Acronis BackupAgent Online Backup Client User Manual

Online Backup Client User Manual Windows 5.0
Operating System
Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
Windows Server 2003 / 2008 / 2008 R2 / 2012
PC with 1 Gigahertz (GHz) or higher processor clock speed
Hardware Resources
1 GB memory
25 MB of disk space
Internet connection (e.g. ADSL, SDSL)
Required software
Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0
Operating System
Windows XP, all editions, 32bit + 64 bit
Windows Vista, all editions, 32bit + 64 bit
Windows 7, all editions, 32bit + 64 bit
Windows 8, all editions, 32bit + 64 bit
Windows Server 2003, all editions, 32bit + 64 bit
Windows Server 2008, all editions, 32bit + 64 bit
1. Product Information Product: Online Backup Client Version: 5.0.2
1.1 System Requirements
Note: A separate manual is available for the Online Backup Client for Linux and Mac OS X. Note: A separate version, 4.3.1 is available for Windows 2003, which runs on .Net Framework 2.0.
There are two types of account licenses: Workstation and Server. The difference between features
and Operating Systems are:
Workstation (F.K.A. Home) License: A user can backup and restore file data and System State.
Server (F.K.A. Professional) License: A user can backup and restore file data, System State, MS Exchange
and MS SQL Server, as well as creating a mapped network drive in the client.
Windows Server 2008 R2, all editions, 64 bit
Windows Server 2012, all editions, 64 bit
Client 4.3.4 is officially compatible with Windows 7 and Windows 8.
2. Features
2.1 Application plug-ins
The Online Backup Client makes it very easy to backup Microsoft Outlook and Windows System State,
containing e.g. Windows Registry, Active Directory, System and Boot Files.
2.2 Scheduled backup
You can make one or more scheduled backup tasks. You can schedule the tasks multiple times a day, weekly or monthly. After the tasks are created, they will run through their schedule automatically. After completion of a backup, a report is sent by e-mail. You are always up-to-date on the status of your
2.3 Management Console
The Online Backup Service also includes a Management Console, which can be accessed through an
internet browser (e.g. Internet Explorer or Firefox). It has several functions:
Access your data to restore or remove a file
Change user settings (e.g. password)
Overview of your backups through logs and reports 
3. Setup
3.1 Setup Wizard
After executing the setup you can choose your preferred language for the Setup Wizard. Currently English (United States), English (United Kingdom), Dutch, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Polish, Danish, Norwegian, Hungarian, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Romanian, Japanese, Vietnamese,
Turkish and Russian are supported.
The next steps are:
Accepting the license agreement
Choosing an installation directory
Choosing a Start Menu folder name
Selecting preferred shortcuts
If the .Net Framework (4.0) is not yet installed on your computer, you can retrieve this freely from
the Microsoft download site. When the completion screen shows, the Online Backup Client is successfully installed on your computer!
3.2 Registration Wizard
When the Online Backup Client is started for the first time, it will start with the Registration Wizard. The Registration Wizard guides you to fill in the account information and encryption key. With the
encryption key your data will be encrypted and decrypted.
First, you need to fill in the username and password that you have created or obtained from your Online
Backup Provider.
Note: This screen also displays the computer name which will be registered at the Backup Server to
store all files.
Note: If you don’t remember your password you can click on the link below the password text field.
A reminder will then be sent to your registered e-mail address. Note: If there is a problem with the username and password, several causes can apply to this:
The username and/or password does not exist or is incorrect 
The time on your machine differs very much from the real time (more than 24 hours) 
Required port 443 (SSL) is blocked by an anti-virus program or firewall on the network 
The next wizard page will ask you to set an encryption key. This key encrypts all backup data and
decrypts data when restoring.
You can set the encryption key only once. After setting this key it cannot be changed. If you forget the encryption key, it is impossible to access your backup data. Please keep a copy of the encryption key in a
safe place.
