ADLINK HSL-DI16DO16-M-NN User Manual

High Speed Link System
Master-Slave Distributed Solution
User’s Manual
Manual Rev. 2.05
Revision Date: October 15, 2007
Part No: 50-12100-2040
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Table of Contents

Table of Contents..................................................................... i
List of Tables.......................................................................... iv
List of Figures ......................................................................... v
1 Introducing HSL ................................................................. 1
1.1 The HSL System.................................................................. 1
Product Overview ........................................................... 2
Product Highlights ........................................................... 2
HSL Applications ............................................................ 5
1.2 HSL System Specifications.................................................. 9
1.3 HSL Series Products ......................................................... 12
1.4 Technical Information ........................................................ 14
HSL Technology Introduction ....................................... 14
HSL Terminology .......................................................... 19
System Configurations .................................................. 20
Wiring ............................................................................ 22
Networking Topology .................................................... 24
I/O refreshing rate of an HSL system ........................... 25
Communication error handling ...................................... 26
1.5 Software Support ............................................................... 27
2 HSL Master Controller ..................................................... 29
2.1 Board Overview ................................................................. 29
2.2 Specifications..................................................................... 30
PCI-7853/7854 Layout .................................................. 31
PMC-7852/G Layout ..................................................... 32
2.3 Configuration ..................................................................... 34
SW1 (PMC-7852/G only) .............................................. 34
JP 1, 2, 3, 6 / JP 4, 5 (PMC-7852/G only) .................... 34
2.4 PIN Assignment (female)................................................... 35
2.5 Software Architecture Description ..................................... 36
Functional Block Diagram ............................................. 36
2.6 Installation.......................................................................... 37
Hardware Installation .................................................... 37
Software Installation ..................................................... 37
Table of Contents i
3 HSL Slave Module............................................................. 39
3.1 Slave I/O Module ............................................................... 40
Discrete I/O Module ...................................................... 40
Analog I/O Module ........................................................ 41
Motion Control .............................................................. 41
General Specifications .................................................. 42
DIP Switch Setting: ....................................................... 44
Wiring Diagram ............................................................. 45
3.2 Terminal Base.................................................................... 51
General Description ...................................................... 51
Jumper Settings ............................................................ 52
HSL-TB32-MD Jumper Settings ................................... 53
Dimensions ................................................................... 54
3.3 HSL-HUB/Repeater ........................................................... 56
General Description ...................................................... 56
Jumper Setting .............................................................. 57
Dimensions ................................................................... 58
3.4 Managing Slave Index in an HSL Network ........................ 59
Before you proceed ...................................................... 59
Examples ...................................................................... 61
4 HSL LinkMaster Utility...................................................... 65
4.1 Software Installation........................................................... 66
4.2 ADLINK HSL LinkMaster Utility.......................................... 67
Launching the LinkMaster Utility ................................... 67
Before you proceed ...................................................... 67
LinkMaster Utility Introduction ....................................... 68
HSL-DI16DO16 Utility ................................................... 71
HSL-DI32 and HSL-DO32 Utility ................................... 72
HSL-DI8/HSL-DO8/HSL-DI4DO4 Utility ....................... 73
HSL-R8DI16 Utility ........................................................ 74
HSL-AI16AO2 Utility ..................................................... 75
HSL-4XMO Utility .......................................................... 76
5 HSL Function Library ....................................................... 77
5.1 List of Functions................................................................. 77
5.2 Initialization and System Information ................................. 81
5.3 Timer Control ..................................................................... 86
5.4 Discrete I/O ........................................................................ 90
5.5 Analog I/O .......................................................................... 99
ii Table of Contents
5.6 Pulse Stretcher Function (HSL-DI16-UL Only) ................ 105
6 How to Program with HSL Function Library................ 109
6.1 Programming with HSL DLL ............................................ 109
DIO Operation ............................................................. 109
AI/O Operation ............................................................ 110
Motion Operation: ....................................................... 111
Appendix A Scan Time Table ........................................ 113
A.1 Full Duplex Mode ............................................................ 113
A.2 Half Duplex Mode ........................................................... 114
Appendix B Mapping Table............................................ 115
B.1 Initialization and System Information .............................. 115
B.2 Timer Control 3 ................................................................ 115
B.3 Discrete I/O ...................................................................... 116
B.4 Analog I/O ........................................................................ 116
Appendix C HSL-AI16AO2 Calibration.......................... 117
C.1 Before you proceed ......................................................... 117
C.2 Calibrating the modules ................................................... 118
Appendix D HSL-HUB/Repeater Information................ 119
D.1 Recommended transfer rates, total extension distance, and
number of installed HSL-HUB/Repeater................ 119
D.2 Scan time table ................................................................ 119
Full duplex/12 Mbps .................................................... 119
Full duplex/6 Mbps ...................................................... 120
Full duplex/3 Mbps ...................................................... 120
Half duplex/12 Mbps ................................................... 121
Half duplex/6 Mbps ..................................................... 121
Warranty Policy................................................................... 123
Table of Contents iii

