High Speed Link
4-Axis Motion Control Module
User’s Manual
Manual Rev. 2.02
Revision Date: December 21, 2006
Part No: 50-1I001-200
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Table of Contents

Table of Contents..................................................................... i
List of Tables.......................................................................... iv
List of Figures ......................................................................... v
1 Introduction ........................................................................ 1
1.1 Features............................................................................... 2
1.2 Specifications....................................................................... 3
1.3 Supported Software ............................................................. 5
Programming Library ...................................................... 5
Motion Creator on LinkMaster Utility ............................... 5
2 Installation .......................................................................... 7
2.1 Package Contents ............................................................... 7
2.2 HSL-4XMO-CG-N/P Mechanical Drawing ........................... 8
2.3 HSL-4XMO-CD-N/P Mechanical Drawing ........................... 9
2.4 CN1 Pin Assignments: External Power Input .................... 10
2.5 CN2 Pin Assignment: Emergency Input and General Input Com-
mon.......................................................................... 10
2.6 HS1,2 Pin Assignments: HSL Communication Signal (RJ-45).
2.7 HS3 Pin Assignments: HSL Communication Signal (WAGO
Type) ....................................................................... 11
2.8 CM1-CM4 Pin Assignments: For HSL-4XMO-CG-N/P ...... 11
2.9 CM1-CM4 Pin Assignments: For HSL-4XMO-CD-N/P ...... 13
2.10 IOIF1-4 Pin Assignments: Mechanical I/O and GPIO Signal
Connector ................................................................ 13
2.11 S1: Switch Setting for HSL Slave ID .................................. 14
2.12 JP1: Jumper Setting for HSL Communication Speed Selection
2.13 JP2 - 3: Jumper Setting for HSL Transmission Mode........ 15
2.14 JP4: Jumper Setting for HSL Termination Resistor ........... 15
2.15 JP5-8, JP10-13: Enable/Disable DO to reset servo driver. 16
2.16 JP9: NPN/PNP setting of EMG signal ............................... 16
3 Signal Connections.......................................................... 17
3.1 Pulse Output Signals OUT and DIR .................................. 18
Table of Contents i
3.2 Encoder Feedback Signals EA, EB and EZ....................... 20
3.3 Origin Signal ORG ............................................................. 22
3.4 End-Limit Signals PEL and MEL........................................ 23
3.5 Ramping-down & Position Latch........................................ 23
3.6 In-position Signal INP ........................................................ 24
3.7 Alarm Signal ALM .............................................................. 25
3.8 Deviation Counter Clear Signal (ERC)............................... 25
3.9 General-purpose Signal SVON.......................................... 26
3.10 General-purpose Signal RDY ............................................ 26
3.11 Position Compare Output CMP.......................................... 27
3.12 Emergency Stop Input EMG .............................................. 27
3.13 General-purpose Input ....................................................... 28
3.14 General-purpose Output .................................................... 28
4 Operation Theory .............................................................. 31
4.1 Communication Block Diagram.......................................... 31
4.2 Host Command .................................................................. 31
4.3 Command Delivering Time ................................................ 32
4.4 Command Dispatching in DSP .......................................... 34
4.5 The role of DSP and motion ASIC ..................................... 35
4.6 Motion Control Modes........................................................ 35
Pulse Command Output ............................................... 35
Velocity Mode Motion ................................................... 37
Trapezoidal Motion ....................................................... 38
S-curve Profile Motion .................................................. 41
Linear interpolation for 2-4 axes ................................... 44
Circular interpolation for 2 axes .................................... 48
Circular Interpolation with Acc/dec Time ...................... 49
Relationship between Velocity and Acceleration Time . 50
Home Return Mode ...................................................... 53
4.7 The Motor Driver Interface ................................................. 63
INP ................................................................................ 63
ALM .............................................................................. 64
ERC .............................................................................. 64
SVON and RDY ............................................................ 65
4.8 The Limit Switch Interface and I/O Status......................... 66
SD/LTC ......................................................................... 66
EL ................................................................................. 67
ORG .............................................................................. 67
4.9 The Counters ..................................................................... 68
ii Table of Contents
Command Position Counter .......................................... 68
Feedback Position Counter .......................................... 69
Position Error Counter .................................................. 71
General Purpose Counter ............................................. 71
Target Position Recorder .............................................. 72
4.10 Multiple HSL-4XMO Operations ........................................ 73
4.11 Change Position Or Speed On The Fly ............................. 74
Change Speed on the Fly ............................................. 74
Change Position on the Fly ........................................... 80
4.12 Position Compare .............................................................. 82
Comparators of the HSL-4XMO .................................... 82
Position Compare ......................................................... 83
4.13 Backlash Compensator and Vibration Suppression .......... 86
4.14 Software Limit Function ..................................................... 87
4.15 Point Table Management................................................... 87
4.16 Motion Script Download.................................................... 88
5 Motion Creator in LinkMaster.......................................... 89
5.1 Execute Motion Creator in LinkMaster............................... 89
5.2 About Motion Creator in LinkMaster .................................. 89
5.3 Motion Creator Form Introducing....................................... 91
Main Menu .................................................................... 91
Interface I/O Configuration Menu .................................. 92
Pulse IO Configuration Menu ........................................ 93
Operation Menu ............................................................ 95
6 Appendix......................................................................... 103
6.1 HSL-4XMO Commmand Executuion Time ...................... 103
Warranty Policy................................................................... 105
Table of Contents iii

