APG8201 PINhandy 1
One-time Password
User Manual
Subject to change without prior notice
APG8201 PINhandy 1 User Manual
Table of Contents
1.0. Getting Started ........................................................................................................ 3
1.1. Device Description ................................................................................................................. 3
1.2. Supported Card Type ............................................................................................................ 3
1.3. Supported Language ............................................................................................................. 3
2.0. APG8201 PINhandy ................................................................................................. 4
2.1. Device and Parts ................................................................................................................... 4
2.2. Function Keys ........................................................................................................................ 6
3.0. Driver Installation Guide ......................................................................................... 7
3.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 7
3.2. PC/SC Driver Installation ....................................................................................................... 7
4.0. Four Authentication Modes of PINhandy ............................................................. 10
5.0. APG8201 Demo Program ...................................................................................... 11
6.0. Frequently Asked Questions ................................................................................ 12
7.0. Glossary ................................................................................................................. 13
8.0. Technical Support ................................................................................................. 14
Figure 1: APG8201 Main Components ............................................................................................. 4
Figure 2: APG8201 String Holder ..................................................................................................... 4
Figure 3: APG8201 USB Port ........................................................................................................... 5
Figure 4: User Interface of the APG8201 Demo ............................................................................ 11
Figure 5: APG8201 with Battery Taken Out ................................................................................... 12
Table 1: Function Keys in Normal Mode and Calculator Mode .......................................................... 6
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APG8201 PINhandy 1 User Manual
1.0. Getting Started
1.1. Device Description
The PINhandy Series is a family of dynamic password generators created to perform secure
authentication in various appl ications. It is a portab le and low-cost handhe ld sm art card d evice that is
capable of managing One Time Passwords, Challenge-response Authentication Codes, and
Transaction Data Si gn ing (PKI digital signat ures ) bas e d o n th e s ec urity keys stored in the EMV cards.
The PINhandy is compliant with major banking, computing and safety standards such as
MasterCard® Chip Authentication Program (CAP), MasterCard® Advanced Authentication for Chip
(AA4C/PLA), VISA Dynamic Passcode Authentication (DPA) and EMV Level 1.
APG8201 PINhandy 1 is a compac t OTP (O ne-tim e pass word) gen erator t hat co ntains a k eypad and
a display, wh ic h can perform authentication for various applications on PC-linked or standalone mode.
It uses two-fac tor authe ntic ation which re quir es the c ar dholder to ins ert th e EMV c ard (s omething y ou
have) into the device and enter a PIN (something y ou know) using the built-in pin-pad. The d isplay
screen will then let somebody see a generated d ynamic one-time password, which can be used t o
perform secure online transactions, telephone orders or e-banking logons.
Furthermore, APG8201 PINhandy 1 supports Secure PIN Entry (SPE) to assure secure PI N entry
and PIN change while on PC-linked mode. On standalone m ode, the PIN is secur ely entered into the
device and kept from being exposed to vulnerable PC’s or workstations, hence eliminating the
possibility of a Virus/Trojan getting hold of the PIN.
1.2. Supported Card Type
• CAP certified EMV contact card, including:
a. M/Chip Lite 2.1 with CAP personalization profile
b. M/Chip 4 with CAP personalization profile
c. M/Chip Select 2.05 with CAP personalization profile
• PLA/AA4C certified EMV contact card
• VISA DPA certified contact card
1.3. Supported Language
• English
• French
• Traditional Chinese
• Simplified Chinese
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APG8201 PINhandy 1 User Manual
Authentication Modes (L-R)
2.0. APG8201 PINhandy
2.1. Device and Parts
Figure 1 shows the diff er en t parts of the APG 82 01 P IN handy 1 and their descriptions . Figur es 2 a nd 3
show the string h ol der w hic h is located at the bot tom left corner and th e USB port at th e b ottom of the
device, respectively.
(Contact Type Connector)
1. OTP
2. Challenge-response
3. Signature
4. TDS
Card Slot
LCD (2x16 Characters)
Large Area for Logo
1. Menu
2. Cancel (C)
3. Backspace (CL)
4. Confirm (OK)
5. ePurse
Figure 1: APG8201 Main Components
Figure 2: APG8201 String Holder
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APG8201 PINhandy 1 User Manual
Figure 3: APG8201 USB Port
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