Perfect Espresso Automatically
The Concordia 1500s Elite is the perfect espresso and hot coffee station designed with exibility in mind. In one
easy step fresh beans, fresh milk, and fresh water combine to create world-class beverages. You can pour frothy
cappuccinos, incredible lattes, and perfect espresso shots at the touch of a button. By choosing the on-board
water supply option, the 1500s Elite can be moved from location to location to accommodate your needs.
It’s simple. It’s exible. It’s perfect.
Iced Drinks
For sensational iced lattes the
user simply fills a cup with ice,
presses the “Iced Latte” button,
and the 1500s Elite does the rest.
1500s Elite
Easy to use touchpad
The exclusive touchpad makes
it easy to produce 21 different
drinks at the touch of a button.
On-board refrigerator
Built-in refrigerator holds fresh
milk in a one gallon container.
ww w. co n co rd ia co ff ee . co m
150 0s Eli te 3/ 21/ 08

More beverage options…less equipment.
1500s Elite
Everyone knows that to make world-class espresso beverages you need great beans. In the past,
you also needed a professional barista who had weeks of training and hours of practice in the
art of creating quality beverages. Even then, the quality of drink varies from barista to barista and
from day to day.
With the Concordia 1500s Elite it’s no longer just about the beans…or even
the barista! It is about simplicity, consistent quality of the beverage, and
customer choice.
Simple to Use – No Barista Required
Everything needed to make outstanding espresso drinks is built right into the machine. You just
need to choose the drink and press a button. The exclusive touchpad walks you right through
the process. The 1500s does the rest, in one simple step, with no training required. And, the
simple cleaning process takes only about 10 minutes a day.
Quality Beverages
The computer controlled grinding and extraction process are programmed to your specifications
insuring that espresso is created the same every time the button is pressed. The temperature
and consis tency of the mil k is also com puter con tro lled , and set to the type of beverage
sel e c t e d . E s p resso a n d s t e a m e d milk are poure d simu l t a n e o u s ly, at j u s t t h e right time, so
perfect cappuccinos and lattes are made without moving the cup. When no beverages are
being made, the mach i ne perfo r ms a sel f-rinse cycle to guar a ntee fre sh tastin g beverage s .
In addition, ever y Con cordia model is Tested and Certified by NSF assuring you and your
customers of our commit ment to quality.
Customer Choice
You have the option of offerin g one of th e four basi c espresso dr i n k s : Espresso, L atte,
Cappuccino, and Americano. Drinks can be easily customized with options that include a large
drink, decaf (via the bypass chute), or extra espresso shot. The 1500s even makes sensational
iced lattes. You simply fill a cup with ice and press the “Iced Latte” button; the 1500s does the
rest. Ad dition a lly hot water or steam e d milk can be selected for makin g tea, coc o a, and
st eamer s . And cold milk can be di spens e d at the tou ch of a butto n. Along with flavored
Dimensions: 18in (w) x 24in (d) x 32in (h)
46cm (w) x 61cm (d) x 82cm (h)
Weight: 150lb net/68kg net
Electric: 120 VAC, 20Amp dedicated circuit
Water: Min 30psi, Max 100psi, 25 gallons per hour ow
Drain: 1 in OD indirect drain
syrups , hundre ds of drink re c i pes can be ma d e – limited only by
your imagination.
Put it all together…simple to use, no complex training, consistent worldclass beverages, and unlimited choice for your customers. It all adds up to
happy customers and increased prot for your business.
ww w. co n co rd i a co ff ee . co m
1287 120th Ave . N.E. Be llevue, WA 98 005 U SA tel: 800.995.9019 f ax: 425.453.2167 ema il: info@concordiacoffee.com
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