List of Tables

Table 2-1: CN1 Pin Assignments: External Power Input ......... 10
Table 2-2: CN2 Pin Assignments: Emergency Input and General In-
put Common ........................................................... 10
Table 2-3: HS1-HS2 Pin Assignments: HSL Communication Signal
(RJ-45) .................................................................... 11
Table 2-4: HS3 Pin Assignments: HSL Communication Signal (WA-
GO type) ................................................................. 11
Table 2-5: CM1-CM4 Pin Assignments: Servo Interface ......... 11
Table 2-6: CM1-CM4 Pin Assignments: For HSL-4XMO-CD-N/P
Table 2-7: IOIF1-4 Pin Assignments: Mechanical I/O and GPIO Sig-
nal Connector ......................................................... 13
Table 3-1: Encoder Power / External Resistor ......................... 21
Table 4-1: Base Scan Times .................................................... 33
Table 4-2: Pulse Command Output ......................................... 35
Table 4-3: Single Axis Motion Functions .................................. 44
Table 4-4: Counter Summary ................................................... 72
Table 4-5: Multiple HSL-4XMO Operations ............................. 73
Table 4-6: HSL_M_v_change() Example ................................. 77
Table 4-7: HSL_M_p_change() Constraints ............................ 82
Table 4-8: HSL-4XMO Comparators ........................................ 82
Table 6-1: Commmand Executuion Classifications ............... 103
Table 6-2: HSL-4XMO Commmand Executuion Times ......... 103
iv List of Tables

