Acronis Integration Manual User Manual

WHMCS Integration Manual
Manual for installing and configuring WHMCS module
1. Introduction
BackupAgent has integrated its service as a module into WHMCS v5 and higher. Service Providers
who use WHMCS can now easily roll-out online backup services using BackupAgent and provision
increases possible margins and return-on-investment.
1.1 Seamless integration
The integration was due to popular demand by WHMCS customers. Since BackupAgent supports
authentication and provisioning using and API, integrating BackupAgent’s services with WHMCS
is a straightforward and seamless effort.
1.2 Easy provisioning
Service Providers can provision BackupAgent subscriptions and add custom subscription plans
using WHMCS as a central provisioning platform.
2. Installation
BackupAgent provides a zip file containing the module binaries which must be copied to the main
WHMCS folder on the server(s). The zip file contains two subfolders in \whmcs\modules.
Unpack and upload the module to the WHCMS folder
Copy the ‘backupagent_owned_storage’ folder to \whmcs\modules\addons Copy the ‘backupagent’ folder to \whmcs\modules\server
Login to WHMCS as administrator and go to Setup -> Addon Modules
You can now activate the BackupAgent Owned Storage addon and assign its privileges to
your administrator group:
2.1 Connection to BackupAgent server(s)
The next step is to connect the module to the BackupAgent server(s) in the datacenter. You need
to specify a new server for this by going to Setup > Products/Services > Servers
Add a new Server Group Add a new Server to the newly created Server Group Now you will see this form:
You need to set the following items, which are mandatory:
Name: Friendly name of this server Hostname: DNS which hosts the BackupAgent server(s)
IP Address: Current IP address of the BackupAgent server(s) The remaining settings are not mandatory and for administrative purposes only. The next step is to set login credentials for the server:
The type should be set to ‘BackupAgent’ The username and password should be set:
This can either be your administrator password (of the BackupAgent management
console) or
A group login username and password in case you want to assign this server to a
reseller. You can define any server for an existing reseller with the same host settings
and reseller login credentials.
After completing these steps the BackupAgent services can be provisioned to customers.
Note: SOAP and Mcrypt are not standard compiled modules in a WHM webserver with
EasyApache. Please remove the mcrypt_module_get_algo_key_size string from the
disable_functions at php.ini* file and make sure that your server's PHP installation has the SOAP
extension enabled.
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