet.
The Switch Customer Interface Module (SCIM) can mount to either the left or right side of the Pro-Cap housing to facilitate access to all CPE connections.
Trademarks: Any brand names and product names included in this document are trademarks, registered trademarks, or trade names of their respective holders.
161190860L1-5B Section 61190860L1-5, Issue 2
The SCIM can be locally powered by -48 VDC, or span powered from the standby unit in slot 8 if equipped for span power. Slide switch S1 selects between local or span power. CPE receive and transmit connections are either amphenol or RJ-48C jacks.
Revision History
Issue 2 adds Auto-Protect information when the Pro-Cap is configured in a Total Access 3000 network.
The 1xN Pro-Cap includes these features:
• Protection module.
• Compact and lightweight assembly that accommodates eight T200 mechanics or four T400 mechanics modules.
• Reversible SCIM for right side or left side assembly.
• Prewired backplane to minimize wiring errors and installation time.
• Protect module can function as standard channel module.
• Dedicated slot for modular power supply.
• LEC facility connections are made by 25-pair Amphenol XMT/RCV connectors or wire-wrap pins.
• CPE connections are made to RJ-48C modular jacks or 25-pair Amphenol XMT/RCV connectors.
• Auto-Protect Switching with Total Access 3000 applications.
• Swing open tinted Plexiglas front cover.
• Available with key-locking metal cover (List 4 Option).
• Includes standard 10-year warranty.
Physical Description
The 1xN Pro-Cap consists of four elements:
1. Mounting-Plate
The mounting-plate attaches to a customer premises backboard.
2. Shelf
The shelf has slots for seven channel modules, one standby (protect) module, and one power module, plus two external edge connectors for the SCIM. The power terminal strip has connections for power, alarm, and ground. The shelf attaches to the mounting-plate.
3. Switch Customer Interface Module
This module inserts into one of the SCIM edge connectors located on either side of the shelf. It has both amphenol and RJ-48C interface connections to the customer loop. Behind an access panel is a power connection terminal strip, a slide switch for either span or local power, protect ON/OFF switch, and a pushbutton for selecting individual module protection or resetting the protect configuration. Selection and status is indicated with associated LEDs on the SCIM front panel.
4. Housing Cover
The Plexiglas swing door housing cover encloses the shelf allowing viewing and access to the shelf modules.
Functional Description
During normal customer and network transmission, data is transported through the active modules in slots 1 through 7. The module in slot 8 is the standby (protect) unit. If a fault is detected on an active line a series of facility initiated manual commands switch the standby module to an active mode in place of the faulted unit. When the faulted unit malfunction is resolved another series of manually initiated commands (or the reset switch) returns it to active service and the standby unit is returned to standby status. The LED bank shows module status during normal and standby conditions. When circuit protection mode is disabled the Pro-Cap unit can be used as a standard 8-slot T200 mounting.
Auto-Protect Switching
When the Pro-Cap is used in association with the ADTRAN Total Access 3000 platform, certain Total Access 3000 cards initiate an automatic protect function with the Pro-Cap. These cards send the same protect enable/disable, arming, and switching codes as sent in the manual switching mode. The Pro-Cap does not require configuration changes to support the auto-protect feature. The same configuration supporting manual switching also supports automatic switching. Additional information is in Section 9 of this practice.
Listed here are Total Access 3000 cards that initiate the auto-protect codes:
• H2TUC 1181112L5
• H2TUR 1222026L7
• H2TUR 1221026L7
2 61190860L1-5BSection 61190860L1-5, Issue 2
Documentation associated with the listed cards
provides information on implementing the auto-protect function.
LED Indication
Table 1 describes LED indication.
• All LEDs OFF indicates no power to the SCIM.
• All LEDs flashing red indicates the protect card is disabled and SCIM power is local -48 VDC.
After unpacking the unit inspect it for damage. If damage is noted, file a claim with the carrier then notify ADTRAN. Refer to Warranty and Customer Service.
Mounting Procedure
The 1xN Pro-Cap installs at the remote location using the following procedure:
All component fasteners are spring-loaded, captured thumb screws.
3. The shelf assembly lifts away from the mounting­plate by disengaging the chassis tabs from the mounting-plate support hooks.
4. Using the mounting-plate as a template, position the mounting-plate at the desired location and mark four pilot holes. Ensure the unit is level and that cable plugs will reach their designated sockets.
5. Using an appropriate bit, drill the four pilot holes.
6. Align the mounting-plate to the pilot holes and attach to the wall with appropriate fasteners.
7. Reassemble the unit by reversing steps 1 through 3.
Cable Connections
Frame Ground
Both the shelf and SCIM have separate ground connections. Each must be connected to a known approved ground location. Verify metal to metal contact on all connections and ensure ground circuit continuity.
The shelf has various openings for wire route options along with tie-wrap anchor points and extrusions for securing cables and connectors.
Specific wiring arrangements are customer developed.
1. Remove the housing from the shelf by unscrewing the two thumb screws on the side of the housing. The housing pulls out and away from the shelf.
Transmit and receive loops to both facility and CPE have two connection schemes. Only one connection method is to be used, not both.
2. Remove the shelf from the mounting-plate by unscrewing the thumb screw at the top center of the shelf bay. It is not necessary to remove the SCIM assembly unless its position is to be reversed to the other side of the shelf.
Facility Side
Amphenol Connection – The to-facility and from-facility amphenols can be either left-side or right-side oriented.
Table 1. LED Indication
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361190860L1-5B Section 61190860L1-5, Issue 2
Wire-Wrap – The to-facility and from-facility wire-wraps are an alternate method in lieu of the amphenol connections.
Customer Side
Amphenol Connection – The to-CPE and from-CPE amphenols should be left-side oriented to prevent SCIM panel removal interference after amphenol installation.
RJ-48C – These modular jacks are an alternate method in lieu of the amphenol connections.
Shelf Cards
Channel cards are individually configured to meet network or customer requirements. Certain cards only receive power from network span power. These cards do not have pin contacts for shelf power.
It must be determined if channel cards can receive both span power and shelf power. Some cards may malfunction under that condition.
-48 VDC Terminal
Local DC power connects to terminal strip TB1 at the bottom of the shelf backplane. This power source is distributed across the backplane to slots 1 through 8 and can jumper to the SCIM TB1 to power the controller card.
Both the shelf backplane and the SCIM card each have a TB1 terminal strip. This practice identifies the specific TB1 when referenced in the text.
There are no configuration selections on the shelf backplane. If -48 VDC is connected to TB1 on the shelf card there is no need for the power card unless for a spare power source.
Power Card
The PWR card has an AC power cord that inserts into a standard 110 volt AC grounded wall outlet. When AC power is in use, local power should not be connected to TB1 on the shelf card. The PWR card also applies power to the same TB1 shelf terminals, which in turn can be jumpered to TB1 on the SCIM card.
SCIM Controller Card
Option switches on the SCIM controller circuit board are located behind an access panel. Remove the housing from the shelf to gain access to the panel’s thumb screw fastener (refer to Step 1 of the Mounting Procedure). See Figure 2 for SCIM Card connections, terminals, indication, and switches.
Protect Card
The protect card can receive power from either the
Figure 2. SCIM Card Elements
network (span) or from the backplane (-48 VDC). To initiate the protect feature the card in slot 8 must support the technology of the channel cards that are enabled for protection. The protect card should also have span power capability to power the SCIM should that configuration be used.
4 61190860L1-5BSection 61190860L1-5, Issue 2
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