Face Recognition Terminal
User Manual
Important Claim
Thank you for purchasing the TQ600F Face Recognition Terminal. Before installing your terminal
please read this manual carefully to avoid damage to the unit! This manual provides information on
the proper use of your terminal.
You may not distribute or change any content of this manual in part or in full without written consent
from Acroprint Time Recorder Co.
Table of Contents
1. Instructions for Use ...................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Standing Position, Posture and Face Expressions .................................................................... 1
1.2 Enrolling Face Expressions ....................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Use of the Touch Screen ...........................................................................................................2
1.4 Touch Operations....................................................................................................................... 2
1.5 Appearance of Device................................................................................................................4
1.6 Main Interface............................................................................................................................ 5
1.7 Verification Modes ..................................................................................................................... 6
1.7.1 Face Verification.................................................................................................................. 6
1.7.2 Password Verification .......................................................................................................... 7
1.7.3 Proximity Badge Verification ............................................................................................... 7
1.7.4 Combination Verification ..................................................................................................... 8
2. Main Menu.................................................................................................................................... 11
2.1 Accessing the Main Menu on a Terminal with an Administrator ............................................... 12
2.1.1 Administrators with Face Enrollment ................................................................................. 12
2.1.2 Administrators with Password Enrollment ......................................................................... 12
2.1.3 Administrators with Proximity Badge Enrollment ............................................................... 12
3. Add User ......................................................................................................................................13
3.1 Entering a User ID ................................................................................................................... 13
3.2 Entering a Name...................................................................................................................... 14
3.3 Enrolling a Password ............................................................................................................... 14
3.4 Enrolling Proximity Badges...................................................................................................... 15
3.5 Enrolling a Face....................................................................................................................... 15
3.6 Modifying User Rights.............................................................................................................. 16
3.7 Enroll Photo ............................................................................................................................. 17
4. User Management ....................................................................................................................... 18
4.1 Edit a User............................................................................................................................... 18
4.2 Delete a User........................................................................................................................... 19
4.3 Query a User ........................................................................................................................... 19
5. Communication Settings ............................................................................................................ 20
6. System Settings .......................................................................................................................... 21
6.1 General Parameters ................................................................................................................ 21
6.2 Interface Parameters ............................................................................................................... 21
6.3 Face Parameters ..................................................................................................................... 22
6.4 Log Settings............................................................................................................................. 23
6.5 Shortcut Definitions.................................................................................................................. 23
6.5.1 Set Shortcut Keys ............................................................................................................. 23
6.5.2 How to Use the Workcode Shortcut Key ........................................................................... 24
6.6 Update ..................................................................................................................................... 25
7. Data Management........................................................................................................................26
7.1 Query Record .......................................................................................................................... 26
7.2 SMS......................................................................................................................................... 27
7.2.1 Set a Short Message......................................................................................................... 27
7.2.2 View a Short Message ......................................................................................................30
7.3 Work Code............................................................................................................................... 31
7.3.1 Add a Work Code .............................................................................................................. 31
7.3.2 Edit a Work Code Label ....................................................................................................31
7.3.3 Delete a Work Code.......................................................................................................... 31
8. Date/Time Setting........................................................................................................................ 32
8.1 Set Date/Time.......................................................................................................................... 32
8.2 Bell Setting ..............................................................................................................................32
8.3 Daylight Savings Time (DLST)................................................................................................. 33
9. Auto Test ...................................................................................................................................... 35
10. USB Disk Management ............................................................................................................. 36
11. System Information ...................................................................................................................37
12. Appendix.................................................................................................................................... 38
12.1 Entering Text Using the Keyboard .........................................................................................38
12.2 Photo ID Function.................................................................................................................. 39
12.3 Multi-combination Authentication Mode ................................................................................. 40
1. Instructions for Use
1.1 Standing Position, Posture and Face Expressions
1. Recommended standing-distance from device:
It is recommended that users 5-6 feet tall (1.55m-1.85m) stand about 2 feet (0.5m) from
the wall. When viewing your image on the device display window, step away if your
image appears too bright. Step closer if your image appears too dark.
2. Recommended face Expressions vs. Poor Expressions:
3. Recommended Posture (pose) vs. poor Posture (pose):
Note: During enrollment and verification, try to have a relaxed unstrained facial expression and stand upright.