List of Figures

Figure 2-1: HSL-4XMO-CG-N/P Mechanical Drawing ................. 8
Figure 2-2: HSL-4XMO-CD-N/P Mechanical Drawing ................. 9
Figure 2-3: S1: Switch Setting for HSL Slave ID........................ 14
Figure 2-4: JP1: HSL Communication Speed Selection Jumper Set-
ting........................................................................... 14
Figure 2-5: JP2 - 3: Jumper Setting for HSL Transmission Mode 15
Figure 2-6: JP4: HSL Termination Resistor Jumper Setting ...... 15
Figure 2-7: JP5-8, JP10-13: Enable/Disable DO to reset servo driver
Figure 2-8: JP9: NPN/PNP setting of EMG signal ..................... 16
Figure 3-1: OUT and DIR Signals on the 4 Axes ....................... 18
Figure 3-2: Non-differential Type Wiring Example ..................... 19
Figure 3-3: EA, EB, and EZ signals ........................................... 20
Figure 3-4: Connection to Line Driver Output ............................ 21
Figure 3-5: Connection to Open Collector Output...................... 22
Figure 3-6: Origin Signal ORG ................................................... 22
Figure 3-7: End-Limit Signals PEL and MEL ............................. 23
Figure 3-8: Ramping-down & Position Latch ............................. 24
Figure 3-9: In-position Signal INP .............................................. 24
Figure 3-10: Alarm Signal ALM.................................................... 25
Figure 3-11: Deviation Counter Clear Signal (ERC) .................... 26
Figure 3-12: General-purpose Signal SVON ............................... 26
Figure 3-13: General-purpose Signal RDY .................................. 27
Figure 3-14: Position Compare Output CMP ............................... 27
Figure 3-15: Emergency Stop Input EMG.................................... 28
Figure 3-16: General-purpose Input............................................. 28
Figure 3-17: NPN Type General Purpose Output ........................ 29
Figure 3-18: PNP Type General Purpose Output ........................ 29
Figure 4-1: Communication Block Diagram ............................... 31
Figure 4-2: Single Command Timing ......................................... 33
Figure 4-3: DSP Multi-Tasks ...................................................... 34
Figure 4-4: Single Pulse Output Mode (OUT/DIR Mode)........... 36
Figure 4-5: Dual Pulse Output Mode (CW/CCW Mode) ............ 37
Figure 4-6: Velocity Mode Motion .............................................. 38
Figure 4-7: Trapezoidal Motion .................................................. 39
Figure 4-8: Encoder Diagram..................................................... 41
Figure 4-9: S-curve Profile Motion ............................................. 42
Figure 4-10: Automatic Velocity Decrease................................... 43
List of Figures v
Figure 4-11: 2 Axes Linear Interpolation ...................................... 45
Figure 4-12: 3-Axis Linear Interpolation ....................................... 46
Figure 4-13: Circular interpolation for 2 axes ............................... 48
Figure 4-14: Circular Interpolation with Acc/dec Time ................. 50
Figure 4-15: Velocity and Acceleration Time A ............................ 51
Figure 4-16: Velocity and Acceleration Time B ............................ 52
Figure 4-17: home_mode=0......................................................... 54
Figure 4-18: home_mode=1......................................................... 55
Figure 4-19: home_mode=3......................................................... 55
Figure 4-20: home_mode=4......................................................... 56
Figure 4-21: home_mode=5......................................................... 57
Figure 4-22: home_mode=6......................................................... 57
Figure 4-23: home_mode=7......................................................... 57
Figure 4-24: home_mode=8......................................................... 58
Figure 4-25: home_mode=9......................................................... 58
Figure 4-26: home_mode=10....................................................... 59
Figure 4-27: home_mode=11....................................................... 60
Figure 4-28: home_mode=12....................................................... 60
Figure 4-29: Home Search Example............................................ 61
Figure 4-30: 90° Phase Difference Signals .................................. 70
Figure 4-31: Change Speed on the Fly ........................................ 74
Figure 4-32: HSL_M_v_change() Theory..................................... 76
Figure 4-33: Velocity Suggestions A ............................................ 77
Figure 4-34: Velocity Suggestions B ............................................ 78
Figure 4-35: Velocity Example ..................................................... 78
Figure 4-36: Velocity Profile Example .......................................... 79
Figure 4-37: Change Position on the Fly...................................... 80
Figure 4-38: Theory of HSL_M_p_change() ................................ 81
Figure 4-39: Continuously Comparison with Trigger Output........ 84
Figure 4-40: Vibration Suppression.............................................. 86
Figure 5-1: HSL Master Utility .................................................... 90
Figure 5-2: Main Menu ............................................................... 91
Figure 5-3: Interface I/O Configuration Menu............................. 92
Figure 5-4: Pulse IO Configuration Menu................................... 94
Figure 5-5: Operation Menu ....................................................... 96
Figure 5-6: Show Velocity Curve................................................ 97
Figure 5-7: Home Mode Configuration....................................... 98
vi List of Figures