IMPORTANT: This key is unique and can only be chosen once and cannot be changed afterwards. Treat
this key with great care, since it is required to restore your files after a system crash.
Note: It is possible to store a reminder which can be sent to your personal e-mail address. In this wizard
the field to enter the reminder will change into a link: ‘Forgot your encryption key?’
The wizard is now finished.
4. The client interface
The main interface of the Online Backup Client, shown in the figure on the right, consists of
3 components:
1. Navigation Panel
2. Account Information
3. Main Panel (e.g. Home)
Navigation panel The Navigation Panel is the main navigation through the Online Backup Client. The options:
Home: Monitor the status and use Wizards
Backup: Create and manage backup tasks
Restore: Restore your remote backup data 
Reports and Logs: View status information of executed backups 
Options: Configure program settings
Support: View contact information for support 
About: Additional information about the Online Backup Client
Account Information
Shows account details, such as:
Account Name
Amount of Remote Storage
Program Status
Usage of your Remote Storage
Main Panel
The Main Panel is the working space of the Online Backup Client. This panel will change its view, while
navigating through the Online Backup Client.
5. Home view Overall status
When starting the Online Backup Client, the program will show the Home view. This view can also be accessed through the Navigation Panel. On top of the Home view you can see the overall status of the
backup service.
Task statuses
At the bottom of the Home view the latest five backups are shown. Next to the task names you can see
the status and the date/time they finished. Below the table the next scheduled backup task is shown including the start date and time.
6. Backup
6.1 Manage backup tasks
By clicking on ‘Backup’ in the Navigation Panel, you can manage your backup tasks. By selecting a task in the task list, you can examine its specifications. You can manually run, edit or delete the task. It is
also possible to create new tasks.
6.2 Creating a backup task 10
To create a backup task, click on ‘New task’ below the task list in the Backup view. ‘Task Properties’ will
pop up; it allows you to configure the task. If you cancel Task Properties, the task will not be saved. Read more about how to configure a task with Task Properties in paragraph 8.3.
6.3 Task Properties
Task Properties appears when creating a new task, or editing an existing task. It allows you to
configure the settings of the task. Task Properties contains 5 tabs:
General: Task Name, Description and Backup Type 
Data: Select data resources for backup 
Schedule: Time and Frequency, Retention
Filter: Exclude files and folders from backup 
Advanced: Volume Shadow Copy, Pre- and Post-Scripts 
6.3.1 General tab
The ‘General’ tab allows you to set the general options of the backup task.
Name and Description
It is advised to give the backup task a descriptive name to increase the recognition of the task when
monitoring. Optionally you can enter a task description.
When checked, the task is activated and will be performed by schedule.
Shutdown Computer when completed
When checked, your system will shut down automatically after completion of the backup task. This option has been disabled on servers. Also, the client has to be running for this option to be effective. If the client is closed the computer will not shutdown, to prevent unexpected shutdowns. In case a shutdown is desired even if the client is not running, you can add the following post script in the backup
task: Shutdown -s -t 600
Backup Type
By default, the Online Backup Client makes backups online (to an external Backup Server, over the Internet). It is also possible to make a local backup, e.g. to a removable hard disk. This results in a self­extractable ZIP file which can be shipped to your Online Backup Provider. The Online Backup Provider
can include the data in your backup account.
By selecting the ‘Offline backup (local backup)’ radio button, a default local backup directory is displayed
in the ‘Location’ textbox. It is possible to change this location by browsing to an additional directory.
When you enable Compression, the result will be put in a zip archive. This can take a while to complete. If you leave this option disabled, compression on the individual files will still be applied. An offline
backup will always be a full backup. Set Retention
Retention allows you to set the number of days your backup data will be kept before it is removed. Data
will be removed after set number of days in the following situations:
If an existing full backup is replaced by a new full backup 
Example: A full backup takes place when data is backed up for the first time, or when the difference in data is more than 66%. If a new full backup is made, the old full backup will be automatically removed after the set number of days.