1.2 Enrolling Face Expressions
During the enrollment, user should following the voice prompts "Focus eyes inside the green box" and position head so
that his face appears in the center of the device display window. The user needs to move forward and backward to
adjust the eyes position during the face registration. Use a “neutral” face expression when enrolling, i.e., do not frown
or smile. Users that wear glasses should wear them during the enrollment. They will be able to “punch” with or without
their glasses.
1.3 Use of the Touch Screen
Touch the screen with one of your fingertips or the edge of a fingernail, as shown in the following figure. A broad point of
contact may lead to inaccurate pointing.
Note: A stylus has also been included to facilitate keyboard entry. The stylus telescopes to 3-1/2” by
simultaneously pulling on both ends.
When the touch screen accuracy is off, you can perform a screen calibration through the following menu operations:
Press [Menu] → [Auto Test] → [Calibration] on the screen and a cross icon will be displayed. After you touch the
center of the cross at five locations on the screen correctly, the system will automatically return to the Auto Test menu.
Press [Exit] to return to the Menu screen. For details, see 9. Auto Test
affect performance. Clean the screen as necessary.
. Smudges or dust on the touch screen may
1.4 Touch Operations
• Enter numbers: Press the [User ID] key. The system will automatically display the keypad screen. After entering
the user ID, press [OK] to save or press [X] to cancel and return to the previous screen.
• Enter Text: Press the [Name] key. The system will automatically display the keyboard. After entering the user
name, press [X] to save and return to the previous screen.
• Modify parameters: Press the default value of a parameter and the system will automatically switch to another
value of this parameter.
1.5 Appearance of Device
(1) Front View
(2) Side View
LED Indicator
Touch keys
ID Card Swipe
USB Port
Reset Button
1.6 Main Interface
Screen Shortcut
• Date: The current date is displayed.
• Screen Shortcut Key: Press the shortcut key to display the WorkCode button. For details, see 6.5 Shortcut
• Time: The current time is displayed. Both 12-hour and 24-hour display formats are available.
• 1:1 Switch Key: Switch to the 1:1 verification and display the keypad for user ID input.
• Menu: Display the Main Menu.
Note: WorkCode is currently the only supported shortcut function.
1:1 Switch Key
1.7 Verification Modes
1.7.1 Face Verification
1: N Face Verification
The terminal compares the current face template (image) with all face templates on the terminal.
• Scan your face using the proper technique. For details, see 1.1 Standing Position, Posture and Face Expressions
Your image will appear on the display as shown by the figure on the left below.
• If your face template is matched to a template in the terminal, your face template will be displayed as shown by the
figure on the right below.
1:1 Face Verification
In the 1:1 face verification mode, the device compares your face with the template stored for the user ID you entered.
Use this mode when you are having difficulty verifying your identity. The terminal will only have to compare your face
with one face template.
• Press [1:1] on the Main Interface screen to enter the 1:1 recognition mode.
• Enter your User ID, then press the [1:1 Face] icon to enter 1:1 face recognition mode. If the prompt "Not Registered!" is
displayed, the user ID does not exist.
• Scan your face using the proper technique. For details, see 1.1 Standing Position, Posture and Face Expressions
• If the verification is successful, the device will display "Verified". The system will return to the Main Interface if the
verification is not made within 20 seconds.
1.7.2 Password Verification
In the password verification mode, the device compares the password entered with the password assigned to the user
• Press [1:1] on the Main Interface to enter the 1:1 recognition mode.
• Enter the user ID and then press the "Key” icon to enter the password verification mode. If the prompt “Not
Registered!” is displayed, the user ID does not exist.
• Enter the password and press the “OK” icon to start the password comparison.
• If the verification is successful, the device will display “Verified”, otherwise the device will prompt “Verify fail” and
return to password input screen.
1.7.3 Proximity Badge Verification
The TQ600F supports the following proximity badge verification modes: Badge Only, Badge + Facial Verification,
and Badge + Password.
Badge Only
• Swipe your badge over the swipe area. For details on locating the swipe area, see 1.5 Appearance of Device
• If the verification is successful, the device will display “Verified”.