1 Introduction

The HSL-4XMO is a 4-axis motion controller module for HSL sys­tem. It can generate high frequency pulses (6.55MHz) to drive stepper or servomotors. As a motion controller, it can provide 2­axis circular interpolation, 4-axis linear interpolation, or continuous interpolation for continual velocity. Also, changing position/speed on the fly is available with a single axis operation.
Multiple HSL-4XMO modules can be used in one HSL system. Incremental encoder interface on all four axes provide the ability to correct positioning errors generated by inaccurate mechanical transmissions. With the aid of on board DSP, the HSL-4XMO can also perform many real-time applications without compromising CPU resources. In addition, a mechanical sensor interface, servo motor interface, and general-purposed I/O signals are provided for easy system integration.
The HSL-4XMO uses one ASIC (PCL6045) to perform all 4 axes motion controls and one DSP to communicate with Host PC and HSL protocol. The motion control functions include linear and S­curve acceleration/deceleration, circular interpolation between two axes, linear interpolation between 2~4 axes, continuous motion positioning, and 13 home return modes. All these functions and complex computations are performed internally by the ASIC, thus limiting the impact on the PC’s CPU usage. The DSP can perform as a motion path-loading manager without consuming Host PC’s resource. It is more powerful than traditional ASIC-based motion control card.
Introduction 1

1.1 Features

X High Speed Link (HSL) protocol compatible
X 3M/6M/12M data transfer rate selectable
X Support dual and half duplex modes
X On board DSP (TMS320C6711)
X 4-axis stepper or servo motor control by pulse signal com-
X Maximum pulse output frequency: 6.55 MPPS
X Pulse output types: OUT/DIR (single pulse), CW/CCW (dual
X Support up to 63 axes in one HSL network
X Motion point table management
X Motion script download for precision timing motion control
X Any 2 of 4 axes circular interpolation in one module
X Any 2-4 of 4 axes linear interpolation in one module
X Continuous interpolation for contour following motion
X 3 Command buffers for special speed profile motion
X Change position and speed on the fly
X Change speed by condition comparing
X 13 home return modes with auto searching
X 2 ways software end-limits of each axis
X 28-bit up/down incremental encoder interface of each axis
X Dedicated motion I/O : home (DOG), index signal (EZ), end
limit, servo on, INP, ERC, ALM, motion interface of each axis
X 4 general-purpose DI/DO channels
X One Emergency input with hardware motion stop function
X High-speed position counter latch input for each axis
X Continuous position compare with trigger pulse output of
each axis
X All digital input and output signals are 2500Vrms isolated
X Includes Motion Creator, a Microsoft Windows-based appli-
cation development software built in LinkMaster Utility
X User-friendly function libraries and utilities for DOS and
Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP. Also supported under Linux

1.2 Specifications

Command Response Time
X Half Duplex: 240us for one module under 6Mhz data trans-
fer rate
X Full Duplex: 240us for two modules under 6Mhz data trans-
fer rate
Motion Control
X Maximum controllable axes in one module: 4
X Internal reference clock: 19.66MHz
X Position counter range: –134,217,728 to +134,217,727 (28-
X Command counter setting range: -134,217,728 to
+134,217,728 (28-bit)
X Pulse rate setting range: 1~ 65,535 (16-bit)
X Pulse rate multiplier setting range: 0.1~100
Pulse Output
X Line driver output
X Max. Speed: 6.55 Mhz
X Output Voltage:
Z Logic H: 2.5V min.
Z Logic L: 0.5V max.
X Isolated voltage: 500Vrms
Encoder Input
X Incremental Encoder Input
X Max. Speed: 5 Mhz
X Input Voltage:
Z Logic H: 3~5V
Z Logic L: 0~2.4V
X Input resistor: 220Ω @ 0.125W
X Isolated voltage: 500Vrms
Introduction 3
Digital Input
X Sink or source type can be selected via ICOM
X Switching capability: 10K Hz
X Input voltage range:
Z Logic H: 14.4~24V
Z Logic L: 0~5V
X Input resistor: 4.7KΩ @ 0.5W
X Isolated voltage: 500Vrms
Digital Output
X Output type: Open-collector (PC3H7C)
X Sink Current: 4mA max.
X Switching capability: 10KHz @ 24V, load = 4.7KΩ
X Isolated voltage: 500Vrms
General Purpose Output
X Output type: NPN sinking type for –N module; PNP sourcing
type for –P module
X Sink Current: 90 mA max.
X Switching capability: 2 KHz @ 24V, load = 300Ω
X Isolated voltage: 500 Vrms
General Specifications
X Operating Temperature: 0°C – 60°C
X Storage Temperature: -20°C – 80°C
X Humidity: 0% – 90%, non-condensing
Power Consumption
X 5 Watts max. @ 24Vin
X 163.5mm (W) × 74.9mm (D) × 52.7mm (H)