List of Tables

Table 1-1: Remote Operation .................................................. 10
Table 1-2: Slave I/O modules .................................................. 12
Table 1-3: Remote Motion modules ......................................... 12
Table 1-4: Terminal Base ......................................................... 13
Table 1-5: Polling cycle time of HSL (Full Duplex Mode) ......... 25
iv List of Tables

List of Figures

Figure 1-1: HSL topology ............................................................. 2
Figure 1-2: Traditional distributed PLC architecture .................... 5
Figure 1-3: Networking PLC......................................................... 6
Figure 1-4: HSL as distributed PLC ............................................. 7
Figure 1-5: Time-deterministic DAQ using HSL ........................... 8
Figure 1-6: HSL technology brief -1 ........................................... 14
Figure 1-7: HSL technology brief-2 ............................................ 15
Figure 1-8: HSL I/O polling cycle ............................................... 17
Figure 1-9: Master-slave communication architecture ............... 18
Figure 1-10: Multiple master cards in one IPC............................. 20
Figure 1-11: HSL system layout example-serial wiring................ 21
Figure 1-12: HSL wiring – RS-422 with multi-drop....................... 23
Figure 1-13: HSL networking topology – Serial ........................... 24
Figure 2-1: PCI-7854 front view ................................................. 29
Figure 2-2: PCI-7853/7854 Layout............................................. 31
Figure 2-3: PMC-7852/G Layout ................................................ 32
Figure 2-4: SW1 – Transmission Rate Setting........................... 34
Figure 2-5: Top View of PMC-7852/G, for JP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 jumper
settings. ................................................................... 34
Figure 2-6: Functional Block diagram of HSL master ................ 36
Figure 5-1: Type 1...................................................................... 92
Figure 5-2: Type 2...................................................................... 92
Figure 5-3: Type 3...................................................................... 93
Figure 6-1: Programming Flow ................................................ 109
List of Figures v
How to Use This Manual
This manual helps you in configuring, installing, and using the HSL series products, and describes the functions and the operational theorem of the high-speed link technology. This manual is divided into the following chapters:
Chapter 1 - HSL Introduction: Provides an overview of the HSL system, including the system features, specifications, and commu­nication technology.
Chapter 2 - HSL Master Controller: Presents detailed informa­tion on the HSL master.
Chapter 3 - HSL Slave Module: Presents detailed information on the HSL slave modules.
Chapter 4 - HSL LinkMaster Utility: Provides instructions on how to install and use the ADLINK LinkMaster utility for testing and debugging the slave modules.
Chapter 5 - HSL Function Library: Presents the function library usage and syntax.
Chapter 6 - Programming with HSL Function Library: Provides a broad concept and knowledge of how to implement the applica­tion with the HSL library.
Appendix A - Scan Time Table: Presents the HSL cycle time based on different transmission speeds and modes.
Appendix B - Mapping Table: Provides a comparison table between old and new functions.
Appendix C - HSL-AI16AO2 Calibration: Outlines the calibration procedures for HSL-AI16AO2-M-VV and HSL-AI16AO2-M-AV.
Appendix D - HSL-HUB/Repeater information: Presents the adding time information and extension limitations.
vi How to Use This Manual
Master board. HSL is a master-slave communication system. In
host side, we call the control board as master board.
Slave module. HSL is a master-slave communication system. In remote side, the slave module can connect a variety of sensors.
Slave index. The basic unit in HSL system. One HSL slave mod­ule may occupy 1, 2 or 4 slave indexes. This depends on the design of slave modules.
Full duplex. Data transmission and receiving at the same scan­ning time.
Half duplex. Data transmission and receiving at the consecutive scanning time.
HSL master controller. One HSL ASIC plays the role of master controller. For example, PCI-7853 has one on-board HSL ASIC; it can connect a maximum of 63 slave indexes. For convenient con­nection, the HSL master has two ports. Using the same technol­ogy, the PCI-7854 can connect a maximum 126 slave indexes and has four ports.
Transmission speed. The data speed is between master board and slave modules. The unit is bit per second.
How to Use This Manual vii
viii How to Use This Manual