• If the verification is not successful, the device will display “Not Enrolled”.
Badge + Facial Verification
• Swipe your badge over the swipe area to enter the 1:1 facial verification mode.
• Scan your face using the proper technique. For details, see 1.1 Standing Position, Posture
and Face Expressions.
• If the verification is successful, an interface as shown in Figure 3 on the right will be
displayed. The system will return to the Main Interface if the verification is not passed
within 20 seconds.
Badge + Password Verification
• Swipe your badge over the swipe area.
• Enter password on key pad.
1.7.4 Combination Verification
The device supports up to 8 verification modes: FACE/RF/PW, FACE&PW, FACE&RF, PW, RF, FACE, PW/RF,
PW&RF. For the detail, please refer to 12.3 Multi-combination Authentication Mode
Note: RF means proximity badge verification.
FACE/RF/PW verification:
Users can punch in/out by scanning their face or by scanning their badge or by entering their pin# & password.
Face Verification: Scan your face using the proper technique. For details, see 1.1 Standing Position, Posture and
Face Expressions. If the verification is successful, the display will show a punch in or out.
Badge Verification: Scan your badge. If the verification is successful, the display will show a punch in or out.
Password Verification: Press “1:1” on the Main Interface. Input your User ID (Pin#) & press the password button
(the Key icon). Enter your password and press “OK”. If the verification is successful, the display will show a punch in
or out.
FACE & PW verification:
Users can punch in/out by scanning their face. Once their face has been verified they are prompted to enter their
password. Enter password and press “OK”. If the verification is successful, the display will show a punch in or out.
FACE & RF verification:
Users can punch in/out by scanning their face. Once their face has been verified they are prompted to scan their
proximity badge. Scan badge. If the verification is successful, the display will show a punch in or out. Note that if a
user attempts to punch using a different verification method such as PW they will receive a Verify Mode error even if
they have a password saved in the terminal. Users can only use Face &proximity badge in this verification mode.
PW verification:
Users can punch in/out using their Pin# & Password. Press “1:1” on the Main Interface. Enter User ID (Pin#) and
press the password button (Key icon). Enter password and press “OK”. If the verification is successful, the display
will show a punch in or out. Note that if a user attempts to punch using a different verification method such as Face or
RF they will receive a Verify Mode error even if they have a face template or proximity badge saved in the terminal.
Users can only use password in this verification mode.
RF verification:
Users can punch in/out by scanning their proximity badge. Scan badge. If the verification is successful, the display
will show a punch in or out. Note that if a user attempts to punch using a different verification method such as Face or
PW they will receive a Verify Mode error even if they have a face template or password saved in the terminal. Users
can only use a proximity badge in this verification mode.
FACE verification:
Users can punch in/out by scanning their face. Once their face has been verified, the display will show a punch in or
out. Note that if a user attempts to punch using a different verification method such as PW or RF they will receive a
Verify Mode error even if they have a password or badge saved in the terminal. Users can only use Face in this
verification mode.
PW/RF verification:
Users can punch in/out using their Pin#/Password or proximity badge. Press “1:1” on the Main Interface. Enter User
ID (Pin#) and press the password button (Key icon). Enter password and press “OK”. If the verification is successful,
the display will show a punch in or out.
A user can also scan their proximity badge to punch. Note that if a user attempts to punch using a different verification
method such as Face they will receive a Verify Mode error even if they have a face template saved in the terminal.
Users can only use Pin#/Password or proximity badge in this verification mode.
PW & RF verification:
Users can punch in/out using their Pin#/Password and proximity badge. Press “1:1” on the Main Interface.
Users can punch using two different sequences:
Sequence #1: Scan proximity badge. Enter your password when prompted and press “OK”. If the verification is
successful, the display will show a punch in or out.
Sequence #2: Press “1:1” on the Main Interface. Enter User ID (Pin#) and press the password button (Key icon).
Enter password and press “OK”. You are now prompted to scan your proximity badge. Scan your badge. If the
verification is successful, the display will show a punch in or out. Note that if a user attempts to punch using a different
verification method such as Face they will receive a Verify Mode error even if they have a face template saved in the
terminal. Users can only use password & proximity badge in this verification mode.