1.3 Supported Software

Programming Library

The Library supports Borland C/C++ (Version: 3.1) and Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP. These function libraries are shipped with the module. Users can check ADLINK website for latest update.
This module supports DOS/Windows 98/NT/2000/XP. For other OS, please contact the local vendors.

Motion Creator on LinkMaster Utility

This Windows-based utility is used to setup cards, motors, and systems. It can also aid in debugging hardware and software prob­lems. It allows users to set I/O logic parameters to be loaded in their own program. This product is also bundled with the card.
Introduction 5

2 Installation

This chapter describes how to install the HSL-4XMO series. Please follow these steps below:
X Check what you have (section 2.1)
X Check the PCB (section 2.2)
X Install the hardware (section 2.3)
X Install the software driver (section 2.4)
X Understanding the I/O signal connections (chapter 3) and
their operation (chapter 4)
X Understanding the connector pin assignments (the remain-
ing sections) and wiring the connections

2.1 Package Contents

In addition to this User’s Guide, the package also includes the fol­lowing items:
X HSL-4XMO: Advanced 4-Axis Servo / Stepper Motion Con-
trol Card (HSL-4XMO-CG-N/P, HSL-4XMO-CD-N/P)
X ADLINK All-in-one Compact Disc
If any of these items are missing or damaged, contact the dealer from whom you purchased the product. Save the shipping materi­als and carton to ship or store the product in the future.
Installation 7

2.2 HSL-4XMO-CG-N/P Mechanical Drawing

Figure 2-1: HSL-4XMO-CG-N/P Mechanical Drawing
CN1: External Power Input Connector (+24V)
CN2: Digital Input Common and Emergency Input Pin
HS1-2: HSL Communication Signal Connector (RJ45)
HS3: HSL Communication Signal Connector (WAGO)
CM1-4: Servo Interface Signal Connector
IOIF1-4: Mechanical I/O and GPIO Signal Connector
S1: Slave ID Switch
JP1: Communication Speed Selection Jumper
JP2-3: Full Duplex / Half Duplex Selection Jumper
JP4: HSL Termination Resistor Jumper

2.3 HSL-4XMO-CD-N/P Mechanical Drawing

Figure 2-2: HSL-4XMO-CD-N/P Mechanical Drawing
CN1: External Power Input Connector (+24V)
CN2: Digital Input Common and Emergency Input Pin
HS1-2: HSL Communication Signal Connector (RJ45)
HS3: HSL Communication Signal Connector (WAGO)
CM1-4: Servo Interface Signal Connector
IOIF1-4: Mechanical I/O and GPIO Signal Connector
Installation 9
S1: Slave ID Switch
JP1: Communication Speed Selection Jumper
JP2-3: Full Duplex/Half Duplex Jumper
JP4: Termination Resistor Jumper
JP5-8: Enable/Disable DO to reset servo driver
JP9: NPN/PNP setting of EMG signal
JP10-13: NPN/PNP setting of DO signal

2.4 CN1 Pin Assignments: External Power Input

CN1 Pin Name Description
EGND External power ground
Table 2-1: CN1 Pin Assignments: External Power Input
+24VDC ±5% External power supply
2.5 CN2 Pin Assignment: Emergency Input and General Input
CN2 Pin Name Description
ICOM Mechanical Input and General Input Common
EMG Emergency Stop Input
Table 2-2: CN2 Pin Assignments: Emergency Input and General Input
Note: ICOM should be connected to either EGND or E24V
10 Installation

