Manual Rev. 2.00
Revision Date: February 22, 2006
Part No: 50-11146-1000
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents..................................................................... i
List of Tables........................................................................... v
List of Figures........................................................................ vi
Figure 1-2: Flow chart for building an application ........................ 3
Figure 2-1: PCB Layout of the PCI-8154 ................................... 10
viList of Figures
The PCI-8154 is an advanced & modulized 4-axis motion controller card with a PCI interface. It can generate high frequ ency pulses
(6.55MHz) to drive stepper or servomotors. As a motion controller,
it can provide 4-axis linear and circular interpolation and continu ous interpolation for continuous velocity. Also, changing position/
speed on the fly is available with a single axis operation.
Multiple PCI-8154 cards can be used in one system. Incremental
encoder interfaces on all eight axes provide the ability to correct
positioning errors generated by inaccurate mechanical transmissions.
The PCI-8154 is a completely new design. This carrier board has
4-axis pulse train output control channels. For additional functions,
such as high-speed triggering or distributed I/O control, you can
add on a daughter board based on requirement. This board has
position compare function. Like the line scan application, the application needs motion controller to generate high speed triggering
pulse and gain the high resolution images. In this situation, you
can adopt a DB-8150 to extend the function on PCI-8154. In addition to motion control, sensors and actuators are key elements in
machine automation. There typically needs to I/O to integrate the
sensors and actuators in the contro ller. ADLINK also provides you
another way to connect these devices: distributed I/O. Using
daughter board, distributed I/O can be achieved with PCI-8154.
This cost-effective configuration can reduce wiring ef fort and physical controller size.
Figure 1-1 shows the functional block diagram of the PCI-8154
card. The motion control functions include trapezoidal an d S-curve
acceleration/deceleration, linear and circular interpolation between
two axes and continuous motion positioning, and 13 home return
modes. All these functions and complex computations are performed internally by the ASIC, thus it can save CPU loading.
The PCI-8154 also offers three user-friendly functions.
1. Card Index Setting:
Introduction 1
The card index value of the PCI-8154 can be set with a DIP
switch to a value between 0 and 15. This is useful for machine
makers if the whole control system is very huge.
2. Emergency Input
An emergency input pin can be wired to an emergency button
to stop sending pulse output once activated.
3. Software’s Security Protection
To secure applications, a 16-bit value can be set in the
EEPROM to prevent copying of custom programs.
Figure 1-1: PCI-8154 Block Diagram
MotionCreatorPro is a Windows-based application development
software package included with the PCI-8154. MotionCreatorPro
is useful for debugging a motion control system during the design
phase of a project. An on-screen display lists all installed axes
information and I/O signal status of the PCI-8154.
Windows programming libraries are also provided for C++ compilers and Visual Basic. Sample programs are provided to illustrate
the operations of the functions.
Figure 1-2 illustrates a flow chart of the recommended process in
using this manual in developing an application. Refer to the
related chapters for details of each step.
Figure 1-2: Flow chart for building an application
Introduction 3
The following list summarizes the main features of the PCI- 8154
motion control system.
X 32-bit PCI bus Plug-and-Play (Universal)
X 4 axes of step and direction pulse output for controlling
stepping or servomotor
X Maximum output frequency of 6.55MPPS
X Pulse output options: OUT/DIR, CW/CCW, AB phase
X Pulse input options: CW/CCW, AB phase x1, x2, x4
X Maximum pulse input frequency of 3.2Mhz in CW/CCW or
AB phase X1 mode (AB phase x4 can reach 6.5Mhz).
X Programmable acceleration and deceleration time for all
X Trapezoidal and S-curve velocity profiles for all modes
X 2 to 4 axes linear interpolation
X 2 axes circular interpolation
X Continuous interpolation for contour following motion
X Change position and speed on the fly
X 13 home return modes with auto searching
X Hardware backlash compensator and vibration suppression
X 2 software end-limits for each axis
X 28-bit up/down counter for incremental encoder feedback
X Home switch, index signal (EZ), positive, and negative end
limit switches interface on all axes
X 4-axis high speed position latch input
X 4-axis position compare and trigger output
X All digital input and output signals are 2500V
X Programmable interrupt sources
X Simultaneous start/stop motion on multiple axes
X Manual pulser input interface
X Card index selection
X Security protection on EERPOM
X Dedicated emergency input pin for wiring
X Software supports a maximum of up to 12 PCI-8154 cards
operation in one system
X Compact PCB design
X Includes MotionCreatorPro, a Microsoft Windows-based
application development software
X PCI-8154 libraries and utilities for Windows 2000/XP/Vista.