1 Introducing HSL

1.1 The HSL System

The HSL is an innovative distributed I/O technology that enables time-deterministic scanning of thousands of I/O points in millisec­onds using master-slave architecture. The HSL master board comes in PCI or PMC form factors. The PMC board is used in embedded controllers. By using commercial Ethernet cable with RJ-45 connector, you can easily set up the HSL slave modules as close as possible to the sensor devices, reducing wiring effort. Aside from the I/O modules, ADLINK provides the remote motion control module with 4-axis pulse train type. The HSL network suits a variety of machine-making applications as it integrates discrete I/ O, analog I/O, thermocouple module, and motion control. This local network delivers rapid response time, time-deterministic scanning and multiple-axis control. With PMC module, you may also integrate the HSL network with embedded solution platforms.
The HSL system features:
X Distributed solution based on PC architecture or embedded
X Convenient wiring for remote distributed I/O modules,
including discrete I/Os and analog I/Os
X Space-saving and discrete low-profile U-series form factor
X Hundreds of discrete I/O points
X Time-deterministic, fast scanning
X High-speed data acquisition
X Up to 120 axes of remote motion control with two HSL mas-
ter controller of master board
X Motion control features point table management and motion
script download to enhance execution efficiency
Introducing HSL 1

1.1.1 Product Overview

The illustration shows the basic HSL system topology.
Figure 1-1: HSL topology

1.1.2 Product Highlights

High-speed performance
With scanning speed as high as 1000 points per ms, it takes only 1.895 ms for an HSL master to scan all the discrete I/O points of slave modules under 6 Mbps. For example, a distrib­uted control system with 63 slave I/O modules of HSL­DI16DO16-DB-NN with 2016 discrete I/O points can be scanned or updated within 1.895 ms.
2 Introducing HSL
Time-deterministic scanning
The HSL master controller implements a deterministic time period when scanning all slave I/O modules. The total scanning cycle time is exactly proportional to the number of slave indexes. At 6 Mbps, every 30.33 µs is added for another slave index. For an HSL system with 30 discrete I/O slave modules (where every discrete I/O module occupies one slave index), the scanning time period is precisely 30 X 30.33 µs = 909.9 µs. The scan time unit based on transmission rate is illustrated below.
3 Mbps 6 Mbps 12 Mbps
Full Duplex 60.67 µs 30.33 µs 15.17 µs
Half Duplex 118 µs 59 µs 29.5 µs
Convenient wiring
The HSL master controller connects to all slave I/O modules using Ethernet cables. This dramatically reduces the wiring costs and effort. With Ethernet cables, hundreds or even thou­sands of I/O data can transmitted between the HSL master and slave I/O modules. The HSL wiring is the easiest and most cost-effective solution to date. For low profile series, you can make the connection by direct wiring.
Multiple I/O points
The PCI-7853 offers one HSL master controller while the PCI­7854 offers two HSL master controllers. For maximum installa­tion, users can have eight PCI-7853 and PCI-7854 in one sys­tem. That means users can have 1512 slave indexes in HSL network system. If choosing all connected modules as HSL­DI16DO16-DB-NN, a total of 24,192 digital input and 24,192 digital output points are supported. For embedded solution, users can choose the PMC-7852/G.
Easy I/O expansion
Expanding I/O points for centralized configuration requires more I/O boards and available PCI or ISA slots. Problems occur when system needs more I/O points while there are no
Introducing HSL 3
available slot. In contrast with centralized configuration, the dis­tributed I/O configuration eliminates this limitation of a central­ized I/O configuration. With the HSL system, adding more I/O points only requires one more slave I/O module and an Ether­net cable for communication link.
Self-diagnostic function
The HSL provides a self-diagnostic function that eliminates communication failures. This function continuously monitors the network status while a status register keeps the accumu­lated slave-no-response count for every individual slave I/O module. Also, the HSL system features the CRC12 to eliminate any communication error.
Modular design of slave I/O
ADLINK offers a variety of slave module types Including the metal-cased M series, non-metal DB series, and U series for compact systems. The M and DB series require a terminal board for connection. Terminal boards act as carrier of slave I/ O module with wiring function. The Ethernet port and screw ter­minal on the terminal boards make it easier to replace I/O mod­ules without turning and wiring off the system.
Remote motion control compatibility
ADLINK also offers remote motion control solution based on the HSL network Including the HSL-4XMO-CG-N/P and HSL­4XMO-CD-N/P that could connect up to four axes. The HSL­4XMO-CG-N/P features a general-type interface for use with stepper or linear motors, while the HSL-4XMO-CD-N/P has a D-sub interface. By using a transfer cable, you can connect to specific servo amplifier. You can easily make a distributed con­trol application that includes discrete I/O, analog I/O, and remote motion control.
Easy to program
Every HSL master card comes with 32 KB SRAM that carries all the I/O status information of the HSL system. The ASIC on the HSL master board communicates with all remote slave I/O
4 Introducing HSL
modules at fixed scanning period and keeps the most updated I/O status information on the SRAM. You may read and write the data in the 32 KB SRAM on HSL master card through the PCI or PMC bus. You can easily read/write the most updated I/ O information and never worry with the HSL protocol.