2.6 HS1,2 Pin Assignments: HSL Communication Signal (RJ-45).

RJ45 Female Connector PIN 8 NC
Table 2-3: HS1-HS2 Pin Assignments: HSL Communication Signal (RJ-45)
2.7 HS3 Pin Assignments: HSL Communication Sig­nal (WAGO Type)
HS3 Pin Name Description
FG Shielding ground
T- TXD -
Table 2-4: HS3 Pin Assignments: HSL Communication Signal (WAGO type)
2.8 CM1-CM4 Pin Assignments: For HSL-4XMO-CG­N/P
No. Name Function No. Name Function
1 EA+ Encoder A-phase (+) 2 EA- Encoder A-phase (-)
3 EB+ Encoder B-phase (+) 4 EB- Encoder B-phase (-)
5 EZ+ Encoder Z-phase (+) 6 EZ- Encoder Z-phase (-)
7 PGND Ground of pulse I/O signals 8 PGND Ground of pulse I/O signals
Table 2-5: CM1-CM4 Pin Assignments: Servo Interface
Installation 11
No. Name Function No. Name Function
9 OUT+ Pulse signal (+) 10 OUT- Pulse signal (-)
11 DIR+ Direction signal (+) 12 DIR- Direction signal (-)
13 EGND Ext. power ground 14 SVON Servo on output signal
15 INP In-position input signal 16 ERC Deviation counter clear output signal
17 EGND External power ground 18 E24V External power supply, +24V
19 RDY Ready input signal 20 ALM Alarm input signal
Table 2-5: CM1-CM4 Pin Assignments: Servo Interface
12 Installation
2.9 CM1-CM4 Pin Assignments: For HSL-4XMO-CD­N/P
No. Name Function No. Name Function
1 SVON Servo on output signal 2 INP In-position input signal
3 ERC Deviation counter clear output signal 4 RDY Ready input signal
5 OUT- Pulse signal (-) 6 OUT+ Pulse signal (+)
7 EA- Encoder A-phase (-) 8 EA+ Encoder A-phase (+)
9 N.C. Not Connected 10 RST Alarm reset output signal
11 ALM Alarm input signal 12 E24V External power supply, +24V
13 EGND Ext. power ground 14 N.C. Not Connected
15 PGND Ground of pulse I/O signals 16 EB- Encoder B-phase (-)
17 EB+ Encoder B-phase (+) 18 PGND Ground of pulse I/O signals
19 EMG Emergency stop output signal 20 EGND External power ground
21 EGND External power ground 22 EGND External power ground
23 DIR- Direction signal (-) 24 DIR+ Direction signal (+)
25 EZ- Encoder Z-phase (-) 26 EZ+ Direction signal (+)
Table 2-6: CM1-CM4 Pin Assignments: For HSL-4XMO-CD-N/P
2.10 IOIF1-4 Pin Assignments: Mechanical I/O and GPIO Signal Con-
Pin No. Pin Name Description
1 E24V External power supply, +24V
2 MEL End limit input signal (-)
3 ORG Origin input signal
4 PEL End limit input signal (+)
5 LTC/SD Ramp-down/position latch input signal (default for LTC)
6 DI/EZ General purposed input/Index Input
7 DO General purposed output
8 CMP Position compare output
9 EGND External power ground
Table 2-7: IOIF1-4 Pin Assignments: Mechanical I/O and GPIO Signal
Installation 13

2.11 S1: Switch Setting for HSL Slave ID

Figure 2-3: S1: Switch Setting for HSL Slave ID
Note: Each HSL-4XMO occupies 4 HSL IDs. If using half duplex
mode, the occupied ID will be continuously from this setting. For example, if you set the ID=1 then the occupied IDs will be 1, 2, 3, 4. If using full duplex mode, the occupied ID will be two ID steps in order. For example, if you set the ID=1 then the occupied IDs will be 1, 3, 5, 7.