If the data is no longer located at the original location 
Example: If you made a backup of certain folder and you remove, rename or replace that folder on your computer, the backup of the folder will be deleted after set number of days.
You can also choose to not remove the selected backup data, in which case all backups of the data will
be kept.
Note: When the task is set as an offline backup type (local backup), the option to set retention will
be grayed out.
Note: The retention value is changed for all files in the task, no matter whether they still exist on the
user’s computer or not.
6.3.2 Data tab
The ‘Data’ tab allows you to select data to backup within the task. You can easily navigate through your
system with the Windows Explorer-like tree at the left. Data can be selected by checking the boxes in
front of the files and folders.
When a folder is selected for backup, underlying files and folders are automatically included in the
selection, unless explicitly deselected.
Note: If a folder is checked with a grey background only a subset of this folder is part of the backup set.
Note: A light grey square in front of a file or folder means that it is not possible adopt that item in the
backup set Map network drives
You can map additional network drives, by clicking on ‘Network Drives’. A drive letter will be added to
the data tree, which can be selected for backup.
6.3.3 Schedule
You can set a schedule for the backup task in the ‘Schedule’ tab. A task can be scheduled by setting a
start time and frequency. By default, the schedule is set to a daily backup at the time the task originally is created.
The following frequencies can be set:
Once: Task is performed once
Daily: Task is performed daily
Weekly: Task is performed one or multiple days a week
Monthly: Task is performed once a month
6.3.5 Filter
The ‘Filter’ tab offers the possibility to exclude files and folders from the backup set. You can also
choose to include hidden files by checking the checkbox.
Filter options:
No file filtering
Filter out files on file name/extension (‘Except specific files and folders’) - (default) 
Filter out all files except with certain file name/extension (‘Exclude all but specific files’) 
Filter out folders by path pattern (e.g. Temp, Cookies, etc). 
Note: To specify a filter, regular search expressions can be inserted:
Filter document (.docx) files: *.docx
Filter files starting with hello: hello*
Filter a specific file: ntuser.dat
6.3.6 Advanced tab
A Pre-Script is an advanced option to run certain operations before starting the backup task. You can simply browse a command or batch file (e.g. C:\scripts\command.bat) which will be executed prior to
the start of the backup task.
Continue if Pre-Script fails
When checked, the backup will be performed, even if the pre-script did not run properly.
A Post-Script is an advanced option to run certain operations after a backup task has run. You can simply browse a command or batch file (e.g. C:\scripts\command.bat) which will be executed after the backup
task is completed.
Note: The options for Exchange are explained in paragraph 15.2
Enable Volume Shadow Copy
When checked, the task will backup files that are in use (open files).
6.4 Monitor backup progress
The backup process can be monitored by clicking on the magnifier glass in the backup progress box left
bottom of the client. This box is only shown during a backup process.
6.4.1 Details screen
Progress bars
File progress: The progress of the backup of the indicated file
Total progress: The progress of the total backup task
Details table (shown on click ‘Details>>‘)
Full: Full backed up files
Patch: Patched backed up files (incremental backup patch over last backup)
NoNeed: Unchanged files (unchanged compared to last backup)
Skipped: Skipped files (details in the logs)
Done: The total amount of processed data
Total: The total amount of selected data
%Done: The percentage of processed data
Other information
Avg.upl.speed: The average upload speed
Remaining time: The estimated remaining time
Elapsed time: The elapsed time
Compression: The average compression rate of the backed up data
Size uploaded: The size of the uploaded data
Total size: The total size of the selected data
7. Restore
7.1 View stored data
Your remotely stored data can be accessed by clicking ‘Restore’ in the Navigation Panel. The
‘Restore’ view allows you to restore this remote data to your computer.
The Windows Explorer-like view shows one or more computers, because the data is related to the source computer. When you open a computer node, you will notice that all data kept the same
structure as it was on your computer.
