From this menu you can launch new campaigns, select a profile, resume
games in progress, switch to the Multiplayer menu of
Modern Warfare
New Game – Select this option to start a new campaign.
Mission Select – Start a new game from the beginning or play any mission that
you currently have unlocked. After selecting your mission, choose your
difficulty level from one of the options available.
Select Profile – You may select, create, or delete profiles from here.
Arcade Mode – This mode can be unlocked upon completion of the Single
Player Campaign. You can then replay missions in a classic arcade style.
Controls – Choose this option to change your controller preferences, such as
key layout, look sensitivity, and look inversion.
Options – Choose this to toggle auto-aim, subtitles, and crosshair. Use this to
change graphic options as well.
Credits – View credits.
Multiplayer – Switches you to the Multiplayer Menu.
Quit – Select this to quit your current game.
, or access the configuration options.
Call of Duty 4
Call of Duty 4:Modern Warfare
to save your game progress. You may also choose to save your progress after
each mission via the Victory screen.
utilizes an automatic checkpoint save system
1. Special Ability – Displays available special abilities such as nightvision.
2. Grenade Counter – Displays your special grenade and frag grenade count.
3. Ammo Counter – Shows your ammo count.
4. Grenade Indicator – Shows the direction of a grenade in your proximity.
5. Damage Indicator – Red marker near center of the screen indicating which
direction damage came from.
6. Swap Weapons Icon – Small icon near center of the screen indicating the
ability to swap your current weapon with one that you’re standing close to.
7. Compass – Displays the compass and current direction you are facing. Also
indicates, via a yellow circle, your current objective location.
8. Objective Text– Text that appears on the upper left of the screen informing
you of your current objective.
When you take damage, the screen starts to turn red, indicating the need to
seek cover. You’ll recover slowly if you don’t take any more damage for a
short time.
Green text means the objective has not been completed.
1. Mini-map – Shows the location of your allies (blue dots) and enemies (red
dots), as well as the location of objectives (yellow circle).
2. Objective Text– Displays text indicating your current objective in the
upper portion of the screen.
3. Resume Game – Exits the Pause menu and resumes gameplay. You can also
change options, controls, restart level, or save and quit from here.