Introduction 5
Applicable Motors:
X Stepping motors
X AC or DC servomotors with pulse train input servo drivers
X Number of controllable axes: 4
X Maximum pulse output frequency: 6.55MPPS, linear, trape-
zoidal, or S-Curve velocity profile drive
X Internal reference clock: 19.66MHz
X 28-bit up/down counter range: 0-268, 435, 455 or –134,
217, 728 to +134, 217, 727
X Position pulse setting range (28-bit): -134, 217, 728 to
+134, 217, 728
X Pulse rate setting range (Pulse Ratio = 1: 65535):
Z 0.1 PPS to 6553.5 PPS. (Multiplier = 0.1)
Z 1 PPS to 65535 PPS. (Multiplier = 1)
Z 100 PPS to 6553500 PPS. (Multiplier = 100)
I/O Signales:
X Input/Output signals for each axis
X All I/O signal are optically isolated with 2500Vrms isolation
X Command pulse output pins: OUT and DIR
X Incremental encoder signals input pins: EA and EB
X Encoder index signal input pin: EZ
X Mechanical limit/home signal input pins: ±EL, ORG
X Composite pins: DI / LTC (Latch) / SD (Slow-down) / PCS
X Servomotor interface I/O pins: INP, ALM, and ERC
X General-purposed digital output pin: SVON, DO
X General-purposed digital input pin: RDY, GDI
X Pulse signal input pin: PA and PB (with Isolation)
X Simultaneous Start/Stop signal: STA and STP
General Specifications
X Connectors: 100-pin SCSI-type connector
X Operating Temperature: 0°C - 50°C
X Storage Temperature: -20°C - 80°C
X Humidity: 5 - 85%, non-condensing
Power Consumption
X Slot power supply (input): +5V DC ±5%, 900mA max
X External power supply (input): +24V DC ±5%, 500mA max
X External power supply (output): +5V DC ±5%, 300mA, max
PCI-8154 Dimensions (PCB size):
X 185mm(L) X 100 mm(W)
Introduction 7
1.3Supported Software
1.3.1Programming Library
Windows 2000/XP/Vista DLLs are provided for the PCI-8154.
These function libraries are shipped with the board.
This Windows-based utility is used to setup cards, motors, and
systems. It can also aid in debugging hardware and software problems. It allows users to set I/O logic parameters to be loaded in
their own program. This product is also bundled with the card.
Refer to Chapter 5 for more details.
1.4Available Terminal Board
ADLINK provides the servo & steppers use terminal board for
easy connection. For steppers, we provide DIN-100S which is pinto-pin terminal board. For servo users, ADLINK offers DIN-814M,
DIN-814M-J3A, DIN-814Y and DIN-814P-A4. The suitable servos
are listed as follows:
Mitsubishi J2 SuperDIN-814M
Mitsubishi J3ADIN-814M-J3A
Ya skawa Sigma IIDIN-814Y
Panasonic MINAS A4 DIN-8 14P-A4
This chapter describes how to install PCI-8154. Please follow
these steps below:
X Check what you have (section 2.1)
X Check the PCB (section 2.2)
X Install the hardware (section 2.3)
X Install the software driver (section 2.4)
X Understanding the I/O signal connections (chapter 3) and
their operation (chapter 4)
X Understanding the connector pin assignm e nts (the rem a in-
ing sections) and wiring the connections
2.1Package Contents
In addition to this User’s Guide, the package also includes the following items:
X PCI-8154: advanced 4-axis Servo / Stepper Motion Control
X ADLINK All-in-one Compact Disc
Note:The terminal board is an optional accessory and would not
be included in PCI-8154 package.
If any of these items are missing or damaged, contact the dealer
from whom you purchased the product. Save the shipping materials and carton to ship or store the product in the future.
Installation 9
2.2PCI-8154 Outline Drawing
Figure 2-1: PCB Layout of the PCI-8154
X CN3: Input / Output Signal Connector (100-pin)
X K1 / K2: Simultaneous Start / Stop Connector
X CN4: Manual Pulsar
X SW1: DIP switch for card index selection (0-15)
X JP2-JP9: Pulse output selection jumper (Line Driver / Open
2.3PCI-8154 Hardware Installation
2.3.1Hardware configuration
The PCI-8154 is fully Plug-and-Play compliant. Hence, memory
allocation (I/O port locations) and IRQ channel of the PCI card are
assigned by the system BIOS. The address assignment is done
on a board-by-board basis for all PCI cards in the system.
2.3.2PCI slot selection
Some computer system may hav e both PC I and ISA slots. Do not
force the PCI card into a PC/AT slot. The PCI-8154 can be used in
any PCI slot.