7.2 Restore data
Data can be restored per file, folder or drive. Select files, folders or drives you want to restore in the
Restore view. By clicking on the ‘Restore’ button, the ‘Restore Options’ screen will pop up and allows
you to select a version and a restore location. Read paragraph 9.3 for more information.
7.2.1 Restore local backup
Within the Restore view it is possible to import your local backups. This allows you to restore data from e.g. a local hard disk to your computer. This data can be created by yourself (local backup), or delivered
by your Online Backup Provider, for fast restoring purposes.
Select ‘Import local backup’ in the Restore view, and choose for ‘archive’ if the data was compressed into a ZIP file or choose ‘folder’ if the data was uncompressed (besides the standard compression that
takes place). Keep in mind that you need to select the root folder of the folder structure you want to restore. Once the local backup is loaded in the tree of the Restore view, you can restore the data in
the same way as your remote data.
7.2.2 Alter Retention
Within the Restore view it is also possible to alter the retention per file, per folder or per computer.
Note that altering retention will count for all sub folders, files and versions within those folders.
7.3 Restore Options
7.3.1 Version
The client can store multiple versions of files. This gives you the opportunity to choose which of
these versions you want to restore. Latest version
To restore the latest version, keep the version setting unchanged. This means that the ‘Latest version’
radio button is selected. Restore at date
It is possible to restore a file or folder at a selected date in history. Select the ‘Older versions’ radio
button. Now you can select a date in history. The latest backed up versions of the selected files or
folder before that date will be restored (if that backup version exists).
Restore specific version
A specific version of a stored file can be selected. To do so, select the ‘Specific version’ radio button.
The available versions of the file will be displayed in the dropdown box. Simply select the
favored version. This option only works for individual files and not for folders.
7.3.2 Location
The location is where the files will be restored.
Default location
The Default location is predefined. The default location can be changed in the Options view (see
paragraph 11.7). Original location
When ‘Original location’ is selected, the files will be restored to their original location on your computer.
Selected location If you want to browse a location, choose this option. Duplicate Files
When duplicate files are detected on the chosen location, it will by default prompt to ask if you want to overwrite, rename or skip the file(s). You can also change the setting so it will automatically perform one
of these options.
7.3.3 Calculate restore size
You can choose to calculate the restore size. Enabling this option allows the Online Backup Client to
give an estimation of the restore time remaining. Skipping this calculation saves time.
7.3.4 Apply Scripts
When clicking ‘Apply scripts’, a popup will show that allows you to use Pre- and Post-scripts. For more
information on these scripts, read the paragraphs ‘Pre-script’ and ‘Post-script’ in paragraph 8.3.5.
7.4 Deleting stored data
First select the data that needs to be deleted (you can select multiple files or folders). Click on ‘Delete’ in the lower main panel to delete the file(s) or folder(s). You can also choose for a specific version of a file
to be deleted. Furthermore you can choose to keep the latest version of the selected data.
Note: When deleting a folder containing many files, the details windows will show the progress of the
deletion. It can take some time to delete all files.
7.5 Monitor restore process
The restore process can be monitored by clicking on the magnifier glass in the restore progress box on
the left bottom during the process of a restore.
Progress information
File progress: The progress of the restore of the indicated file
Total progress: The total progress of the restore
Files Restored: The number of files that have been restored
Files Skipped: The number of files that have been skipped
Bytes Restored (MB): The amount of restored files in Megabytes
Bytes Skipped (MB): The amount of skipped files in Megabytes
Bytes Received (MB): The amount of received files in Megabytes
Download speed: The average download speed
Remaining time: The estimated time remaining
Elapsed time: The elapsed time
Compression: The average compression rate of the backed up data
Size downloaded: The size of the downloaded data
Total size of restore: The total size of the selected data
  
8. Reports and Logs
8.1 Reports
The “Reports”-view shows a history of reports. You can view the status of past backups and restores.