2.12 JP1: Jumper Setting for HSL Communication Speed Selection

Figure 2-4: JP1: HSL Communication Speed Selection Jumper Setting
14 Installation

2.13 JP2 - 3: Jumper Setting for HSL Transmission Mode

Figure 2-5: JP2 - 3: Jumper Setting for HSL Transmission Mode
2.14 JP4: Jumper Setting for HSL Termination Resis­tor
Figure 2-6: JP4: HSL Termination Resistor Jumper Setting
Installation 15

2.15 JP5-8, JP10-13: Enable/Disable DO to reset servo driver

Figure 2-7: JP5-8, JP10-13: Enable/Disable DO to reset servo driver

2.16 JP9: NPN/PNP setting of EMG signal

Figure 2-8: JP9: NPN/PNP setting of EMG signal
16 Installation

3 Signal Connections

Signal connections of all I/O’s are described in this chapter. Refer to the contents of this chapter before wiring any cables between the HSL-4XMO and any motor drivers.
This chapter contains the following sections:
X Section 3.1 Pulse Output Signals OUT and DIR
X Section 3.2 Encoder Feedback Signals EA, EB and EZ
X Section 3.3 Origin Signal ORG
X Section 3.4 End-Limit Signals PEL and MEL
X Section 3.5 Ramping-down & Position latch signals
X Section 3.6 In-position signals INP
X Section 3.7 Alarm signal ALM
X Section 3.8 Deviation counter clear signal ERC
X Section 3.9 General-purpose signals SVON
X Section 3.10 General-purpose signal RDY
X Section 3.11 Position compare output pin: CMP
X Section 3.12 General-purpose DI
X Section 3.13 General-purpose DO
Signal Connections 17

3.1 Pulse Output Signals OUT and DIR

There are 4 axis pulse output signals on the HSL-4XMO. For each axis, two pairs of OUT and DIR signals are used to transmit the pulse train and to indicate the direction. The OUT and DIR signals can also be programmed as CW and CCW signal pairs. In this section, the electrical characteristics of the OUT and DIR signals are detailed. Each signal consists of a pair of differential signals. For example, OUT2 consists of OUT2+ and OUT2- signals.
The following wiring diagram is for OUT and DIR signals on the 4 axes.
Figure 3-1: OUT and DIR Signals on the 4 Axes
Non-differential type wiring example:
Choose one of OUT/DIR+ and OUT/DIR- to connect to driver’s OUT/DIR
18 Signal Connections
Figure 3-2: Non-differential Type Wiring Example
Warning: The sink current must not exceed 20mA or the 2631 will
be damaged!
Signal Connections 19

3.2 Encoder Feedback Signals EA, EB and EZ

The encoder feedback signals include EA, EB, and EZ. Every axis has six pins for three differential pairs of phase-A (EA), phase-B (EB), and index (EZ) inputs. EA and EB are used for position counting, and EZ is used for zero position indexing.
The input circuit of the EA, EB, and EZ signals is shown as fol­lows:
Figure 3-3: EA, EB, and EZ signals
Please note that the voltage across each differential pair of encoder input signals (EA+, EA-), (EB+, EB-), and (EZ+, EZ-) should be at least 3.5V. Therefore, the output current must be observed when connecting to the encoder feedback or motor driver feedback as not to over drive the source. The differential signal pairs are converted to digital signals EA, EB, and EZ; then feed to the PCL6045 ASIC (R=220ohm).
Below are examples of connecting the input signals with an exter­nal circuit. The input circuit can be connected to an encoder or motor driver if it is equipped with: (1) a differential line driver or (2) an open collector output.
Connection to Line Driver Output
To drive the HSL-4XMO encoder input, the driver output must pro­vide at least 3.5V across the differential pairs with at least 6mA driving capacity. The grounds of both sides must be tied together. The maximum frequency will be 4Mhz or more depends on wiring distance and signal conditioning.
20 Signal Connections
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