2.3.3Installation Procedures
1. Read through this manual and setup the jumper according to your application
2. Turn off your computer. Turn off all accessories (printer,
modem, monitor, etc.) connected to computer. Remove
the cover from the computer.
3. Select a 32-bit PCI expansion slot. PCI slots are shorter
than ISA or EISA slots and are usually white or ivory.
4. Before handling the PCI-8154, discharge any static
buildup on your body by touching the metal case of the
computer. Hold the edge of the card and do not touch
the components.
5. Position the board into the PCI slot you have selected.
6. Secure the card in place at the rear panel of the system
unit using screws removed from the slot.
If your system doesn’t boot or if you experience erratic operation
with your PCI board in place, it’s most likely caused by an interrupt
conflict (possibly an incorrect ISA setup). In general, the solution,
once determined it is not a simple oversight, is to consult the BIOS
documentation that comes with your system.
Installation 11
Check the control panel of the Windows system if the card is listed
by the system. If not, check the PCI settings in the BIOS or use
another PCI slot.
2.4Software Driver Installation
1. Autorun the ADLINK All-In-One CD. Choose Driver
Installation -> Motion Control -> PCI-8154.
2. Follow the procedures of the installer.
3. After setup installation is completed, rest art windows.
Note:Please download the latest software from ADLINK website if
2.5CN3 Pin Assignments: Main Connector
CN3 is the main connector for the motion control I/O signals.
No. Name I/OFunctionNo. Name I/OFunction
1VDDO+5V power supply output51VDDO+5V power supply output
2EXGND-Ext. power ground52EXGND-Ext. power ground
3OUT0+OPulse signal (+)53OUT2+OPulse signal (+)
4OUT0-OPulse signal (-)54OUT2-OPulse signal (-)
5DIR0+ODir. signal (+)55DIR2+ODir. signal (+)
6DIR0-ODir. signal (-)56DIR2-ODir. signal (-)
7SVON0OServo On/Off57SVON2OServo On/Off
8ERC0ODev. ctr, clr. Signal58ERC2ODev. ctr, clr. signal
9ALM0IAlarm signal59ALM2IAlarm signal
10INP0IIn-position signal60INP2IIn-position signal
11RDY0IMulti-purpose Input signal61RDY2IMulti-purpose Input signal
12EXGNDExt. power ground62EXGNDExt. power ground
13EA0+IEncoder A-phase (+)63EA2+IEncoder A-phase (+)
14EA0-IEncoder A-phase (-)64EA2-IEncoder A-phase (-)
15EB0+IEncoder B-phase (+)65EB2+IEncoder B-phase (+)
16EB0-IEncoder B-phase (-)66EB2-IEncoder B-phase (-)
17EZ0+IEncoder Z-phase (+)67EZ2+IEncoder Z-phase (+)
18EZ0-IEncoder Z-phase (-)68EZ2-IEncoder Z-phase (-)
19VDDO+5V power supply output69VDDO+5V power supply output
20EXGND-Ext. power ground70EXGND-Ext. power ground
21OUT1+OPulse signal (+)71OUT3+OPulse signal (+)
22OUT1-OPulse signal (-)72OUT3-OPulse signal (-)
23DIR1+ODir. signal (+)73DIR3+ODir. signal (+)
24DIR1-ODir. signal (-)74DIR3-ODir. signal (-)
Table 2-1: CN3 Pin Assignments: Main Connector
Installation 13
No. Name I/OFunctionNo. Name I/OFunction
25SVON1OServo On/Off75SVON3OServo On/Off
26ERC1ODev. ctr, clr. Signal76ERC3ODev. ctr, clr. signal
27ALM1IAlarm signal77ALM3IAlarm signal
28INP1IIn-position signal78INP3IIn-position signal
29RDY1IMulti-purpose Input signal79RDY3IMulti-purpose Input signal
30EXGNDExt. power ground80EXGNDExt. power ground
31EA1+IEncoder A-phase (+)81EA3+IEncoder A-phase (+)
32EA1-IEncoder A-phase (-)82EA3-IEncoder A-phase (-)
33EB1+IEncoder B-phase (+)83EB3+IEncoder B-phase (+)
34EB1-IEncoder B-phase (-)84EB3-IEncoder B-phase (-)
35EZ1+IEncoder Z-phase (+)85EZ3+IEncoder Z-phase (+)
36EZ1-IEncoder Z-phase (-)86EZ3-IEncoder Z-phase (-)
37PEL0IEnd limit signal (+)87PEL2IEnd limit signal (+)
38MEL0IEnd limit signal (-)88MEL2IEnd limit signal (-)
40DO0OGeneral Output 090DO2OGeneral Output 2
41ORG0IOrigin signal91ORG2IOrigin signal
42EXGNDExt. power ground92EXGNDExt. power ground
43PEL1IEnd limit signal (+)93PEL3IEnd limit signal (+)
44MEL1IEnd limit signal (-)94MEL3IEnd limit signal (-)
46DO1OGeneral Output 196DO3OGeneral Output 3
47ORG1IOrigin signal97ORG3IOrigin signal
48EXGND-Ext. power ground98EXGND-Ext. power ground
49EXGND-Ext. power ground99E_24V-Isolation power Input, +24V
50EXGND-Ext. power ground100E_24V-Isolation power Input, +24V
K1 and K2 are for simultaneous st ar t/stop signals for mu ltiple axes
or multiple cards.