1.1.3 HSL Applications

HSL as a Distributed PLC
The distributed PLC is an important system in the field of indus­try automation. Via communication modules, such as RS232, RS485, PLC also performs distributed control. The traditional architecture of distributed PLC application is shown in Figure
1.2. In this setup, the MPC (Monitoring PC) takes over as the medium for data transmission from field to MIS.
Figure 1-2: Traditional distributed PLC architecture
With the development of communication technology and popular­ity of networking, networking modules with Ethernet interface became available. This improvement evolved as shown in the architecture below. The medium character of the MPC was replaced.
Introducing HSL 5
Figure 1-3: Networking PLC
PLCs that are capable of network communications are usually very expansive. And since the PLC is not an open architecture, only hardware vendors are capable of producing it.
6 Introducing HSL
The HSL distributed control architecture is illustrated in Figure 1.4. With HSL, there is no need for an extra PC for Ethernet communi­cation. You may use only one IPC to control the entire system.
Figure 1-4: HSL as distributed PLC
Comparison between traditional PLC systems and HSL as distrib­uted PLC
X The MPC is replaced by a PC with HSL Master
X The HSL slave I/O module is replaced by a remote side
X The RS485 or RS232 cable is replaced by simple Ethernet
X The protocol handling is replaced by simple memory read/
HSL as Remote Time-deterministic DAQ
The HSL system, with high-speed performance and determin­istic time-deterministic scanning, is also applicable for remote time-deterministic data acquisition.
Introducing HSL 7
The time-deterministic characteristic of an HSL system is an important factor when implementing a DAQ application. With an HSL system, all I/O data are refreshed in time-deterministic. The sampling rate (or scan rate) is linearly dependent on the number of slave indexed occupied, ranging from 91 µs (less than three slave indexes) to 1.911 ms (63 slave indexes) under 6 Mbps. These two features go with HSL’s remote capability to make it suitable for remote DAQ applications, especially when time-deterministic is of utmost concern.
Figure 1-5: Time-deterministic DAQ using HSL
8 Introducing HSL

1.2 HSL System Specifications

X Hardware platform: Industrial PC with PCI Bus/Embedded
SBC with PMC connector
X Operating system platform: Windows® 98/2000/NT/XP or
Linux Redhat
Software support
X Windows XP/2k library
X Linux: Kernel 2.4.x
HSL Master Board
X PCI -7853 single HSL master controller board with two ports
X PCI -7854 dual-HSL master controller board with four ports
X PMC-7852/G dual-HSL master controller board with four
ports and PMC connector
Remote operation
One master controller has two ports. One port uses the RJ-45 phone jack as connector. One phone jack can drive a maxi­mum 32 modules at maximum. One master controller can con­nect maximum 63 slave indexes.
The maximum wiring distance for each RJ-45 connector (one port) is 200 m @ 6 Mbps (serial wiring from master to last slave module). The maximum length of port connection may be 400 m @ 6 Mbps since both sides are 200 m in length.
Introducing HSL 9
Transmission Speed L (m)
3 Mbps 300
6 Mbps 200
12 Mbps 100
Table 1-1: Remote Operation
Supports maximum 2.4 km wiring via seven HSL-HUB/ Repeater modules
12 Mbps 100 m 200 m 300 m 600 m 800 m
6 Mbps 200 m 400 m 600 m 1200 m 1600 m
3 Mbps 300 m 600 m 900 m 1800 m 2400 m
X Connector: RJ-45 (on master controller and some of slave
X Cable: Cat-5 100 Base/TX Ethernet cable with shielding
10 Introducing HSL
X Multi-drop full-duplex RS-422 with transformer isolation
X Transmission speed: 3/6/12 Mbps (6 Mbps is factory default
X I/O refresh rate: scan time unit × numbers of slave indexes
(minimum is 3; maximum is 63)
3 Mbps 6 Mbps 12 Mbps
Full Duplex 60.67 µs 30.33 µs 15.17 µs
Half Duplex 118 µs 59 µs 29.5 µs
X Communication model: single master to multi-slave
X Communication method: command/response type hand-
X CRC12 and dedicated protocol for eliminating communica-
tion errors
Introducing HSL 11