Details of a report can be viewed by selecting the report and clicking on ‘View’ or by double-clicking the
report. This report will also be sent to you by e-mail after a task is completed.
8.2 Logs
The ‘Logs’ view shows a history of log files. Three types of events can occur:
This is information on the progress of the backup or restore procedure
Non fatal errors occurred during the backup or restore process.
A fatal error has occurred in the Online Backup Client.
Details of a log message can be viewed by selecting the specific log message and clicking on ‘View’ or by
double-clicking on the log. This shows a dialog with detailed information of the message.
In some cases it is possible to get a more detailed view of the log file by clicking on ‘Details >>’.
8.3 Cleaning Reports and Logs
In a few steps it is possible to clean the reports or logs list. In the list of reports or logs, you can make a
selection (using ctrl and shift). To clear the list, click on ‘Delete Selection’.
You can also choose to send a notification report of this log to the provider. An e-mail will be send to
the provider containing this log file.
9. Options
You can change program and process settings in the Options view, which can be accessed through
the ‘Options’ button in the Navigation Panel. The Options view contains the following tabs:
Backup and Restore
MS Exchange Server
MS SQL Server
9.1 General tab
In the General tab, you can set general options of the Online Backup Client. Self-explaining checkboxes can be used to configure the program settings. Next to that you can set the language of
the Online Backup Client. You can also change your password of your backup account.
Note: It might not be possible to change your password in the Online Backup client, since your
Online Backup Provider can disable this option.
9.2 Backup and Restore tab
In the Backup and Restore tab, you can set options that are specific for backing up and restoring
with the Online Backup Client.
Backup Start backup of missed task
When this setting is enabled, the missed tasks will automatically start the next time the service of the
Online Backup Client is started.
Request confirmation when starting a missed task
When this option is enabled you get a pop up box where you can choose to start the missed backup
task(s). Data Retention
The default setting is set to ‘Automatically remove backup data’ with a value of 30 days. You can change the value of days or you can set data retention to ‘Never remove backup data’. The default setting will
apply for every new task which is created henceforward. Restoring
The textbox contains the default restore location. This is the folder where data is restored by default
when you don’t choose a specified folder.
9.3 Advanced tab
Backup- and restore-privileges
This overrules access rights for administrators for backup purposes.
Add Backup/Restore reports to windows logs
Used to track errors in the backup or restore processes.
Enable the diagnostics
Diagnostics is a logging system for error tracking.
Temporary folder
You can select the folder where temporary files are stored before they are transferred to the Backup
Note: Make sure there is enough disk space available to store the largest file to upload. Note: Make sure that this is an empty folder, because this folder is cleared after the backup.
Bandwidth usage
This allows you to adjust the upload speed in percentage (%) of the available bandwidth between
the Online Backup Client and the Backup Server. You also have the option to only limit the bandwidth usage between office hours.
Compression Settings
You can add file extensions that should never be compressed during backup. You can add multiple
extensions separated with commas.
Minimum file size (bytes): Smaller files will not be compressed Maximum file size (bytes): Larger files will not be compressed. (0 = no maximum file size)
10. Support
Clicking on “Support” in the "Navigation" panel will give contact details of your Online Backup Provider.
11. About
Clicking on “About” in the "Navigation" panel will give details on the version of the software and
the license of the software.
12. Windows System State
12.1 System State backup
When creating or editing a backup task, you have the option to select and include System State as part
of your backup data. In the ‘Data’ tab, you will see the 'System State' in the combobox behind 'Make a
backup of'. After selecting System State, you can select the System State for backup. You will see an
overview of the sections of System State that will be included in the backup.
Note: Make sure to disable Volume Shadow Copy at the ‘Advanced’ tab when creating the backup task
for System State.
12.2 System State restore
To restore System State, simply select it in the restore screen and click ‘Restore’.
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