No. NameFunction
1+5VPCI Bus power Output (VCC)
2S TASimultaneous start signal input/output
3STPSimultaneous stop signal input/output
4GNDPCI Bus power ground
T able 2-2: K1/K2 Pin Assignments: Simultaneous Start/Stop
Note: +5V and GND pins are provided by the PCI Bus power.
2.7JP2 to JP9 Jumper Setting for Pulse Output
JP2-JP9 are used to set the type of pulse output signals (DIR and
OUT). The output signal type can either be differential line driver
or open collector output. Refer to section 3.1 for detail jumper settings. The default setting is differential line driver mode. The mapping table is as follows:
The SW1 switch is used to set the card index. For example, if 1 is
set to ON and the others are OFF, that card index is 1. The index
value can be from 0 to 15. Refer to the following table for details.
1VDDIsolated Power +5V
2PA+Pulser A+ pha se signal input
3PA-Pulser A-phase signal input
4PB+Pulser B+ phase signal input
5PB-Pulser B-phase signal input
6EXGNDExternal Ground
7N/ANot Available
8N/ANot Available
9N/ANot Available
T able 2-4: CN4 Manual Pulsar
Note: The +5V and GND pins are directly given by the PCI-bus
power. Therefore, these signals are not isolated.
Installation 17
3Signal Connections
Signal connections of all I/O’s are described in this chapter. Refer
to the contents of this chapter before wiring a ny cable between the
PCI-8154 and any motor driver.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Section 3.1 Pulse Output Signals OUT and DIR
Section 3.2 Encoder Feedback Signals EA, EB and EZ
Section 3.3 Orig in Sign al ORG
Section 3.4 End- Lim it Signa ls PEL an d MEL
Section 3.5In-position signals INP
Section 3.6 Alarm sign al ALM
Section 3.7 Devia tio n coun te r clea r signal ERC
Section 3.8 general-purpose signals SVON
Section 3.9 Gen e ra l-p ur po se s ign al RDY
Section 3.10Multifunction output pin: DO/CMP
Section 3.11 Multifunction input signal DI/LTC/SD/PCS/CLR/EMG
Section 3.12Pulse input signals PA and PB
Section 3.13Simultaneous start/stop signals STA and STP
Signal Connections 19
3.1Pulse Output Signals OUT and DIR
There are 4 axes pulse output signals on the PCI-8154. For each
axis, two pairs of OUT and DIR differential signals are used to
transmit the pulse train and indicate the direction. The OUT and
DIR signals can also be programmed as CW and CCW signal
pairs. Refer to section 4.1.1 for details of the logical characteristics
of the OUT and DIR signals. In this section, the electrical charac teristics of the OUT and DIR signals are detailed. Each signal consists of a pair of differential signals. For example, OUT0 consists
of OUT0+ and OUT0- signals. The following table shows all pulse
output signals on CN3.
CN3 Pin No. Signal NameDescriptionAxis #
3OUT0+Pulse signals (+)0
4OUT0-Pulse signals (-)0
5DIR0+Direction signal (+)0
6DIR0-Direction signal (-)0
21OUT1+Pulse signals (+)1
22OUT1-Pulse signals (-)1
23DIR1+Direction signal (+)1
24DIR1-Direction signal (-)1
53OUT2+Pulse signals (+)2
54OUT2-Pulse signals (-)2
55DIR2+Direction signal (+)2
56DIR2-Direction signal (-)2
71OUT3+Pulse signals (+)3
72OUT3-Pulse signals (-)3
73DIR3+Direction signal (+)3
74DIR3-Direction signal (-)3
The output of the OUT or DIR signals can be configured by jumpers as either differential line driver s or open collector outp ut. Users
20Signal Connections
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