1.3 HSL Series Products

HSL Master controller boards
See HSL Master Board on the previous section.
At least one master controller card is needed for an HSL sys­tem. With PCI-7854 or PMC-7852/G, two master controllers are available. A maximum of 12 cards are supported for a single computer system.
Slave I/O modules
A variety of HSL slave I/O modules are available.
Series Model
HSL-DI32-DB-N/P 32 (1,3, 5, …,61) 2
HSL-DO32-DB-N/P 32 (1,3, 5, …,61) 2
HSL-DI16DO16-DB-N/P 16 16 1-63 1
HSL-DI32-M-N/P 32 (1,3,…,61) 2
HSL-DO32-M-N/P 32 (1,3,…,61) 2
HSL-DI16DO16-M-NN/NP/PN//PP 16 16 1-63 1
HSL-R8DI16-M-N/P 16 8 relay 1-63 1
HSL-AI16AO2-M-VV 16 2 1-61 2
HSL-AI16AO2-M-AV 16 2 1-61 2
HSL-DI16DO16-US/UJ 16 16 1-63 1
HSL-DI16-UL 16 1-63 1
HSL-AO4 4 1-62 2
Analog Output
Start Index
Setting Range
Table 1-2: Slave I/O modules
Note: Start Index Setting Range means range of the start index
address of DIP switch setting. Full duplex and half duplex mode have different ranges.
The following remote motion control modules are also sup­ported:
Series Model Axes Interface
HSL-4XMO-CG-N/P 4 General series
HSL-4XMO-CD-N/P 4 D-sub
Table 1-3: Remote Motion modules
Start In dex
Setting Range
1~60 for Half Duplex 1~57 for Full Duplex
Slave Index Occupation
Slave Index Occupation
12 Introducing HSL
Note: Start Index Setting Range means range of the start index
address of DIP switch setting. Full duplex and half duplex mode have different ranges.
Terminal Base
A variety of HSL terminal base are also available.
Model Numbers Module Type Support Module Number Support
HSL-TB64-DIN All the HSL DB series 2
HSL-TB32-U-DIN All the HSL DB series 1
HSL-TB32-M-DIN All the HSL M series 1
HSL-TB32-MD All the HSL M series 1
Table 1-4: Terminal Base
Introducing HSL 13

1.4 Technical Information

1.4.1 HSL Technology Introduction

Inside an HSL system, a single master controller communicates with multi-slave through a command-response. The master con­troller sends commands to slave I/O modules for setting output values and requesting input information. Every slave module responds after receiving commands with address ID. The responses may either be to set output according to the received values or to reply requested input information to the master con­troller.
The illustration below shows the HSL working theory as regards the setting of output values.
Figure 1-6: HSL technology brief -1
14 Introducing HSL
The teacher (master) sends message “ID.#, your output values are XXX” to all students (slave I/O modules). Every student (with ID.#) then sets its output channels according to the values heard. The values that the teacher announced to the students are written on the blackboard (RAM on master cards), and can be easily mod­ified.
The following illustration shows the working theory for gathering
input information.
Figure 1-7: HSL technology brief-2
Introducing HSL 15
The teacher (master) sends the message “ID.#, what is your latest input status” to all students (slave I/O modules). Every student (with ID.#) then gives his answer. The teacher writes the answers on the blackboard (RAM on master cards). When someone (user’s AP) wants to know the students’ answers, he refers to the black­board. All input information are saved in the memory.
These two procedures take turn and repeat on every slave mod­ule. After each cycle, each slave module sets its newest output status and the master gathers all these information from the mem­ory. We simulate the polling communication cycle through a teacher-student conversation:
Teacher: Student No. 1, your output vales are ##, what’s your lat­est input status?
Student No. 1: My input status is ##
Teacher writes the answer on the blackboard.
Teacher: Student No. 2, your output vales are ##, what’s your lat­est input status?
Student No. 2: My input status is ##
Teacher writes the answer on the blackboard.
Teacher: Student No. 63, your output vales are ##, what’s your lat­est input status?
Student No. 63: My input status is ##
Teacher writes the answer on the blackboard.
The polling cycle is now complete. The process repeats from Stu­dent No. 1.)
16 Introducing HSL
Figure 1-8: HSL I/O polling cycle
Introducing HSL 17
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